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Name: ______________________________________________ Period: ___________
DUE DATE: ________________________
Second Term Project
Bacteria or Virus - Most Wanted Poster
A pathogen is anything that causes a disease. Most pathogens fall into one of two
categories: Viruses or Bacteria. In this project, you will select a pathogen to research
further. Maybe you want to know more about a pathogen that has made you or a family
member sick at sometime in your life. As with the last project, you will have two options
for this project.
Task: Students will research a bacterial or viral infection and create a poster displaying
information about the bacteria or virus. A list of acceptable pathogens will be provided
from which students can choose. Two days of computer time will be provided for
research. Oak tag will be provided for the poster.
1. Your poster should be on the piece of oak tag provided.
***Take care of this because you will NOT receive another one***
2. Your poster should be colorful and creative.
3. Your poster should be organized and free from errors.
4. Your poster should include your name and period on the front.
Content requirements (what should you include):
1. Poster should include a “Photo” of your bacteria or virus
(this can be a microscopic picture or a diagram)
2. Name of the bacteria or virus and the disease it causes.
3. Description of your bacteria or virus (what it looks like)
4. Organism’s mode of operation (how it attacks and spread)
5. Most common preyed upon victim (adults, kids, males, females, etc.)
6. Injury done to its victims (symptoms of the disease)
7. Is it armed and dangerous? (rate the degree of damage caused)
8. Most effective weapon against the bacteria or virus
(vaccines, treatments, cures? Etc.)
The project will be worth 50 points. Grades will be determined as follows:
1. Content (does your poster contain all 8 requirements plus
references)………...…………………………………….………........10 pts.
2. Quality of research (is your information detailed and accurate?)……10 pts.
3. References (at least 2 properly cited)…………………………………5 pts.
4. Appearance (appropriate size, poster board, neat, colorful?)…………5 pts.
5. Mechanics (is it free of spelling/grammar errors? Readable?)………10 pts.
6. No plagiarism (is it in language appropriate for a 7th grader?)……….10 pts
Name: ___________________________________
Period: __________
Total Points Earned: _______________________
CONTENT: (one point each)
____Photo of the bacteria is provided
____No photo of the bacteria is provided
____ Clearly states the disease and the bacteria that causes it.
____ Fails to state either the name of the bacteria or the disease
____ Clearly describes the bacteria
____ Fails to describe the bacteria
____Clearly identifies how the bacteria is spread
____Does not identify how the bacteria is spread
____ Identifies infected organism(s).
____ Does not identify infected organism(s)
____Clearly lists all important symptoms
____Lists no symptoms or skips some important symptoms.
____Clearly rates the degree of damage done to victims
____Does not rate the degree of damage done to victims
____Identifies treatments
____Fails to identify treatments
____Student’s name is on front of poster
____Student’s name is on back of poster or no name is provided
____References listed on the front of poster
____No references listed on front of poster
____Research quality is detailed and accurate (10 pts.)
____Research lacks detail or is somewhat inaccurate (5).
____References were provided with two
sources properly cited (5)
____References were provided but sources were not
properly cited, or only one source was provided (3)
____No references were provided (0)
____Poster is the appropriate size, is neat and colorful (5)
____Poster is not the right size; or neatness and/or color
could be improved (3)
____Poster is not the appropriate size; or is sloppy in appearance and
lacks any color (0)
____ Proper use of grammar and
sentence structure throughout (2)
____ No spelling errors (2)
____ Proper use of capitalization (2)
____Proper use of punctuation (2)
____ Good organization and language (2)
____ One or two grammar errors
or awkward sentences (1)
____ Less than 3 spelling errors (1)
____ Less than 3 cap. errors (1)
____ Less than 3 punct. errors (1)
____ Some organizational problems (1)
____No plagiarized sentences: all language was appropriate for 7 th grade. (10)
____Some obvious plagiarized sentences were used. (5)
____Entire sections were plagiarized (paragraphs copied and pasted). (0)
____ Several grammar errors or
awkward sentences (0)
____ 3 or more spelling errors (0)
____ 3 or more capitalization errors (0)
____ 3 or more punctuation errors (0)
____ Poor organization and language (0)
Viral Disease List
(Students may choose one the following viruses to research)
Acute Infantile Gastroenteritis
Common Cold
Common Warts
Dengue Fever
Fifth’s Disease
German Measles
Hand/foot/mouth Disease
Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
*Mad Cow
*Viral Meningitis
*Viral Pneumonia
West Nile Fever
Yellow Fever
Varicella-zoster (human-herpes 3)
Rhinovirus, Corona virus or Adenovirus
Papilloma virus
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) /Parainfluenza
Dengue virus
Ebola virus (Filoviridae family)
Human Parvovirus (B19)
Coxsackievirus (A16)
Hepatitis A virus (HAV)
Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
Influenza virus (A, B, and C)
Rubeola virus
Monkeypox virus
Epstein-Barr virus (human-herpes 4)
Mumps virus (paramyxovirus)
Polio virus
Coronavirus (SARS-CoV)
Zoster virus
Variola major/ Variola minor
Several viruses
Several viruses
West Nile virus
Yellow Fever virus (arbovirus)
Bacterial Disease List
(Students may choose one the following bacteria to research)
Whooping cough
Acute pyelonephritis
Tularemia (rabbit fever)
Leprosy (Hansen’s disease)
Meningococcal meningitis
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Epidemic typhus
Typhoid fever
Lyme disease
Bacterial pneumonia
Scarlet fever
Strep Throat
Rheumatic fever
Bacillus anthracis
Bordetella pertussis
Clostridium botulinum
Clostridium tetani
Corynebacterium diphtheria
Escherichia coli
Francisella tularensis
Methicillin resistant staph aureus
Mycobacterium leprae
Neisseria meningitides
Rickettsia richettsii
Rickettsia prowazekii
Salmonella typhi
Shigella dysenteriae
Borrelia burgdorferi
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Streptococcus (group A)
Streptococcus (group A)
Streptococcus (group B)
Vibrio cholerae
Yersinia pestis
Bacteria or Virus – Wanted Poster
Information Sheet
Name: ______________________________________________ Period: ___________
1. What is the name of the disease you have chosen? ____________________________
2. What is the name of the bacteria or virus that causes this disease? ________________
3. What does this bacteria or virus look like?
4. How is this bacteria or virus spread? How do you catch it?
5. Who does this disease affect? (humans only, mostly children, humans and animals,
type of animals etc
6. List symptoms of this disease.
7. Is there a vaccine for preventing this disease? If so, what is the name of the vaccine?
8. List any treatments available for relief of symptoms.
9. List any other interesting information about this bacteria that you might like to include
in your poster.
10. List below all web sites that you used to get this information. Print neatly!!!!
Resources Used: DO NOT list search engines (ie. Google, Ask, Yahoo, etc.)
1. Website Name: _________________________________________________
Website Address: www.____________________________________________
2. Website Name: _________________________________________________
Website Address: www.____________________________________________
3. Website Name: _________________________________________________
Website Address: www.____________________________________________
4. Website Name: _________________________________________________
Website Address: www.____________________________________________
5. Website Name: _________________________________________________
Website Address: www.____________________________________________
Bacteria or Virus – Wanted Poster
Re-wording sheet
Name: ______________________________________________ Period: ___________
Use the beginning of the following sentences to start the sections of
information on your poster. Make sure to continue to use “creative”
language. You want to describe your bacteria or virus as an “outlaw.”
(Name of the bacteria or virus)
“Wanted: _____________________________________________
(Name the disease caused)
Crime: “This wanted criminal is accused of causing ______________________
(Identify the shape of the bacteria or virus)
Description: “This outlaw is described as _______________________________
(How it attacks and spreads)
Mode of Operation: “This villain has been known to___________________
(Who gets hurt? animals, humans, adults, kids????)
Victims: “Watch out!!! This criminal likes to attack_____________________
(List symptoms of the disease)
Symptoms: “If left to run free, this scoundrel will cause_____________
(Is it deadly?)
(Name of your bacteria or virus)
Armed and Dangerous: “________________________
is or is not
armed and dangerous. It has or has not been known to kill its victims.
(treatments, cures? Etc.)
Most effective weapons: “The best way to contain this vicious villain is