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SummerII – 2015
The University of Texas – Pan American
Course Syllabus for ASTR 1402-01
Physics and Geology Department
Instructor: John A. Faust M.S.
Office: PHYS 1.146
Office Hours:
Time 09:25 - 10:55am PHYS 1.119
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone 956-665-7437
12;00 – 1:00 pm
The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 7th Edition
PowerPoint lecture slides will be available for viewing, printing, and downloading through Blackboard at
the web site:
Catalogue Course Description:
ASTR 1402: A study of basic concepts in Astronomy and of our Solar System. Telescopes and other
instruments, including the planetarium, are used as an integral part of the course.
Prerequisite: None.
ADA Statement:
Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the Disability Services office for a confidential discussion of their
individual needs for academic accommodation. It is the policy of The University of Texas-Pan American to provide
flexible and individualized accommodation to students with documented disabilities that may affect their ability to
fully participate in course activities or to meet course requirements. To receive accommodation services, students
must be registered with the Disability Services office (DS), University Center #108, 665-7005 or
[email protected].
Student Learning Outcomes, Core Curriculum, and Objectives:
Astronomy is the study of the universe in which we live. The celestial bodies, including Earth, will be
studied to improve our understanding of the origins, evolution, composition as well as the motion of these
celestial bodies including: stars, planets, asteroids, comets, and meteors. Astronomers look at the universe
and see a vast system of objects waiting to be discovered and understood. At the end of this course students
will be able to:
Understand and apply method and appropriate technology to study astronomy.
To recognize scientific and quantitative methods and approaches used by astronomers to
findings and interpretation.
To identify and recognize scientific theories dealing with the creation of our solar system.
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To demonstrate knowledge of the major issues and problems facing astronomy today; e.g., how
many “planets” revolve around our sun?
To demonstrate knowledge of the interdependence of science and technology and the effects on our
modern culture. Today’s astronomical instruments and techniques are expanding our views of the
earth and its place in the universe.
I. Our Star (Chapter 11 of the Textbook)
Learning goals:
Detail View of the Sun Solar Structure
Solar Illumination Physics
Solar Nuclear Fusion
Fusion Phenomenon
Energy Exfiltration
Solar Effects on Earth
Causes of Solar activity
Gravitational Contraction
Solar Interior Physics
Variances in Solar Activity
You should also be able to:
Define gravitational contraction, mass – energy conversion, gravitational equilibrium, sunspots, luminosity, solar
wind, chromosphere, photosphere, convection zone, radiation zone, core, strong force, proton – proton chain, Solar
thermostat (gravitational equilibrium – energy balance), Solar vibrations, Solar neutrinos, magnetic fields, field
lines, Solar prominences, Solar storms, coronal mass ejections, Sunspot Cycle,.
II. Surveying the Stars (Chapter 12 of the Textbook)
Properties of stars
Stellar Luminosities
Stellar Temperatures
Hertzsprung – Russell Diagram defined
Main Sequence defined
Star Clusters Globular Clusters
Open Clusters
Stellar Masses
Giants, Supergiants, White Dwarfs
Cluster age measurements
You should also be able to:Define apparent and absolute magnitude, luminosity, inverse square law for light, stellar
parallax, stellar magnitude, stellar color and temperature, spectral type, spectral sequence, stellar mass determination,
binary systems, stellar radius determination from luminosity, Hertzsprung – Russell Diagram, luminosity class, main
sequence, stellar lifetimes, giants, supergiant, white dwarfs, globular clusters, open (planetary) clusters.
III. Star Stuff (Chapter 13 of the Textbook)
Star Birth
Low Mass Stars
High Mass Stars
Binary Stellar Systems
Stellar Formation
Formation mass
Low Mass stellar Life Stages
Low Mass Stellar Death
High Mass stellar Life Stages
High Mass Stellar Death
Binary System Characteristics Binary / Single System differences
You should also be able to: Define protostellar / molecular cloud, minimum mass of cloud, Protostar, disk, jet, close
binary, main sequence, stellar mass limits, brown dwarf, thermal pressure, degeneracy pressure, mass of – low,
intermediate, and high mass stars, main sequence stage, red giant stage, hydrogen shell fusion, helium shell fusion,
helium flash, nova, planetary nebula, high mass hydrogen fusion, CNO cycle, iron core limit, multi-burning shells,
supernova, supernova remnant, neutron star, black hole.
IV. The Bizarre Stellar Graveyard (Chapter 14 of the Textbook)
White Dwarfs
Neutron Stars
Black Holes
Gamma Ray Bursts
White Dwarf defined
Neutron Star Defined
Black Hole Defined
Gamma Ray Burst Defined
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White Dwarf Binary Systems
Neutron Star Binary Systems
Conditions around Black Holes
causes of Gamma Ray Bursts
You should also be able to: Define electron degeneracy pressure, white dwarf mass limit, accretion disk, white dwarf
nova, white dwarf, supernova, neutron star, pulsar, x-ray binary, black hole, spacetime, event horizon, Schwarzschild
radius, singularity, gravitational redshift, core collapse, gamma ray burst.
V. Our Galaxy (Chapter 15 of the Textbook)
Milky Way Galaxy
Galactic Materials Recycling
Milky Way Galaxy History
Galactic Cores
Galactic appearance (Spiral)
Location of Stellar birth
Halo Stars
Stellar Population Densities
Orbital Paths in Galaxy
Stellar Nurseries
Formational Theories
Galactic black Holes
You should also be able to: Define spiral galaxy, spiral arms, disk, bulge, halo, disk star orbits, bulge star orbits, halo
star orbits, need for invisible “dark matter”, galactic recycling (star-gas-star cycle), supernova bubbles, cosmic rays,
atomic hydrogen gas, dust grains, star forming regions, ionization nebula, spiral arms, spiral density waves, disk
population, halo population, galactic black hole.
VI. A Universe of Galaxies(Chapter 16 of the Textbook)
16.1 Islands of Stars
16.2 Galactic Distances
16.3 Galactic Evolution
16.4 Active Galactic Nuclei
Types of Galaxies
Distance Measurements
Hubble’s Law
Evolution Studies
Supermassive Black holes
Galactic Groupings
Universal Age
Evolution Theories
Parallel Evolution (Holes and
You should also be able to: Define Spiral, Elliptical, and Irregular Galaxies, disk component, halo component,
Hubble Galactic Classification, galactic groups, clusters, and superclusters, cosmology, standard candle, mainsequence fitting, Cepheid variable, period luminosity relation, distance as redshift, Hubble’s Law, Hubble‘s Constant,
expanding universe, Cosmological Principle, lookback time, cosmological redshift, starburst galaxies, active galactic
nuclei, quasar, radio galaxies, jets,.
VII. The Birth of the Universe (Chapter 17 of the Textbook)
Big Bang Theory
Big Bang Evidence
Big Bang and Inflation
Big Bang Observations
Early Universal Conditions
Cosmic Microwave Background
Inflationary Features
All Sky Mapping
Early Universal Evolution
Elemental Abundances
Evidence of Inflation
Olber’s Paradox
You should also be able to: Define Big Bang Theory, particle creation / annihilation, matter, antimatter,
Fundamental Forces (“super force”, gravity, GUT force, strong force, electroweak force, electromagnetism, weak
force), Nucleosynthesis, cosmic microwave background, element abundances, inflation, flat, closed, and open
universes, Olber’s Paradox.
VIII. Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and the Fate of the Universe (Chapter 18 of the Textbook)
Unseen Influences
Dark Matter
Dark energy
Evidence for Dark Matter
In Galaxies
In Galactic clusters
Contents of Dark Matter
cosmological Structures
Role of Dark Matter
Large Scale Structure
Dark Energy
Acceleration of Universe’s Expansion
Flat Geometry Evidence
Fate Of Universe
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You should also be able to: Define dark matter, dark energy, rotation curve, hot cluster gas phenomenon,
gravitational lensing, deficiency in normal matter, exotic matter, machos, WIMPS, large scale structures (sheets,
chains, and voids), expansion models (recollapsing, critical, coasting, and accelerating), dark energy induced
IX. Life in the Universe (Chapter 19 of the Textbook)
Life on Earth
Life in the Solar System
Life Around other Stars
Interstellar Travel?
When and how did life arise on Earth
Possibility of Martian Life?
Superficial Habitability requirements
Drake’s Equation (how many civilizations?)
Nature of Interstellar Travel’s difficulties
Necessities for Life
Possibility of Europan Life?
Extrasolar Life?
SETI Methodologies
Possibility of Aliens?
You should also be able to: Define astrobiology, fossils, geological time scale, stromatolites, theory of evolution,
natural selection, DNA, RNA, mutation, bacteria, archaea, eukarya, Habitable Zone, volcanism, tectonics, global
magnetic field, climate stability, SETI, Drake’s Equation.
Grading Policy:
9 Hourly Lecture Tests ..……………………………. 50%
(Lowest Lecture Test score will be dropped)
Pearson Online homework……………….………. 25%
Laboratory ………………………………………….. 25%
Note #1: Students must be registered in one of the Astronomy 1402 Laboratory sections.
Department policy requires that a student must make a Laboratory grade of 65 or better in
order to pass the course. Missing 3 laboratories will constitute a failure in the lab.
Note #2: As indicated above, we will have 9 (nine) lecture exams. Each exam will correspond to one of chapters of
the textbook.
Note #3: The lowest lecture test grade will be dropped.
Note #4: An extra- credit paper will also be available for students for up to an additional 8% of the overall course
score. Students who decide to pursue the paper-extra-work/credit must turn in a paper in an Astronomy or Astronomyrelated topic. The due dates, format of, and evaluation of the paper are described below.
Note #5: The attached lecture schedule includes the tentative test dates, as the semester develops exact test dates will
be announced in class. For the lecture tests you will need to bring a #30423 (8” x 11”) test strip form (available at the
University Bookstore) and a #2 pencil.
Note #6: It is very much recommended that the student read the corresponding chapter once before the class and that
they bring their textbook to class. This will stimulate class participation that is a very important part of the lecture
activity. Also questions that may arise during the students pre-reading of the chapter may be addressed during the
lecture and stimulate further class discussion that will in turn enhance the lecture process. Additional questions that
may arise to the student can of course also be addressed during office hours.
Note #7: It is also very much recommended that after the lectures for a given chapter have been completed, that the
student work through the “Review Questions” and “Test Your Understanding” sections of the given chapter of the
textbook (these sections are found at the end of each chapter; questions taken from these two sections may appear in
the lecture tests). Any questions that arise to the student at this point may be addressed during the review classes or in
office hours.
Note #8: No Final Exam.
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There are no non-University excused make-ups of missed exams - there are no
Mandatory Course Evaluations period ( Aug. 11 – Aug. 18). Students are required to complete an ONLINE
evaluation of this course, accessed through your UTPA account (; you will be contacted
through email with further instructions. The evaluation window closes at 11:59 pm on (Aug. 18), the last day of
Summer classes. Students who complete their evaluations by (Aug. 18) will have priority access to their grades.
Required Pearson Mastering Astronomy Online Package
Package available (with course ID) at:
Text + Mastering package Text price + $5.00
Mastering without e-text
Tentative Schedule for ASTR 1402-01 (Subject to change):
15 July
Course Introduction
16 July
3 Aug
Chapter 15
Chapter 10
4 Aug
Review of Chapters 14 & 15
17 July
Chapter 10
5 Aug
Test #3 (Chapters 14 & 15)
20 July
Chapter 11
6 Aug
Chapter 16
21 July
Chapter 11
7 Aug
Chapter 16
22 July
Review of Chapters 10 & 11
10 Aug
Review of Chapter 16
23 July
Test #1 (Chapters 10 & 11)
11 Aug
Test #4 (Chapter 16)
24 July
Chapter 12
12 Aug
Chapter 17
27 July
Chapter 13
13 Aug
Chapter 17
28 July
Review of Chapters 12 & 13
14 Aug
Chapter 18
29 July
Test #2 (Chapters 12 & 13)
17 Aug
Chapter 18
30 July
Chapter 14
18 Aug
Review of Chapters 17 & 18
31 July
Chapter 15
19 Aug
Test #5 (Chapters 17 &18)
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