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NAME: ___________________________________ HIS101 Section:_______________
Chapters 3 and 4 Study Guide
1. Greece's topography is characterized by ____________________________, mountains, valleys, hot
summers and rainy winters. P56
2. In general, separate early Greek communities became fierce __________________. P56
3. The chief center of Minoan Crete was _____________________. P56
4. The period immediately following the collapse of the Mycenaean civilization is referred to as the
___________________________________________. P59
5. The Greek Dark Age was a period of migrations and declining ____________________ production. P59
6. Homer's Iliad points out the honor and courage of ___________________aristocratic heroes in battle. P60
7. The ____________ evolved into the central institution of Greek life in the eighth century B.C. P61
8. The polis was the Greek name for ________________________________. P61
9. The typical Greek polis contained an agora and acropolis, was autonomous from other poleis, its
community strength came from cooperation, and most Greek women were mainly restricted to the
__________________________. P61
10. The development of the polis had a negative impact on Greek society by dividing
_______________________ into fiercely competitive states. P61
11. During the period of Greek history from 750-500 B.C. ________________ and ____________________
increased greatly. P62
12. The hoplite ________________ was a new Greek military organization of heavily armed infantry. P61-62
13. Ancient Greek warfare was characterized by all of the following:
The Greek warriors possessed excellent weapons and armor.
Greek warriors were willing to engage the enemy head-on, thus deciding most battles
Greek armies were made up of citizen soldiers.
The use of heavy infantry in battle usually determined the outcome.
14. The rise of tyrants in the poleis in the seventh and sixth centuries B.C. often encouraged the
_________________________ and ___________________________ progress of the cities. P63-64
15. Tyranny in the Greek polis arose as a reaction to aristocratic power and a widening gulf between
_______________________________________. P63
16. In Sparta life resembled that of a ___________________________ camp. P64
17. The neighbors of the Spartans who were free inhabitants and required to pay taxes and perform military
service but who were not citizens of Sparta were _____________________. P64
18. To balance the power of kings and the Council of Elders, Spartan political reformers created the
___________________________. P65-66
19. Spartan helots farmed the land as ___________________________ and had war declared on them every
year. P64
20. For the Greeks, the term ______________________ described the striving for excellence. P60
21. Athenian leaders can be characterized as follows:
Themistocles--developed a navy
Cleisthenes--created the ten tribes and Council of 500
Solon--sole archon and political reformer
Cleon--leader of the war party in the Peloponnesian War.
22. The Athenian statesman who established the ten tribes and who weakened the aristocracy and increased
the authority of the ordinary citizens was _____________________________. P67
23. Typical of Greek culture in the archaic age was ________________________________ poetry as found in
the works of Sappho. P67
24. Hesiod's famous poem about the pleasures of ordinary work is titled
_______________________________. P68
25. The strategoi in Athens was a board of ten generals. P72
26. The immediate cause of the __________________________ Wars was a revolt of the Ionian Greek
colonies in Asia Minor. P69
27. At the Battle of Marathon, the _______________________ won a decisive victory by aggressive attack
against a stronger foe. P69
28. At the Battle of Thermopylae, the ____________________________ fought a noble holding action to the
last man. P70
29. The _________________________________was an alliance of city-states led by Athens after the Persian
War. P72
30. During the Age of Pericles, ________________________ became deeply attached to their democratic
system. P72
31. The Peloponnesian War resulted in the defeat of ______________________ and the collapse of its empire.
32. One of the chief causes of the Peloponnesian War was ______________________’s fear of the power of
Athens and its maritime empire. P74
33. The Greek historian Thucydides differed from Herodotus in that _______________________ was
unconcerned with spiritual forces as a factor in history. P77
34. The Greek dramatist who was a realist and known for his portrayal of realistic characters in real life
situations was __________________________________. P78
35. Greek comedy was used to express ______________________________ views as evidenced by
Aristophanes. P78
36. The Greek Parthenon is considered the greatest example of classical Greek temple
__________________________________. P79
37. Early _______________________ philosophy attempted to explain the universe on the basis of unifying
principles. P80
38. The Sophists were professional ____________________________ who seemingly questioned the
traditional values of their societies. P80
39. Socrates was condemned to death for corrupting the youth of _________________________. P81
40. "The unexamined life is not worth living" is a cornerstone of the philosophy of
____________________________. P81
41. The Republic depicted __________________________’s idea of the ideal government and society. P81
42. Greek religion can be characterized as follows:
It was polytheistic.
It involved ritual and sacrifice.
Festivals were held to honor the gods.
Each city had a chief god or goddess.
43. Most ___________________________ women were kept under strict control, cut off from formal
education, and were always assigned a male guardian. P86
44. In classical Athens, male ____________________________ was practiced and tolerated in part as a means
by which mature men instructed young males about the masculine world of politics and patronage. P86
45. The Philippics were a series of orations in which Demosthenes convinced the Athenians to fight against
____________________________. P90
46. Alexander conquered Syria, Babylon, Egypt, and ________________________. P92
47. Alexander's military success against the Persians was in part attributable to the role of Alexander's
______________________________ as a strike force. P92
48. Alexander invaded the ____________________________ Empire with an army of 37,000 including 5,000
cavalry. P92
49. ___________________________________ the Great's conquests in Asia occurred despite violent
opposition back in Greece by most of the city-state. P92-93
50. Alexander the Great's troops rebelled when he made the decision to invade and capture
____________________. P93
51. In establishing his empire, Alexander the Great saw himself as a descendant of Greek gods and heroes,
combined Greek and Persian practices to allow its administration, and allowed intermarriage between his
soldiers and native ___________________________ women. P93
52. The _______________________________________ era describes an age that saw the extension and
imitation of Greek culture throughout the ancient Near East. P94
53. Upon the death of Alexander his Macedonian _______________________ became involved in successive
power struggles. P95
54. The peoples from Europe north of the Alps who attacked Rome and Macedonia and Greece in the fourth
and third centuries B.C. were the ________________________________. P97
55. The Hellenistic states in the centuries after Alexander the Great became despotic
__________________________________. P98
56. _____________________ cities important centers of administration, most of which were dominated by
Greeks and Greek culture. P99
57. A clear trend of __________________________ cities was the close relationship between the Hellenistic
rulers and the cities. P99
58. Improvements in trade and commerce in the _____________________ world were greatly aided by
improvements in harbors, a money economy, the development of trade routes, and the emergence of a
large merchant and artisan class. P99
59. The economic life of the Hellenistic world was characterized by a significant shift in industry and
manufacturing from __________________________ to the east. P99
60. _________________ class of women achieved the most notable gains during the Hellenistic period. P100
61. In the Hellenistic world ___________________ families were common. P102
62. In the Hellenistic world, children were sold into slavery by their parents, prisoners of war became slaves,
persons kidnapped by pirates could be auctioned as slaves, and persons whose _________________ were
slaves were slaves. P102
63. Among the most ill-treated of Hellenistic slaves were those who worked the Egyptian
__________________ ___________________. P102-103
64. Hellenistic education as embodied in the gymnasium closely and widely followed classical
______________________________ ideas about proper education. P103
65. Rather than education being a private enterprise in the classical period, Hellenistic education became a
duty of __________________ and ___________________________. P103
66. An especially important cultural center with the largest library in ancient times was
________________________. P103
67. Hellenistic culture can be characterized as follows:
It was a great period of literature, especially in drama, history, and biography.
It was a period that saw the need to preserve the writings of the classical Greeks.
Sculptors and architects could very easily find work in the new Hellenistic cities.
Hellenist sculpture was often more realistic and emotional that classical Greek sculpture.
68. The theatrical center of the Hellenistic world and home of New Comedy was
_________________________. P103
69. _______________________________ sculpture was more emotional and realistic than classical Greek
sculpture. P104
70. Hellenistic scientists were able to accomplish all of the following:
establishing the heliocentric theory of the universe.
estimating the circumference of the earth.
inventing the Archimedean screw.
theorizing that the earth rotates on its own axis.
71. The Alexandrian scholar Euclid's most famous achievement was systematizing the study of
_____________________________. P105
72. The philosophical school that stressed happiness through freeing oneself from a political life was
______________________________. P106-107
73. _________________________ maintained that people could gain inner peace by seeking virtue and living
according to nature. P108
74. The widespread popularity of Stoicism and Epicureanism in the Hellenistic world suggested a new
openness to thoughts of ____________________________. P108
75. During the Hellenistic period, ___________________________ religion changed as Greeks became very
receptive to the eastern religious mystery cults. P109
76. The mystery cults and religions of the Hellenistic world helped pave the way for the success of
________________________________. P109
77. In the Hellenistic era, ____________________________ progressed due to the use of dissection and
vivisection. P106
78. The cult of Isis was a popular mystery religion, Isis was associated with the giver of laws and letter to
humankind, her cult promised an ___________________________, and she supposedly invented the
marriage contract between husband and wife. P109
79. The ________________________ in the Hellenistic era were dispersed throughout the eastern
Mediterranean region. P110
80. Signs of the decline of the ____________________________ civilization were apparent by the late third
century B.C Hellenistic civilization. P111
**Numbers 13, 21, 42, and 70 are completed for you. Please study these as they read.