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Endocrine Flashcards
1. What is the definition of a hormone?
2. Compared to most other organs in the body,
are endocrine organs well vascularized?
3. Which gland is a major source of steroid
hormones in the body?
4. Tumor of the pituitary gland can lead to
5. Trauma to the pituitary gland can lead to
6. what are the two parts of the pituitary gland?
7. What are the seven hormones secreted by the
adenohypophysis (anterior pituitary)
8. What two hormones are secreted by the
neurohypophysis (posterior pituitary)?
9. What are their functions?
10. What is essential for the formation of the
thyroxin portion of thyroid hormone?
11. What pituitary disorders are involved with
hypersecretion of GH in children, overall
12. What is the disorder when excess GH causes
just enlarged hands and feet?
Substances that are secreted by one group of cells
that affects the physiology of another group of cells
Adrenal gland, cortex region
Diabetes insipidus
Adenohypophysis is the anterior
pituitary. Neurohypophysis is the posterior
Growth hormone(GH): Prolactin(PRL): Thyroid
stimulating hormone(TSH): Adrenocorticotropic
hormone(ACTH): Melanocyte-stimulating
hormone(MSH): Follicle-stimulating hormone
(FSH): Luteninzing hormone(LH)
Oxytocin: stimulates childbirth contractions
ADH: increases blood volume (no salt involved)
Pituitary dwarfism
13. What disorder is hyposcretion of GH,
resulting in normal proportion of head and
limbs; overall size is small?
14. Where is adh secreted?
15. What disorder is a result of not enough
adh? (anti-diuretic hormone; a diuretic takes
out excess fluid from the body)
16. What are the 2 hormones produced by the
thyroid gland?
17. What does thyroid hormone do?
18. What does calcitonin do?
Pituitary gland (posterior portion)
Diabetes insipidus
Thyroid hormone and calcitonin
Increases metabolism
Lowers blood calcium
Endocrine Flashcards
19. Which hormone is responsible for raising
blood calcium levels?
Parathyroid hormone
20. Where is vitamin d synthesized?
21. What glands sit on top of each kidney?
22. Adrenal cortex secretes what three steroids?
In the dermis
Adrenal gland
Sex hormones for the opposite sex: males produce
estrogen here, and females produce testosterone.
23. What hormone helps the body cope with
24. What hormone raises blood pressure by
increasing salt reabsorption?
25. What hormone increases blood volume
without increasing salt retention (no slat
26. Adrenal medulla secretes which hormones?
27. Hypersecretion of cortisol and a round
"moon" face and "buffalo hump" are
characteristic of what disorder?
28. Hyposecretion of cortisol, increased blood
acth levels, low blood volume and pressure,
and increased skin pigmentation are
characteristics of what disorder?
29. What does the pineal gland secrete?
30. Which endocrine gland stands out in x-ray
images and helps radiologists get oriented in
the brain?
31. What signals the liver to release glucose from
glycogen and raises blood sugar?
32. What signals most body cells to take up
glucose from glycogen from the blood,
promotes storage of glucose as glycogen in
the liver, and lowers blood sugar?
33. What disorder is when the pituitary gland
does not secrete antidiuretic hormone, or the
kidney does not respond to it?
34. What are the 2 types of diabetes mellitus?
35. How is type ii diabetes treated initially?
Epinephrine and norepinephrine
Cushing’s disease
Addison’s disease
Melatonin- A hormone that regulates circadian
rhythms (sense of daytime and night; it regulates
sleep cycle)
Pineal gland
Diabetes insipidus; can also be caused by damage
to the pituitary or kidney damage.
Type I (insulin dependent, develops in children)
Type II (insulin resistance, develops in adults)
Diet and exercise
Endocrine Flashcards
36. What two hormones do the ovaries secrete?
28. What is the primary sex organ in the
male? What does it secrete?
Progesterone and estrogen
Testes, not penis
Secrete androgens (e.g. Testosterone)
37. What is the only thing that does not make
hormones? Why?
Epithelial duct cells (they are exocrine glands)
Because all exocrine glands secrete into a duct, and
the definition of a hormone is one that does not
secrete into a duct; it secretes into the blood
38. In an under-secreting thyroid tumor will TH
be high or low?
39. Will TSH-RH be high or low?
40. Will TSH level be high or low?
41. What might cause the above condition?
42. What is Graves’ disease?
Goiter caused by iodine deficiency
Autoimmune disease that causes hyperthyroidism.
There is increased th, and decreased tsh-rh and tsh
During hypoglycemia, what hormone is
What gland releases it?
What is its effect on the blood sugar levels?
What does cortisol do?
What hormone increases protein and fat
catabolism (breakdown) and increased blood
glucose levels?
What hormone increases protein synthesis,
and increases fat catabolism (breakdown) and
increased blood glucose levels?
Why might a person be prescribed cortisol or
What are the secondary male sex
What is the primary hormone responsible for
development of female secondary sex
Deep voice, facial hair, and large thyroid cartilage.
The testes enlargement is not a secondary sex
Raises blood sugar
Stimulates fat and protein catabolism to use for
gluconeogenesis. It also increases glucose levels.
Growth hormone
To suppress the immune system, in cases of
autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.