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Chapter 14
Education and Religion
Section 1: The Sociology of Education
Section 2: The Sociology of Religion
Chapter Wrap-Up
Chapter 14
Section 1: The Sociology of Education
Read to Discover
• How do the views of functionalist, conflict,
and interactionist sociologists differ
concerning education?
• What are some of the current issues in
American education?
Chapter 14
Section 1: The Sociology of Education
• Functionalist—schools help maintain the
stability and smooth operation of society
• Conflict—the educational system serves to limit
the potential of certain people and groups to
gain power and social rewards
• Interactionist—students’ educational
achievements and success are shaped in part
by teacher-student interactions
Chapter 14
Section 1: The Sociology of Education
What are some of the current issues
in American education?
Chapter 14
Section 1: The Sociology of Education
To address a decline in the
level of quality of education;
has led to some improvements
Current Issues in
American Education
Provides school choice through
vouchers, charter schools, and
options such as homeschooling
• Educational reform
•Educational alternatives
•Violence in the schools
•Bilingual education
Has led to the use of security
measures, zero tolerance
policies, and conflictresolution programs
Controversial, particularly in
states with many Hispanics;
has led to “English Only”
Chapter 14
Section 2: The Sociology of Religion
Read to Discover
• What basic societal needs does religion
• What are the distinctive features of religion
in American society?
Chapter 14
Section 2: The Sociology of Religion
• Social Cohesion—strengthening of bonds
among people
• Social Control—encourages conformity to the
norms of society
• Emotional Support—to provide emotional
support during difficult times
Chapter 14
Section 2: The Sociology of Religion
What different belief systems are
found around the world?
Chapter 14
Section 2: The Sociology of Religion
ANIMISM: Spirits active in
human life but not
worshipped; rituals thank or
win spirits’ good will
THEISM: Belief in god or
gods; God is divine power
worthy of worship
Shamanism: Spirits communicate
with one person (shaman); shamans
can heal sick, predict future.
Totemism: Kinship between humans
and animals/natural objects—totems
Monotheism: Belief in one god;
examples: Judaism, Islam, Christianity;
organized structure, priesthood, rituals
Polytheism: Multiple gods;
example: Hinduism; usually one
powerful god and lesser gods
moral principles with
sacred quality
Involves meditation and purity of
thought and action; examples:
Buddhism, Shintoism, Confucianism
Chapter 14
Section 2: The Sociology of Religion
What are the distinctive features of
religion in American society?
Chapter 14
Section 2: The Sociology of Religion
• Free from persecution
• Culturally diverse
• Highly valued but may be losing influence
• Separation of church and state
• Many believe in God but fewer are affiliated with
religious organizations and even fewer attend
Chapter 14
Section 2: The Sociology of Religion
• Most Americans are monotheistic
• Protestants are most numerous, but the Roman
Catholic Church is the largest single organization
• Participation is rising in fundamentalist and
evangelical Christian groups
Chapter 14
Chapter Wrap-Up Understanding Main Ideas
1. Compare and contrast the functionalist, conflict, and
interactionist views of educational issues such as
tracking and the transmission of culture.
2. What steps have educational authorities taken to curb
violence and other criminal activities in schools?
3. Why do you think religions differ from society to
4. What are the major features of religion in the United