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Background Information for
Reading Julius Caesar
Ancient Rome and Shakespeare
Birthday is usually noted as April 23,
Born in Stratford-on-Avon, England to
John and Mary Shakespeare
Married Anne Hathaway at age 18, with
whom he had 3 children
Shakespeare, cont.
Lived most of his life in London,
working for several different acting
Joined Lord Chamberlain’s Men and
became the principal writer in 1594
After achieving financial success,
moved back to Stratford-on-Avon
sometime between 1611 and 1613.
Shakespeare, cont.
Helped build the Globe Theatre in
London, completed in 1599
Three levels of seating could hold up to
3,000 people
“the wooden O”
Burned down in 1613 when a cannon
set off during a production of Henry VIII
ignited the thatched roof of the gallery
The Globe Theatre
QuickTime™ and a
are needed to see this picture.
Shakespeare, cont.
Lived during the Elizabethan era, also
known as the English Renaissance
Queen Elizabeth I ruled from 15581603
Shakespeare died in 1616 at the age of
Shakespeare’s Work
Known for both his poetry and his plays
Wrote primarily 3 types of plays:
– Comedy (Taming of the Shrew, Comedy
of Errors)
– Tragedy (Romeo and Juliet, Julius
Caesar, Othello)
– History (all the plays named after Kings of
England- Henry V, Richard III, Henry VIII,
Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar
-Set in Ancient Rome
-Based on historical information as
recorded by the historian Plutarch
Ancient Rome
What was Ancient Rome?
An ancient civilization that was one of the
most powerful and influential civilizations
Time Period
Ancient Rome was one of the most powerful
civilizations from 510 BC- 476 AD
 That’s nearly 1000 years!
Started as a monarchy, then became a
republic, then became an empire that
stretched out through Europe, the Middle
East and North Africa.
Important Cultural Events
Ancient Rome contributed greatly to the
development of law, war, art, literature,
architecture, technology and language in
the Western world, and its history
continues to have a major influence on the
world today.
Julius Caesar is based on the
life of the real Julius Caesar
Lived 100-44 B.C.
Grew up and was educated in Rome
Started a political and military career
and eventually formed the First
Triumvirate with Pompey and Crassus.
Crassus died in 53 BC, leaving
Pompey and Caesar
Caesar, cont.
Pompey stayed to rule Rome, thus
gaining the trust of the Roman people,
while Caesar went off conquering
foreign lands
Caesar wanted to return to Rome and
run for an elected office but keep his
conquered land. Pompey and the
senate said he must forfeit his
conquests and return as a private
Caesar, cont.
Caesar decided to incite a civil war
rather than give up his foreign land
Caesar and Pompey fought and
Caesar won, so Pompey fled to Egypt
where he was killed by the young
pharaoh, Ptolemy
Caesar returned victorious to Rome
and that is where the play begins…
Points to remember:
Pay attention!!!
Ancient Rome was essentially a democracy
before Caesar, but Caesar instituted a
dictatorship, thus many found him
The Roman people had loved Pompey, but
now they had switched their allegiance to
Therefore, many people did not like Caesar
and wanted him removed from power!
Enjoy the play!