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Physical Description:
5’10”… Stocky build
Simple, direct… favored the underdog.
Rather be with friends then
“Washington high society”…
Birth: Dec. 29, 1808
Raleigh, N. Carolina
Father: Jacob Johnson…Poor, dies when Andrew is 3 years old
Mother: Mary “Polly” does remarry
Childhood: grew-up very poor…hired out as an indentured servant.
At the age of 14 runs away… Moves to Tennessee with mother & stepfather. At age 17 opens up his own tailor shop.
Education: Did not spend 1 day in school, Taught himself (help from wife)
Marriage: Eliza McCardle (he was 18, she was 16) on May 7, 1827
They had 5 children… Eliza will become a semi-invalid
Military Service: “Civil War”… Military Governor of Tennessee
Career Before Presidency:
Mayor of Greenville, Tennessee: 1830 – 1833
Tennessee House of Representative: 1835 - 37, 1839 – 41
Democrat and supporter of Martin Van Buren
Tennessee State Senator: 1841 – 43 wanted to create a new
State called “Frankland” (out of: Tenn., Virg. ,N. C & Georgia)
Governor of Tennessee: 1853 – 57 Starts state public schools
Supports Stephen Douglas & Kansas/Nebraska Act
United States Senator: 1857 – 62 Democrat
He defended slavery and Fugitive Slave Act
Supported Breckinridge for President in 1860
Only Southern Senator to denounce succession…Keeps
his seat when Tennessee leaves the Union.
Considered a traitor in South…Hero in the North
Major support of Abe Lincoln.
Military Governor of Tennessee: 1862 – 64
Major job: to bring Tennessee back to the Union
By the end of the War has restored civil government
Vice-President (only 1 month)
Replaced Hannibal Hamlin in 1864 election
Takes a drink before oath as V.P. people think he is a drunk
Takes oath for President on April 15, 1865
President Johnson’s administration
Succeeding to the presidency after Lincoln's death, Johnson failed to
provide the nation with enlightened leadership, or deal effectively
with Congress. Racism prevented him from responding to black
demands for civil rights, and personal inflexibility rendered him
unable to compromise with Congress.
Biggest problem is “RECONSTRUCTION”
Lincoln’s Plan for Reconstruction:
1. As soon as 10% of a Confederated state took an oath of
loyalty civil government would be restored
2. All persons except high ranking Confederate officials
would receive pardons
3. Lincoln said “The South never left the Union” sooooo
it is the President’s job to deal with the States.
4. Lincoln wanted the Nation to return back to normal
as soon as possible… Reason for generous terms…
“With malice towards none, and charity for all…”
WHY????? Reasons mixed…
1. Some wanted more done for the ex-slaves
2. Some afraid Democrat’s would gain power & challenge Republicans
3. Some just wanted REVENGE…
These anti-Lincoln groups became known as the:
Their Plan for reconstruction was called the WADE – DAVIS BILL
1. President would pick a governor for
each Confederate State.
2. When a majority of people (whites) took
an oath, the governor would call for a
constitutional convention.
3. The New Constitution would have to say
- NO Confederate military or civil
officer could hold office
- All SLAVERY had to be ABOLISHED!
Lincoln vetoes this bill!
PROBLEM: Lincoln dies before issue is settled
President Johnson has a reconstruction plan of his own…
a combination of Lincoln’s & Wade – Davis Bill
1. President appoints a governor
2. Governor picks the delegates to a Constitutional
3. NO military or civil officials who owned more then
$20,000 in property could participate in government.
4. Slavery had to be abolished
5. All Confederate debts would be void..
By December of 1865… All ex-confederated states (except Texas) had
complied with Johnson’s plan….
When the Sothern's came to claim their seats in Congress the
Radical Republicans refused to seat them…
REASONS: 1. Many ex-confederate military & civil officials were elected
2. Southern governments enacted “Black Codes” which
limited the freedom of blacks in the South…
3. The Radical Republicans thought South trying to
re-establish SLAVERY!!!!
First they created the: FREEDMAN’S BUREAU
This gave Blacks: food, clothes, schools, land…
With NO southern democrat’s in Congress… Radical Republicans
had complete control & could overrule the Presidents veto!!!
Congress passed a Civil Rights Law that granted
citizenship to former slaves…
President Johnson will try to campaign against Radical Republicans
in the Congressional Election of 1866… HE FAILS!!!
In 1867… Radical Republicans take over RECONSTRUCTION…
1. The former Confederate States were divided into 5 military districts
2. Each district controlled by a military governor
3. Blacks could vote for new State Constitutions
Opens door for “Carpet Baggers” & Scalawags”
4. Ex-Confederate military & civil officials could not.
5. Constitution gave Blacks the right to vote& hold property
6. Also had to ratify the 14th Amendment… Citizenship to blacks
7. ALL this had to be done in order to rejoin the UNION!!!!
1ST They try to take over the Army with the:
The President could not issue orders without the consent of Congress
2nd They pass the TENURE OF OFFICE ACT
Said: Any official appointed by the President and approved by
Senate could not be removed without Senate approval…
(reason to save Secretary of War Edwin Stanton)
Johnson challenges the Tenure of Office Act by firing Stanton!!!
The Radical Republicans take up the challenge and will try to remove
The House of Representatives will IMPEACH President Johnson on
the charges of 11 counts of “high crimes and misdemeanors”
The trial in the Senate will begin on March 13, 1867 & will last 2 months
It would take the vote of 36 Senators to remove the President
On May 16, the vote was taken…..
7 Republicans refused to vote against President Johnson…
So by a vote of 35 to 19…President Johnson is found
All other charges where dropped as well
The most valuable achievement of the Johnson
administration was the acquisition of ALASKA!!!
In 1867… Secretary of State Seward purchased
Alaska from Russia for $17,000,000.
586,412 square miles = 2 cents per acre
It was called “Seward’s Folly” & “Seward’s Ice-box”
Johnson was denied his parties re-nomination in the election of 1868
Does not attend Grant’s inauguration
Returns home to Greenville, Tennessee
Welcomed as a HERO!!!
In 1875…Andrew Johnson is elected to the United States Senate
(Only former President to do so)
Johnson makes one speech: denouncing the reconstruction of the
Radical Republicans… He gets a standing ovation!!!!
On July 31, 1875…The 66 year old former President dies of a stroke
Presidential Ranking:
42 out of 43 Presidents