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Presentation created by:
Teresa Roe – Brandon Elementary
Our star, the sun, is made of hot
gases. It is the only star in our solar
It is the major source of energy for our
solar system.
Sun as an Energy Source
• Heat from the sun
allows air to warm and
rise. This is what
produces wind.
Sun as an Energy Source
• Without energy from
the sun there would be
no water cycle.
Sun as an Energy Source
• The plants use the
sun’s energy to help
them make food.
Without plants, there
would be no animals.
It produces many forms of energy
including visible light.
Visible Light
• Our eyes use visible
light in order to see
the things around us.
• Visible light from the
sun contains all the
colors of the rainbow.
Ultraviolet energy being released
from the sun
UV Energy
• The sun releases a lot
of ultraviolet energy
each day. This energy
can cause you to have
a sunburn.
UV Energy
• Some insects see by
using the UV energy
that is released from
the sun.
The sun releases large amounts of
Sunspots are cooler regions on the sun.
The slightly cooler temperature makes
them appear dark compared to the rest
of the sun.
The sun does have an atmosphere. It
can only be seen during a solar
eclipse. You can see it in this picture
of a solar eclipse.
Click on the picture to open NASA link.
The earth is much smaller than the
The sun is the largest object in the solar
system. It has the most mass. It’s
gravity is stronger than anything else in
our solar system.
Sun’s Gravity
• The Sun’s gravity
pulls on all the planets.
This forces the planets
to continue orbiting
the Sun.
Our star is amazing!
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