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Pico Power Generation for
the Developing World
Loren Wyard-Scott 1 *
Dr. James Andrew Smith 2 *
of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Ryerson University
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
*Member, IEEE
Why Small Electrical
Generation Systems?
• Economics
– More affordable in isolated or low-income locations
• Reliability
– Sustainable maintenance with local resources
• Productivity
– Longer work days
– Indoor working conditions
• Literacy
– Schoolwork is possible even in the evening
Power Generation & Usage in
the Developed World
• Minority of world population
• Use a majority of energy resources
• Electrical Lighting is abundant & taken
for granted
• Pollution
caused by
Earth at night. Where are the developed nations?
Energy use in a typical
American Home [1]
Total energy
consumed in
America in 1995:
9.2 × 1019 J [2]
[1] Energy Kid’s Page, U.S. Department of Energy,,
accessed 01 Dec 2008.
[2] Beursten, Bruce E., Theodore L. Brown & Eugene Le May Jr. Chemistry:
The Central Science. Engelwood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1997.
More Trivia
• There are 34.2 MJ/L of automotive
gasoline [1].
• Keep this in mind as you tackle this
[1]Nommensen, Arthur. List of common conversion factors
(Engineering conversion factors). IOR Energy.
Power Generation & Usage in
the Developing World
• Majority of the world’s population
• 2 billion people without modern lighting or
• Current Solutions
– Nothing
– Kerosene
– Diesel
• Dangers
– Fires
– Carbon Monoxide
– Sulfur Dioxide
Voting by candlelight in Haiti
Challenges Faced in the
Developing World
• Limited electricity supply
– Often no electrical grid
– Only micro energy sources (diesel, solar, hydro)
• Difficult operating conditions
– Temperature ranges
– High humidity
– Dust and dirt
• Limited replacement parts
– Limited distribution infrastructure
– Sustainability: require local businesses
Power Generation Examples
• Bicycle Dynamo
– 3 Watts
• Wind Turbine (typical):
– 1 Mega Watt
– 300,000 Bike Dynamos!
• Hydro Plant (La Grande-1, Canada):
– 1400 Mega Watts
• Coal Plant (typical):
– 500 Mega Watts
• Nuclear Plant (Pickering, Canada):
– 4100 Mega Watts
1 Mega Watt: power for 1000 North American houses
Your mission: Pico Power!
• We would like you to design and construct a
system that will provide a small amount of
light for a short duration.
• The “light” will be a Light Emitting Diode
(LED) with a current-limiting resistor, and the
duration is to be a minimum of 10 minutes.
• Moreover, during the 10 minutes, the user
needs to concentrate on reading, and so the
energy to power the light needs to be
generated before-hand and stored!
Development Process
Identification of problem
What is possible?
Keep it simple & effective!
Risk evaluation
What actuators and sensors? At what cost?
Determine level of functional replacement
What function is missing?
Talk to the clients/users!
Identification of affordable technology
Never underestimate what can go wrong!
Prototype device, test & start again (Steps 1 -5)
Test on larger population set
International certification
Manufacture & distribute device
Rapid Prototyping
• “Express - Test - Cycle” approach to design
Identify a need & design objectives
Brainstorm for solutions
Express an idea in a physical device
Test the device
Discover problems that you weren’t aware of
Repeat until you’ve met the design objectives
• Rapid prototyping systems
– Combine modular, off-the-shelf components
– Great for quick mock-ups & functional testing
– Examples
• Breadboards
• Vector board
• Speed Wire
Breadboard system
Outline of Technical Topics
Knowledge about key topics will help you succeed:
• The basics:
Ohm’s Law
Power and Energy
Diodes (including LEDs)
• Applied electrical engineering:
AC and DC Generation
Life of a Power Source
Electricity Background
• Voltage [Volts]:
– A “force” that tries to move electrons
– Provided by devices such as batteries
• Current [Amperes, Amps]:
– This is the “flow” of electrons
– Carried by wires
• Resistance [Ohms]:
– Resist the flow of electrons
– Intentionally provided by resistors.
– Unintentionally provided by almost all real-world
Ohm’s Law
• Relates the main
electrical measures
• I=V/R
– Battery has constant
voltage [V]
– Current [I] varies
with resistance [R]
– Larger resistance
means smaller
Power and Energy
• Energy is measured in Joules
• Power, measured in Watts, is
Energy per unit time:
• Electrically, the power being
used in a circuit with fixed
voltage and current is:
P  IV
Example: if a 12V battery provides 1 Amp of current to power the stereo in
your car, it is providing 12W of power. If the stereo is on for 1 hour, the
battery provides 12W(60 minutes)(60 seconds/minute) = 43,200 Joules.
Batteries as an Energy Source
• Batteries are made of individual cells
• Series cells: more voltage
• Parallel cells: same voltage, longer life
Single Cell
Series Cells
Series & Parallel Cells
Resistances in Series & Parallel
• Resistances in
series add up.
Req  R1  R 2
• Resistances in
Req 
Series Resistance
R1 R 2
Parallel Resistance
Voltage Drops
• Batteries increase circuit voltage
• Resistors & other devices “drop” voltage
– Sum of “drops” equals battery voltage
• Imagine walking on a mountain.
– Battery raises you to the top
– Resistors, etc. drop you down.
• Temporarily store electrical
• Can rapidly discharge
current when needed
• Positive sign means it is
polarized & must be
connected right.
• Where do you find them?
– In circuit boards near
components that need steady
– In camera flashes
Capacitors in Series & Parallel
Capacitances in
parallel add
Ceq C 1C 2
• Capacitances in
Ceq 
C1 C 2
Capacitors: Energy Storage
• Like batteries, capacitors store energy.
• An ideal capacitor with a constant voltage
can store:
E  CV
• Capacitance is measured in Farads.
• Be aware that capacitors have a maximum
rated voltage. Exceeding this voltage can
put the capacitor (or you) in danger.
• Warning: large capacitors can store a lot of
energy. Always handle carefully!
• Semiconductor devices
• Current flows in one direction only
• The diode’s PN junction controls
current flow
• Anode & Cathode on either side of
the junction
• If the Anode has a more positive
voltage than the Cathode, it is
“forward biased”
– Lets current through
• Otherwise it is “reverse biased”
– Will not let current through
Diodes: The Corner Model
• A “model” is a simplified imaginary version of
the actual device
• Apply a low voltage
– It stays off
– No electrons go through
– Current is zero
• Apply a high voltage
– It turns on!
– Electrons pass through
– Current is allowed
• Voltage drop across diode is constant: Vd
Light Emitting Diode
• Light Emitting Diode
• Operates like a
regular diode
• The lens lets
photons out
– Converts electrons to
• Higher current
– Brighter light!
LED Operation
• To control brightness,
change the current by
changing the resistance
in the circuit
• Vd depends on the LED
• 1V to 3V
• If the battery is low, the
LED will not turn on
• Too much current will
burn the LED out!
AC vs. DC Systems
• Alternating Current (AC)
systems are those that
have time-varying (usually
sinusoidal) voltage current
• Direct Current (DC)
systems have constant
voltage and current
AC Generators
Loads run at the same frequency as generators
Requires rectifiers & filters for DC loads
Very good for long distance power transmission
Bicycle Dynamos are AC generators
DC Motors as Generators
DC motors can be driven like generators
Brushes tend to wear out
Output is constant so rectifiers are not needed
Not efficient for long distance transmission (at lower
Rectifying I
• The process of converting an AC waveform
into another waveform that has a DC
• Recall that diodes operate as “one-way
• A “half-wave” rectifier is shown here:
Rectifying II
• An improvement is a “full-wave” or “bridge”
• Positive voltage: one diode pair on
• Negative voltage: other diode pair on
Filtering I
• If periodic / alternating voltages
need to be smoothed,
capacitors can be used as
– Capacitors store electrical charge,
like a bucket stores water
– Electrons are brought to the
capacitor by input current, like
drops of water into a bucket
– When needed, capacitor outputs
current like the water bucket’s
output valve
Filtering II
• The size of the capacitor, C, determines
how constant the output voltage is!
Regulating is the process of controlling the
system to get the output we want
Generator output can be regulated by
1. Changing the mechanical input speed
2. Circuitry on the electrical output
7805 Regulator (5 V, 0.5 - 1.0 Amp output)
Place between filtered rectifier and load
Pin 1: input (7 - 30 VDC)
Pin 2: Ground
Pin 3: output (5 VDC)
Add 0.33 uF filter caps
Pin 1 and Pin 2; Pin 3 and Pin 2
1 2 3
Life of a Power Source
• Battery life
– Inversely proportional to current
• Low current operation
– Higher resistance
– Lower current
– Weaker light & longer life
• High current operation
– Lower resistance
– Higher current
– Brighter light & shorter life
• This applies to any device that
stores electrical energy,
including capacitors!
Final Project:
Scenario & Goals
• Scenario
– A remote village of 500 people
– No night-time electricity
– Have small low-power lamps
• Objective
– Build a small power source
– 10 minute (min) lamp operation
– Preferably human-powered
– Night-time discharging
• Keep in mind:
Bas-Ravine, Haiti
Target group for the final design
What socio-economic factors affect engineering projects?
Where will the device be used?
How will the target group use the device?
Packaging for the Real World
KISS: “Keep it Simple, Stupid!”
– Simpler designs have less flaws
– Murphy’s Law: “If it can go wrong, it probably will.”
Intuitive usage
– Nobody reads the manuals
– Must be easy to recharge & operate!
Rugged design
– Can you drop it without breaking it?
Design for the local environmental conditions
– Dust, sand, snow, humidity, etc.
For more information
• Micro Hydro Installations
• Light Up The World (LUTW)
• Bicycle Dynamo Rectifiers & Filters