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Julius Caesar background
• Julius Caesar was born July 12, 100 B.C. in Rome
• He was fairly well educated and from an average
• He began his career as a young patrician by
holding military offices and then went on to hold
public offices
• In 83 BC he married Cornelia and their marriage
ended in divorce a few years later—he couldn’t
get along with her brother—nearly cost him his
• Then in 59 BC he married Calpurnia; she’s his
wife during the play
The history:
• Shakespeare used the setting of ancient Rome
• At this time Rome was made up of 2 political
parties: Optimates (aristocratic party) and the
Populares (much like our present day
Democratic party)
• In 60 BC Rome had its first triumvirate—
• 3 man rule
Caesar –political power
Pompey-military power
Crassus- wealth
Caesar was governor of Gaul present day area of France in
58 BC; he held this office for 10 years.
• Then a short time later a civil war broke out in Rome
between Caesar and Pompey
• The war continued and brought in Pompey’s sons in which
Caesar defeated Pompey and his sons
The play opens
• With Caesar’s victorious return from months
of fighting abroad
• Many including Pompey feared Caesar was
becoming too ambitious
• Caesar confirmed some of their fears as he
didn’t want to return as a common citizen, but
instead he marched his army into Rome and
many thought he wanted to take control of
the government
As the play opens cont.
• But the common people love Caesar and don’t
view him as a threat; they want to elect him a
ruler which would give him power for 10 years.
• Many senators disagree and some are even
jealous of Caesar’s power
• Rome had not had a king since 509 BC and they
had been a republic—which declared all citizens
were represented by the senate, so there was
much concern with returning to a monarchy.
The play
• Shakespeare uses omens, Roman
superstitions, and the weather to create
ominous settings and to foreshadow key