Download January 19, 2010

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Date: January 12, 2012
LT: Digestive System
STND: 7-3.2
OBJ: Recall the major organs of the digestive
system and identify the functions of the digestive.
EQ: What are the primary organs of the digestive
system and their functions?
FF: If a cell is in an environment of highly
concentrated salt, explain which direction water
would move due to osmosis and why.
HW: Compete worksheet
Key Points
• Vocabulary
– Chemical digestion
– Mechanical digestion
• What is the function of the digestive system?
• What are the organs of the digestive system?
• What are the functions of the organs of the
digestive system?
• How does the digestive system work with
other systems in the human body?
• Chemical digestion – occurs when enzymes
and other chemicals break down large food
molecules into smaller ones
• Mechanical digestion – the breakdown of food
through chewing, mixing, and churning
What is the function of the digestive
• Breaks down food into the nutrients that can
be used by the body
• Absorbs nutrients that are necessary for
energy, growth, and maintenance
• Rids the body of solid wastes
What are the functions of the organs
of the digestive system?
• Mouth – begins to break down food into
smaller pieces through mechanical digestion,
saliva in the mouth begins the process of
chemical digestion
• Esophagus – transport tube that carries
chewed food to the stomach
• Stomach – continues the process of
mechanical digestion, secretes gastric juices
that continues the process of chemical
digestion started in the mouth.
• Small intestines – the organ where most of the
chemical digestion of food takes place;
nutrients from food are absorbed into the
• Large intestines – the organ where water is
absorbed from the food and taken into the
bloodstream; prepares the remaining
undigested food for elimination from the
• Rectum and Anus – the rectum is a short tube
that stores solid waste until it is eliminated
from the body through the anus.
How does the digestive system work
together with the other systems of the
human body?
• The digestive system works with the
circulatory system. The nutrients from the
digestive system are absorbed through the
walls of the small intestines into the
bloodstream. The blood carries the materials
to all parts of the human body.