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Lesson 10: “Young Thomas Edison”
1. Genius: extraordinary ______________________ power, especially seen in
_________________ ability.
2. Signal: A ______________, __________________ or other
____________that sends a __________________
3. Electric: powered by ____________________, a form of _____________
caused by the _____________ of ________________ and
4. Laboratory: a ____________ where ______________ work and do
5. Gadget: a _________________, useful _____________ or
6. Experiment: a ________________ to ___________ out or t
7. Invention: an _____________ device, _______________, or
8. Occasional: _______________ from ___________ to ___________
 Main Idea: Mainly what the ______________ is about. The most
_______________ idea of the story.
 Details: _____________ and ________________ that help explain the
 Sequence: The ________________ in which _____________ takes place.
 Shades of meaning: Small _______________ in meaning between
_______________ words or phrases
 Biography: Tells about a __________________ _________________. It is
_______________ by another person.
 Pronoun: It takes the place of one or more __________ in a
 Subject pronoun: It takes the place of one or more _________ in the
_____________ of the sentence.
Subject pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, and they
Ex. Jeff invents things. – He invents things.
 Object Pronoun: It takes the place of a _____________. It follows
____________ verbs and words like to, for, at, of, and with.
Object pronouns: me, you, him, her, it, us, and them
Ex. Vera tested rocks. Vera tested them.
 Antecedent: A noun that a pronoun replaces. The pronoun must
match its antecedent in number and gender.
Ex. Vera tested rocks. Vera tested them. (Rocks is the antecedent for
the pronoun them.