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Simple sentence . A sentence is a unit of speech whose grammatical structure conforms to the laws
of the language and which serves as the chief means of conveying a thought.
it is a means of
-showing the speaker's attitude to something
We can classify Simple Sentence according to two principles
-according to the purpose of the utterance
-according to the structure of the utterance
1 . According to the purpose of the utterance we can distinguish 4 kinds of sentences:
-declarative sentece
-it states a fact in the affirmative or negative form
-the subject preceds the predicate
-the interrogative sentence
the form of the interrogative sentence is a question
there 4 kinds of question
-general questions
the part of predicative precedes the subject
do you like music?
-disjunctive questions
they have an affirmative statement followed by a negative question, or a negative statement,
followed by an affirmative question
you speak english, don’t you ?
-special question, beginning with an interrogative word
where do you live?
-alternative question, which is indicating choice
do you live in town or in the country?
-the imperative sentence serves to induce a person to do smth, to express a command
go to school!
to express a request or invitation
open the door, please!
-the exclamatory sentence expresses emotion or feeling
it is always in the declarative form
how wonderful!
2 . According to their structure
We can distinguish simple sentences between
two-member sentence
one-member sentence
two-member sentence is complete, when it has a subject and a predicate
I found her house easily.
two-member sentence is incomplete when the predicate or the subject, or both are absent, but can
be easily understood from thr context (these sentences are also called elliptical)
what were you doing- drinking
a one-member sentence has only one member, which is neither subject, nor predicate, but they are
not missing; the one member makes the sentence complete, these sentences are often used in
emotional speech, descriptions.
if the main part is expressed by noun-it is a nominal sentence
one-member sentense often has its main part expressed by an infinitive
to stay here- enjoying life, having a wife and little children.
SS can be unextended ( it consists only of the primary or principal parts) and extended (consists of
the subject, a predicate, objects, attributes or adverbial modifiers .
1) Birds fly. 2) This big girl is a student.
The subject . It as a subject .
the subjec t is the principal part of a two-member sentence which is grammatically independent of
the other parts of the sentence§ and on which the second principal part, the predicate, is
the subject denotes a -living-being
- a thing
-an idea
the subject can be expressed by
1. a noun in the common case
the water is boiling
a noun in the possessive case
ada's is a noble heart
2. a pronoun
everyone was happy!
who was here?
indefinite pronoun one, when serves as a subject, refers to people in general
one wants to live forever.
3. a substativized adjective or participle
the dead don't speak
4. a numeral
the two were very nice persons
5. an infinitive
to live is to work
6. a gerund
simming was my hobby
7. any part of speech used as quotation
on is a preposition
8. a group of words which is one part of the sentence
the needle and thread is lost.
the subject is expressed by the pronoun it
it can be a notional subject, when it represets a living being or a ting
or t can be a forrmal sybject, when it doesn't represent a living being or a thing and performs purely
a grammatical function
when it is a notional subject,the pronoun it has folowing meanings
1. the personal it
which means that the pronoun it stands for a definite thing or some abstract idea
it was opened by a little girl.
2. the demonstrative it
it points out some person or ting expressed by a predicate, or it refers to the thought cotained in the
previous sentence
it was john
it was a large room with a window.
when it is the formal subject the pronoun it has als several functions:
1. the impersonal it indicates the natural phenomena
it rains
it also expresses the time and the distance
it's five o'clock
it was five moles distance
2. introductory or anticipatory i introduces the real subject of the sentence
it is no use talking to me like this
3. the emphatic it is used to emphasize
it was him who won the race
the simple predicate.
the predicate is the second principle part of the sentence, which expresses an action, state or quality
of the person or thing denoted by the subject, it is grammaticly dependent on the subject
According to the structure and the meanings of the predicate we distinguish 2 main types of
predicate: the simple predicate and the compound predicate.
the simple predicate
is expressed by a finite verb in a simple or in a compound tense form!
there is a special kind of a simple predicate expressed by a phraseological unit (to get rid, to take
care, to pay attention)! it is called the praseological predicate.
whre the first component§ the finite verb has ost its concrete meaning and forms one unit with a
noun, conseqquently the noun can't be treated as an object to the verb;
he took care of the problems.
there are 2 types of phraseeological predicates
1. word cominations of the following type
to have a smoke, to have a ru, to take a look, to give a laugh, to make a move, so when we use the
finite verb and the noun which is formed from the verb and mostly used with an indefinite article
2. word combinations of the following type
to get rid, to take care, to make fun, to pay attention, whre the second component is an abstract
noun without any article .
the compound nominal predicate. Link-verbs. the double predicate
the compound predicate consists of two parts: a finite verb and some part of speech. it can be
nominal or verbal.
the compound nominal predicate denotes the state or quality of the person or a ting expressed by
the subject, or the class of persons or things ti which the person or the things belong;
the compound nominal predicate consists of a link-verb and a predicative (the nominal part of the
most link verbs to some extent preserve their meanings, to appear, to grow, to ontinue, to fel, to
there are some verbs which fully preserve their concrete meanings perfom the function of a link
verb; they are: to lie to sit to die to marry to come
according to their meaning the link verbs can be divided into 2 large groups
1 link verbs of being and remaining to remain, to keep, to continue
2 the link verbs of becoming to become to get to leave to turn to make
the predicative can be expressed by
1 noun in the common case
she is a pretty girl
2. an adjective
he is selfish
3. pronoun
it's me
4. word of category of state
i'm afraid i can't go
5. a numeral
he was the first to speak
6. a prepositional phrase
the things were outside her experience
7. infinitive, inf construction
her first thought was to go away
8. gerund
my hobby is swimming
9. participle 2
he was afraid at the sound of his own voice