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Research Institute
Report of
Report of Accomplishments
Beaumont Hospitals
Research Institute
For more than 35 years, researchers at Beaumont have helped to bring new technologies, new
treatments, and new medications into the practice of medicine, and have helped to move the
standard of care forward to improve the safety and quality of medical care for patients both locally,
nationally, and internationally. The greatest reward from these achievements is the realization that
patients’ lives are improved and enriched because of the outstanding research carried out by our
Beaumont physicians and staff.
Outstanding biomedical research is a major component of the excellent reputation of Beaumont
Hospitals as an academic medical center. The Board of Directors at Beaumont made a commitment
several decades ago to strengthen Beaumont as an academic institution through growth and support
of graduate medical education, the hiring of full time physicians with conspicuous excellence in
research, and committed support of ongoing research activities of key programs. This commitment
has helped to forge the reputation of Beaumont Hospitals as a leading academic medical center,
with recognition by U.S. News and World Report, a distinction that places Beaumont in the forefront
of medicine in the U.S.
As Beaumont Hospitals moves forward in partnership with Oakland University to establish a new
medical school, our research activities, graduate medical education, and scholarly endeavors will
become even more important. Our Board of Directors and senior leadership have reaffirmed their
commitment to this ongoing academic mission for Beaumont. Strong undergraduate medical
education requires faculty committed to research and a broad, excellent program of graduate
medical education. The ACGME (Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education) is steadily
increasing the requirements for excellence in both faculty research achievement and resident/fellow
research training in order to maintain full accreditation for residency and fellowship programs. The
Board for accrediting Level 1 Trauma Center status, presently achieved by Beaumont Royal Oak,
now requires a markedly increased number of peer-reviewed publications in recognized journals by
participating faculty every 3 years. The LCME (Liaison Committee on Medical Education), the
accrediting organization for medical schools in the U.S. and Canada, requires the presence of
biomedical research activities that can provide both basic sciences and clinical research
opportunities for medical students. The formation of a new medical school provides further impetus
to enhance biomedical research at both Beaumont and Oakland University, to integrate research
activities between the two institutions, and to initiate new programs, centers, and collaborative
projects shared by both institutions. Beaumont and Oakland University already have several areas
of long standing ongoing research collaboration, and have initiated a formal program of small grant
support for collaborative studies, and are committed to expanding these endeavors.
Beaumont research is heavily oriented towards investigating new treatments, pharmaceuticals,
medical devices, and scientific approaches aimed at enhancing the excellence and safety of patient
care. Beaumont has a robust program of clinical trials, numbering over 900 trials with more than
83,000 enrolled subjects. Beaumont’s clinical services are superb, providing the standard upon
which new and innovative research is built. Beaumont’s volume of patients served, combined with
the excellence of clinical care, provides a striking opportunity to develop new treatments.
The Research Institute is currently building a Core Molecular Laboratory (The Erb Family Core
Molecular and Genetics Laboratory) with modern technologies in genomics, proteomics, molecular
biology, cell sorting, confocal microscopy, and other sophisticated technologies, along with the
necessary technical support, in order to provide the research tools for clinical investigators to further
their research activities. The Research Institute also has initiated a BioBank for tissue and serum
collection, storage, and analysis, available for clinical translational research across the entire
Beaumont academic spectrum. The initial emphasis of the Core Molecular Laboratory and the
BioBank is research on molecular marker discovery, particularly related to early detection of disease
and disease risk. The Research Institute also has strengthened grant writing support, assistance
with identifying sources of funding and grant opportunities, and other support services, with a
renewed emphasis on a commitment to helping Beaumont physicians carry out excellent research.
Beaumont’s strategic plan calls for initiatives that reflect the well established national and
international reputation achieved by some of our research programs, including Cardiovascular
Medicine, Radiation Oncology, Medical Oncology (Hem/Onc), Urology, Orthopaedics,
Ophthalmology, Anesthesiology, Surgery, Emergency Medicine, and many other programs. Thus,
we look forward to continuing research excellence and productivity as Beaumont enters an exciting
new phase of academic development. This Report of Research Accomplishments highlights the
depth and breadth of Beaumont’s academic excellence. We extend our congratulations and
appreciation to the many investigators who have made these extraordinary achievements while
providing outstanding medical care to our patients.
David L. Felten, M.D., Ph.D.
Vice President, Research
Medical Director, Research Institute
Beaumont Hospitals
Beaumont Research Institute
Fact Sheet - 2009
Beaumont Hospitals, with three hospitals in the northern Detroit suburbs serving southern Michigan and beyond, is a highly
productive contributor to clinical trials across the nation. The Beaumont Research Institute (RI), established by the hospital’s
Board of Trustees in 1966, strengthens Beaumont's ability to conduct medical research and to provide a research training
experience for the medical staff and participants in graduate medical education programs.
Beaumont is a major teaching facility, with 37 accredited residency and fellowship programs involving 400 residents
and fellows, and 192 research staff, including 70 research nurses.
External sources of research funding
Educational opportunities for research staff
(based on 2008 data)
♦ Commercial sponsors
♦ Federal sponsors
♦ Philanthropic sponsors
62 %
26 %
12 %
Types of research at Beaumont Hospitals
(based on 2008 percentage of revenue)
♦ Clinical Research
6 % Phase I
28 % Phase II
64 % Phase III
2 % Phase IV
♦ Pre-clinical/ Research
♦ Intellectual Property
75 %
Facility space dedicated to research
♦ Research Institute Building
♦ Beaumont Health Center
♦ Cancer Center
♦ Imaging Center
♦ Royal Oak Hospital
♦ Royal Oak Medical Office Building
♦ Technical Service Building
♦ Troy Hospital
11 %
14 %
External sources of research funding by
Research Service Line
(based on 2008 data)
♦ Surgical Services 50.4 %
• Anesthesia
• Ophthalmology
• Orthopaedics
• Radiation Oncology
• Surgical Clinical Trials & Lab
• Urology
2-day orientation for new research staff
On-line CITI human subjects protection
training program
Prep courses for clinical research
certification exams (SOCRA, ACRP)
Tuition reimbursement for clinical research
certification exams
Seminar Series and Workshops
Residents' / Fellows' Research Forum
Biostatistics course
4.2 %
4.7 %
7.8 %
21.7 %
3.9 %
8.1 %
Support staff available to researchers
♦ Accounting / Administrative
♦ Biosafety Committee
♦ Biostatisticians
♦ Compliance
♦ Database Development
♦ Education
♦ Federal Grant Development
♦ Human Resources
♦ Institutional Review Board (IRB)
♦ Medical Services and Other 49.6 %
• Beaumont Coordinating Ctr.
12.5 %
• Cardiology
6.4 %
• Emergency Medicine
5.7 %
• Hematology/Oncology
8.4 %
• Nutrition & Preventive Med
2.0 %
• Other Programs
14.6 %
Clinical Trials/Subjects
The scope of support for the Research Institute
Beaumont Hospitals:
♦ More than 216,339 Emergency Center visits,
96,235 Inpatient admissions
♦ Beaumont, Royal Oak is first in the U.S. for
admissions among all hospitals
♦ Beaumont, Royal Oak is second in the U.S. for total
surgeries among all hospitals
♦ 58 surgical suites
♦ A 128-slice CT scanner
♦ PET-CT and biotracer
935 Trials
78,000 registered patient subjects
Automated, robotic clinical laboratories
Internationally recognized and respected principal
National Cancer Institute / Community Clinical
Oncology Program (CCOP)
Fully equipped bench laboratories
State of the art Biobank & Core Molecular Lab
Beaumont Research Coordinating Center for
Multicenter Clinical Trials
ANATOMIC PATHOLOGY…………………………………………………………………..7-8
CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE…………………………………………………………..13-21
CLINICAL PATHOLOGY………………………………………………………………….22-24
COLON & RECTAL SURGERY…………………………………………………………….. 25
DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY……………………………………………………………...26-28
EMERGENCY MEDICINE………………………………………………………………...29-32
FAMILY MEDICINE………………………………………………………………………. 33-34
GENERAL INTERNAL MEDICINE…………………………………………………. 40-42
INFECTIOUS DISEASES………………………………………………………………...47
NEUROLOGY ……………………………………………………………………………..49
NUTRITION & PREVENTIVE MEDICINE………………………………………..…50-58
PULMONARY DISEASE……..………………………………………………….….……59
NUCLEAR MEDICINE …………….……………………………………………….….…..60-61
ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY………………………………………………………………73-79
PEDIATRIC SERVICES…………………………………………………………………...80-82
PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES…………………………………………………………….83
RADIATION ONCOLOGY…………………………………………………………………86-98
RESEARCH INSTITUTE………………………………………………………………..........99
OUTCOMES RESEARCH......................................................................................100
RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION.....................................................................101-104
EAR, NOSE & THROAT SURGERY……………………………………………….….106
GENERAL SURGERY……………………………………………………………..107-109
MULTI-ORGAN TRANSPLANT………………………………………………………..110
THORACIC SURGERY………………………………………………………………….114
TRAUMA SURGERY…………………………………………………………………….115
Note: * Indicates the author(s) was not Beaumont staff at the time of publication, or was a Beaumont employee at
the time of the publication but has since left Beaumont.
Amin MB, Shah RB, Vasco MW, Gupta R, Merchant S, Bonventre JB, Zhang PL. Utility of
kidney injury molecule-1 staining in a wide spectrum of traditional and newly recognized renal
epithelial neoplasms: Diagnostic and histogenetic implications. Modern Pathol 2009;22 Suppl
1:156A (Abstract # 703), USCAP Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, March 7-13, 2009.
Hayek S, Trupiano JK. Diffuse neonatal hemagiomatosis with gastrointestinal involvement
in a four-month-old infant. Society for Pediatric Pathology. Philadelphia, PA, October 2009.
Malhotra RK, Zhang PL, Boventre JV, Gupta R, Amin MB, P Rao. Kidney injury molecule-1
(KIM-1) expression in sarcomatoid differentiation in renal cell carcinoma: Implications for
differential diagnosis of malignant spindle cell lesions of the kidney. Modern Pathol 2009;22
Suppl 1:181A (Abstract # 819), USCAP Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, March 7-13, 2009.
Zhang PL, Schworer CM, Bonventre JV. Kidney injury molecule-1 (KIM-1) expression in human
polycystic kidney disease. Annual Meeting of American Society of Nephrology, San Diego, CA,
October 27-November 1, 2009, (Abstract # TH-PO711).
Zhang PL, Sarmarapungavan, D, Parasuraman R, Farinola MA, Cohn SR, Reddy GH, et al,
[Rooney MT, Chang CH]. Kidney injury molecule-1 staining helps confirm acute tubular injury
in type I antibody mediated rejection. Annual Meeting of American Society of Nephrology, San
Diego, CA, October 27-November 1, 2009 (Abstract # SA-PO286).
Research Presentations:
Amin MB, Shah RB, Vasco MW, Gupta R, Merchant S, Bonventre JV, et al, [Zhang PL]. Utility
of kidney injury molecule (KIM-1) staining in a wide spectrum of traditional and newly recognized
renal epithelial neoplasms: Diagnostic and histogenetic implications. USCAP, Boston, MA. Mod
Pathol, 2009; 22(1):156A.
Bhagavathi S, Patel MC, Blenc AM, Warren S, Amin MB, Malhotra RK. Primary cutaneous
large B cell lymphoma shows activation of nuclear factor kappa B with low incidence of epstein
barr virus. USCAP, Boston, MA. Mod Pathol, 2009; 22(1),100A.
Copeland J, Sharma J, Amin MB, Hunter S, Mulhem E. Type-specific human papilloma virus
DNA detection in atypical glandular cells pap smears. North American Primary Care Research
Group, Montreal, Canada, November 2009.
Malhotra RK, Zhang PL, Bonventre JV, Gupta R, Rao P, Amin MB. Kidney injury molecule-1
(KIM-1) expression in sarcomatoid differentiation in renal cell carcinoma (RCC): Implications for
differential diagnosis of malignant spindle cell lesions of the kidney. USCAP, Boston, MA, March
2009. Mod Pathol, 2009; 22(1):181A.
Mulhem E, Amin MB, Copeland J, Sharma J. Type-specific human papilloma virus DNA
detection in atypical glandular cells pap smears. Oral presentation at the Southeast Michigan
Center of Medical Education, Annual Research Forum, Oakland University, Rochester Hills, MI,
March 2009.
Anatomic Pathology
Research Presentations: continued
Patel MC, Bhagavathi S, Warren S, Amin MB, Malhotra RK, Blenc AM. The nuclear factorkappa B pathway: A role in pimary cutaneous marginal zone b-cell lymphomas? USCAP,
Boston, MA. Mod Pathol, 2009; 22(1):280A.
Sharma J, Amin MB, Hunter S, Copeland J, Mulhem E. Type-specific human papilloma virus
DNA detection in atypical glandular cells pap smears. Third prize winner, 39th Annual Residents
and Fellows Research Forum, Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI, June 10, 2009.
Yu GS, Balos L, DePeralta-Venturina M, Kuntzman TJ, Mahotra RK, Bernacki EG, et al,
[Amin MB]. Altered expression pattern of myocyte enhancer factor (MEF2) in benign and
malignant cartilaginous tumors. USCAP, Boston, MA. Mod Pathol, 2009; 22(1):344a.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Bieliauskas S, Reyes-Trocchia A, Krasan G, Main C, Trupiano JK. Hodgkin lymphoma
presenting as multiple cavitary pulmonary nodules with associated mediastinal adenopathy and
neck mass. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol, 2009;31:730-733.
Bhagavathi S, Micale M, Douglas-Nikitin V, Ballouz S, Neumann K, Blenc AM. Composite
biclonal marginal zone lymphoma lung and chronic lymphocytic leukemia in a patient:
Pathologic, phenotypic, cytogenetic, and molecular study. Int J Surg Pathol, April 15, 2009.
Bhagavathi S, Micale M, Les K, Wilson JD, Wigging ML, Fu K. Primary bone lymphoma:
Clinicopathological study of 21 cases. American Journal of Surgical Pathology, August 11, 2009.
Cappell MS, Courtney JT, Amin MB. Black macular patches on parietal peritoneum and other
extraintestinal sites from intraperitoneal spillage and spread of India ink from preoperative
endoscopic tatooing: An endoscopic, surgical, gross pathologic, and microscopic study. Dig Dis
Sci, December 3, 2009.
Zenali MJ, Zhang PL, Bendel AE, Brown RE. Morphoproteomic confirmation of constitutively
activated mTOR, ERK, and NF-kappaB pathways in Ewing family of tumor. Ann Clin Lab Sci
39(2):160-166, 2009.
Chapters and Books:
Zhang PL. Book Review of Silva’s Diagnostic Renal Pathology. Am J Surg Pathol 2009; 33(12):
Website Contributions, Video Clips, or other Multi-Media Contributions:
Dulai MS, Vogel H. Polymicrogyria. Medlink Neurology.
Atchley J, Bergakker S, Eimers T, Franson H, Penprase B, Mileto L. The use of high fidelity
simulation in the admission process: One nurse anesthesia program’s experience. American
Association of Nurse Anesthetists, San Diego, CA, August 8-12, 2009.
Edwards J, Hartrick C, Wendell D, Naismith P. Susceptibility to chronic post-traumatic
extremity pain. Oakland University Convocation 2009; M-4302.
Fisher S, Nowakowski K, Margraf M, Krugger M, Omran F, Rosenblatt S, et al. Associated
factors of perioperative hypoglycemia in surgical patients. American Association of Nurse
Anesthetists, San Diego, CA, August 8-12, 2009.
Hartrick CT, Cahana A, Eisenach J. Publication of clinical research. Pain Practice 2009;9 Suppl
Hartrick CT. Susceptibility to the development of post-traumatic chronic pain. ALGOS Congress
Abstracts 2009:pp 28.
Hartrick CT, Wendell D, Naismith P, Pestano C. Persistent post-surgical pain following
arthroscopic surgery: A multivariable outcome analysis. Anesthesiology 2009; A1219.
Jaffer A. Paraparesis secondary to conversion disorder after epidural steroid injection
[Medically Challenging Cases]. American Society of Anesthesiologists 2009 Annual Meeting;
Ramsdell C, Dukatz T, Rosenblatt S, Jahn R, Sakharova A, et al. Insulin glargine (LANTUS)
evening dose adjustment and next-day preoperative blood glucose values. Anesthesiology
2009; A192.
Research Presentations:
Hartrick CT: Publication of clinical pain research: Observational studies. 5th World Congress,
World Institute of Pain, New York, NY, March 14, 2009.
Hartrick CT: Susceptibility to the development of post-traumatic chronic pain, ALGOS 2009
International Symposium: WIP, Myconos Island, Greece, June 18, 2009.
Hartrick CT, Wendell D, Naismith P, Pestano C. Persistent post-surgical pain following
arthroscopic surgery: A multivariable outcome analysis. American Society of Anesthesiologists
Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, October 20, 2009.
Hartrick CT. Clinical trial quality assessment: A case study – Tapentadol, the uses of pain
medications: Angels and demons. Pain Management Academy of Puerto Rico, San Juan,
Puerto Rico, October 24, 2009.
Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine
Research Presentations: continued
Pollak EW. Certification, competence, and the aging anesthesiologist. Problem based learning
discussion, PBLD L-80, American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting, New Orleans,
LA, October 17 and 20, 2009.
Ramsdell C, Dukatz T, Rosenblatt S, Jahn R, Sakharova A. Insulin glargine (LANTUS) evening
dose adjustment and next-day preoperative blood glucose values. American Society of
Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, October 17, 2009.
Wendell D, Hartrick CT. Susceptibility to chronic post-traumatic extremity pain. 2009 Oakland
University - Beaumont Biomedical Research Symposium, Oakland University, Rochester, MI,
September 30, 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Brar MS. Airway management in a bleeding adult following tonsillectomy: A case report. AANA
J. 2009;77(6):428-430.
Hartrick CT: Epidural steroid injection - How should the indications for use be derived:
Systematic review or basic science? Pain Practice 2009;9(3):165-6.
Hartrick CT, Van Hove I, Stegmann JU, Oh C, Upmalis D. Efficacy and tolerability of tapentadol
immediate release and oxycodone hcl immediate release in patients awaiting primary joint
replacement surgery for end-stage joint disease: A 10-day, phase III, randomized, double-blind,
active- and placebo-controlled study. Clinical Therapeutics 2009;31(2):260-71.
Hartrick CT: Tapentadol immediate release for the relief of moderate to severe acute pain.
Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy. 2009;10(16):2687-96.
Lindley P, Pestano CR, Gargiulo K. Comparison of postoperative pain management using two
patient-controlled analgesia methods: Nursing perspective. J Adv Nurs. 2009;65(7):1370-80.
Schmidt NR, Donofrio JA, England DA, McDonald LB, Motyka CL, Mileto LA. Extendedrelease epidural morphine vs continuous peripheral nerve block for management of
postoperative pain after orthopedic knee surgery: A retrospective study. AANA J 2009;
Taran FA, Tempany CM, Regan L, Inbar Y, Hartrick C, et al. Magnetic resonance-guided
focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) compared with abdominal hysterectomy for treatment of uterine
leiomyomas. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2009;34(5):572-8.
Chapters and Books:
Fayne R. Common intraoperative problems. In Pocket Anesthesia, eds. Urman RD, Ehrenfeld
JM, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA, pp 10:1-7, 2009.
Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine
Chapters and Books: continued
Hartrick CT, Manvelian G. Research in acute pain management. In Acute Pain Management,
eds. Sinatra R, DeLeon-Cassasola O, Viscusi E, Ginsberg B, Cambridge University Press, New
York, NY, pp 646-654, 2009.
Mileto L, Hranchook AM. Generational dynamics in nurse anesthesia education. A resource for
nurse anesthesia educators, eds. Henrichs B, Thompson J, AANA Publishing, Park Ridge, IL,
pp 137-150, 2009.
Soto R. Anesthesia for vascular surgery. In Pocket Anesthesia, eds. Urman RD, Ehrenfeld JM,
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA, pp 19:1-5, 2009.
Website Contributions, Video Clips, or other Multi-Media Contributions:
Grant JD. This is our ASA – And getting better everyday. ASA Newsletter. 2009;73(11):6,37.
Research Presentations:
Akervall JA. The Beaumont BioBank. Detroit Academy of Surgery, William Beaumont Hospital,
Applebaum Surgical Learning Center, Royal Oak, MI, January 15, 2009.
Akervall JA. The Beaumont BioBank. Breast Tumor Conference, William Beaumont Hospital,
Royal Oak, MI, January 16, 2009.
Akervall JA. The Beaumont BioBank. Grand Rounds for General Surgery, William Beaumont
Hospital, Royal Oak, MI, February 3, 2009.
Akervall JA. The Beaumont BioBank: From bench to bedside. President’s Council Meeting,
William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI, September 11, 2009.
Akervall JA. Personalized medicine through biomarkers. 2nd Annual BioBank Symposium – The
Road to Personalized Medicine, William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI, November 13,
Wilson GD. BioBank today – technology and infrastructure. 2nd Annual BioBank Symposium –
The Road to Personalized Medicine, William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI, November 13,
Wilson GD. Beaumont BioBank: Opportunities for translational research. Oakland University
Biological Sciences, Rochester, MI, November 17, 2009.
Other Publications (non peer-reviewed):
Wilson GD. 2nd Annual BioBank Symposium: The road to personalized medicine. Beaumont
Research Institute Newsletter, December 2009.
*Abidov A, Chinnaiyan KM, Gallagher MJ, Raff GL. Frequency of immediate and short-term
procedure-related complications in a large ongoing prospective registry of patients undergoing
coronary computed tomography angiography. American College of Cardiology 58th Annual
Scientific Sessions, March 2009.
*Abidov A, Chinnaiyan KM, Share D, Raff GL. Temporal trends of referral patterns and clinical
profile of patients referred for the coronary CTA: Analysis of the statewide prospective coronary
CTA quality improvement initiative registry (ACIC). American Heart Association Annual Scientific
Sessions, Orlando, FL, November 2009.
*Abidov A, Hayes SW, Friedman JD, Thomson L, Kang X, Cohen I, et al. Diagnostic certainty
of the myocardial perfusion scan interpretation and long-term outcomes in patients undergoing
exercise and vasodilator stress myocardial perfusion SPECT. 2009 American Heart Association
Scientific Sessions, Orlando, FL, November 17, 2009.
Al-Mallah MH, Abidov A, Chinnaiyan KM, Raff GL. The impact of coronary computed
tomography angiography on resource utilization in patients with coronary stents. American
Heart Association Annual Scientific Sessions, Orlando, FL, November 17, 2009.
Balagna EE, Fern AK, Boura J, Franklin BA, deJong AT. Indices of autonomic dysfunction
during exercise testing: Relationship to reduced levels of cardiorespiratory fitness. 2009
American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting; 2009 May 27-30; Seattle, WA.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 41(5):S384(2162), 2009.
Bonzheim KA, Brand MA, Sciberras AM, Haines DE. Alarm communication strategy
improves timeliness and response to life critical telemetry alarms. Heart Rhythm 6:S180, 2009.
Brinks J, Franklin B, Spring T, Hardy R, Boura J, deJong A. Physiological responses to
resistance training in cardiac patients: Impact of differing warm-up procedures. 2009
American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, May 27-30, 2009.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 41(5):S216(1483), 2009.
Chinnaiyan KM, *Abidov A, Al-Mallah M, Raff GL, Marcovitz PA, Grines CL. Effect of gender
on management of suspected coronary artery disease after coronary CT angiography. 2009
American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Orlando, FL, November 17, 2009.
Chinnaiyan KM, *Abidov A, Gallagher MJ, Stewart J, Raff GL. Coronary computed
tomographic angiography effectively directs healthcare resource utilization. 2009 American
Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Orlando, FL, November 17, 2009.
Haines DE, Curtis JP, Wang MS. Propensity score model for acute procedural complications or
death during admission with ICD implantation: Data from the National ICD Registry (ICDR).
Heart Rhythm 6:S462, 2009.
Cardiovascular Disease
Abstracts/Posters: continued
Kazmierczak K, Spring T, Boura J, deJong A, Franklin B. Estimating cardiorespiratory fitness
in morbidly obese patients: Validity of the Duke Activity Status Index. 2009 American College of
Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, May 27-30, 2009. Medicine and Science in
Sports and Exercise 41(5):S385(2165), 2009.
Nori DM, Haines, D. Toray-Satake hot balloon ablation catheter for pulmonary vein isolation in
the porcine left atrium. Heart Rhythm 6:S109, 2009.
Madder RD, Chinnaiyan KM, Foster NJ, McMurray MD, Carlyle LM, Boura JA, et al, [Raff G].
Standard vs “triple rule-out” protocol computed tomographic angiography for evaluation of acute
chest pain: Comparative diagnostic yield and 3-month outcomes. 2009 American Heart
Association Scientific Sessions, Orlando, FL, November 18, 2009.
Madder RD, Decker JM, Hickman L, Marinescu V, Marandici A, Raheem S, et al, [Haines
DE]. CHADS2 score is predictive of left atrial thrombus on precardioversion transesophageal
echocardiography in atrial fibrillation. Circulation, 2009; 120:S384.
Marcovitz P, Collins-Bohler D, Boura J, Billecke S. Elevated serum C-reactive protein is
associated with structural indices of cardiac hypertrophy but not systolic dysfunction in women.
Hypertension 54;e52, 2009.
*Oneil BJ, Gallagher M, Centi M, Wegner J, Ross, M, Goldstein J, et al [Raff G]. The long-term
prognostic competence of coronary CT angiography in low risk ED chest pain patients.
American Heart Association Meetings, November 16, 2009.
Said J, Sprinkle A, Franklin B, deJong A. Accuracy of ambulatory heart rate monitoring during
exercise in cardiac patients with and without arrhythmias. 2009 American College of Sports
Medicine Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 41(5)
Suppl 439:2380, May 27-30, 2009.
Trivax JE. Acute cardiac effects of marathon running: Evidence of right-heart overload. 2009
American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Orlando, FL, November 18, 2009.
Walls MC, Chinnaiyan KM. Outcomes in patients with coronary artery bypass grafts:
Correlation with coronary CT angiography. Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography
Annual Scientific Meeting, Orlando, FL, July 18, 2009.
Research Presentations:
*Abidov A, Chinnaiyan KM, Gallagher M, Raff GL. Frequency of immediate and short-term
procedure-related complications in a large ongoing prospective registry of patients undergoing
coronary computed tomography angiography. 2009 American Heart Association Scientific
Sessions, Orlando, FL, November 17, 2009.
Cardiovascular Disease
Research Presentations: continued
*Abidov A, Hayes SW, Friedman JD, Thomson L, Kang X, Cohen I, et al. Diagnostic certainty
of the myocardial perfusion scan interpretation and long-term outcomes in patients undergoing
exercise and vasodilator stress myocardial perfusion SPECT. 2009 American Heart Association
Scientific Sessions, Orlando, FL, November 17, 2009.
Almany SL. Chapter Event Update. The most important lecture of your career: Choices,
contracts, negotiations, seminar FACC, May 21, 2009.
Almany SL. Presentations - Northern Michigan Regional Hospital. A trip to the dark side
treating venous disease. Presentation - Acute myocardial infarction update 2009.
Chinnaiyan KM. Heart disease in women: An update for clinicians (Course Director),
Birmingham, MI, May 20, 2009.
Chinnaiyan KM. New angles for cardiovascular imaging in women. 18th Annual Cardiovascular
Conference at Beaver Creek, CO, February 2009.
Chinnaiyan KM. Cardiology practical update: Heart disease in women. Pontiac, MI, October
Chinnaiyan KM. Coronary CT angiography vs. stress myocardial perfusion imaging and
Coronary CT angiography: Learning by cases. University of Michigan Medical School, 5th
Annual Cardiac and Vascular CT, Plymouth, MI, October 22-23, 2009.
Chinnaiyan KM, *Abidov A, Gallagher MJ, Stewart J, Raff GL. Coronary computed
tomographic angiography effectively directs healthcare resource utilization. 2009 American
Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Orlando, FL, November 17, 2009.
Chinnaiyan KM, *Abidov A, Raff G. Coronary risk stratification in women: Correlation with
coronary CT angiography. 2009 American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Orlando, FL,
November 17, 2009.
Franklin BA. Prevention: Initial and recurrent cardiovascular events. 2009 American Heart
Association Scientific Sessions, Orlando, FL, November 16, 2009.
Goldstein JA. The long term prognostic competence of coronary CT angiography in low risk
ED chest pain patients. 2009 American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Orlando, FL,
November 16, 2009.
Goldstein JA. Coronary computed tomography for systematic triage of acute chest pain
patients to treatment. 2009 American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Orlando, FL,
November 18, 2009.
Raff GL. Radiation dose reduction in a multi-site cardiac CT angiography. Is there evidence that
cardiac CT angiography is effective in triage of patients to invasive angiography? The lessons of
the CT-STAT trial: A multicenter study of cardiac CT angiography for diagnosis of acute chest
pain. 11th Annual International Symposium on Multidetector. Row CT Department of Radiology
Stanford University, San Francisco, CA, May 19-22, 2009.
Cardiovascular Disease
Research Presentations: continued
Raff G. Systematic approach to interpretation and report of coronary CTA: Review of the SCCT
guidelines. 31st Annual Recent Advances in Nuclear Cardiology and Cardiac CT. Washington,
DC, May 7, 2009.
Raff, G. Acute chest pain in ED: Is CT ready for prime time? CC-58th Annual Scientific Session,
Orlando, FL, March 28, 2009.
Trivax JE, Franklin B, Goldstein J, Chinnaiyan K, Gallagher M, DeJong A, et al, [Colar J,
Haines D]. Acute cardiac effects of marathon running. American Heart Association, Scientific
Sessions, Orlando, FL, November 2009.
Trivax JE. Acute cardiac effects of marathon running: Evidence of right-heart overload. 2009
American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Orlando, FL, November 18, 2009.
Walls MC, Chinnaiyan KM. Outcomes in patients with coronary artery bypass grafts:
Correlation with coronary CT angiography. Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography
Annual Scientific Meeting in Orlando, FL, July 18, 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
*Abidov A, Gallagher M, Chinnaiyan K, Mehta L, Wegner J, Raff G. Clinical effectiveness of
coronary computed tomographic angiography in the triage of patients to cardiac catheterization
and revascularization after inconclusive stress testing. J Nucl Cardiol, 2009. Sep-Oct;16(5):
*Abidov A, Gallagher MJ, Almany SL, Stewart J, Cragg DR, Raff GL. Large left ventricular
aneurysm and multiple diverticula in patient with normal coronary arteries: A unique form of
cardiomyopathy. J Am Coll Cardiol Img, December, 2009.
*Abidov A, Stewart J, Raff G. Muscular ventricular septal defect visualized as nonreversible
perfusion abnormality on myocardial perfusion SPECT and confirmed on cardiac computed
tomography angiography images. Clin Nucl Med 2009;34(3):171-172.
Agrawal V, Vanhecke T, Rai B, Franklin B, Sangal B, McCullough P. Albuminuria and renal
function in obese adults evaluated for obstructive sleep apnea. Nephron Clin Pract
113(3):c140-c147, 2009.
Berger JS, Roe MT, Gibson CM, Kilaru R, Green CL, Melton L, et al, [Grines CL]. Safety and
feasibility of adjunctive antiplatelet therapy with intravenous elinogrel, a direct-acting and
reversible P2Y12 ADP-receptor antagonist, before primary percutaneous intervention in
patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction: The early rapid reversal of platelet thrombosis
with intravenous elinogrel before PCI to optimize reperfusion in acute myocardial infarction
(ERASE MI) pilot trial. Am Heart J 2009:158(6):998-1004,e1.
Cardiovascular Disease
Peer-Reviewed Articles: continued
Chinnaiyan KM, McCullough PA, Flohr TG, Wegner JH, Raff GL. Improved noninvasive
coronary angiography in morbidly obese patients with dual-source computed tomography.
J Cardiovasc Comput Tomogr 3(1):35-42, 2009.
Chinnaiyan K, Raff G, Goldstein J. Cardiac CT in the emergency department. Cardiol Clin
2009, 27(4):587-96.
Chinnaiyan K, McCullough P, Flohr T, Wegner J, Raff G. Improved noninvasive coronary
angiography in morbidly obese patients with dual-source computed tomography. J Cardiovasc
Comput Tomogr 2009, 3(1):35-42.
deJong A. Walking the road to fitness and health. ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal.
deJong A. Cardiovascular disease: Using a polypill, lifestyle modification, or a combined
approach to reducing overall risk. ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal 2009;13(6):38-40.
Dixon SR, Grines CL, O’Neill WW. The year in interventional cardiology. J Am Coll Cardiol
Dixon SR, Henriques JP, Mauri L, Sjauw K, Civitello A, Kar B, et al. A prospective feasibility
trial investigating the use of the impella 2.5 system in patients undergoing high-risk percutaneous
coronary intervention (The Protect I Trial): Initial US experience. JACC Cardiovasc Interv
Fern AK. Benefits of physical activity in older adults. Programming modifications to enhance
the exercise experience. ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal 2009;13(5):12-16.
*Forcina MS, Farhat AY, O’Neill WW, Haines DE. Cardiac arrest survival after implementation of
automated external defibrillator technology in the in-hospital setting. Crit Care Med 37(4):12291236, 2009.
Foster NJ, Haines DE. The antiarrhythmic effects of ranolazine. Rev Cardiovasc Med 2009;
Goldstein JA. Coronary plaque characterization by computed tomographic angiography: Present
promise and future hope. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 2(2):61-163, 2009.
Goldstein JA, Grines C, Fischell T, Virmani R, Rizik D, Muller J, et al. Coronary
embolization following balloon dilation of lipid-core plaques. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging
Grines CL. A new era of drug-eluting stents. Editorial. J Interven Cardiol 2009;22:S1-S2.
Heard KJ, Peberdy MA, Sayre MR, Sanders A, Geocadin RG, Dixon SR, et al. A randomized
controlled trial comparing the Arctic Sun to standard cooling for induction of hypothermia after
cardiac arrest. Resuscitation, Oct. 23, 2009.
Cardiovascular Disease
Peer-Reviewed Articles: continued
Holmes DR Jr, Kereiakes DJ, Kleiman NS, Militerno DJ, Patti G, Grines CL. Combining
antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapies. J Am Coll Cardiol 54(2):95-109, 2009.
Holmes DR, Reddy VY, Turi ZG, Doshi SK, Sievert H, et al, [Almany S]. Percutaneous
closure of the left atrial appendage versus warfarin therapy for prevention of stroke
in patients with atrial fibrillation: A randomized non-inferiority trial. Lancet 374(9689):534-42.
Klein LW, Miller DL, Balter S, Laskey W, Haines D, Norbash A, et al. Occupational health
hazards in the interventional laboratory: Time for a safer environment. The Members of the
Joint Inter-Society Task Force on Occupational Hazards in the Interventional Laboratory OB.
J Vasc Interv Radiol 2009;20:147-152.
Klein LW, Miller DL, Balter S, Laskey W, Haines D, Norbash A, et al. On behalf of the members
of the Joint Inter-Society Task Force on Occupational Hazards in the Interventional Laboratory.
Occupational health hazards in the interventional laboratory: Time for a safer environment.
J Vasc Interv Radiol 20:S278-S283, 2009; Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 73(3):432-438, 2009;
Heart Rhythm 6(3):439-444, 2009; Radiology 250(2):538-544, 2009.
McCullough PA, Chinnaiyan KM. Hazards of contrast-induced acute kidney injury in
elderly women. Womens Health (Lond Engl) 5(2):123-125, 2009.
McLaughlin VV, Archer SL, Badesch DB, Barst RJ, Farber HW, Lindner JR, et al, [Grines CL]
ACCF/AHA 2009 expert consensus document on pulmonary hypertension: A report of the
American College of Cardiology Foundation Task Force on Expert Consensus Documents and
the American Heart Association, developed in collaboration with the American College of Chest
Physicians, American Thoracic Society, Inc., and the Pulmonary Hypertension Association.
Circulation 119(16):2250-2294, 2009.
McMurray MD, Trivax JE, McCullough PA. Serum cystatin C, renal filtration function, and left
ventricular remodeling. Circ Heart Fail 2(2):86-89, 2009.
Mehran R, Lansky AJ, Witzenbichler B, Guagliumi G, Peruga JZ, Brodie BR, et al, [Grines CL].
Bivalirudin in patients undergoing primary angioplasty for acute myocardial infarction
(Horizons-AMI): 1-year results of a randomized controlled trial. Lancet 374(9696):1149-1159,
Nikolsky E, Mehran R, Sadeghi HM, Grines CL, Cox DA, Garcia E, et al. Prognostic impact
of blood transfusion after primary angioplasty for acute myocardial infarction: Analysis from
the CADILLAC (Controlled abciximab and device investigation to lower late angioplasty
complications) Trial. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2(7):624-632, 2009.
Nori D, Raff G, Gupta V, Gentry R, Boura JA, Haines DE. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging
assessment of regional and global left atrial function before and after catheter ablation for atrial
fibrillation. J Interv Card Electrophysiol July 23, 2009.
Pop A, Grines CL. Choice of DES: A US clinician’s perspective. J Interven Cardiol
22:S72-S85, 2009.
Cardiovascular Disease
Peer-Reviewed Articles: continued
Rabbani LE, Iyengar S, Dangas GD, Grines CL, Cox DA, Garcia E, et al. Impact of thienopyridine
administration prior to primary stenting in acute myocardial infarction. J Interv Cardiol
22(4):378-384, 2009.
Raff GL, *Abidov A, Achenbach S, Berman DS, Boxt LM, Budoff MJ, et al. Society of
Cardiovascular Computed Tomography. SCCT guidelines for the interpretation and reporting of
coronary computed tomographic angiography. J Cardiovasc Comput Tomogr 3(2):122-136,
Raff G, Chinnaiyan K. The role of coronary CT angiography in triage of patients with acute
chest pain. Rev Esp Cardiol 62(9):961-5, 2009.
Sick PB, Turi Z, Almany SL. Stroke prevention in non-valvular atrial fibrillation: Long term
results of the Watchman left atrial appendage occlusion pilot study. Journal of American
College of Cardiology. March 10, 2009. 2502-545, pg A1.
Ricci JM, Dukkipati SR, Pica MC, Haines DE, Goldstein JA. Malignant ventricular arrhythmias
in patients with acute right ventricular infarction undergoing mechanical reperfusion. Am J Cardiol
Raff GL, Chinnaiyan KM, Share DA, Goraya TY, Kazerooni EA, Moscucci M, et al. Radiation
dose from cardiac computed tomography before and after implementation of radiation dosereduction techniques, JAMA 301(22): 340-8, 2009.
Safian RD, Madder RD. Refining the approach to renal artery revascularization. J Am Coll
Cardiol Intv 2;161-174, 2009.
Safian RD, Niazi K, Runyon JP, Dulas D, Weinstock B, Ramaiah V, et al. OASIS Investigators.
Orbital atherectomy for infrapopliteal disease: Device concept and outcome data for the
OASIS trial. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 73(3):406-412, 2009.
Stone GW, Lansky AJ, Pocock SJ, Gersh BJ, Dangas G, Wong SC, et al, [Grines CL].
Paclitaxel-eluting stents versus bare-metal stents in acute myocardial infarction. N Engl J Med
360(19):1946-1959, 2009.
Szerlip M, Grines CL. Sex differences in response to treatments for chronic coronary
artery disease. Rev Cardiovasc Med 2009;10(2):S14-S23.
Vanhecke TE, Franklin BA, Maciejko J, Chinnaiyan K, McCullough PA. Lipoproteins,
inflammatory biomarkers, and cardiovascular imaging in the assessment of atherosclerotic
disease activity. Rev Cardiovasc Med (Winter);10(1):51-58, 2009.
Vanhecke TE, Franklin BA, McCullough PA. Correspondence – Response letter:
Cardiorespiratory fitness and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in morbidly obese patients.
Chest 135:584-585, 2009.
Cardiovascular Disease
Peer-Reviewed Articles: continued
Vanhecke TE, Franklin BA, Miller WM, deJong AT, Coleman CJ, McCullough PA.
Cardiorespiratory fitness and sedentary lifestyle in the morbidly obese. Clin Cardiol
32(3):121-124, 2009.
Waxman S, Dixon SR, L’Allier P, Moses JW, Petersen JL, Cutlip D, et al. In vivo validation of a
catheter-based near-infrared spectroscopy system for detection of lipid core coronary plaques:
Initial results of the SPECTACL study. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 2(7):858-868, 2009.
Chapters and Books:
Cardenas GA, Grines CL. Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. In: Gleen N. Levine, Ed.
Cardiology Secrets: Third Edition. Mosby Elsevier 2009;139-142.
Chinnaiyan K, Mehta L, Gentry R, Raff, G. Basic physics and the CT camera. In: Diagnostic
Imaging of Coronary Artery Disease. LWW 2009.
Dixon SR. Limitation of infarct size: Adjunctive mechanical devices. In: deLuca G, Lansky A
(eds). Mechanical reperfusion for STEMI: From randomized trials to clinical practice. 1st edition,
Franklin BA, Gordon NF. Contemporary diagnosis and management in cardiovascular exercise,
First edition. Handbooks in Health Care Company, Newton, PA, 2009.
Franklin BA, Miller WM, Nori K, McCullough PA. Exercise precautions/guidelines for exercise
testing in diabetics starting an exercise program. In: Regensteiner J, Reusch J, Veves A,
Stewart KJ (eds). Diabetes and Exercise. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press, Chapter 12; pp 263-277,
Franklin BA. Myocardial infarction. In: Durstine JL, Moore GE, Painter PL, Roberts SO (eds).
ACSM’s Exercise Management for Persons with Chronic Diseases and Disabilities.
Champaign-Urbana, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, Chapter 6, pp 49-57, 2009.
Franklin BA. Revascularization. CABGS and PTCA or PCI In: Durstine JL, Moore GE, Painter
PL, Roberts SO (eds). ACSM’s Exercise Management for Persons with Chronic Diseases and
Disabilities. Champaign-Urbana, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, Chapter 7, pp 58-65, 2009.
*O'Neil BJ, Gallagher MJ, Raff GL. Use of multislice CT and MRI for the evaluation of patients
with chest pain (Chapter 13). Society of Chest Pain Centers and Providers, Short Stay
Management of Chest Pain. Peacock, Cannon, eds. Humana Press. October 2009.
Szerlip M, Cox D, Grines CL. How to organize networks for invasive treatment of STEMI:
Experience in the USA. In Rokos IC, Larson DM, Henry TD, Koenig WJ, Eckstein M, French
WJ, Granger CB, Roe MT, Eds. Mechanical Reperfusion for STEMI. Wolters Kluwer Health,
Baltimore, MD, 2009.
Westveer D, Jordan S. Heart of the matter: Questions to ask your cardiologist. Morgan James
Publishing, Garden City, NY, 2009.
Cardiovascular Disease
Website Contributions, Video Clips, or other Multi-Media Contributions:
Almany SL. Innovations in Cardiovascular Care. North Michigan Hospital - Panel Discussion,
June 22, 2009.
Almany SL. Beaumont Study Shows Safety, Effectiveness of Heart Filter Device ... A stroke., 2009.
Almany SL, Choksi N, Dixon SR, Hanzel GS, Goldstein JA, Safian RD. Live Case Sites and
Operators - TCT Conference 2009.
Almany SL. Left Atrial Occlusion Devices.
Almany SL. Left Atrial Appendage Exclusion for Atrial Fibrillation. October 12, 2009.
Almany SL. Top Docs Issues. Hour Detroit Magazine., 2009.
Almany SL. New Device Could Help Prevent Stroke in Heart Rhythm Patients. July 3, 2009.
Almany SL, Kar S. Watchman left atrial appendage system for embolic protection in patients
with atrial fibrillation, June 24, 2009.
Cannon CP, Grines CL, Mehta S, Mitchner NA. iPoint of Care for acute coronary syndrome:
Answers when you need them! DIME editorial board. 2009,
Raff G. The radiation dose reduction trial in the statewide Michigan coronary CT registry
published in JAMA. How dose was reduced by 53% and what does this mean to patients and
referring physicians? Eight Beaumont website videoclips on radiation dose reduction - available
Bhagavathi S, Patel MC, Blenc AM, Warren S, Amin M, Malhotra RK. Primary cutaneous
large B-cell lymphoma shows activation of nuclear factor kappa-B with low incidence of EpsteinBarr virus. The United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology 2009. Boston MA, March
7-13, 2009. Modern Pathology 2009;22(1):A441.
Bieliauskas SL, Fine N, Douglas-Nikitin V, Blenc AM. Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
(PNH) clones are not present in HIV positive patients. Michigan Society of Pathologists.
Plymouth, MI, December 5, 2009.
Boyanton, Jr BL. Clinical validation of a novel, molecular-based group B streptococcus assay:
HandyLab GBS ASR on the jaguar [ID27]. Association for Molecular Pathology Annual Meeting,
Orlando, FL, November 2009.
Boyanton, Jr BL, Waddington J, Nelson K, Knight E, Kendzorski J, Patrawala J, et al. Clinical
validation of a novel, molecular-based group B streptococcus assay: HandyLab GBS ASR on
the jaguar. J Mol Diagn 2009 Nov; 6:639.
*Chowdhury M, Karcher R, Sykes E, Auerbach D. Hemolysis interference on the Siemens
Advia 2400, Beckman DxC and Radiometer ABL 700. National AACC Meeting, Chicago, IL,
2009. Clin.Chem, 55(6):A23, 2009.
*Patel MC, *Bhagavathi S, Warren S, Amin M, Malhotra RK, Blenc AM. The nuclear factor
kappa-B pathway: A role in primary cutaneous marginal zone B-cell lymphomas? The United
States and Canadian Academy of Pathology 2009, Boston, MA, March 7-13, 2009. Modern
Pathology 2009:22(1):A1270.
*Punia J, Fennell T, Huang J, Douglas-Nikitin V, Smith MD. Identification of megakaryocytes
by flowcytometry: Immunophenotypic expression in reactive states and hematopoietic
malignancies. Michigan Society of Pathologists, Annual Membership Meeting and Winter
Conference, Plymouth, MI, December 2009.
*Siddiqui MA, Chen X, Lucia V, Ellis A, Grossman DM. Cytologic evaluation of sentinel lymph
nodes in breast cancer: A community hospital experience. United States and Canadian
Academy of Pathology, Boston, MA. March 2009.
*Wang X, Prada A, Crisan D. NPM1 gene mutation analysis in acute myeloid leukemia: The
Beaumont experience. 18th Annual Symposium on Molecular Pathology, Troy, MI, September
23-34, 2009.
Xie M, Volk E. A retrospective review of bone marrow biopsies in hospitalized patients. College
of American Pathologists, Washington DC, September 2009.
Xie M, Ma H. B-cell lymphoma involving bone marrow without clinical evidence of concurrent
extra-marrow lymphoma. American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Chicago, IL, October, 2009.
Clinical Pathology
Research Presentations:
*Patel MC, Green, J, Crisan D. Evaluation of thrombotic risk in patients with heparin induced
thrombocytopenia and the platelet PIA2 polymorphism. 39th Annual Residents and Fellows
Research Forum, Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI, June 10, 2009.
Robinson-Dunn B. Novel H1N1influenza: Lessons learned or what a large clinical lab
experienced. 2009 Meeting of the South Central Association for Clinical Microbiology, Brighton,
Robinson-Dunn B. Novel H1N1 influenza: Lab diagnosis/problem solving. 2009 Michigan
Infectious Diseases Society/Public Health Fall Conference, Botford Hospital, Farmington Hills,
*Wang X, Prada A, Crisan D. NPM1 gene mutation analysis in acute myeloid leukemia: The
Beaumont experience. 39th Annual Residents and Fellows Research Forum, Beaumont
Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI, June 2009.
*Wasserman B, Frizzo W, Millward P. Human cardiovascular tissue allograft utilization and
wastage in a centralized hospital-based tissue bank. 39th Annual Residents and Fellows
Research Forum, Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI, June 10, 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
*Bhagavathi S, Micale MA, Douglas-Nikitin V, Ballouz S, Neumann K, Blenc AM. Composite
biclonal marginal zone lymphoma of lung and chronic lymphocytic leukemia in a patient:
Pathologic, phenotypic, cytogenetic and molecular study. Int J Surg Pathol, 2009, Apr 15 (epub).
*Chowdhury M, Sykes E. Insecticide poisoning by organophosphates: Pharmacologic effects
and the laboratory’s role in diagnosis. American Society of Clinical Pathology Check Sample:
CC 09-7 (CC-381):79-95, 2009.
*Harris VN, *Malysz J, Smith, MD. Green neutrophilic inclusions in liver disease. Journal of
Clinical Pathology 2009; 62:853-854.
*Malysz J, Crisan D. Correlation of JAK2 V617F mutant allele quantitation with clinical
presentation and type of chronic myeloproliferative neoplasm. Ann Clin Lab Sci. 2009;39(4):
Tang B, *Malysz J, Douglas-Nikitin V, Zekman RP, Ravipati A, Jaiyesimi I, et al. Correlating
metabolic activity with cellular proliferation in follicular lymphomas. Mol Imaging Biol. 2009;
Chapters and Books:
Robinson-Dunn B, Boyanton Jr BL. Tularemia – Francisella tularensis. In: L.S. Garcia ed.
Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook, Section 16.8, 3rd edition (2009). ASM Press,
Washington, DC.
Clinical Pathology
Chapters and Books: continued
Boyanton Jr BL, Crisan D. Sample collection, processing, and storage for molecular genetic
testing. In: Laboratory Hematology Practice, 1st Edition, edited by Kottke-Marchant K and Davis
BH, 2009.
Boyanton Jr BL, Versalovic J. Bacterial laboratory diagnosis. Feigin & Cherry’s Textbook of
Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 6th Edition, Part VII: Approach to the Laboratory Diagnosis of
Infectious Diseases, Chapter 262, pp: 3516-3523. Elsevier 2009.
Other Publications (non peer-reviewed):
Basha HI, Saini D, Maine GN, Mohanakumar T. Alloimmune responses leading to
autoimmunity: Role in chronic rejection. ASHI Quarterly, 33:50-55, 2009.
Boyanton Jr BL, Robinson-Dunn B. Rapid viral culture for respiratory viruses. The Beaumont
Laboratory Newsletter for Physicians and Health Professionals, 2009; 3(2).
Boyanton Jr BL. HIV viral load testing. The Beaumont Laboratory Newsletter for Physicians
and Health Professionals, 2009; 3(2).
Boyanton Jr BL, Maine G. HLA-B*5701 screening for abacavir hypersensitivity. The
Beaumont Laboratory Newsletter for Physicians and Health Professionals, 2009; 3(1).
Maine GN, Phelan DL, Mohanakumar T. Solid-phase anti-HLA screening for transplantation:
The pros and cons of available methods. ASHI Quarterly, 33:14-16, 2009.
Robinson-Dunn B, Boyanton Jr BL. Group A streptococcus throat specimen testing update.
The Beaumont Laboratory Newsletter for Physicians and Health Professionals 3(4) 2009.
Robinson-Dunn B, Boyanton Jr BL. Clostridium difficile - testing frequency. The
Beaumont Laboratory Newsletter for Physicians and Health Professionals 3(3) 2009.
Abstracts/ Posters:
Villalba M, Wasvary H, Barkel D. Incomplete colonoscopy: Rates, recommendations and
follow-up. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons,
Hollywood, FL, May 2-6, 2009.
Research Presentations:
Barkel D. Constipation: Evaluation and treatment of a complex motility problem. Michigan State
Medical Society Meeting, Troy, MI, October 22, 2009.
Levine R, Chawla B, Bergeron S, Wasvary H. Does a multidisciplinary colorectal cancer clinic
facilitate patient evaluation and treatment? Michigan Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons
Annual Meeting, Troy, MI, October 22, 2009.
Shellnut J, Wasvary H, Grodsky M, Boura J, Priest S. Evaluating the age distribution of
patients with colorectal cancer: Are the US preventative services task force guidelines for
colorectal cancer screening appropriate? American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons,
Hollywood, FL, May 2009. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum 52(4), 2009.
Villalba M, Wasvary H, Barkel D. Incomplete colonoscopy: Rates, recommendations and
follow-up. The Michigan Chapter of American College of Surgeons Annual Meeting, 58th Annual
Resident Surgeon’s Competition, Bellaire, MI, May, 2009.
Wasvary H. Colorectal cancer. OHEP review of selected topics in general surgery. Providence
Hospital, Southfield, MI, January 16, 2009.
Other Publications (non peer-reviewed):
Shellnut J. Age cutoffs in colon rectal cancer screening guidelines criticized. GI and Hepatology
News 3(8):2, 2009.
Wasvary H. Editorial: Does mesorectal preservation protect the ileoanal anastomosis after
restorative proctocolectomy? Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 2009; 52(4);759.
Wasvary H. Editorial: Radiological evaluation of colorectal anastomosis. Diseases of the Colon
and Rectum, 2009; 52(2):364-365.
Abstracts and Posters:
Antypas EJ, Nandalur K. MDCT evaluation of coronary atherosclerotic disease and spectrum
of vulnerability. 95th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North
America (RSNA), Chicago, IL, November 29-December 4, 2009.
Arani K, Tien H, Bronsteen R, Nandalur K. Multimodality imaging of ectopic pregnancy from
algorithmic diagnosis to management. 95th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of
Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), Chicago, IL, November 29-December 4, 2009.
Arnold G, Amin M, Francis I, Jafri SZ, Amendola M. Retroperitoneal infectious processes: A
pictorial review. American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS) 2009 Annual Meeting, Boston, MA,
April 26-May 1, 2009.
Barger RL, Tien H, Nandalur K. Common thoracoabdominal malignancies which mimic acute
pathology. 95th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North
America (RSNA), Chicago, IL, November 29-December 4, 2009.
Begeman G, Tech K, Dobzyniak C, Hong S, Geiger C. Quality assurance in radiologic
procedures: An evaluation of the final verification process. Association of University
Radiologists (AUR) 57th Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA, May 12-15, 2009.
Doshi S, Edwards A. The lateral ankle: What is there and what can go wrong. American
Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS) 2009 Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, April 27, 2009.
Gallardo LJ, Kirsch M. The resident learning portfolio: One institution's experience. 95th
Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA),
Chicago, IL, November 29-December 4, 2009.
Gerasymchuk G, Sokhandon F, Shirkhoda A, Farinola M. Value of CT enterography in
evaluation of focal and diffuse small bowel diseases. American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS)
2009 Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, April 27, 2009.
Hong SC, Jafri SZ. Differential diagnosis of acute scrotum: Torsion and beyond. Association of
University Radiologists (AUR) 57th Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA, May 12-15, 2009.
Jafri SZ, Werder G. Infectious, inflammatory and neoplastic conditions of the retroperitoneum.
95th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA),
Chicago, IL, November 29-December 4, 2009.
Kaminsky I, Khan, AM, Pettiti N. Central sulcus and beyond: What you need to know about
gyral and sulcal anatomy. American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR) 47th Annual Meeting,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 16-21, 2009.
Langlas T, Noujaim D, Werder G. Ectopic pregnancy in the emergency setting. American
Society of Emergency Radiology (ASER), Orlando, FL, September 30-October 3, 2009.
Noujaim S, Noujaim DL. Foregut duplication of cysts of neck. 43rd Annual Meeting American
Society of Head and Neck Radiology (ASHNR). New Orleans, LA, October 7-11, 2009.
Diagnostic Radiology
Abstracts and Posters: continued
Silbergleit R, Greene R, Khan N, Krishnan A. Imaging complications of epidural injections.
American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS) 2009 Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, April 27, 2009.
Werder G, Arnold G, Yadavalli S. Orthopedic implants and complications: What the radiologist
must know. American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS), Boston, MA, April 26-May 1, 2009.
Yadavalli S, Elliott A. Evaluation of postoperative wrist. International Skeletal Society’s 36th
Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, September 2-5, 2009.
Yadavalli S, Koshy P, Marcantonio D. Calcification and ossification on and around joints:
Causes and evaluation. 95th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of
North America (RSNA), Chicago, IL, November 29-December 4, 2009.
Research Presentations:
Kaminsky I, Wang AM. Radiation-induced supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumor
in a pediatric patient. American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR) 47th Annual Meeting,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 16-21, 2009.
Krishnan A. Emergency radiology – refresher course. 95th Scientific Assembly and Annual
Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), Chicago, IL, November 29 December 4, 2009.
Krishnan A, Silbergleit R, Sag AA, Vartanian S. Osteolytic mass bridging two cervical
vertebrae: Unusual presentation of a vertebral body hemangioma. American Society of
Neuroradiology (ASNR) 47th Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May
16-21, 2009.
Noujaim S, Noujaim DL. Congenital duplication of IAC. 43rd Annual Meeting American Society
Head and Neck Radiology (ASHNR). New Orleans, LA, October 7-11, 2009.
Noujaim S, Noujaim DL. Temporal bone congenital anomalies in CHARGE association. 43rd
Annual Meeting American Society of Head and Neck Radiology (ASHNR). New Orleans, LA,
October 7-11, 2009.
Pai R, Krishnan A. Angiosarcoma of the spine in a patient with an abdominal aortic aneurysm.
American Society of Spinal Radiology (ASSR) 2009 Symposium, Lake Buena Vista, FL,
February 19-22, 2009.
Saenz J, Vartanian SA, Basmaji C. Case presentation: Foramen of Winslow hernia. American
Society of Emergency Radiology (ASER), Orlando, FL, September 30-October 3, 2009.
Sag AA, Wilseck J, Goodman P. Unusual late presentation of a nasopharyngeal teflon
granule masquerading as a malignancy. 43rd Annual Meeting American Society of Head and
Neck Radiology (ASHNR). New Orleans, LA, October 7-11, 2009.
Diagnostic Radiology
Research Presentations: continued
Silbergleit R, Sag AA, Khan N, Krishnan A. T1 hyperintense disc in alkaptonuria. American
Society of Spinal Radiology (ASSR) 2009 Symposium, Lake Buena Vista, FL, February 19-22,
Thorp J, Wong J. Subdural effusions as an unusual complication of lumbar discectomy.
American Society of Spinal Radiology (ASSR) 2009 Symposium, Lake Buena Vista, FL,
February 19-22, 2009.
Vartanian SA, Sanez J, Basmaji C. Case presentation: Distal ascending aortic graft
dehiscence with pseudoaneurysm and subsequent compression of the right coronary artery.
American Society of Emergency Radiology (ASER), Orlando, FL, September 30-October 3,
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Kennedy AS, McNeillie P, Dezarn WA, Nutting C, Sangro B, Savin M, et al. Treatment
parameters and outcome in 680 treatments of internal radiation with resin 90Y-microspheres for
unresectable hepatic tumors. Int J Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys. 2009; 74(5):1494-1500.
Konda A, Savin MA, Cappell MS, Duffy MC. Radiation microsphere-induced GI ulcers after
selective internal radiation therapy for hepatic tumors: An underrecognized clinical entity.
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. 2009; 70(3):561-567.
Schultz C, Campbell J, Bakalyar D, Beauvais M, Feng W, Savin M. Y-90 Microsphere
therapy – prevention of adverse events. Cancer Biotherapy & Radiopharmaceuticals.
2009; 24(4):427-433.
Ahmad W, *Medado P, *Robinson D, *Walker W, Kessler J, Swor RA. Assessing the quality of
out of hospital cardiac resuscitation: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) rates are decreased
prior to advanced airway management, NAEMSP Annual Meeting, Jacksonville, FL, January
Bastani A, Anderson W, Rocchini A, Lazarus J, Ishioka N, Hunt-Walch R, et al. Initiating
medical therapies in the cardiac catheterization lab decreases door-to-balloon time for acute ST
elevation myocardial infarction. ACEP National Meeting, Boston, MA, October 2009.
Bastani A, Hunt-Walch R, Young E, Kayyali H. Screening electroencephalograms are feasible
and identify potential subclinical seizure activity in emergency department patients. ACEP
National Meeting, Boston, MA, October 2009.
Clark C. Clinical use of coronary CT angiogram in emergency department chest pain patients.
Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, New Orleans, LA, Pub May 2009, Academic
Emergency Medicine 16:4(1):108, April 2009.
Clark C. The value of t-wave inversion in the diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome. Society of
Academic Emergency Medicine, New Orleans, LA, May 2009. Pub Occult-MI Study Group,
Academic Emergency Medicine 16(A):115 April 1, 2009.
Cushman J, Patel N, Jones J, Swor R, Lerner B, Shah M. A comparison of the Ohio and
American College of Surgeons guidelines in identifying trauma center need for older adults.
NAEMSP Annual Meeting, Jacksonville, FL, January 2009.
Einerson S. Pelvic incarceration syndrome clinical pathological cases (CPC). Society of
Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) New Orleans, LA, May 2009.
Lerner EB, Shah M, Swor R, et al. Does mechanism of injury predict trauma center need?
Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, May 2009, New Orleans, LA.
Lipe K. Tamsulosin does not increase one-week rate of passage of ureteral stones in
emergency department patients. 39th Annual Residents and Fellows Research Forum,
Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI, June 10, 2009.
Lipe K. Tamsulosin does not increase one-week rate of passage of ureteral stones in
emergency department patients. American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) Annual
Scientific Assembly, Boston, MA, October 5, 2009.
Lipe K, Ziadeh J, Ross M, Jackson RJ, Swor RA. The efficacy of tamsulosin in the treatment
of ureteral stones in emergency department patients. American College Emergency Physicians,
Boston, MA, October 2009.
*Oneil BJ, Gallagher M, Centi M, Wegner J, Ross, M, Goldstein J, et al [Raff G]. The longterm prognostic competence of coronary CT angiography in low risk ED chest pain patients.
American Heart Association Meetings, November 16, 2009.
Emergency Medicine
Abstracts/Posters: continued
*Robinson D, *Medado P, Swor RA. EMS identification and appreciation of anticoagulants in
trauma patients. NAEMSP Annual Meeting, Jacksonville, FL, January 2009.
*Robinson D, Kolicaj N, Yocum E, Fowler J, Domeier R, Swor R. Analysis of public-access
defibrillation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: Placement and usage. NAEMSP Annual Meeting,
Jacksonville, FL, January 2009.
Swor RA, Clark C, Berman A, Roe E. Hospital processes, not EMS transport times, are crucial
predictors of rapid reperfusion for STEMI patients. American College Emergency Physicians,
Boston, MA, October 2009.
Swor RA, *Medado P, *Robinson D. What is the optimal strategy for field triage of acute
myocardial infarction patients? NAEMSP Annual Meeting, Jacksonville, FL, January 2009.
Swor RA, *Robinson D, Clark C, Berman A, Roe EJ. Hospital processes, not EMS transport
times, are crucial predictors of rapid reperfusion for STEMI patients. SAEM Midwest Regional
Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI, September, 2009.
Swor R. What is the optimal strategy for triaging field ST segment myocardial infarction
patients? Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, New Orleans, LA, May 2009.
Wiederhold H, O’Neil B, Clark C. Sweet? HbA1C screening in low risk chest pain patients
admitted to the emergency department observation unit. Michigan College of Emergency
Physicians (MCEP) Emergency Medicine Residents Association of Michigan (EMRAM)
Research Forum, Lansing, MI, April 2009.
Wiederhold H, O’Neil B, Clark C. Sweet? HbA1C screening in low risk chest pain patients
admitted to the emergency department observation unit. Society of Academic Emergency
Medicine (SAEM) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, May 2009.
Wiederhold H, Swor R, O’Neil B, *Robinson D, Clark C. The utility of HbA1C screening in low
risk chest pain patients in the emergency department observation unit. Society of Academic
Emergency Medicine SAEM Midwest Regional Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI, September 21, 2009.
Wiederhold H, Swor R, O’Neil B, *Robinson D, Clark C. The utility of HbA1C screening in low
risk chest pain patients in the emergency department observation unit. American College of
Emergency Physicians (ACEP) Scientific Assembly, Boston, MA, October 5-8, 2009.
Yaldou B, Swor RA, *Robinson D. Public access defibrillator placement and use in two
suburban communities. SAEM Midwest Regional Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI, September 2009.
Research Presentations:
Bastani A, Anderson W, Rocchini A, Lazarus J, Ishioka N, Hunt-Walch R, et al. Initiating
medical therapies in the cardiac catheterization lab decreases door-to-balloon time for acute ST
elevation myocardial infarction. SAEM Midwest Regional Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI, September
Emergency Medicine
Research Presentations: continued
Bastani A, Hunt-Walch R, Young E, Kayyali H. Screening electroencephalograms are feasible
and identify potential subclinical seizure activity in emergency department patients. SAEM
Midwest Regional Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI September 2009.
Joines P. Can EMS exclude need for neurosurgical care using a Glasgow coma scale of 15?
SAEM Midwest Regional Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI, September 2009.
Peacock IV W, Hoekstra J, Krucoff M, Diercks D, Clark C, Grines C, et al. Early objective
identification of chest pain patients at very low risk of 30-day adverse outcomes. Annals of
Emergency Medicine, 54(3):2, September 2009. SAEM Midwest Regional Meeting, Ann Arbor,
MI, September 2009.
Ziadeh J. The efficacy of tamsulosin in the treatment of ureteral stones in emergency
department patients. SAEM Midwest Regional Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI, September 2009.
Ziadeh J, Clark C, Hutchinson C, Swor R, McHugh A, O’Neil B. Efficacy of non-nursing triage
personnel in the evaluation of acute ST elevation MI: A retrospective review. Society of
Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, May, 2009. Pub, Academic
Emergency Medicine 16:4(1):112, April 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Compton S, Grace H, Madgy A, Swor RA. Post-traumatic stress disorder sympotomatology
association with witnessing unsuccessful prehospital CPR. Academic Emergency Medicine
Goldlust E, Walton E, Stanley R, Yard E, Garst B, Erceg L, Comstock R, Cunningham R. Injury
patterns at US and Canadian overnight summer camps: First year of the Healthy Camp Study.
Injury Prevention. 2009;15:413-417.
Singer AJ, Birkhahn RH, Guss D, Chandra A, Miller CD, Bastani A, et al. Rapid emergency
department heart failure outpatients trial (REDHOT II): A randomized controlled trial of the effect
of serial B-type natriuretic peptide testing on patient management. Circ Heart Fail. 2009 Jul;
Rokos I, French W, Koenig W, et al [Swor RA, Berman A]. Ten regional STEMI Receiving
Center (SRC) networks independently exceed national D2B alliance benchmark. JACC
Interventions, 2009:2(4):339-346.
Swor RA, Lucia V, McQueen K, Comptom S. Hospital costs and revenue are similar for
resuscitated out of hospital cardiac arrest and acute myocardial infarction patients. Acad Emerg
Med, 2009.
Emergency Medicine
Chapters and Books:
Bork S, Ditkoff J, Hang BS. Nausea and vomiting. Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine, 7th Edition,
McGraw-Hill, New York; 2008:9(71), 2009.
Witkos M, Uttaburanont M, Lang C, Haddad R. Effects of anemia on rehabilitation outcomes in
elderly patients in the post-acute care setting. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation: July/September
2009–25(3 ):222-230.
Other Publications (non peer-reviewed):
Hang BS, Rocco VJ, Wilson J. Street drugs BZP and TFMPP can be mistaken for Ecstasy.
Clinical and Forensic News Toxicology, March 2009.
Murray C, Rocco V, Wilson J. Case study: Designer drugs pose diagnostic challenge. Clinical
& Forensic Toxicology News, September, 2009.
Website Contributions, Video Clips, or other Multi-Media Contributions:
Roe EJ, Sanford JM, Hang BS. Labor and delivery, perimortem cesarean delivery. E-Medicine;
Barton E, Ripley T, Mulhem E, Lick D, Haveman J. Compliance of medications after
discharge in the elderly. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting,
Montreal, Canada, November, 2009.
Koestner D, Lick D. Abdominal pain, urinary retention, and abdominal mass–an unusual case
presentation of metastatic mucinous adenocarcinoma of the appendix with pseudomyxoma
peritonei. 32nd Annual Michigan Family Medicine Research Day, Brighton, MI, May 21, 2009.
Husseinali A. Hand hygiene. 59th Annual Clinic Day, Beaumont Grosse Pointe, April 2009. 32nd
Annual Michigan Family Medicine Research Day, Brighton, MI, May 2009.
Manczak D. Begin again: Use of narrative in complex chronic illness. 32nd Annual Michigan
Family Medicine Research Day, Brighton, MI, May, 2009.
Ng J, Milback C. Can we improve osteoporosis screening in primary care? 32nd Annual
Michigan Family Medicine Research Day, Brighton, MI, May, 2009.
Research Presentations:
Copeland J, Sharma J, Mulhem E, Amin M, Hunter S. Type-specific human papillomavirus
DNA detection in atypical glandular cells Pap tests. Southeast Michigan Center for Medical
Education Research Forum, Rochester, MI, May 2009.
Ebert C, Dzebo R, Mulhem E. A new strategy for use of the Affirm VPIII as a secondary
diagnostic test in women with vaginitis symptoms. 32nd Annual Michigan Family Medicine
Research Day, Brighton, MI, May, 2009.
Mulhem E. Type-specific human papillomavirus DNA detection in atypical glandular cells Pap
tests. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada,
November, 2009.
Mulhem E. A new strategy for use of the Affirm VPIII as a secondary diagnostic test in women
with vaginitis symptoms. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting,
Montreal, Canada, November, 2009.
Sharma J, Copeland J, Mulhem E, Amin M, Hunter S. Type-specific human papillomavirus
DNA detection in atypical glandular cells Pap tests. 39th Annual Residents and Fellows
Research Forum, Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI, June 10, 2009.
Van Dyke A, Eckleberry-Hunt J, Misch P. Creating a division of behavioral medicine within the
department of family medicine: One programs journey. 117th Annual Convention of the American
Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada, August 6-9, 2009.
Family Medicine
Research Presentations: continued
Varughese J, Mulhem E, Lick D, Barton E, Ripley T, Havemen J. Compliance of medications
after discharge in the elderly. 32nd Annual Michigan Family Medicine Research Day, Brighton,
MI, May, 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Eckleberry-Hunt J, Lick D, Boura JA, Balasubramaniam, M, Hunt, R, Mulhem E, et al, [Fisher
C]. An exploratory study of resident burnout and wellness. Academic Medicine, 8484(2):269277. February, 2009.
Eckleberry-Hunt J, Lick D, Boura JA, Hunt R, Balasubramaniam M, Mulhem E, et al, [Fisher
C]. Resident physician burnout: Who needs help, and why won’t they get it. 2009 Annals of
Behavioral Science and Medical Education 15(2):6-10.
Eckleberry-Hunt J, Van Dyke A, Lick D, Tucciarone J. Changing the conversation from
burnout to wellness. Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 2009.
Eckleberry-Hunt J, Van Dyke A, Stucky K, Misch P. Attaining medical staff membership and
privileges for psychologists: A case study. Professional Psychology Research and Practice,
Cappell MS. Recent hospital policy changes to cut length of stay to cut costs: Same day major
surgery, accelerated discharge, and changing inpatient to outpatient consults: A patient and
academic gastroenterologist’s perspective. Minerva Gastroenterol Dietol 2009; 55(4):505-506.
Kumar U, Gorrepati N, Konda A, Duffy M. Cholestatic jaundice as a presenting feature of nonhodgkins lymphona (NHL). American College of Gastroenterology Annual Meeting, San Diego,
CA, October 23-28, 2009. Am J Gastroenterol 2009;104 Suppl 3:S288-S318.
Nojkov B, Cappell M. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography after recent myocardial
infarction. American College of Gastroenterology Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, October 2328, 2009. Am J Gastroenterol 2009; 104 Suppl 3:S248.
Platte I, Batke M, Boyce DA, Cappell M, Chindris A. Primary malignant melanoma of the
esophagus: Case report and review of the literature. American College of Gastroenterology
Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, October 23-28, 2009. Am J Gastroenterol 2009; 104 Suppl
Platte I, Batke M, Cappell M. IVIG for refractory Clostridium difficile colitis in an immunosuppressed patient. American College of Gastroenterology Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA,
October 23-28, 2009. Am J Gastroenterol 2009; 104 Suppl 3:S319.
Platte I, Batke M, Cappell M, Duffy M, Desai T. Eosinophilic esophagitis and Barrett’s
esophagus: A study of 31 patients. American College of Gastroenterology Annual Meeting, San
Diego, CA, October 23-28, 2009. Am J Gastroenterol 2009; 104 Suppl 3:S35.
Samala NR, Cappell M, Konda A, Amin M. A proposed unified theory for pseudomelanosis
duodeni: Mucosal iron overload from iron containing medications and GI bleeding or abnormal
iron metabolism from excessive hepcidin. American College of Gastroenterology Annual
Meeting, San Diego, CA, October 23-28, 2009. Am J Gastroenterol 2009; 104 Suppl 3:S275.
Samala NR, Gorrepati N, Patel A. Metachronous renal cancer to duodenum and colon
presenting with gastrointestinal bleed. American College of Gastroenterology Annual Meeting,
San Diego, CA, October 23-28, 2009. Am J Gastroenterol 2009; 104 Suppl 3:S318-S351.
Tyagi S, Batke M, Ghaith G, Eisenberg L, Cappell M. Adenocarcinoma arising from an inlet
patch: Case report and literature review. American College of Gastroenterology Annual Meeting,
San Diego, CA, October 23-28, 2009. Am J Gastroenterol 2009; 104 Suppl 3:S209.
Tyagi S, Gorrepati N, Patel A. Liver as the first and only metastatic site for prostate cancer: A
rare presentation. American College of Gastroenterology Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA,
October 23-28, 2009. Am J Gastroenterol 2009; 104 Suppl 3:S288-S318.
Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Research Presentations:
Neumann DA, Lahr B, Pardi DS, Murray JA. Clinical characteristics of patients with concurrent
celiac disease and microscopic colitis. Digestive Disease Week, Chicago, IL, May 30-June 4,
Platte I, Batke M, Cappell MS, Duffy M, Desai T. Eosinophilic esophagitis and Barrett’s
esophagus: A study of 31 patients. American College of Gastroenterology, San Diego, CA,
October 23-28, 2009.
Platte I, Chindris A, Boyce D, Batke M, Cappell MS. Primary malignant melanoma of the
esophagus: Case report and review of the literature. American College of Gastroenterology, San
Diego, CA, October 23-28, 2009.
Platte I, Batke M, Cappell MS. IVIG for refractory Clostridium difficile colitis in an immunosuppressed patient. American College of Gastroenterology, San Diego, CA, October 23-28,
Samala NR, Gorrepati N, Patel A. Metachronous renal cancer to duodenum and colon
presenting with gastrointestinal bleed. American College of Gastroenterology, San Diego, CA,
October 23-28, 2009.
Tyagi S, Batke M, Ghaith G, Eisenberg L, Cappell MS. Adenocarcinoma arising from an inlet
patch: Case report and literature review. College of Gastroenterology, San Diego, CA, October
23-28, 2009.
Tyagi S, Gorrepati N, Patel A. Liver as the first and only metastatic site for prostate cancer: A
rare presentation. American College of Gastroenterology, San Diego, CA, October 23-28, 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Cappell MS. Advice for a career in academic gastroenterology: From fellowship application
through job selection and contract negotiations to research and promotion. Minerva
Gastroenterol Dietol 2009; 55(1):101-110.
Cappell MS. A more than one-hundred-fold higher per capita rate of authorship of five
democratic nations versus their relatively undemocratic neighboring nations among 6,437
articles in 14 medical journals: Does democracy promote intellectual creativity and medical
research? Dig Dis Sci 2009; 54(8):1609-1620.
Cappell MS. Injury to endoscopic personnel from tripping over exposed cords, wires, and tubing
in the endoscopy suite: A preventable cause of potentially severe workplace injury. Dig Dis Sci
September 3, 2009.
Cappell MS. Problems with combining together EGD, PEG, flexible sigmoidoscopy, and
colonoscopy to analyze risks of procedures after MI: A call for stratifying risk according to
individual endoscopic procedures. J Clin Gastroenterol 2009; 43(1):98-99.
Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Peer-Reviewed Articles: continued
Cappell MS. Extension of an excellent pilot study to a quantitative analysis of the
pathophysiology of de Quervain disease associated with colonoscopy. Gastrointest Endosc
2009; 70(5):1050.
Cappell MS, Amin M, Courtney JT. Black macular patches from preoperative endoscope
tattooing: An endoscopic, surgical, gross pathologic, and microscopic study. Dig Dis Sci
December 3, 2009.
Cappell MS. The water jet deformation sign: A novel provocative colonoscopy maneuver to help
diagnose an inverted colonic diverticulum. South Med J 2009; 102(3):295-298.
Cappell MS. Nurses make the difference. Gastroenterol Nurs 2009; 32(3):216-217.
Cappell MS. A resident or fellow’s dilemma: A medically incorrect order by a direct clinical
supervisor. Dig Dis Sci January 22, 2009.
Cappell MS. Universal lessons learned by a gastroenterologist from a deaf and mute patient:
The importance of nonverbal communication and of establishing patient rapport and trust. Am
Ann Deaf 2009; 154(3):274-276.
Cappell MS, Inglis B, Levy A. Two case reports of gastric ulcer from pressure necrosis related
to a rigid and taut percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy bumper. Gastroenterol Nurs 2009;
Gerasymchuk L, Swami A, Carpenter CF, Samarapungavan D, Batke M, et al. Case of
fulminant leptospirosis in a renal transplant patient. Transplant Infectious Disease 2009;
Hazan TB, Gamarra FN, Stawick L, Maas LC. Nissen fundoplication and gastrointestinal-related
complications: A guide for the primary care physician. South Med J 2009; 102(10):1041-1045.
Konda A, Savin MA, Cappell MS, Duffy MC. Radiation microsphere-induced gastrointestinal
ulcers following selective internal radiation therapy for hepatic tumors: An under-recognized
entity. Gastrointest Endosc 2009; 70(3):561-567.
Chapters and Books:
Cappell MS. Gastrointestinal vascular malformations or neoplasms: Arterial, venous,
arteriovenous and capillary. In Yamada T, Alpers D, Kalloo AN, et al., eds. Textbook of
Gastroenterology. 5th ed. Chichester (West Sussex), United Kingdom, Wiley-Blackwell, pp 27852810; 2009.
Cappell MS, Lebwohl O. Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. In Lebwohl M, Heymann W,
Berth-Jones J, Coulson I, eds.Treatment of Skin Disease: Comprehensive Therapeutic
Strategies, 3rd ed. London, Saunders (Elsevier), pp 296-298, 2009.
Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Website Contributions, Video Clips, or other Multi-Media Contributions:
Cutler A, Robinson M, Murthy A, DeLemos B. Rabeprazole 20 mg for erosive esophagitisassociated symptoms in a large, community-based study: Additional results. Dig Dis Sci 2009;
26 June.
Fields J. Ascites. eMedicine 2009.
Balachandran Nair G. Outcomes of hypercarbic respiratory failure in obese patients. American
College of Physicians Associates Meeting, Traverse City, MI, September 26, 2009.
Balachandran Nair G. Phenytoin induced lung injury - a diagnostic puzzle. American College of
Physicians Associates Meeting, Traverse City, MI, October 25-26, 2009.
Berghea R. Non-medical use of prescription stimulants as a cause of subarachnoid
hemorrhage. American College of Physicians Associates Meeting, Sterling Heights, MI, May 8,
Chanamolu S. Lung cancer and atypical facial pain: A case report and literature review.
American College of Physicians Associates Meeting, Sterling Heights, MI, May 8, 2009.
Co M. An unusual tumor with an unusual presentation. American College of Physicians
Associates Meeting, Traverse City, MI, September 26, 2009.
Co M. Doc, I have maggots in my urine. American College of Physicians Associates Meeting,
Sterling Heights, MI, May 8, 2009.
Davila F. Cancer of unknown primary: A pleasant outcome after a sinister diagnosis. American
College of Physicians Associates Meeting, Traverse City, MI, September 25-26, 2009.
Dino D. Idiopathic pulmonary vein thrombosis in a 95 year old female. American College of
Physicians Associates Meeting, Traverse City, MI, September 25-26, 2009.
D'Souza A. All that wheezes is not asthma. American College of Physicians Associates
Meeting, Traverse City, MI, September 25-26, 2009.
Kenaya J. Clinical manifestations of elevated IgE levels in hospitalized patients. American
Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, February 26March 2, 2010. American College of Physicians Associates Day, Auburn Hills, MI, May 14,
Kizilbash S, Nadeau L. Patterns in the care of oligodendrogliomas and oligoastrocytomas: A
single center experience. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2009 May; 27(15S):e13034.
Lopez C, Khan I, Kizilbash S, Ravikrishnan K. Disseminated nocardiosis in a patient with
systemic lupus erythematosus. American College of Physicians Michigan Chapter Associates
Meeting; Sterling Heights, MI, May 8, 2009. First Place Award.
Marinescu V. Severe bycytopenia, an uncommon presentation of B12 deficiency in a patient
with Crohns disease. American College of Physicians Associates Meeting, Traverse City, MI,
September 25-26, 2009.
General Internal Medicine
Abstracts/Posters: continued
Marinescu V. Bilateral adrenal infarcts in a patient with catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome.
American College of Physicians Associates Meeting, Traverse City, MI, September 25-26, 2009.
Marinescu V, Petrina M, Gardi D, Elder M, Schreiber T. Antegrade-retrograde technique in
chronictotal occlusion endovascular revascularization in limb salvage procedures - a case study.
Cardiovascular Research Technologies Conference, Washington, DC, March 4-6, 2009.
Mishra P. Vancomycin as a cause of immune mediated thrombocytopenia. American College of
Physicians Associates Meeting, Sterling Heights, MI, May 8, 2009.
Mukherjee S. Metastatic breast cancer associated with antisynthetase syndrome:
Paraneoplastic phenomenon or a chance association? American College of Physicians
Associates Meeting, Traverse City, MI, September 25-26, 2009.
Mumtaz S. Cardioembolic stroke: All that embolizes is not thrombus. American College of
Physicians Associates Meeting, Traverse City, MI, September 25-26, 2009.
Nojkov B, Cappell M. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography after recent
myocardial infarction. American College of Gastroenterology 2009 National Meeting, San Diego,
CA, October 23-29, 2009.
Nojkov B, Signori C, Konda A. Lenalidomide-induced hepatoxicity: A case report. American
College of Gastroenterology 2009 National Meeting, San Diego, CA, October 23-29, 2009.
Platte I. IVIG for refractory Clostridium difficile colitis in an immunosuppressed patient.
American College of Gastroenterology 2009 National Meeting, San Diego, CA, October 25,
Platte I. Primary malignant melanoma of the esophagus - case report and review of the
literature. American College of Gastroenterology 2009 National Meeting, San Diego, CA,
October 25, 2009.
Platte I. Eosinophilic esophagitis and Barrett's esophagus: A study of 31 patients. American
College of Gastroenterology 2009 National Meeting, San Diego, CA, October 25, 2009.
Ram B, Khan I, Kizilbash S. Tertiary syphilis presenting as isolated bilateral vision loss.
American College of Physicians Michigan Chapter Associates Meeting; Sterling Heights, MI,
May 8, 2009.
So N. Cough syrup and muscle stiffness. American College of Physicians Associates Meeting,
Traverse City, MI, September 25-26, 2009.
Thakur A, Norkina O, Lum L. In vitro immunization of human PBMC using targeted activated
Tcells to induce specific primary humoral antibody responses against breast cancer.
International Society for Biological Therapy of Cancer 24th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC,
October 29-31, 2009.
General Internal Medicine
Abstracts/Posters: continued
Tyagi S, Batke M, Wiessend W, Ghaith G, Cappell M. Adenocarcinoma arising from an inlet
patch: Case report and literature review. American College of Gastroenterology Annual Meeting,
San Diego, CA, May, 2009.
Tyagi S, Konda A, Wiesend W, Stojanovic A. Gastrointenstinal amyloidosis associated with
B-cell lymphoproliferative disorder: A rare occurrence. American College of Gastroenterology
Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, May, 2009.
Tyagi S, Gorrepati N, Weisend W, Patel A. Liver as the first and only metastatic site for
prostate cancer: a rare presentation. American College of Gastroenterology Annual Meeting,
San Diego, CA, May, 2009.
Zalesin KC, Franklin BA, Lillystone M, Shamoun T, Krause K, Chengelis D, et al, [Mucci S,
Shaheen KW]. Differential loss of fat and lean mass in the morbidly obese after bariatric
surgery. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases 2009; 5:S29, Dallas TX, June 24, 2009.
Awarded ASMBS outstanding poster recognition.
Research Presentations:
Bukovec F. The correlation of hospital sleep and hospital satisfaction in a 1061-bed major
academic center in the United States. 39th Annual Residents and Fellows Research Forum,
Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI, June 10, 2009.
Neyou A. Determinants of markedly elevated B-type natriuretic peptide in patients with STsegment elevation myocardial infarction. 39th Annual Residents and Fellows Research Forum,
Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI, June 10, 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Zalesin KC, Franklin BA, Lillystone M, Shamoun T, Krause K, Chengelis D, et al, [Mucci S,
Shaheen KW]. Differential loss of fat and lean mass in the morbidly obese after bariatric
surgery. Met Syn and Relat Disord, 2009 Nov 24. PMID: 19929598.
Zalesin KC, Franklin B, Miller W, Veri S, Odom J, McCullough PA. Beyond bariatric surgery:
The ultimate challenge of facilitating lifestyle changes. Formerly Obese Patients Lifestyle
Medicine, 2009.
Adams K, Voytas J, Evoe S, Lewis-Henley K. Pain management on transfer from hospital to
nursing home: How well are we doing? 39th Annual Residents and Fellows Research Forum,
Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI, June 10, 2009.
Campbell C, Harrison B, Ferrari M, Maddens M, Whall A. Retrospective evaluation of cognitive
features associated with impulsivity related to falls in hospital older adults. Beaumont Hospitals
6th Annual Nurse's Week Poster Presentations, Royal Oak, MI, May 4-8, 2009.
Haq J, Voytas J. The insulin sliding scale: Does it exist in the nursing home? 39th Annual
Residents and Fellows Research Forum, Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI, June 10, 2009.
Patel J, Voytas J. DVT Prophylaxis on transfer from hospital to nursing home: How well are we
doing? 39th Annual Residents and Fellows Research Forum, Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak,
MI, June 10, 2009.
Ferrari M, Harrison BE, Wulff J, Campbell C, Maddens ME, Whall AL. Predictive factors
associated with impulsivity related falls in hospitalized, older adults. The Gerontological Society
of America, Atlanta, GA, November 18-22, 2009. Gerontologist 2009; 49(SI-2);94.
Research Presentations:
Dino D, Voytas J. Idiopathic pulmonary vein thrombosis in a 95 year old female. American
College of Physicians, Traverse City, MI, September 26, 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Voytas J. Predictors of 30 day hospital readmission in nursing home residents. JAMDA D-0900178, 2009.
Website Contributions, Videoclips, or other Multi-Media Contributions:
Voytas J. Truth and consequences, falls prevention: Maximizing safety and quality of life
throughout the continuum of care. Royal Oak, MI, November 18, 2009.
Muslimani A, Spiro T, Chaudhry A, Taylor H, Vashist P, Jaiyesimi I, et al. Modified
international prognostic score (IPS) for predicting the need for bone marrow biopsy (BMB) in
Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (HL). American Society of Hematology, New Orleans, LA, December
Ravipati A, Wills S, Kresge C, McConnell D, *Decker D. The effects of estring and vagifem on
plasma estradiol in women with breast cancer. Michigan Association of Physicians of Indian
Origin (MAPI) Conference, Troy, MI, June 2009.
Ravipati A, Wills S, Nguyen M, Cothery J, Jaiyesimi I, Margolis J, Zakalik D, *Decker D.
Scalp hypothermia for the prevention of chemotherapy induced alopecia in patients receiving a
combined chemotherapy regimen with adriamycin and cytoxan. Michigan Association of
Physicians of Indian Origin (MAPI) Conference, Troy, MI, June 2009.
Venuturumilli P, Wills S, *Decker D. Letrozole versus anastrozole and exemestane for
estrogen suppression in breast cancer patients. Michigan Association of Physicians of Indian
Origin (MAPI) Conference, Troy, MI, June 2009.
Venuturumilli P, Wills S, *Decker D, Jaiyesimi I. Do lung cancer patients who are discussed
in the thoracic tumor board survive longer than those who are not? Michigan Association of
Physicians of Indian Origin (MAPI) Conference. Troy, MI, June 2009, 2nd Place Winner.
Wills S, Ravipati A, Nguyen M, Jaiyesimi I, Margolis J, Zakalik D, *Decker D. Minimizing
chemotherapy induced alopecia with scalp hypothermia in breast cancer patients. San Antonio
Breast Cancer Symposium, San Antonio, TX, December 10-15, 2009.
Wills S, Ravipati A, Venuturumilli P, Folkerd E, Dowsett M, Hayes D, *Decker D. The effects
of vaginal estrogens (VE) on serum estradiol (E2) levels in postmenopausal breast cancer
survivors receiving an aromatase inhibitor (AI) or a selective estrogen receptor modulator
(SERM). San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, San Antonio, TX, December 10-15, 2009.
Research Presentations:
Wills S, Ravipati A, Venuturumilli P, Folkerd E, Dowsett M, Hayes D, *Decker D. The effects
of vaginal estrogens (VE) on serum estradiol (E2) levels in postmenopausal breast cancer
survivors receiving an aromatase inhibitor (AI) or a selective estrogen receptor modulator
(SERM). San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, San Antonio, TX, December 10-15, 2009.
Wills S. Role of a cystein-rich protein formulation versus casein in patients with weight loss
related to advanced lung cancer and/or treatment (HLMCC 0801). Moffitt CCOP Research Base
HLMCC 6th Annual Group Meeting, Tampa, FL, February 9, 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Bhagavathi S, Micale MA, Douglas-Nikitin V, Ballouz S, Neumann K, Blenc AM. Composite
biclonal marginal zone lymphoma of lung and chronic lymphocytic leukemia in a patient. Int J
Surg Pathol, April 15, 2009.
Kaseb AO, Hanbali A, Cotant M, Hassan MM, Wollner I, Phillip PA. Vascular endothelial growth
factor in the management of hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer. 2009, 115(21):4895-4906.
Kizilabsh S, Nadeau L. Patterns in the care of oligodendrogliomas and oligoastrocytomas: A
single center experience. JCO. 2009 May;27(15S):e13034.
Muslimani AA, Spiro TP, Chaudhry AA, Taylor HC, Jaiyesimi I, Daw HA. Aromatase inhibitorrelated musculoskeletal symptoms: Is preventing osteoporosis the key to eliminating these
symptoms? Clin Breast Cancer. 2009 Feb;9(1):34-8.
Muslimani AA, Spiro TP, Chaudhry AA, Taylor HC, Daw HA. Venous thromboembolism in
lymphoma: How effectively are we treating patients? Am J Clin Oncol. 2009, 32,3,227.
Muslimani A, Spiro T, Chaudhry A, Taylor H, Jaiyesimi I, Daw H. Venous thromboembolism in
patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance. Clin. Adv. Hem Onc, 2009,
7(12); 827-832.
Tang B, Malysz J, Douglas-Nikitin V, Zekman R, Wong RH, Jaiyesimi I, et al. Correlating
metabolic activity with cellular proliferation in follicular lymphomas. Mol Imaging Biol. 2009 SepOct;11(5):296-302.
Chapters and Books:
Jardines L, Haffty BG, Royce M, Jaiyesimi I. Stages III and IV breast cancer. In Pazdur R, Coia
LR, Hoskins WJ, Wagman LD (eds): Cancer Management: A Multidisciplinary Approach, 12th
edition, Ch. 8, Manhasset, NY, CMPMedica, 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Caughran JL, Vicini FA, Kestin LL, Dekhne NS, Benitez PR, Goldstein NS. Optimal use of
re-excision in patients diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer by excisional biopsy treated
with breast-conserving therapy. Ann Surg Oncol 2009 Nov;16(1):3020-7.
Molano I, Shah PP, Sheth A, Robinson-Dunn BR, Carpenter CF. Recovery or susceptibility of
Pseudomonas aeruginosa after a formulary substitution of moxifloxacin for levofloxacin.
Infectious Diseases Society of America 47th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, October 2009.
Sims M, Sawarynski K, Gerasymchuk L, Band J. Molecular analysis of healthcare-associated
MDR-acinetobacter and community acquired strains of MDR-acinetobacter. 49th Interscience
Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC), San Francisco, CA,
November 2009.
Swami A, Gerasymchuk L, Keller P, Sims M, Band J. Emergence of healthcare-associated
multidrug resistant acinetobacter. A comparison to carbapenem-sensitive cases. 47th Annual
Meeting of the IDSA, Philadelphia, PA, October 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
de Sanctis JT, Oostendorp SB, Boyanton Jr BL, Robinson-Dunn B, Hughes M, Olson K, Sims
M. An unusual cause of vertigo with positive 14-3-3 protein in cerebrospinal fluid. Infect Dis Clin
Pract 2009 March;17(2):127-129.
Gerasymchuk L, Swami A, Carpenter CF, Samarapungavan D, Batke M, et al. Case of
fulminant leptospirosis in a renal transplant patient. Transplant Infectious Disease 2009;
Seder CW, Villalba MR, Robbins J, Ivascu FA, Carpenter CF, Villalba MR, et al. Early
colectomy may be associated with improved survival in fulminant Clostridium difficile colitis: An
8-year experience. The American Journal of Surgery 2009; 197(3):302-7.
Chapters and Books:
Band JD. Diagnosis of intravenous catheter-related infections. In Rose B ed. Up To Date in
Medicine. BDR Publications, Inc., Wellesley, MA, 2009.
Band JD. Treatment of intravascular catheter-related infections. In Rose B ed. Up To Date in
Medicine. BDR Publications, Inc., Wellesley, MA, 2009.
Band JD, Gaynes R. Prevention of intravascular catheter-related infections. In Rose B ed. Up
To Date in Medicine. BDR Publications, Inc., Wellesley, MA, 2009.
Website Contributions, Video Clips, or other Multi-Media Contributions:
Gerasymchuk L, Swami A, Carpenter CF, Samarapungavan D, Szela J, Robinson-Dunn B, et
al. A case of fulminant leptospirosis in a renal transplant patient. Transplant Infectious Diseases,
June 23, 2009.
Dumler F, Kosuri R. Use of RIFLE criteria for the evaluation of acute kidney injury in
a geriatric medical intensive care unit population. 20th Annual Dialysis Conference, Houston, TX,
Zhang PL, Samarapungavan D, Parasuraman R, Forinola M, Cohn S, Dumler F, et al. Kidney
injury molecule-1 staining helps confirm acute tubular injury in type-1 acute antibody mediated
rejection. 42th Annual Meeting, American Society of Nephrology, San Diego, CA, 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Dumler F. Dietary sodium and arterial blood pressure. J Ren Nutr 19: 57-60; 2009.
Agrawal V, Mukherjee S, Kosuri R, Dumler F. Anemia management with darbepoetin-alfa in
outpatient hemodialysis patients switched from epoetin-alfa: A community hospital experience.
Am J Ther Sep 29, 2009.
Chapters and Books:
Dumler F. Editorial Boards: Advances in Transplantation. Associate Editor, Clinical Nephrology
2002 to 2009, ASAIO Journal, Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Klaver AC, Patrias LM, Loeffler DA, Digambaranath JL, Finke JM. Measurement of natural
antibodies to abeta1-42 in intravenous immunoglobulin: Comparison between indirect and
sandwich ELISAs. Society for Neuroscience. Chicago, IL, October 17-21, 2009.
Patrias LM, Klaver AC, Loeffler DA. ELISA measurement of intravenous immunoglobulin
antibodies to alpha-synuclein. Society for Neuroscience. Chicago, IL, October 17-21, 2009.
Digambaranath JL, Campbell TV, Colby RE, House BJ, Klaver AC, Walby CB, et al, [Loeffler
DA]. Structural profiling of amyloid proteins by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET).
Society for Neuroscience. Chicago, IL, October 17-21, 2009.
Digambaranath JL, Campbell TV, Williams KK, Loeffler DA, Klaver AC, *Zhang L, et al. Atomic
level study of abeta 1-40 peptide aggregate structures. Biophysical Society. Boston, MA,
February 28-March 4, 2009.
Research Presentations:
Loeffler DA. Alzheimer's disease update. Department of Chemistry, Oakland University,
Rochester, MI, January 21, 2009.
Loeffler DA, Wilhelm M. Self-determination and the autism spectrum. Oakland University
Quality of Life Symposium, Rochester, MI, May 11, 2009.
Loeffler DA. Veterinarian, virologist, cancer immunologist, neuroscientist: It’s been an
interesting trip. Oakland University Diversity in Bioengineering Day, Rochester, MI, July 15,
Loeffler DA, Finke JM. Biomarkers for soluble oligomers in Alzheimer's disease. Oakland
University-Beaumont Biomedical Research Symposium, Rochester, MI, September 30, 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
*Camp DM, Loeffler DA, Farrah DM, Borneman JN, LeWitt PA. Cellular immune response
to intrastriatally implanted allogeneic bone marrow stromal cells in a rat model of Parkinson's
disease. J Neuroinflammation 2009 Jun 5; 6:17.
Klaver AC, Finke JM, Digambaranath JL, Balasubramaniam M, Loeffler DA. Antibody
concentrations to abeta1-42 monomer and soluble oligomers in untreated and antibodyantigen-dissociated intravenous immunoglobulin preparations. Int Immunopharmacol 2009
Oct 17. Int Immunopharmacol. 2010 Jan;10(1):115-9. Epub 2009 Oct 17.
Agrawal V, Agarwal M, Barnes MA, Ghosh AK, McCullough PA. Internal medicine resident’s
knowledge of chronic kidney disease complications and management: A national survey. National
Kidney Foundation 2009 Spring Clinical Meetings, Nashville, TN, March 25, 2009;43: I22.
Agrawal V, Agarwal M, Samarapungavan D, McCullough PA. Long term outcomes of contrast
induced acute kidney injury in renal transplant recipients. National Kidney Foundation 2009
Spring Clinical Meetings, Nashville, TN, March 25, 2009; 83:I184.
Kalatizidis R, Li S, Wang C, Chen SC, McCullough PA, Bakris G. Hypertension in early-stage
kidney disease: An update from the Kidney Early Evaluation Program. National Kidney
Foundation 2009 Spring Clinical Meetings, Nashville, TN, March 25, 2009; 80:I170.
Kosiborod M, McCullough PA, Rao S, Inzucchi SE, Maddox TM, Masoudi FA, et al.
Hyperglycemia and risk of acute kidney injury after coronary angiography in patients
hospitalized with acute myocardial infarction. J Am Coll Cardiol 2009;53(10):A382.
Li S, Chen SC, Vassaloti J, Norris K, McCullough PA, Bakris G, Collins A. Predictors of selfreferred repeat CKD screening in the Kidney Early Evaluation Program (KEEP). National Kidney
Foundation 2009 Spring Clinical Meetings Nashville, TN, March 25, 2009; 48: I42.
McCullough PA, Whaley-Connell A, Brown WW, Collins AJ, Chen SC, Li S, et al.
Cardiovascular risk modification in chronic kidney disease patients with coronary disease:
Results from the Kidney Early Evaluation Program (KEEP). Cynthiana, KY, May 12, 2009. J Am
Coll Cardiol 2009;53(10):A224.
Trivax JE, Franklin BA, Goldstein JA, Chinnaiyan KM, Gallagher MJ, deJong AT, et al
[McCullough PA]. Acute cardiac effects of marathon running: Evidence for right heart overload.
2009 American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Orlando, FL, November 18, 2009.
Circulation 2009;120 (18): S513.
Miller WM, Veri S, McCullough PA, Franklin BA. Children improve nutritional knowledge,
increase physical activity and reduce body mass through a multidisciplinary school intervention.
2009 American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting; 2009 May 27; Seattle, WA.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2009;41(5):S1543.
Miller WM, Franklin BA, Veri S, Maaz Y, Jameel J, McCullough PA. Is degree of obesity
associated with childhood obesity treatment outcomes? The Obesity Society’s Annual Scientific
Meeting; Washington, DC, October 26, 2009. Obesity 2009;17(2):S184.
Whaley-Connell A, Sowers JR, McCullough PA, Roberts T, McFarlane SI, Chen SC, et al.
Diabetes mellitus and CKD awareness: The Kidney Early Evaluation Program and the National
Health and Nutrition and Examination Survey. National Kidney Foundation 2009 Spring Clinical
Meetings, Nashville, TN, March 25, 2009; 52: I60.
Zalesin KC, Franklin BA, Lillystone M, Shamoun T, Krause K, Chengelis D, et al [McCullough
PA]. Differential loss of fat and lean mass in the morbidly obese after bariatric surgery. Surgery
for Obesity and related Diseases 2009, Washington, DC; 5: S29. Outstanding Poster Award.
Research Presentations:
McCullough PA. Nutritional and metabolic aspects of chronic kidney disease mineral and bone
disorder. Chronic Renal Nurses Association, Dallas TX, January 6, 2009.
McCullough PA. Critical concepts in the progression of atherosclerosis.18th Annual
Cardiovascular Conference, Beaver Creek, CO, February 9, 2009.
McCullough PA. New molecular targets in the treatment of atherosclerosis. 18th Annual
Cardiovascular Conference, Beaver Creek, CO, February 9, 2009.
McCullough PA. Sudden cardiac death in patients with renal disease.18th Annual
Cardiovascular Conference, Beaver Creek, CO, February 12, 2009.
McCullough PA. Nutritional and metabolic aspects of chronic kidney disease mineral and bone
disorder. American Nephrology Nurses Association, Renal Update 2009: Celebrate Life, Seattle,
WA, March 13, 2009.
McCullough PA. Recent evidence into the pathophysiology of cardiovascular calcification in
chronic kidney disease. National Kidney Foundation Symposium 2009 Spring Clinical Meetings,
Exploring Recent Evidence Related to Cardiovascular Calcification and Chronic Kidney
Disease, Nashville, TN, March 27, 2009.
McCullough PA. Chronic kidney disease: Implications for patients with CAD managing the high
risk coronary patient. I2 Summit, American College of Cardiology Annual Scientific Sessions,
Orlando, FL, March 30, 2009.
McCullough PA. Acute cardiac effects of marathon running. CLINIMEX, Clínica de Medicina do
Exercício, Rio deJaniero, Brasil, April 14, 2009.
McCullough PA. Interface entre doenca renal e cardiovascular: O rim mata o coracao ou o
coracao mata o rim? Da para evitar esse extermino? Terapeutica Cardiovascular International,
Hospital Espanhol, Salvador, Brasil, April 17, 2009.
McCullough PA. A angiotomografia coronaria deve ser empregada em todo paciente com do
toracica de risco baixo-moderado? Terapeutica Cardiovascular International, Hospital Espanhol,
Salvador, Brasil, April 17, 2009.
McCullough PA. Conferencia Internacional: Opportunidades para aperfeicoar o tratamento da
insuficiencia cardiaca avancada/descompensada. Terapeutica Cardiovascular International,
Hospital Espanhol, Salvador, Brasil, April 17, 2009.
McCullough PA. Nutritional and metabolic aspects of chronic kidney disease mineral and bone
disorder. North Carolina Council on Renal Nutrition, Greensboro, NC, April 23, 2009.
McCullough PA. Invasive versus non-invasive coronary angiography: Guidelines for achieving
optimal outcomes. Annual Scientific Sessions of the Society for Cardiac Angiography and
Intervention, Las Vegas, NV, May 7, 2009.
Research Presentations: continued
McCullough PA. Obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome: Prevention/treatment options
National Conference: Advances in Heart Disease Prevention and Rehabilitation: Help Patients
Help Themselves, Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI, May 8, 2009.
McCullough PA. The case for calcium acetate as the first line phosphate binder. National
Kidney Foundation Renal Professionals Forum, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, June 26, 2009.
McCullough PA. Vascular calcification. DCMS Nephrology Conference. Duke University
Medical Center Studios, Durham, NC, September 8, 2009.
McCullough PA. Update on the impact of iodinated contrast on interventional procedures.
Allegheny General Hospital, Drexel University School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, September 9,
McCullough PA. Importance of chronic kidney disease in the CAD patient. 2009 Geisinger
Cardiology Update, Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PA, September 23, 2009.
McCullough PA. Practical management of obesity for the cardiologist. 2009 Geisinger
Cardiology Update, Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PA, September 23, 2009.
McCullough PA. Update on cardiovascular biomarkers for your practice. Practical Update in
Cardiology, Pontiac, MI, October 10, 2009.
McCullough PA. Practical management of obesity: What can we do right here, right now?
Michigan State Medical Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Troy, MI, October 21, 2009.
McCullough PA. Cardiorenal syndrome. American Society of Nephrology Annual Scientific
Sessions, Renal Week 2009, San Diego, CA, October 29, 2009.
McCullough PA. Obesity and heart disease. 27th Annual Cardiovascular Symposium, Via
Christi Regional Medical Center, Wichita, KS, October 30, 2009.
McCullough PA. Cardiac biomarkers. 27th Annual Cardiovascular Symposium, Via Christi
Regional Medical Center, Wichita, KS, October 30, 2009.
McCullough PA. Obesity and Heart Disease: Getting to the Heart of the Matter. 4th Annual
Cardiology Symposium: Advances in Cardiovascular Diseases, Prince William Hospital,
Manasses, VA, November 14, 2009.
McCullough PA. The creatinine changes: Now what? Cardiorenal syndromes, Annual Scientific
Sessions, American Heart Association, Orlando, FL, November 16, 2009.
Zalesin KC. Advanced practice session dumping syndrome and hypoglycemia. American
Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Annual Meeting Dallas TX, June 22-24, 2009.
Zalesin KC. Update on Bariatric Surgery. Cardiology Grand Rounds. Beaumont Hospitals,
Royal Oak, MI, November 2, 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Agrawal V, Agarwal M, Ghosh AK, Barnes MA, McCullough PA. Identification and management
of chronic kidney disease complications. A National Survey. Am J Ther. 2009 Nov 14.
Agrawal V, Barnes MA, Ghosh AK, McCullough PA. Questionnaire instrument to assess
knowledge of chronic kidney disease clinical practice guidelines among internal medicine
residents. J Eval Clin Pract. 2009 Aug;15(4):733-8.
Agrawal V, Ghosh AK, Barnes MA, McCullough PA. Perception of indications for nephrology
referral among internal medicine residents: A national online survey. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol.
2009 Feb;4(2):323-8.
Agrawal V, Marinescu V, Agarwal M, McCullough PA. Cardiovascular implications of
proteinuria: An indicator of chronic kidney disease. Nat Rev Cardiol. 2009 Apr;6(4):301-11.
Agrawal V, Rai B, Fellows J, McCullough PA. In-hospital outcomes with thrombolytic therapy in
patients with renal dysfunction presenting with acute ischaemic stroke. Nephrol Dial Transplant.
2009 Nov 27.
Agrawal V, Swami A, Kosuri R, Alsabbagh M, Agarwal M, Samarapungavan D, et al,
[McCullough PA]. Contrast-induced acute kidney injury in renal transplant recipients after
cardiac catheterization. Clin Nephrol. 2009 Jun;71(6):687-96.
Agrawal V, Shah A, Rice C, Franklin BA, McCullough PA. Impact of treating the metabolic
syndrome on chronic kidney disease. Nat Rev Nephrol. 2009 Jul 28.
Agrawal V, Vanhecke TE, Rai B, Franklin BA, Sangal RB, McCullough PA. Albuminuria and
renal function in obese adults evaluated for obstructive sleep apnea. Nephron Clin Pract. 2009
Aug 12;113(3):c140-c147.
Atchley AE, Kitzman DW, Whellan DJ, Iskandrian AE, Ellis SJ, Pagnanelli RA, et al,
[McCullough PA]. Myocardial perfusion, function, and dyssynchrony in patients with heart
failure. Am Heart J. 2009 Oct;158(4 Suppl):S53-63.
Felker GM, Whellan D, Kraus WE, Clare R, Zannad F, Donahue M, et al, [McCullough PA]. Nterminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide and exercise capacity in chronic heart failure. Am Heart J.
2009 Oct;158(4 Suppl):S37-44.
Flynn KE, Lin L, Ellis SJ, Russell SD, Spertus JA, Whellan DJ, et al, [McCullough PA].
Outcomes, health policy, and managed care: Relationships between patient-reported outcome
measures and clinical measures in outpatients with heart failure. Am Heart J. 2009 Oct;158(4
Forman DE, Clare R, Kitzman DW, Ellis SJ, Fleg JL, Chiara T, et al, [McCullough PA].
Relationship of age and exercise performance in patients with heart failure. Am Heart J. 2009
Oct;158(4 Suppl):S6-S15.
Franklin BA, McCullough PA. Cardiorespiratory fitness: An independent and additive marker of
risk stratification and health outcomes. Mayo Clin Proc. 2009 Sep;84(9):776-9.
Peer-Reviewed Articles: continued
Gardin JM, Leifer ES, Fleg JL, Whellan D, Kokkinos P, Leblanc MH, et al, [McCullough PA].
Relationship of doppler-echocardiographic left ventricular diastolic function to exercise
performance in systolic heart failure. Am Heart J. 2009 Oct;158(4 Suppl):S45-52.
Goldfarb S, McCullough PA, McDermott J, Gay SB. Contrast-induced acute kidney injury:
Specialty-specific protocols for interventional radiology, diagnostic computed tomography
radiology, and interventional cardiology. Mayo Clin Proc. 2009 Feb;84(2):170-9.
Horwich TB, Leifer ES, Brawner CA, Fitz-Gerald MB, Fonarow GC, McCullough PA. The
relationship between body mass index and cardiopulmonary exercise testing in chronic systolic
heart failure. Am Heart J. 2009 Oct;158(4 Suppl):S31-6.
Janosz KE, Zalesin KC, Miller WM, McCullough PA, Franklin BA. Impact of surgical and
nonsurgical weight loss on diabetes resolution and cardiovascular risk reduction. Curr Diab Rep.
2009 Jun;9(3):223-8.
Keteyian SJ, Isaac D, Thadani U, Roy BA, Bensimhon DR, McKelvie R, et al, [McCullough PA].
Safety of symptom-limited cardiopulmonary exercise testing in patients with chronic heart failure
due to severe left ventricular systolic dysfunction. Am Heart J. 2009 Oct;158(4 Suppl):S72-7.
Lele S, Shah S, McCullough PA, Rajapurkar M. Serum catalytic iron as a novel biomarker of
vascular injury in acute coronary syndromes. EuroIntervention. 2009 Aug;5(3):336-42.
Lubanski MS, McCullough PA. Kidney's role in hypertension. Minerva Cardioangiol. 2009
McCullough PA. Treatment disparities in patients with acute coronary syndromes and kidney
disease. Eur Heart J. 2009 Mar;30(5):526-7.
McCullough PA. Commentary: contrast-induced nephropathy and long-term adverse events:
Cause and effect? Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2009 Sep 25.
McCullough PA, Agarwal M, Agrawal V. Risks of coronary artery calcification in chronic kidney
disease: Do the same rules apply? Nephrology (Carlton). 2009 Jun;14(4):428-36.
McCullough PA, Chinnaiyan KM. Annual progression of coronary calcification in trials of
preventive therapies: A systematic review. Arch Intern Med. 2009 Dec 14;169(22):2064-70.
McCullough PA, Chinnaiyan KM. Hazards of contrast-induced acute kidney injury in elderly
women. Women’s Health (Lond Engl). 2009 Mar;5(2):123-5.
McCullough PA. Darapladib and atherosclerotic plaque: Should lipoprotein-associated
phospholipase A2 be a therapeutic target? Curr Atheroscler Rep. 2009 Sep;11(5):334-7.
McCullough PA, Hanzel GS. B-type natriuretic peptide and echocardiography in the
surveillance of severe mitral regurgitation prior to valve surgery. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2009 Sep
Peer-Reviewed Articles: continued
McCullough PA, Khan M, James J. Serum cystatin C in the estimation of glomerular filtration
on chronic angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor therapy: An illustrative case report. J Clin
Hypertens (Greenwich). 2009 Nov;11(11):651-5.
McCullough PA, Neyou A. Comprehensive review of the relative clinical utility of B-type
natriuretic peptide and n-terminal pro-b-type natriuretic peptide assays in cardiovascular
disease. Open Heart Failure, 2009, 2, 6-17.
McCullough PA, Tumlin JA. Prostaglandin-based renal protection against contrast-induced
acute kidney injury. Circulation. 2009 Nov 3;120(18):1749-51.
McMurray MD, Trivax JE, McCullough PA. Serum cystatin C, renal filtration function, and left
ventricular remodeling. Circ Heart Fail. 2009 Mar;2(2):86-9.
Miller WM, Franklin BA, Nori Janosz KE, Vial C, Kaitner R, McCullough PA. Advantages of
group treatment and structured exercise in promoting short-term weight loss and cardiovascular
risk reduction in adults with central obesity. Metab Syndr Relat Disord 2009 Oct;7(5):441-6.
Miller WM, Nori Janosz KE, Zalesin KC, McCullough PA. Optimal dietary intake for
cardiovascular risk reduction. Curr Cardiovasc Risk Reports, March 2009;3(2):95-101.
Moe SM, Drüeke TB, Block GA, Cannata-Andía JB, Elder G, Fukagawa M, et al, [McCullough
PA]. Introduction and definition of CKD-MBD and the development of the guideline statements.
Kidney Int Suppl. 2009 Aug;(113):S1-130.
Nori Janosz KE, Zalesin KC, Miller WM, McCullough PA. Treating type 2 diabetes: Incretin
mimetics and enhancers. Ther Adv Cardiovasc Dis. 2009 Oct;3(5):387-95.
O'Connor CM, Whellan DJ, Lee KL, Keteyian SJ, Cooper LS, Ellis SJ, et al, [McCullough PA].
Efficacy and safety of exercise training in patients with chronic heart failure. JAMA. 2009 Apr
O'Connor CM, Whellan DJ, McCullough PA. Understanding heart failure through the HFACTION baseline characteristics. Am Heart J. 2009 Oct;158(4 Suppl):S1-5.
Odom J, Zalesin KC, Washington TL, Miller WM, Hakmeh B, Zaremba DL, et al, [McCullough
PA]. Behavioral predictors of weight regain after bariatric surgery. Obes Surg. 2009 Jun 25.
Pahle AS, Sørli D, Omland T, Knudsen CW, Westheim A, Wu AH, et al, [McCullough PA].
Impact of systemic hypertension on the diagnostic performance of B-type natriuretic peptide in
patients with acute dyspnea. Am J Cardiol. 2009 Oct 1;104(7):966-71.
Piña IL, Kokkinos P, Kao A, Bittner V, Saval M, Clare B, et al, [McCullough PA]. Baseline
differences in the HF-ACTION trial by sex. Am Heart J. 2009 Oct;158(4 Suppl):S16-23.
Peer-Reviewed Articles: continued
Russell SD, Saval MA, Robbins JL, Ellestad MH, Gottlieb SS, Handberg EM, et al,
[McCullough PA]. New York Heart Association functional class predicts exercise parameters in
the current era. Am Heart J. 2009 Oct;158(4 Suppl):S24-30.
Saab G, Whaley-Connell A, McFarlane SI, Li S, Chen SC, Sowers JR, et al, [McCullough PA].
Obesity is associated with increased parathyroid hormone levels independent of glomerular
filtration rate in chronic kidney disease. Kidney Early Evaluation Program Investigators.
Metabolism. 2009 Oct 1.
Soman P, Lahiri A, Mieres JH, Calnon DA, Wolinsky D, Beller GA, et al, [McCullough PA].
Etiology and pathophysiology of new-onset heart failure: Evaluation by myocardial perfusion
imaging. J Nucl Cardiol. 2009 Jan-Feb;16(1):82-91.
Thakkar BV, Hirsch AT, Satran D, Bart BA, Barsness G, McCullough PA. The efficacy and
safety of enhanced external counterpulsation in patients with peripheral arterial disease. Vasc
Med. 2009 Oct 19.
Vanhecke TE, Franklin BA, Miller WM, deJong AT, Coleman CJ, McCullough PA.
Cardiorespiratory fitness and sedentary lifestyle in the morbidly obese. Clin Cardiol. 2009
Vanhecke TE, Franklin BA, Maciejko J, Chinnaiyan K, McCullough PA. Lipoproteins,
inflammatory biomarkers, and cardiovascular imaging in the assessment of atherosclerotic
disease activity. Rev Cardiovasc Med. 2009 Winter;10(1):51-8.
Zalesin KC, Franklin BA, Lillystone MA, Shamoun T, Krause KR, Chengelis DL, et al,
[McCullough PA]. Differential loss of fat and lean mass in the morbidly obese after bariatric
surgery. Metab Syndr Relat Disord. 2009 Nov 24.
Chapters and Books:
Franklin BA, Miller WM, Nori K, McCullough PA. Guidelines for exercise testing in diabetics
starting an exercise program. Contemporary Diabetes: Diabetes and Exercise. Edited by
Regensteiner JC, Reusch JEB, Stewart K, Veves A. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press; 2009:263-277.
Website Contributions, Videoclips, or other Multi-Media Contributions:
McCullough PA. Expert Opinions 2009, Cardiosource CME/CE American College of
Cardiology, Implications of CKD for Patients with CAD, March 13, 2009.
McCullough PA, Biocritique on Choi HY, et al. ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 expression
and apolipoprotein A-I binding are impaired in intima-type arterial smooth muscle cells.
Circulation 2009 6;119(25):3223-31.
Website Contributions, Videoclips, or other Multi-Media Contributions: continued
McCullough PA, Biocritique on Edwards NC, et al. Effect of spironolactone on left ventricular
mass and aortic stiffness in early-stage chronic kidney disease: A randomized controlled trial.
J Am Coll Cardiol 2009 8;54(6):505-12.
McCullough PA, Biocritique on van Kimmenade RRJ, et al, Renal clearance of B-type
natriuretic peptide and amino terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide a mechanistic study in
hypertensive subjects. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2009 Mar 10;53(10):884-90.
McCullough PA, Biocritique on Lederle FA, et al. Outcomes following endovascular vs open
repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm: A randomized trial. JAMA 2009 10;302(14):1535-42,
McCullough PA, Biocritique on Maron DJ, et al. Impact of an initial strategy of medical therapy
without percutaneous coronary intervention in high-risk patients from the Clinical Outcomes
Utilizing Revascularization and Aggressive DruG Evaluation (COURAGE) trial. Am J Cardiol.
2009 Oct 15;104(8):1055-62.
McCullough PA, Biocritique on Szummer K, et al. Influence of renal function on the effects of
early revascularization in non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction: Data from the Swedish WebSystem for Enhancement and Development of Evidence-Based Care in Heart Disease
Evaluated According to Recommended Therapies (SWEDEHEART). Circulation 2009
McCullough PA, interviewing Anker SD, Midregional pro-adrenomedullin (proADM) vs BNP and
NTproBNP as prognosticator in heart failure patients: Results of the BACH multinational trial.
The American College of Cardiology Extended Learning (ACCEL) Audio Journal; Volume 41,
No. 4, April, 2009.
McCullough PA, interviewing Braunwald E. Perspectives on the evolution of AMI
pathophysiology and therapy. The American College of Cardiology Extended Learning (ACCEL)
Audio Journal; Volume 41, No. 6, June, 2009.
McCullough PA, Kowey PR. Antiarrhthymic agents targeting the electrically remodeled atrium.
The American College of Cardiology Extended Learning (ACCEL) Audio Journal; Volume 41,
No. 9, September, 2009.
McCullough PA, Kowey PR. Outpatient initiation of antiarrhythmic drug therapy. The American
College of Cardiology Extended Learning (ACCEL) Audio Journal; Volume 41, No. 6, June,
McCullough PA, Mauri L. Drug-eluting and bare metal stenting in patients with diabetes
mellitus: Results from the Mass-DAC Registry. The American College of Cardiology Extended
Learning (ACCEL) Audio Journal; Volume 41, No. 5, May, 2009.
Website Contributions, Videoclips, or other Multi-Media Contributions: continued
McCullough PA, Jaffe AS. Chronic kidney disease: Implications for acute interventions in
patients with CAD. The American College of Cardiology Extended Learning (ACCEL) Audio
Journal; Volume 41, No. 9, September, 2009.
McCullough PA, Trivax, JE. Cardiac effects of marathon running. Cardiosource Web Site,
American College of Cardiology Foundation. July 29, 2009.
Balachandran Nair G, Ravikrishnan KP. Phenytoin induced lung injury - a diagnostic puzzle.
American College of Physicians Meeting, Traverse City, MI, September 25-26, 2009.
Bukovec F, Begle R. The correlation of hospital sleep and hospital satisfaction in a 1061-bed
major academic center in the United States. 39th Annual Residents and Fellows Research
Forum, Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI, June 10, 2009.
D’Souza A, Ravikrishnan KP. All that wheezes is not asthma. American College of Physicians
Associates Meeting, Traverse City, MI, September 25-26, 2009.
Ravikrishnan KP, Falkowski J, Taberski, N, Fulton M, Italia D. Beaumont lung nodule clinic:
A specialty clinic expediting care nurse navigator model. American College of Chest Physicians.
San Diego, CA, October 31-November 5, 2009.
Website Contributions, Video Clips, or other Multi-Media Contributions:
Agarwal M, Brahmanday G, Bajaj SK, Ravikrishnan KP, Wong C. Revisiting the prognostic
value of preoperative F-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose (F-FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) in
early-stage (1 & II) non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC). Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2009
Nov 14.
Agarwal M, Brahmanday G, Chmielewski GW, Welsh RJ, Ravikrishnan KP. Age, tumor size,
type of surgery, and gender predict survival in early stage (stage I and II) non-small cell lung
cancer after surgical resection. Lung Cancer. 2009 Aug 9.
Agarwal MN, Brahmanday G, *Bajaj SK, Ravikrishnan K, Wong CYO. Revisiting the prognostic
value of preoperative F-18 fluoro-2-deoxyglucose (F-18 FDG) positron emission tomography
(PET) in early stage (I& II) non-small cell lung. Eur J Nucl Med & Molecular Imag DOI 2009.
Beauvais M, Culver-Schultz C, Nagle C. Clean air radiopharmaceutical preparation: Open
laminar flow. J Nucl Med 2009; 50:1973P. Society of Nuclear Medicine 56th Annual Meeting,
Toronto, Canada, June 13-17, 2009.
Campbell JM, Wong CO, Muzik O, Marples B, Joiner M, Burmeister J. Early dose response to
Y-90 Microsphere treatment of metastatic liver cancer by a patient specific method using
SPECT and PET Images. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2009;74(1):313-20.
Chahin L, Balon HR, Palka JC, Fink D. Role of cisternogram in diagnosing spontaneous
intracranial hypotension syndrome (SIH). J Nucl Med 2009; 50:1079P. Society of Nuclear
Medicine 56th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, June 13-17, 2009.
Karama M, Atab A, *Chundru S, Douglas-Nikitin V, Wong CYO, Brepoels LM, et al. FDG
positron emission tomography/computed tomography scan may identify mantle cell lymphoma
patients with unusually favorable outcome. Nucl Med Comm 2009; 30:770-778.
Lang O, Balon H, Fanta J, Votruba J, Vlachova A. Adjuvant brachytherapy of non-small-cell
lung cancer (NSCLC) with I-125 seeds. J Nucl Med 2009; 50:1088P. Society of Nuclear
Medicine 56th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, June 13-17, 2009.
Lang O, Komorousova I, Balon H. Myocardial perfusion images acquired in sitting patients comparison with supine position. J Nucl Med 2009; 50:70P. Society of Nuclear Medicine 56th
Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, June 13-17, 2009.
Schultz CC, Fink-Bennett D, Beauvais M, Campbell J, Sebastian E. Radiation dose trends for
nurses caring for radiation therapy inpatients. J Nucl Med 2009; 50:1636P. Society of Nuclear
Medicine 56th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, June 13-17, 2009.
Tang B, Balon HR, Fink D, Wong O. Ictal brain perfusion SPECT in the preoperative
evaluation of intractable temporal lobe epilepsy. J Nucl Med 2009; 50:1076P. Society of Nuclear
Medicine 56th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, June 13-17, 2009.
Tang B, Douglas-Nikitin V, Khong P, Wong C. Exceptionally low metabolic activity in
aggressive peripheral T-cell lymphoma. J Nucl Med 2009; 50:1672P. Society of Nuclear
Medicine 56th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, June 13-17, 2009.
Tang B, Malysz J, Douglas-Nikitin V, Zekman R, Wong RH, Wong CYO, et al. Correlating
metabolic activity with cellular proliferation in follicular lymphomas. Mol Imaging Biol. May 9,
Wong CYO, Khong PL. Tumor metabolic phenotype. J. Nucl. Med. 2009;50(6):1010-1, May 11,
Nuclear Medicine
Abstracts/Posters: continued
Wong CY, Noujaim D, Fu HF, *Dalal I, Chang CY, Nagle C, et al. Time sensitivity: A parameter
reflecting tumor metabolic kinetics by variable dual time F-18 FDG PET Imaging. Mol Imaging
Biol. Mar 27, 2009; 11(4):283-290.
Wong C, Tang B, Campbell J, Qing F, Lewandowski R, Thie J, et al. FDG PET/CT predicts
extrahepatic metastatic potential for treatment planning and endpoint of liver directed yttrium-90
microsphere therapy of colorectal metastasis. J Nucl Med 2009; 50:1661P. Society of Nuclear
Medicine 56th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, June 13-17, 2009.
Wu D, Wong O, Thie J. Effect of oral glucose loading after standard FDG PET/CT on the
detection of liver metastasis. J Nucl Med 2009; 50:1739P. Society of Nuclear Medicine 56th
Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, June 13-17, 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Tang BT, Douglas-Nikitin V, Balon H, Wong CO, Khong PL, Wong CYO. Exceptionally low
metabolic activity in aggressive peripheral T-cell lymphoma. Nucl Med Comm 2009; 30:838-840.
Other Publications (non peer-reviewed):
Beauvais M, Culver-Schultz C, Nagle C. Clean air radiopharmaceutical preparation: Open
laminar flow. J Nucl Med 2009; 50:1973P. Society of Nuclear Medicine 56th Annual Meeting,
Toronto, Canada, June 13-17, 2009.
Chang CY, Tzao C, Lee SC, Cheng CY, Liu CH, Huang WS, Ku CH, Lee JK, Wong CYO, et al.
Incremental value of integrated FDG PET/CT in evaluating indeterminate solitary pulmonary
nodule for malignancy. Mol Imaging Biol. 2009 Jun 20.
Chang CY, Cheng CY, Shih WJ, Peng GS, Tzeng TW, Chen ES, Huang WS, Wong CYO.
Applications of FDG PET/CT in atherosclerosis and its potential for monitoring therapeutic
responses. J Med Sci 2009;29(3):107-117.
Lang O, Balon H, Fanta J, Votruba J, Vlachova A. Adjuvant brachytherapy of non-small-cell
lung cancer (NSCLC) with I-125 seeds. J Nucl Med 2009; 50:1088P. Society of Nuclear
Medicine 56th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, June 13-17, 2009.
Lang O, Komorousova I, Balon H. Myocardial perfusion images acquired in sitting patients comparison with supine position. J Nucl Med 2009; 50:70P. Society of Nuclear Medicine 56th
Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, June 13-17, 2009.
Nagle C. Editorial: The state of nuclear medicine, 2009: The seen and the unseen, the known
and the unknown. SNM Newsline. J Nucl Med 2009; 50(2):3N-14N.
Schultz CC, Fink-Bennett D, Beauvais M, Campbell J, Sebastian E. Radiation dose trends for
nurses caring for radiation therapy inpatients. J Nucl Med 2009; 50:1636P. Society of Nuclear
Medicine 56th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, June 13-17, 2009.
Atchley J, Bergakker S, Eimers T, Franson H, Penpraise B, Mileto L. The use of high fidelity
simulation in the admissions process: One nurse anesthesia program’s experience. Beaumont
Hospitals 6th Annual Nurse's Week, Royal Oak, MI, May 4-8, 2009.
Campbell C, Harrison B, Ferrari M, Maddens M, Whall, A. Retrospective evaluation of cognitive
features associated with impulsivity related to falls in hospital older adults. Beaumont Hospitals
6th Annual Nurse's Week, Royal Oak, MI, May 4-8, 2009.
Dukatz T, Rosenblatt S, Jahn R, Ramsdell C, Sakharova A, Arndt M, et al, [Henry M, Miller
V, Piper K, Rogers K]. A comparison of evening insulin Glargine (LANTUS) dosing strategies
and preoperative fasting glucose values in patients with diabetes undergoing surgery. Beaumont
Hospitals 6th Annual Nurse's Week, Royal Oak, MI, May 4-8, 2009.
Fisher S, Nowakowski K, Krugger M, Margraf M, Omran F, Rosenblatt S, et al, [Dukatz T,
Mileto L, Hranchook A]. Associated factors of perioperative hypoglycemia in surgical patients.
Beaumont Hospitals 6th Annual Nurse's Week, Royal Oak, MI, May 4-8, 2009.
Fisher S, Nowakowski K, Krugger M, Margraf M, Omran F, Rosenblatt S, et al. Associated
factors of perioperative hypoglycemia in surgical patients. American Association of Nurse
Anesthetists State of the Science General and Oral Poster Sessions. San Diego, CA, August
8-12, 2009.
Research Presentations:
Schultz M, Campbell C. An exploratory investigation on the perspectives of nurses and
patients toward call light use and response time in acute care settings. Beaumont Hospitals
Nurse Executive Forum, Royal Oak, MI, August 12, 2009.
Ferrari M, Harrison B, Wulff J, Campbell C, Maddens M, Whall A. Predictive factors associated
with impulsivity related falls in hospitalized older adults. 62nd Annual Scientific Meeting of
Gerontological Society of America, Atlanta, GA, November 18-20, 2009.
Harrison B, Ferrari M, Campbell C, Maddens M, Whall A. Inattention associated with impulsivity
related falls in hospitalized older adults. Oakland University Beaumont Biomedical Research
Symposium, Rochester, MI, September, 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Harrison BE, Ferrari MA, Campbell C, Maddens M, Whall A. Evaluating the relationship
between inattention and impulsivity related falls in hospitalized older adults. Geriatric Nursing.
November 12, 2009.
Schmidt N, Donofrio J, England D, McDonald L, Motyka C, Mileto L. Extended release epidural
morphine vs. continuous peripheral nerve block for management of postoperative pain following
orthopedic knee surgery: A retrospective study. AANA Journal. 2009 October; 77(5):349-54.
Other Publications (non peer-reviewed):
Fisher S, Nowakowski K, Krugger M, Margraf M, Omran F, Rosenblatt S, et al. Associated
factors of perioperative hypoglycemia in surgical patients. 2009; OU Research 2(1).
Research Presentations:
Andrzejak M, Comstock C. Significance of the low implanted gestational sac. Michigan Section
of American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist (MSACOG) Junior Fellow Research
Forum, Lansing, MI, May 27, 2009.
Budrys N, Frattarelli J, Miller B, Treff N, Tao X, Scott R. The heterozygous genotype for the
estrogen receptor alpha polymorphisms pvuII and xbal results in increased blastocyst formation
and improved implantation rates. Michigan Section of American College of Obstetricians and
Gynecologist (MSACOG) Junior Fellow Research Forum, Lansing, MI, May 27, 2009.
Budrys N. Frattarelli J, Miller B, Treff N, Tao X, Scott R. The heterozygous genotype for the
estrogen receptor alpha polymorphisms pvuII and xbal results in increased blastocyst formation
and improved implantation rates. 39th Annual Residents and Fellows Research Forum,
Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI, June 10, 2009.
Cramton S, Fisher J. The use of TDx-FLMII in predicting fetal lung maturity in fetuses of
diabetic mothers. Is PG necessary? A retrospective review at a large community hospital.
Michigan Section of American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist (MSACOG) Junior
Fellow Research Forum, Lansing, MI, May 27, 2009.
Swanson OF, Hutton L. Outcome of singleton and twin gestations between 34 and 37 weeks.
Michigan Section of American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist (MSACOG) – Junior
Fellow Research Forum, Lansing, MI, May 27, 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Espinoza J, Uckele JE, Starr RA, Lorenz RP, Bronsteen RA, Berry SM. Insights into
angiogenic imbalances during pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 2009; 114:437-40.
Obstetrical Ultrasound & Fetal Imaging
Lee W, Balasubramiam M, Deter RL, Yeo L, Hassan F, Gotsch F, et al. Derivation of new fetal
weight estimation models using fractional limb volume, Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2009; 34:51.
Amula V, Riggs T, Lee W, Cutler N, Bronsteen R, Comstock C. Fetal cardiac growth: New
z-score ranges from 3,000 normal pregnancies. Congenit Heart Dis 2009; 4:413.
Hamill N, Romero R, Kusanovic JP, Vaisbuch E, Lee W, Hassan S, et al. The fetal
cardiovascular response to an increased placental vascular resistance (PVR) measured with
STIC and VOCAL. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2009; 34:72.
Lee W, Balasubramiam M, Deter RL, Yeo L, Hassan S, Gotsch F, et al. Third trimester fetal arm
and thigh fat mass: Their relationship to estimated fetal weight, birth weight and neonatal body
composition. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2009; 34:149.
Lee W, Krisko A, Shetty A, Yeo L, Hassan SS, Gotsch F, et al. Non-invasive fetal lung
assessment using diffusion-weighted imaging. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2009; 34:26-27.
Yeo L, Kim SK, Kim CJ, Balasubramaniam M, Gotsch F, Lee W, et al. Sonographic
chorioamniotic membrane thickness throughout gestation in three different sites: Chorionic
plate, uterine free wall, and cervix. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2009; 34:210.
Yeo L, Vaisbuch E, Kusanovic JP, Balasubramaniam M, Gotsch F, Lee W, et al. A systematic
comparison of the volume of fluid-filled fetal structures using 3D US: A comparison of
SonoAVCTM, VOCALTM, and inversion mode techniques. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2009;
Research Presentations:
Amula V, Riggs T, Lee W, Cutler N, Bronsteen R, Comstock C. Fetal cardiac growth: New
z-score ranges from 3,000 normal pregnancies. Congenit Heart Dis 2009; 4:413. American
Academy of Pediatrics, Washington, DC, October, 2009.
Hamill N, Romero R, Kusanovic JP, Vaisbuch E, Lee W, Hassan S, et al. The fetal
cardiovascular response to an increased placental vascular resistance (PVR) measured with
STIC and VOCAL. 9th World Congress, International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and
Gynecology. Hamburg, Germany, 2009.
Lee W, Balasubramiam M, Deter RL, Yeo L, Hassan F, Gotsch F, et al. Derivation of new fetal
weight estimation models using fractional limb volume. 19th World Congress, International
Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Hamburg, Germany, September, 2009.
First Place Award, Alfred Kratochwil Award.
Obstetrical Ultrasound & Fetal Imaging
Research Presentations continued:
Li J, Lee W, Deter R, Yeo L, Romero R. Statistical shape analysis of fetal limbs: Preliminary
results. Oakland University-Beaumont Biomedical Research Symposium, September, 2009.
Lee W, Krisko A, Shetty A, Yeo L, Hassan S, Gotsch F, Mody S. Non-invasive fetal lung
assessment using diffusion-weighted imaging. 19th World Congress International Society of
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hamburg, Germany, September, 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Aagaard-Tillery K, Malone F, Nyberg D, Porter T, Cuckle H, Comstock CH. Role of secondtrimester genetic sonography after Down syndrome screening. Obstet Gynecol 2009; 114:
Bronsteen RA, Valice R, Lee W, Blackwell S, Balasubramaniam M, Comstock CH. Effect of a
low-lying placenta on delivery outcome. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2009; 33:204-208.
Bukowski R, Malone FD, Porter FT, Nyberg DA, Comstock CH, Hankins GD. Preconceptional
folate supplementation and the risk of spontaneous preterm birth: A cohort study. PloS Med
Comstock CH, Bronsteen RA, Whitten A, Lee W. Paradoxical motion: A useful tool in the
prenatal diagnosis of congenital diaphragmatic hernias and eventrations. J Ultrasound Med
2009; 28:1365-1367.
D’Alton ME, Cleary-Goldman J, Lambert-Messerlian G, Ball RH, Nyberg DA, Comstock CH.
Maintaining quality assurance for sonographic nuchal translucency measurements – lessons
from the FASTER trial. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2009; 33:142-46.
Espinoza J, Uckele JE, Starr RA, Lorenz RP, Bronsteen RA, Berry SM. Insights into
angiogenic imbalances during pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 2009; 114:437-440.
Hamil N, Romero R, Hassa SS, Lee W, Myers SA, Mittal P, et al. Repeatability of fetal cardiac
ventricular volume calculations using spatiotemporal image correlation and virtual organ
computer-aided analysis. J Ultrasound Med 2009;28: 1301-1311.
Lee W, Balasubramaniam M, Deter RL, Hassan SS, Gotsch F. Fetal growth parameters and
birth weight: Their relationship to newborn infant body composition. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol
2009; 33:441-446.
Lee W, Balasubramaniam M, Deter RL, Hassan SS, Gonçalves LF, Romero R. Fractional limb
volume: A soft tissue parameter of fetal body composition. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2009;
Lee W, Balasubramaniam M, Deter RL, Yeo L, Hassan SS, Gotsch F, et al. New fetal weight
estimation models using fractional limb volume. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2009; 34:556-565.
Obstetrical Ultrasound & Fetal Imaging
Peer-Reviewed Articles: continued
Lee W, Balasubramaniam M, Yeo L, Hassan SS, Gotsch F, Kusanovic JP, et al. Iliac crest
angle: A novel sonographic parameter for the prediction of Down syndrome risk during the
second trimester of pregnancy. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2010; 35: 163-171, December 15,
Lee W, Comstock CH, Kazmierczak C, Wilson J, Goncalves LF, Mody S, Yeo L, Romero R.
Prenatal diagnostic challenges and pitfalls for schizencephaly. J Ultrasound Med 2009; 28:13791384.
Lee W, Krisko A, Shetty A, Yeo L, Hassan SS, Gotsch F, et al. Non-invasive fetal lung
assessment using diffusion-weighted imaging. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2009; 34:673-677.
Drenser KA. Randomized prospective clinical study of IOP after 25-gauge pars plana
vitrectomy. American Academy of Ophthalmology, AAO/PAAO 2009 Joint Meeting/Retina
Subspecialty Day, San Francisco, CA, Oct 24-27, 2009.
Faridi OS, *Yalamanchi S, Drenser KA, Williams GA. Chronic macular cystoid degeneration
in proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
(ARVO) Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL, May 3-7, 2009.
Hassan TS, Ho LY, Walsh MK. Consecutive case series using 25-gauge vitrectomy for
retained lens material. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)
Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL, May 3-7, 2009.
Ho LY, *Walsh MK, Hassan TS. 25-gauge vitrectomy for retained lens material. Invest
Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2009 50: E-Abstract 4205.
Ho LY, Garretson BR, Capone Jr AC, Drenser KA, Ruby AJ, Hassan TS, et al, [Williams
GA]. Prospective study of intraocular pressure (IOP) and complications after sutureless pars
plana vitrectomy (PPV) randomized to air versus fluid fill. American Society of Retinal
Specialists (ASRS) Annual Meeting, New York, NY, September 30-October 4, 2009, Abstract
Ho LY, Garretson BR, Capone Jr AC, Drenser KA, Ruby AJ, Hassan TS, et al, [Williams
GA]. Randomized prospective clinical study of intraocular pressure (IOP) after 25-gauge pars
plana vitrectomy (PPV). American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) Annual Meeting, San
Francisco, CA, Oct 24-27, 2009. Abstract 30023124.
Ho LY, Verstraeten T, Sohn E, Eliott D, Dev S, Ruby AJ. Late-onset bleb-associated bacterial
endophthalmitis: Retrospective analysis and outcomes. American Society of Retinal Specialists
(ASRS) Annual Meeting, New York, NY, September 30-October 4, 2009. Abstract 4594.
Ho LY, Garretson BR, Capone Jr AC, Drenser KA, Ruby AJ, Hassan TS, et al, [Williams
GA]. Randomized prospective clinical study of intraocular pressure (IOP) after 25-gauge pars
plana vitrectomy (PPV). American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) Annual Meeting, San
Francisco, CA, October 24-27, 2009. Abstract 30023124.
Ranchod TM, Capone Jr AC, Drenser KA, Trese MT. Anatomic outcomes after surgical
intervention for familial exudative vitreoretinopathy (FEVR). American Academy of
Ophthalmology (AAO) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, October 24-27, 2009.
Trese MT, Ranchod TM. Familial exudative vitreoretinopathy (FEVR): Diagnosis and treatment,
a 25 year perspective. American Society of Retinal Specialists (ASRS) 27th Annual Meeting,
New York, NY, September 30-October 4, 2009.
Ranchod TM, Capone Jr AC, Drenser KA, Trese MT. Anatomic outcomes after surgical
intervention for familial exudative vitreoretinopathy (FEVR). American Society of Retinal
Specialists (ASRS) 27th Annual Meeting, New York, NY, September 30-October 4, 2009.
Abstracts/Posters: continued
Ranchod TM, *Quiram PA, Glasgow B, Hathaway N, Trese MT. Microphthalmia, posterior
lenticonus, persistent fetal vasculature and coloboma: A new syndrome. Investigative
Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences. 2009; 50: Association for Research in Vision and
Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL, May 3-7, 2009.
Williams GA, Tao W. A Phase II study of encapsulated CNTF secreting cell implant (NT-501) in
patients with visual acuity impairment associated with atrophic macular degeneration.
Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting, Fort
Lauderdale, FL, May 3-7, 2009.
Research Presentations:
Drenser KA. Anatomic outcomes after surgery for familial exudative vitreoretinopathy. American
Academy of Ophthalmology, AAO/PAAO 2009 Joint Meeting/Retina Subspecialty Day. San
Francisco, CA, October 24-27, 2009.
Garretson BR. Intraocular pressure after small gauge vitrectomy. 12th Annual Club Vit Meeting,
Park City, UT, July 2009.
Hassan TS. 25-gauge vitrectomy for dropped and retained lens fragments. 6th International
Retina and Vitreous Symposium. Cairo, Egypt, April 2-4, 2009.
Hassan TS. Autologous plasmin enzyme liquefies vitreous, creates a PVD, and enhances
vitreous removal using a handheld portable vitrectomy device. 6th International Retina and
Vitreous Symposium. Cairo, Egypt. April 2-4, 2009.
Hassan TS. 25-gauge vitrectomy for dropped crystalline lens. Congreso Asosiacion
Oftalmologica de Costa Rica 2009. Playa Herradura, Costa Rica. August 20-22, 2009.
Ho LY, *Walsh MK, Hassan TS. 25-gauge vitrectomy for retained lens material. Association for
Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL, May 3-7,
Ho LY, Garretson BR, Capone Jr AC, Drenser KA, Ruby AJ, Hassan TS, et al, [Williams
GA]. Prospective study of intraocular pressure (IOP) and complications after sutureless pars
plana vitrectomy (PPV) randomized to air versus fluid fill. American Society of Retinal
Specialists (ASRS) Annual Meeting, New York, NY, September 30-October 4, 2009.
Ho LY, Garretson BR, Capone Jr AC, Drenser KA, Ruby AJ, Hassan TS, et al, [Williams
GA]. Randomized prospective clinical study of intraocular pressure (IOP) after 25-gauge pars
plana vitrectomy (PPV). American Academy of Ophtalmology (AAO) Annual Meeting, San
Francisco, CA, October 24-27, 2009.
Williams GA. New concepts in retinal neuroprotection. Atlantic Coast Retinal Club, Macula
2009, New York, NY, January 2009.
Research Presentations: continued
Williams GA. Neuroprotection in AMD. Macula of Paris, Paris, France, January 2009.
Williams GA. Laser surgery for macular edema, intraocular surgery for macular edema,
vitreolysis for diabetic macular edema, microplasmin for vitreomacular traction. Retinal
Neuroprotection, MEACO 2009, Bahrain, March, 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Balasubramaniam M, Capone Jr A, Drenser K, Trese M. Design and analysis of ophthalmic
studies. In response to: Kemper AR, Wallace DK and Quinn GE. Systematic review of digital
imaging screening strategies for retinopathy of prematurity. Pediatrics 2009; 122:825-830.
Cohn AD, *Quiram PA, Drenser KA, Trese MT, Capone Jr A. Surgical outcomes of epiretinal
membranes associated with combined hamartoma of the retina and retinal pigment epithelium.
RETINA 2009; 29:825-830.
Drenser KA. Anti-angiogenic therapy in the management of retinopathy of prematurity. Dev
Ophthalmol. 2009; 44:89-97.
Faridi OS, Ho LY, Trese MT. Intrauterine ocular trauma simulating abusive head trauma.
Retinal Cases and Brief Reports, November 2009.
Fecko A, Ho LY, *Walsh MK, Williams GA. Intravitreal bevacizumab and ranibizumab for
choroidal neovascularization secondary to endogenous endophthalmitis. Retinal Cases and
Brief Reports, November 2009.
Garretson BR. I-125 brachytherapy for choroidal melanoma photographic and angiographic
abnormalities: The collaborative ocular melanoma study: COMS Report No. 30. H. Culver Boldt
MD, B. Michele Melia ScM, Judy C. Liu MD, Sandra M. Reynolds MA, for The Collaborative
Ocular Melanoma Study Group. Ophthalmology 2009; 116:106-115.
Garretson BR. Effect of ruboxistaurin on the visual acuity decline associated with long-standing
diabetic macular edema. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2009; 50:1-4.
Garretson BR. Statin use and the incidence of advanced age-related macular degeneration in
the complications of age-related macular degeneration prevention trial. Ophthalmology 2009;
Hassan TS. Description of the age-related eye disease study 9-step severity scale applied to
participants in the complications of age-related macular degeneration prevention trial. Arch
Ophthalmol 2009; 127(9):1147-1151.
Hassan TS. Risk factors for second eye progression to advanced age-related macular
degeneration. Retina 29:1080-1090, 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles: continued
Hassan TS. Statin use and the incidence of advanced age-related macular degeneration in the
complications of age-related macular degeneration prevention trial. Ophthalmology 2009;
Ho LY, Doft BH, Wang L, Bunker CH. Clinical predictors and outcomes of pars plana vitrectomy
for retained lens material. AJO 2009; 147(4):587-594.
Ho LY, Goldenberg DG, Capone Jr A. Retinal pigment epithelial tear in the shaken baby
syndrome. Arch Ophthalmol 2009; 127(11):1547-8.
Ho LY, *Walsh MK, Hassan TS. 25-Gauge pars plana vitrectomy for retained lens fragments.
Retina, December 2009.
Ranchod TM, Capone Jr A, Drenser KA, Trese MT. Anatomic outcomes after surgical
intervention for familial exudative vitreoretinopathy (FEVR). Retina Congress 2009, New York,
Ranchod TM, Drenser KA, Capone Jr A. Progress seen in ROP diagnosis and treatment.
Review of Ophthalmology. 2009; 16(8):60-64.
Ranchod TM, Goldenberg DT, Trese MT. The physiologic consequences of vitreous
composition. Encyclopedia of the Eye, 2009.
Ranchod TM, Goldenberg DT, Trese MT. Pharmacologic vitreodynamics. International
Ophthalmology Clinics. 2009; 49(2):135-40.
Ruby AJ. Statin use and the incidence of advanced age-related macular degeneration in the
complications of age-related macular degeneration prevention trial, 2009. Ophthalmology 23812385, 2009.
Weiner A, *Cohn AD, Balasubramaniam M, Weiner AJ. Glaucoma tube shunt implantation
through the ciliary sulcus in pseudophakic eyes with high risk of corneal decompensation.
J Glaucoma, December 30, 2009.
Chapters and Books:
Drenser KA. Retinopathy of prematurity. Gandorfer A (ed): Pharmacology and Vitreoretinal
Surgery. Anti-angiogenic therapy in the management of retinopathy of prematurity. Dev
Ophthalmol, Basel, Karger, 2009; 44:89-97.
Ranchod TM, Capone AC. Pediatric retinal surgery. In Albert D, Lucarelli M. Clinical Atlas of
Procedures in Ophthalmic Surgery, 2nd Edition.
Ranchod TM, Goldenberg DT, Trese MT. The physiologic consequences of vitreous
composition. Encyclopedia of the Eye, 2009.
Website Contributions, Video Clips, or other Multi-Media Contributions:
Balasubramaniam M, Capone Jr A, Drenser K, Trese M. Design and analysis of ophthalmic
studies. In response to: Kemper AR, Wallace DK and Quinn GE. Systematic Review of Digital
Imaging Screening Strategies for Retinopathy of Prematurity. Pediatrics 2009; 122:825-830.
Ho LY, Capone A, Turano MR, Merin LM. Anterior segment and fundus photography.
eMedicine from WebMD. Updated September 14, 2009.
Ho LY. I am a leader. Pearls in ophthalmology online 20094(2). June 4, 2009.
Weiner A, *Cohn A, Balasubramaniam M, Weiner A. Glaucoma tube shunt implantation
through the ciliary sulcus in pseudophakic eyes with high risk of corneal decompensation. Jnl of
Glaucoma, 2009; DOI #: 10.1097/IJG.0b013e3181bdb52d.
Other Publications (non peer-reviewed):
Ho LY, Trese MT. Current surgical techniques in the management for retinopathy of
prematurity. Techniques in Ophthalmology 2009; 7(2):78-81.
Cook N, Rohde R, Baker K, Sobol G. Does vacuum assisted wound closure affect tissue
pressures following fasciotomy for compartment syndrome? A cadaver model. 27th Annual
Adrian E. Flatt Residents and Fellows Conference, American Society for Surgery of the Hand,
San Diego, CA, September 2, 2009.
Coyner K, Aho H, Matuszak S, Ensminger S, Miller J,Steinman A, et al, [*Demetropoulos C,
Guettler J, Jurist K]. Contact pressure properties of osteochondral defects of the knee: The
effect of non-vertical walls. 8th World Congress of the International Cartilage Repair Society,
Miami, FL, May 23-26, 2009.
Coyner K, Cooper R, Graves S, Anderson K. Reconstruction of the ACL using an all-inside
minimally invasive surgical technique. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual
Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, February 25-28, 2009.
Kaplan L, Baker E, Baker K, Greene P, Verner J. Radiographical and damage mode analysis
of retrieved unicompartmental knee systems. Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting,
Las Vegas, NV, February 22-25, 2009.
Kaplan L, Shorez J, Baker K, DeLandsheer T. Verner J. Effect of varying antibiotic ratios on
elution from bone cement and the resulting mechanical properties. Orthopaedic Research
Society Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, February 22-25, 2009.
Kempton L, Ramsey N, Wiater PJ. Radiographic evaluation of instrumentation approaching
concave and convex surfaces: A mathematical model. Orthopaedic Trauma Association 2009
Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, October 8-10, 2009.
Kempton L, Wiater JM. Early complication rate for the initial 200 reverse total shoulder
arthroplasties by a single surgeon. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Las Vegas,
NV, February 25-28, 2009.
Matuszak S, Ensminger S, Aho H, Coyner K, Guettler J. An ex vivo biomechanical
comparison of thermal chondroplasty and mechanical debridement on human chondromalacic
cartilage. Arthroscopy Association of North America, San Diego, CA, April 30-May 3, 2009.
Tseng M, Majid K, Baker K, Fischgrund J, Herkowitz H. Biomimetic calcium phosphate
coatings as rhBMP-2 delivery systems in posterolateral lumbar fusion. Orthopaedic Research
Society, Las Vegas, NV, February 22-25, 2009.
Tseng M, Majid K, Baker K, Fischgrund J, Herkowitz H. Biomimetic calcium phosphate
coatings as bone morphogenetic protein delivery systems in spinal fusion. 122nd American
Orthopaedic Association, Bonita Springs, FL, June 12, 2009.
Research Presentations:
Boone C, Kempton L, Wiater M. Early results of bilateral reverse total shoulder arthroplasty.
Michigan Orthopedic Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Mackinac Island, MI, June 18, 2009.
Orthopaedic Surgery
Research Presentations: continued
Boone C, Kempton L, Wiater JM. Early results of bilateral reverse total shoulder arthroplasty.
Detroit Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Troy, MI, May 11, 2009.
Cook N, Rohde R, Baker K, Sobol G. Does vacuum assisted wound closure increase tissue
pressures following fasciotomy for compartment syndrome? A cadaver model. Detroit Academy
of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Troy, MI, May 11, 2009.
Coyner K, Aho H, Matuszak S, Ensminger S, *Demetropoulos C, Guettler J, et al, [Jurist
K]. Contact pressure properties of osteochondral defects of the knee: The effect of nonvertical
walls. Arthroscopy Association of North America, San Diego, CA, April 30-May 3, 2009.
Coyner K, Aho H, Matuszak S, Ensminger S, Miller J, Steinman A, et al [*Demetropoulos C,
Guettler J, Jurist K]. Contact pressure properties of osteochondral defects of the knee: The
effect of nonvertical walls. 2nd Annual OREF Resident Research Symposium, Akron, OH, April
17, 2009.
Coyner K, Cooper R, Graves S, Bradley J, Anderson K. Reconstruction of the ACL using an
all-inside minimally invasive surgical technique. Mid-America Orthopaedic Association, Amelia
Island, FL, April 23, 2009.
Coyner K, Cooper R, Graves S, Anderson K. Reconstruction of the ACL using an all-inside
minimally invasive surgical technique: An update. Detroit Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons,
Troy, MI, May 11, 2009.
Coyner K, Cooper R, Graves S, Anderson K. Reconstruction of the ACL using an all-inside
minimally invasive surgical technique: An update. Michigan Orthopaedic Society Annual
Scientific Meeting, Mackinac Island, MI, June 18, 2009.
Coyner K, Ensminger S, Matuszak S, Miller J, Steinman A, et al, [*Demetropoulos C, Jurist
K, Guettler J]. Contact pressure properties of osteochondral defects of the knee: The effect of
non-vertical walls. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Las Vegas,
NV, February 25-28, 2009.
Crowder T, Baker K. Lumbar spinal instrumentation wear and corrosion particle analysis of T16 AL-4V and 31 6L stainless steel: An animal model. 39th Annual Residents and Fellows
Research Forum, Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI, June 10, 2009.
Dieterle J, Baker K. Biomechanical testing of the tension slide technique for elbow UCL
reconstruction. Michigan Orthopaedic Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Mackinac Island, MI,
June 18, 2009.
Dieterle J, Kempton L, Wiater M, Ankerson E. Two year minimum outcome results and
prosthetic survivorship of reverse total shoulder arthroplasty as a function of patient age. 39th
Annual Residents and Fellows Research Forum, Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI, June 10,
Orthopaedic Surgery
Research Presentations: continued
Dieterle J, Kempton L, Wiater M, Ankerson E. Two year minimum outcome results and
prosthetic survivorship of reverse total shoulder arthroplasty as a function of patient age.
Michigan Orthopaedic Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Mackinac Island, MI, June 18, 2009.
Haemmerle M, Baker K, Brown L. The effect of floseal hemostatic matrix on the rate of
transfusion following total knee arthroplasty. Detroit Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Troy,
MI, May 11, 2009.
Kempton L, Boone C, Wiater JM. A prospective evaluation of reverse total shoulder
arthroplasty clinical outcomes with minimum 2-year follow up. Detroit Academy of Orthopaedic
Surgeons, Troy, MI, May 11, 2009.
Kempton L, Boone C, Wiater M. A prospective evaluation of reverse total shoulder arthroplasty
clinical outcomes with minimum 2-year follow-up. Michigan Orthopaedic Society Annual
Scientific Meeting, Mackinac Island, MI, June 18, 2009.
Kempton L, Ramsey N, Wiater P. Radiographic evaluation of instrumentation approaching
concave and convex surfaces. Detroit Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Troy, MI, May 11,
Kempton L, Ramsey N, Wiater P. Radiographic evaluation of instrumentation approaching
concave and convex surfaces. 39th Annual Residents and Fellows Research Forum, Beaumont
Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI, June 10, 2009.
Kempton L, Wiater JM. Effects of prosthesis positioning and design on the rate of scapular
notching in reverse total shoulder arthroplasty. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, February 25-28, 2009.
Kempton L, Wiater JM. A radiographic analysis of the effect of glenosphere position and
prosthetic design on scapular notching following reverse total shoulder arthroplasty. American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, February 28, 2009.
Kempton L, Wiater JM. A radiographic analysis of the effect of glenosphere position and
prosthetic design on scapular notching following reverse total shoulder arthroplasty. MidAmerica Orthopaedic Association, Amelia Island, FL, April 23, 2009.
Kempton L, Ramsey N, Wiater P. Radiographic evaluation of instrumentation approaching
concave and convex surfaces. Michigan Orthopaedic Society Annual Scientific Meeting,
Mackinac Island, MI, June 18, 2009.
Kersten A, Aho H, Jurist K, Guettler J. The protective effect of the torn meniscus on adjacent
cartilage. Detroit Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Troy, MI, May 11, 2009.
Kersten A, Aho H, Jurist K, Guettler J. The protective effect of the torn meniscus on adjacent
cartilage. Michigan Orthopaedic Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Mackinac Island, MI, June
18, 2009.
Orthopaedic Surgery
Research Presentations: continued
Khalil JG, Banka T, Woods T, Settecerri J. The use of intra-operartive CT scanning in scoliosis
surgery: A report of three challenging cases. Michigan Orthopaedic Society, Mackinac Island,
MI, June 19-21, 2009.
Kibuule LK, Baker K, Maerz T, Studzinski D, Herkowitz H, Fischgrund J. Halt of catabolism
of degenerative chondrocytes with a growth factor-loaded hydrogel. 39th Annual Residents and
Fellows Research Forum, Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI, June 10, 2009.
Leonard Z, Guettler J, Baker K, Aho H. Evaluation of the influence of combined growth factors
and catabolic inhibitors on ACL healing. Michigan Orthopaedic Society Annual Scientific
Meeting, Mackinac Island, MI, June 18, 2009.
Leonard Z, Reddan J, Guettler J, Jurist K. Evaluation of the influence of combined growth
factors and catabolic inhibitors on ACL healing. Oakland University-Beaumont Biomedical
Research Symposium, Rochester, MI, September 30, 2009. Best Paper Award.
Majid K, Stanton P, Fischgrund J, et al. The effectiveness of didactic learning and cadaver
workshops on training surgeons placement of cervical spine instrumentation: A cadaver study
with CT analysis. Cervical Spine Research Society Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, UT,
December 5, 2009.
Matuszak S, Aho H, Ensminger S, Coyner K, Jurist K, Guettler J. Chondral defects in the
human shoulder: Influence of defect size on cartilage rim stress and load redistribution to
surrounding cartilage. American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, Keystone, CO, July
11, 2009.
Matuszak S, Coyner K, Ensminger S, Miller J, Steinman A, Jurist K, et al, [Guettler J].
Contact pressure properties of osteochondral defects of the knee: The effect of non-vertical
walls. Mid-America Orthopaedic Association, Amelia Island, FL, April 25, 2009.
Peers S, Guettler J, Jurist K, Xia Y, Marcantonio D. Are impact athletes predisposed to
osteoarthritis of the knee? Evaluation of early in-season cartilage changes using T1rho MR.
Oakland University-Beaumont Biomedical Research Symposium, Rochester, MI, September 30,
2009. Best Paper Award.
Pflugmacher R, Hierholzer J, Stender G, Hammerstingl R, Truumees E, Wakloo A, et al.
Evaluation of leakage rates for a cement directing kyphoplasty system. 24th Annual
Meeting of the North American Spine Society, San Francisco, CA, November 11, 2009.
Rohde RS, Cook NJ, Baker K, Sobol GV. Does vacuum assisted wound closure (VAC) affect
tissue pressures following forearm fasciotomy for compartment syndrome? A cadaver model.
Annual Meeting of American Association for Hand Surgery, Maui, HI, 2009. Annual
Meeting of American Society for Surgery of the Hand, San Francisco, CA, 2009.
Trocchia A, Aho H, Sobol G. A re-exploration into the use of barbed suture in flexor tendon
repairs: A biomechanical study. Detroit Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Troy, MI, May 11,
Orthopaedic Surgery
Research Presentations: continued
Trocchia A, Aho H, Sobol G. A re-exploration into the use of barbed suture in flexor tendon
repairs: A biomechanical study. Michigan Orthopaedic Society Annual Scientific Meeting,
Mackinac Island, MI, June 18, 2009.
Truumees E. Natural history and evaluation of patients with cervical degenerative disease.
Instructional Course Lecture 369, 2009 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of
Orthopaedic Surgeons, Las Vegas, NV, February 27, 2009.
Tseng M, Majid K, Baker K, Fischgrund J, Herkowitz H. Biomimetic calcium phosphate
coatings as bone morphogenetic protein delivery systems in spinal fusion. Mid-America
Orthopaedic Association, Amelia Island, FL, April 24, 2009.
Tseng M, Majid K, Baker K, Reyes-Trocchia A, Fischgrund J, Herkowitz H. Biomimetic
calcium phosphate coatings as bone morphogenetic protein delivery systems in spinal fusion.
Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation 2009 Midwest Resident Research
Symposium, Chicago, IL, May 29, 2009.
Vaupel Z, Baker E, Baker K, Kurdziel M, Fortin P. Radiographical and damage mode
analyses of retrieved agility total ankle arthroplasty systems. Detroit Academy of Orthopaedic
Surgeons, Troy, MI, May 11, 2009.
Vaupel Z, Baker E, Baker K, Kurdziel M, Fortin P. Radiographical and damage mode
analyses of retrieved agility total ankle arthroplasty systems. Orthopaedic Research Society,
Las Vegas, NV, February 22-25, 2009.
Vaupel Z, Baker K, Baker E, Kurdziel M, Fortin P. Radiographic and damage mode analyses
of retrieved agility total ankle arthroplasty systems. Michigan Orthopaedic Society Annual
Scientific Meeting, Mackinac Island, MI, June 18, 2009.
Vaupel Z, Baker K, Mangla J, Wiater JM. A preliminary report on the influence of glenosphere
design features on the polyethylene wear of reverse total shoulder arthroplasty systems: An
in vitro wear simulation. American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Closed Meeting, New York,
NY, October 26, 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Abdu WA, Lurie JD, Spratt KF, Tosteson A, Zhao W, Tosteson T, et al, [Herkowitz HN].
Degenerative spondylolisthesis. Does fusion method influence outcome? Spine 2009;
Baker K, Bellair R, Manitiu M, Herkowitz HN, Kannan RM. Structure and mechanical properties
of supercritical carbon dioxide processed porous resorbable polymer constructs. J Mech Behav
Biomed Materials 2009 Dec; 2(6):620-626.
*Demetropoulos C, Morgan C, Sengupta D, Herkowitz HN. Development of a 4-axis load cell
used for lumbar interbody load measurements. Med Eng Phys 2009 September, 31(7):846-51.
Orthopaedic Surgery
Peer-Reviewed Articles: continued
Fischgrund JS. The Academy’s Journal (Editorial). J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2009 April,
Fischgrund JS. Orthopaedic Advances (Editorial). J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2009
Frush T, Fisher TJ, Ensminger SC, Truumees E, *Demetropoulos CK. Biomechanical
evaluation of parasagittal occipital plating: Screw load sharing analysis. Spine 2009 April,
Herkowitz HN. Degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis: Evolution of surgical management.
Spine J 2009 July 9(7):605-6.
Hurbanek JG, Anderson K, Crabtree S, Karnes, GJ. Biomechanical comparison of the docking
technique with and without humeral bioabsorbable interference screw fixation. Am J Sports Med
2009; 37(3):526-33.
Kibuule L, Fischgrund JS: Complications of cervical disc arthroplasty. Seminars in Spine
Surgery 2009; 21:185-193.
Kippe M, *Demetropoulos C, Baker K, Jurist K, Guettler J. Failure of coracoclavicular
artificial graft reconstructions from repetitive rotation. The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related
Surgery 2009; 25:(9):975-982.
Kou J, Fortin P. Commonly missed peritalar injuries. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2009;17:775-786.
Kou J, Gates M, *Demetropoulos C, Jurist K, Guettler J. Effects of zone-specific superior
labral detachment on biceps anchor stability. Am J Sports Med 2009; 37(12):2445-24450.
Malone K, Matuszak S, Mayo D, Greene P. The effect of intra-articular epinephrine lavage on
blood loss following total knee arthroplasty. Orthopedics 2009; 32:100-03.
Trocchia A, Aho H, Sobol G. A re-exploration of the use of barbed sutures in flexor tendon
repairs. Orthopedics 2009;32:1:731.
Vaupel Z, Baker E, Baker K, Kurdziel M, Fortin P. Analysis of retrieved agility total ankle
arthroplasty systems. Foot & Ankle International 2009; 30(9):815-823.
Weinstein J, Lurie J, Tosteson T, Herkowitz HN, et al. Surgical compared with nonoperative
treatment for lumbar degenerative spondylolisthesis. J Bone Joint Surg 2009; 91:1295-1304.
Wiater JM, Fabing MH. Shoulder arthroplasty: Prosthetic options and indications. J Am Acad
Orthop Surg. 2009 July, 17(7):415-25.
Witkowski G, Bilkhu S, Siskosky M, Gates M, *Demetropoulos C, Fortin P. Effects of
hindfoot constraint on syndesmotic displacement. Foot & Ankle Intl 2009 April, 30(4):367-374.
Orthopaedic Surgery
Peer-Reviewed Articles: continued
Zimel M, Cizik A, Rapp T, Weisstein J, Conrad E. Megaprosthesis versus condylesparingintercalary allograft. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2009: 467:2813-2824.
Chapters and Books:
Herkowitz H, Francke E. Should patients undergoing decompression for a grade 1
degenerative spondylolisthesis also have an instrumented fusion? In Evidence-Based
Orthopaedics, James Wright (Ed), Saunders 2009:11-15.
Truumees E. Occipito-cervical fusion. In Advanced Spine Reconstruction, Wang J, ed., AAOS,
Chicago, 2009.
Truumees E. Back pain and multilevel disc degeneration. In Prove It: Evidence-Based Analysis
of Common Spine Problems, Bono C, Fisher C eds, 2009.
Weiland AJ, Rohde RS. Acute management of hand injuries. Slack Inc. 2009.
Website Contributions, Video Clips, or other Multi-Media Contributions:
Truumees E. Spinal hemangiomas. SpineLine, September-October 2009.
Amula V, Riggs T, Lee W, Cutler N, Bronsteen R, Comstock C. Fetal cardiac growth: New Z
score ranges from 3,000 normal pregnancies. American Academy of Pediatrics Meeting,
Washington, DC, October 17, 2009.
Amula V, Riggs T, Lee W, Cutler N, Bronsteen R, Comstock C. Fetal cardiac growth: New Z
score ranges from 3,000 normal pregnancies. Pediatric Academic Societies, Baltimore, MD,
May 3, 2009.
Hernandez A, Gebara S, Hernandez. Occult colonic duplication: A case report. NASPGHAN
Annual Meeting, National Harbor, MD, November 13, 2009.
Maisels MJ, Artinian F, Engle W, McManus S, Wainer S. Transcutaneous bilirubin (TcB) levels
in a mixed race outpatient population – use of a new approach. E-PAS 2009:2842.398.
Pediatric Academic Societies, Baltimore, MD, May 3, 2009.
Nayeem J, Folcik-Gerken J, Doshi DR. Delayed hypersensitivity reaction due to a henna
tattoo. American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. Miami, FL, November 5-10, 2009.
Shah A, Gebara S, Truding R, Wiesand WN, Wilson J. The association between immune
dysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy, X-lined (IPEX) syndrome and eosinophilic
esophagitis (EE). Digestive Disease Week. Chicago, IL, May 30-June 4, 2009. Gastroenterology
136:A285, 2009.
Research Presentations:
Amula V, Riggs T, Lee W, Cutler N, Bronsteen R, Comstock C. Fetal cardiac growth: New Z
score ranges from 3,000 normal pregnancies. 39th Annual Residents and Fellows Research
Forum, Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI, June 10, 2009.
Amula V, Riggs T, Lee W, Cutler N, Bronsteen R, Comstock C. Fetal cardiac growth: New Z
score ranges from 3,000 normal pregnancies. American Academy of Pediatrics Meeting,
Washington, DC, October 17, 2009.
Fisher J, Doshi DR. The management of asthma by primary care physicians. 39th Annual
Residents and Fellows Research Forum, Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI, June 10, 2009.
Jain I, Dekelbab BH. The prevalence of abnormal thyroid function studies in obese children
referred to pediatric endocrinology. 39th Annual Residents and Fellows Research Forum,
Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI, June 10, 2009.
Krug EF. The temptation of manipulation. Panel participant on: Sports genetic testing as an
exemplar of ethical and religious boundary setting for new genetic technologies. MERN Annual
Meeting, Brighton, MI, May 1, 2009.
Pediatric Services
Research Presentations: continued
Lee W, Riggs T, Deter RL, Yeo L, Hassan SS, Gotsch F, Kusanovic JP, Goncalves LF, Romero
R. Prospective validation of fetal weight estimation using fractional limb volume. Perinatology
Research Branch, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development. Wayne State University School of Medicine. Detroit, MI, September 17, 2009.
Lee W, Riggs T, Deter RL, Yeo L, Hassan SS, Gotsch F, Kusanovic JP, Goncalves LF, Romero
R. Prospective validation of fetal weight estimation using fractional limb volume.19th World
Congress International Society Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Hamburg, Germany,
September 17, 2009.
Maisels MJ, Artinian F, Engle W, McManus S, Wainer S. Transcutaneous bilirubin (TcB) levels
in a mixed race outpatient population – use of a new approach. E-PAS 2009:2842.398.
Pediatric Academic Societies, Baltimore, MD, May 3, 2009.
Pawich TL, Anan RM. Behavioral treatment of an 11-year-old boy with longstanding, severe
selective mutism. Annual Meeting of the Behavior Analysis Association of Michigan, Ypsilanti,
MI, February 2009.
Shah A, Gebara S, Truding R, Wiesand WN, Wilson J. The association between immune
dysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy, X-lined (IPEX) syndrome and eosinophilic
esophagitis. 2009 Digestive Disease Week. Chicago, IL. May 31, 2009; 566;S1887, 2009.
Steiger J, Steffes B. Late onset group B streptococcal infection acquired in NICU. 39th Annual
Residents and Fellows Research Forum, Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI, June 10, 2009.
Tran M, Gebara S. Prediction of repeat EGD in eosinophilic esophagitis. 39th Annual Residents
and Fellows Research Forum, Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI, June 10, 2009.
Warner LJ, Anan RM, McGillivary JE. Developmental outcomes of intensive parent-training
program for preschoolers with autism. Annual Meeting of the Behavior Analysis Association of
Michigan, Ypsilanti, MI, February, 2009.
Zakaria AA, Moeller JL. The effects of static stretching on injury prevention in young soccer
athletes. 39th Annual Residents and Fellows Research Forum, Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak,
MI, June 10, 2009.
Bieliauskas S, Reyes-Trocchia A, Krasan G, Main C, Trupiano JK. Hodgkin lymphoma
presenting as multiple cavitary pulmonary nodules with associated mediastinal adenopathy and
neck mass. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2009;31:730-733.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Dekelbab BH, Aughton DJ, Levine MA. Pseudohypoparathyroidism type 1A and morbid
obesity in infancy. Endocrine Practice 2009;15:249-253.
Dekelbab BH, About O, Jain I. The prevalence of elevated thyroid stimulating hormone in
obese children and adolescents. Endocr Pract. 2009:Oct;15:1-12.
Pediatric Services
Peer-Reviewed Articles: continued
Dekelbab BH. Mild fasting hyperglycemia in a child. Importance of new genetic tools. Case
report, Review of Endocrinology, 2009;July:5-16.
Dekelbab BH. Genetic testing in neonatal diabetes. Etiology of Diabetes. Review of
Endocrinology, 2009, May:12.
Doshi DR, Weinberger MM. Experience with cyclosporine in children with chronic idiopathic
urticaria. Pediatr Dermatol. 2009:Jul-Aug;26(4):409-13.
Maisels MJ, Bhutani V, Bogen D, Newman T, Stark A, Watchko J. Management of
hyperbilirubinemia in newborn infant 35 or more weeks of gestation: An update with
clarifications. Pediatrics 2009;124(4)1193-1198.
Maisels MJ, DeRidder JM, Kring EA, Balasubramaniam M. Routine transcutaneous bilirubin
measurements combined with clinical risk factors improve the prediction of subsequent
hyperbilirubinemia. J Perinatol 2009;29:612-617.
Maisels MJ. Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and kernicterus – not gone but sometimes forgotten.
Early Human Development. 2009;85(11):727-732.
Riggs T. Cyclical infection prevalence in small groups. Epidemics 1(2):89-95, 2009.
Chapters and Books:
C Hurwitz, J Hilden, J Lewandowski. Neonates, children, and adolescents. Palliative Medicine,
D Walsh editor, Elsevier Press. Philadelphia, PA. 2009, Chapter 194, pp 1071-1079.
Website Contributions, Video Clips, or other Multi-Media Contributions:
Doshi DR. Interview with Dr. Timothy Johnson, Good Morning America on Food allergy in
infants. December 9, 2009.
Other Publications (non peer-reviewed):
Krug EF. Making and keeping human life human. Ethics-In-Formation (Medical Ethics
Resource Network of Michigan) 2009;13(3): 3-4.
Koerber JK, Wang J, Sykes E, Jurado J, Smythe MA. Impact of the 4Ts scoring system and an
IgG-specific ELISA on the potential to over diagnose heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT).
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists 44th Annual Mid-Year Meeting, Las Vegas, NV,
December 6-10, 2009.
Ghannam N, Forsyth L, Natavio A. Medication-use evaluation of intravenous levetiracetam
utilization in a large, private-academic institution. American Society of Health-System
Pharmacists, 44th Annual Mid-Year Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, December 6-10, 2009.
Givens A, Mehta T. Medication use evaluation of recombinant factor 7a in a large, private
academic institution. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Las Vegas, NV,
December 6-10, 2009.
Virant-Young D, Bestul M, Dadayan S, Muench S. Effect of asthma collaborative treatment
(ACT) clinic on patient outcomes. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Las Vegas,
NV, December 6-10, 2009.
Hannawa I, Walker J. Evaluation of a therapeutic interchange to simvastatin in patients on
cyclosporine: Adherence to guidelines and assessment of safety. American Society of HealthSystem Pharmacists, Las Vegas, NV, December 6-10, 2009.
Vitrone K, Mezza D, Shah P. Medication use evaluation: Characterization of use of intraoperative antibiotic irrigation solutions in a large, private-academic institution. American Society
of Health-System Pharmacists, Las Vegas, NV, December 6-10, 2009.
Soni N, Sheth, A, Bestul, D. Evaluation of antibiotic use for febrile neutropenia on an inpatient
oncology unit. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Las Vegas, NV, December 610, 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Smythe MA, Koerber, JM, Forsyth LL, Priziola JL, Balasubramanian M, Mattson JC.
Argatroban dosage requirements and outcomes in intensive care versus non-intensive care
patients. Pharmacotherapy 2009; 29(9):1073-81.
Othe Publications (non peer-reviewed):
Koerber JM. Clopidogrel is thienopyridine leader for atherosclerosis. Clin Foren Tox News,
2009; March; 1,4.
Wilson CM, Viti JA. Utilization of a lumbosacral orthosis in management of septic arthritis of the
hip: A case report. 2009 MPTA Fall Conference, Dearborn, MI, October 2009. Awarded
Outstanding Professional Clinical Poster.
Research Presentations:
Drouin JS, Colombo R, Seidell J, Maltese J, Calcaterra A, Mitchell C, et al. Fatigue and
energy expenditure during radiation for breast cancer. Oakland University-William Beaumont
Hospital Biomedical Research Symposium, Rochester, MI, September 30, 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Wilson CM, Ronan SL. Rehabilitation postfacial reanimation surgery after removal of acoustic
neuroma: A case study. J Neurol Phys Ther. 2010; 34:41-49.
Simon M, Schumacher K, Welsh R, Gates E, Shanley CJ. Utilization of keystone surgery
briefing checklist in general and vascular surgery. ACS NSQIP Conference, National
Conference, Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak. MI, July 2009.
Research Presentations:
Simon M, Schumacher K, Welsh R, Gates E, Shanley CJ. Utilization of keystone surgery
briefing checklist in general and vascular surgery. ACS NSQIP, National Conference, Beaumont
Hospitals, Royal Oak. MI, July 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Berenholtz S, Schumacher K, Hayanga A, Simon M, Goeschel C, Pronovost P, et al, [Shanley
C, Welsh R]. Implementing standardized operating room briefings and debriefings at a large
regional medical center. Joint Commission Journal on Quality & Patient Safety; August 2009,
Adamson JD, Wu Q, Yan D. Adaptive management of intrafraction motion in online image
guided prostate cancer radiotherapy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology
Physics, November 2009; 75(3):S628-S629.
Arthur DW, Todo D, Vicini FA, Julian TB. Initial dosimetric experience: Contura™ multilumen
balloon registry trial. Brachytherapy, April 2009; 8(2):117-118.
Belderbos J, Grills I, Sonke J, Hope A, Guckenberger M, Werner-Wasik M, et al. A multinational
report on methods for delivery of lung stereotactic radiotherapy (SBRT) using online volumetric
image-guidance (VIGRT). International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics,
November 2009; 75(3):S159-S160.
Bojrab D, Martinez Perez E, Grills I, Hahn Y, Pfannenstiel T, Pieper D, et al. Quality of life in
patients treated with gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery for acoustic neuroma.
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, November 2009; 75(3):S518.
Brabbins DS, Krauss D, Chen P, Weiner S., Stromberg JS, Wallace M, et al. Fifteen year
results for stage III serous papillary/clear cell carcinoma and high risk endometrial cancer
patients treated with adjuvant high dose abdomino-pelvic irradiation. International Journal of
Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, November 2009; 75(3):S363-S364.
Buyyounouski MK, Pickles T, Kestin L, Allison R, Williams SG. Validating the interval to
biochemical failure for the identification of potentially lethal prostate cancer. International Journal
of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, November 2009; 75(3):S103-S104.
Chen PY, Wallace M, Mitchell C, Grills I, Kestin L, Fowler A, et al. Four-year efficacy,
cosmesis, and toxicity using three-dimensional conformal external beam radiation therapy to
deliver accelerated partial breast irradiation. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology
Physics, I:10.1016/j.ijrobp.2009.03.012.
Chen PY, Vicini FA, Wallace M, Mitchell C, Gustafson GS, Benitez P, et al. Comparative
analysis of the efficacy of three forms of accelerated partial breast irradiation from a single
institution. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, November 2009;
Downing L, Sawarynski K, Powell K, Williams JP, Finkelstein JN, Sims M, Marples B.
Evaluating pulmonary injury after combined exposures to low-dose low-LET radiation and fungal
spores. Abstracts at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, Savannah, GA,
October 3-7, 2009, pp 141-142.
Duquette JM, Swanson T, Wallace M, Ye H, Grills I, Letts N, et al. Six-year experience
routinely utilizing moderate deep inspiration breath-hold (mDIBH) for reduction of cardiac dose
in left-sided breast irradiation for patients with both early-stage and locally-advanced breast
cancer. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, November 2009; 75(3):
Radiation Oncology
Abstracts/Posters: continued
Fontanesi J, Chen P, Marvin K, Akervall J, Kiedan R, Margolis J, et al. The effect of
differential dosing, using IMRT, on local control in the treatment of advanced head and neck
cancers. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, November 2009;
Ghilezan M, Park S, Ye H, Gustafson G, Brabbins D, Chen P, et al. A modified phoenix
biochemical failure (BF) definition to account for PSA bounce phenomenon for prostate cancer
patients treated with brachytherapy (BT). International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology
Physics, November 2009; 75(3):S311.
*Glide-Hurst CK, Mohammed N, Kestin L, Grills I, Ionascu D, Shah C, et al. Variations in
normal structures over hyperfractionated radiotherapy treatment: Implications for adaptive
radiotherapy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, November 2009;
Gopan E, *Glide-Hurst C, *Hugo G. Breathing pattern changes throughout lung cancer
radiotherapy as indicated by tidal volume. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology
Physics, November 2009; 75(3):S624-S625.
Grills IS, Mangona V, Welsh R, Chmielewski G, McInerney E, Martin S, et al. A comparison of
outcomes after stereotactic lung radiotherapy or wedge resection for stage I non–small-cell lung
cancer. NSCLC International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, November 2009;
Huang J, Kestin L, Ye H, Martinez A, Wallace M, Gjeltema R, et al. Rates of secondary
primary cancers after definitive treatment for prostate cancer using modern radiation therapy
techniques. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, November 2009;
Ionascu D, Martin S, Wloch J, Matuszak M, Grills IS, Yan D. 3D image guided evaluation of
setup accuracy for patients undergoing frameless spine stereotactic radiosurgery. International
Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, November 2009; 75(3):S572-S573.
Kestin LL, Vicini F, Ye H, McGrath S, Ghilezan M, Martinez A. Percentage of positive biopsy
cores is a strong predictor of clinical outcome and overall survival in prostate cancer.
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, November 2009; 75(3):S299-S300.
Kim L. The literature on image-guided partial breast irradiation. International Journal of
Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, October 2009; 75(2):636.
Kim L, Smith S, Yan D. Volumetric modulated arc therapy using a rotating couch: An
accelerated partial breast irradiation planning study. International Journal of Radiation Oncology
Biology Physics, November 2009; 75(3):S732-S733.
Radiation Oncology
Abstracts/Posters: continued
Krauss DJ, Martinez E, Maitz A, Grills I, Ye H, Fontanesi J, et al. Surgical resection of brain
metastases and the risk of leptomeningeal recurrence in patients treated with gamma knife
stereotactic radiosurgery. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics,
November 2009; 75(3):S236-S237.
Krueger SA, McGonagle M, Kovalchuk O, Martinez A, Wilson GD, Marples B. The application
of flow cytometry to examine damage clearance in stem cells from whole-body irradiated mice.
Low Dose Radiation Research Investigators’ Workshop VIII, sponsored by the U.S. Department
of Energy, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Bethesda, MD, April 6-8, 2009.
Krueger SA, McGonagle M, Kovalchuk O, Martinez A, Wilson GD, Marples B. Cellular
damage and repair in hematopoietic stem cells from whole-body low-dose x-irradiated mice.
55th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, Savannah, GA, October 3-7, 2009.
Lanni TB, Grills IS, Kestin LL, Marvin KS, Robertson JM, Shah CS, et al. Stereotactic
radiotherapy reduces treatment cost while improving overall survival and local control over
standard fractionated radiation therapy for medically inoperable non–small cell lung cancer.
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, November 2009; 75(3):S444.
Lee DY, McGrath SD, Yan D, Liang J, Dilworth J, Ghilezan MI, et al. Dose-volume analysis
of predictors for chronic rectal toxicity following treatment of prostate cancer with adaptive
image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT). International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics,
November 2009; 75(3):S299.
Limbacher AL, Ghilezan M, Gustafson G, Chen PY, Mitchell C, Wallace M, et al.
Impact of age on biochemical control in a cohort of intermediate and high-risk prostate cancer
patients treated with high-dose-rate brachytherapy boost combined with pelvic external beam
radiation therapy. Brachytherapy, April 2009; 8(2):174.
Liu T, Woodhouse SA, Shaitelman SF, Zhou J, Wong TJ, Yoshida EJ, et al. Preliminary
demonstration of a radiation-dose response via ultrasound-based skin measurements in breast
cancer radiotherapy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, November
2009; 75(3):S192.
Mangona V, Grills IS, Yan D, McInerney E, Martin S, Kestin LL, et al. Predictors of
pulmonary and other thoracic complications after lung stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) for
primary or metastatic lung tumors: Dose–volume analysis. International Journal of Radiation
Oncology Biology Physics, November 2009; 75(3):S161.
Martin L, Marples B, Coffey M, Lawler M, Hollywood D, Marignol L. Processing of O6MEG
lesions by the mismatch repair system may represent a novel mechanism for low-dose radiation
hypersensitivity. 55th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, Savannah, GA,
October 3-7, 2009.
Radiation Oncology
Abstracts/Posters: continued
Marples B, Downing L, Wilson GD, Martinez AA, Williams JP, Finkelstein JN. A new rapid
methodology for assessing pulmonary damage following low-dose x-irradiation. Int J of
Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, November 2009; 75(3):S546.
Martinez AA, Demanes J, *Vargas C, Schour L, Ghilezan M, Gustafson GS. High-dose-rate
prostate brachytherapy: An excellent accelerated-hypofractionated treatment for favorable
prostate cancer. Am J Clin Oncol, November 30, 2009.
Martinez AA, Ghilezan M, Aloglah LMA, Kernen K, Gustafson G, Ye H, et al. Dose escalated
hypofractionated radiotherapy improve metastasis free and survival for high-intermediate and
high-risk prostate cancer patients. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics,
November 2009; 75(3):S320.
Martinez Perez E, Grills IS, Maitz AH, Hahn Y, Pfannenstiel T, Ye H, et al. Objective and
subjective changes in hearing after gamma knife radiosurgery for acoustic neuromas using a
collaborative neurotology and radiation oncology treatment approach. International Journal of
Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, November 2009; 75(3):S228.
Matuszak M, Yan D, Grills I, Martinez AA. Modulated arc therapy for stereotactic body
radiation therapy: Initial clinical experience. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology
Physics, November 2009; 75(3):S723-S724.
McGrath SD, Antonucci JV, Fitch DL, Ghilezan M, Gustafson GS, Vicini FA, et al [Martinez
AA, Kestin LL]. PSA bounce after prostate brachytherapy with or without neoadjuvant
androgen deprivation. Brachytherapy, October 20, 2009.
McGrath S, Antonucci J, Goldstein N, Wallace M, Mitchell C, Grills IS, et al [Jolly S, Kestin
L, Vicini F]. Long-term patterns of in-breast failure in patients with early stage breast cancer
treated with breast-conserving therapy: A molecular based clonality evaluation. Am J Clin Oncol
2009 Jul 24.
McGrath SD, Matuszak M, Yan D, Kestin L, Martinez A, Grills I. Volumetric modulated arc
therapy for delivery of stereotactic lung radiotherapy: A dosimetric and treatment efficiency
analysis. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, November 2009;
McPhee KA, Calcaterra A, Balasubramaniam M, Boyea G, Wallace M, Flynn C, et al.
A preliminary quality of life assessment of genitourinary and gastrointestinal toxicity comparing
two fractions versus four fractions high dose radiation alone in early prostate cancer patients.
Brachytherapy, April 2009; 8(2):119.
Mohammed N, *Glide-Hurst C, Kestin L, Grills I, Shah C, Ionascu D, et al. Assessment of
radiographic regression, intrafraction (intrafx), and interfraction (interfx) motion of primary lung
tumors and regional lymph nodes during treatment: Implications for adaptive image-guided
radiotherapy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, November 2009;
Radiation Oncology
Abstracts/Posters: continued
Navarro-Martín A, Maitz A, Manders M, Ducharme E, Chen P, Grills IS. Gamma knife
radiosurgery as a primary treatment option for solitary brain metastases from ovarian
carcinoma. Clin Transl Oncol. 2009 May; 11(5):326-8.
Park SS, Grills IS, Kestin LL, Mitchell C, Martinez AA, Vicini FA. Ten year outcomes for
regional nodal failure in early stage breast cancer patients treated with breast conserving
therapy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, November 2009;
Rebner M, Grills IS, Vicini F. Should screening MRI be included in surveillance for patients
treated with breast-conserving therapy? National Clin Pract Oncology, 2009 Jan; 6(1):8-9.
Robertson JM, Söhn M, Yan D. Predicting grade 3 acute diarrhea during radiation therapy for
rectal cancer using a cutoff-dose logistic regression normal tissue complication probability
model. August 2009, International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics,
Shah C, Grills IS, Hugo GD, Wloch J, Martin S, Yan D. Variation of tumor baseline position
during daily CBCT-guided stereotactic body radiotherapy of lung cancer. International Journal of
Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, November 2009; 75(3 Suppl):S115-S116.
Shaitelman SF, Grills IS, Liang J, Zhuang L, Mangona V, Yan D, et al. A comprehensive
dose-volume analysis of predictors of pneumonitis and esophagitis following radiotherapy for
non–small cell lung cancer. NSCLC International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology
Physics, November 2009; 75(3):S468.
Stromberg JS, Kestin LL, Gustafson GS, Vicini FA, Ghilezan MI, Martinez AA.
Improved outcome with combined pelvic external beam radiation and HDR boost brachytherapy
or IMART compared with conventional external beam prostate radiation for elderly men with
high-intermediate to high-risk prostate cancer. International Journal of Radiation Oncology
Biology Physics November 2009; 75(3):S337-S338.
Suen AW, Galoforo S, Marples B, Robertson JM, Wilson GD. Synergy of sorafenib and
radiation in colorectal and pancreatic cancer. Int J of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics,
November 2009; 75(3):S68.
Swanson TA, Marples B, Grills I, Galoforo S, Schoenherr DM, Krueger SA, et al, [Martinez
AA, Wilson GD]. TMPRSS2/ERG fusion gene expression alters radio-responsiveness in cell
culture models of androgen independent prostate cancer. International Journal of Radiation
Oncology Biology Physics, November 2009; 75(3):S19.
Vicini FA, Beitsch P, Quiet C, Keleher A, Garcia D, Snider H, et al. Five-year analysis of
treatment efficacy and cosmesis by the American society of breast surgeons mammosite breast
brachytherapy registry trial in patients treated with accelerated partial breast irradiation. APBI
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, November 2009; 75(3):S75-S76.
Radiation Oncology
Abstracts/Posters: continued
Vicini F, Winter K, Wong J, Pass H, Rabinovitch R, Chafe S, et al. Initial efficacy results of
RTOG 0319: Three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy (3D-CRT) confined to the region of
the lumpectomy cavity for stage I/II breast carcinoma. International Journal of Radiation
Oncology Biology Physics, 11 November 2009 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2009.06.067.
Wallace M, Krauss D, Martinez A, Weiner S, Mitchell C, Chen PY, et al. Long-term outcome
of adjuvant high-dose whole abdominopelvic irradiation for patients with stage I/II endometrial
cancer with high-risk pathologic features including serous papillary/clear cell. International
Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, November 2009; 75(3):S358.
Wallace M, Martinez A, Mitchell C, Chen P Y, Ghilezan, M, Benitez P, et al. Phase I/II
study evaluating early tolerance in breast cancer patients undergoing accelerated partial breast
irradiation treated with the mammosite balloon breast brachytherapy catheter using a 2-day
dose schedule. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, September 22,
2009, DOI:10.1016/j.ijrobp.2009.05.043.
Wilson GD, Suen A, Robertson J, Galoforo S, Marples B. Sorafenib and radiation: A
promising combination in colorectal and pancreas cancer. ASCO Annual Meeting, American
Society of Clinical Oncology, Orlando, FL, May 29-June 1, 2009.
Yan D., Liang J, Chi Y. Model identification adaptive control process: Clinical application for
head-and-neck cancer adaptive radiotherapy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology
Biology Physics, November 2009; 75(3):S72.
Zhang T, Xu X, Schulze D, Yan D, Martinez A. Tetrahedron beam computed tomography
(TBCT): A novel online imaging system for image guided radiotherapy. International Journal of
Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, November 2009; 75(3):S636-S637.
Research Presentations:
Adamson J, Yan D, Wu Q. Adaptive management of intrafraction motion in online image
guided prostate cancer radiotherapy. 51st Annual ASTRO Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 1-5,
Artz G, Chan E, Chen P, Laroure M, Pieper D, Grills IS, et al. Persistent vestibulopathy
following stereotactic radiotherapy for acoustic neuromas: A prospective and objective analysis.
Annual Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, May 28, 2009.
Bojrab D, Grills IS, Maitz A, Hahn Y, Pfannenstiel T, Ye H, et al. Quality of life in patients
treated with gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery for acoustic neuroma. 51st Annual ASTRO
Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 1-5, 2009.
Brabbins D, Krauss D, Chen P, Weiner S, Stromberg J, Cook E, et al. Fifteen year results
for stage III serous-papillary/clear cell carcinoma and high risk endometrial cancer patients
treated with adjuvant high dose abdominopelvic irradiation. 51st Annual ASTRO Meeting,
Chicago, IL, November 1-5, 2009.
Radiation Oncology
Research Presentations: continued
Chan EY, Bojrab DI, Chen PY, LaRouere MJ, Pieper DR, Grills IS, et al. Persistent
vestibulopathy following stereotactic radiotherapy for acoustic neuromas: A prospective and
objective analysis. Otolaryngological Spring Meetings, Phoenix, AZ, April 28-May 2, 2009.
Chen PY. Ten year results of interstitial needle-catheter brachytherapy for accelerated partial
breast irradiation: Excellent control rates with minimal toxicities. American Brachytherapy
Society Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, June, 2009.
Chen PY, Vicini F, Wallace M, Mitchell C, Gustafson G, Bentitez P, et al. Comparative
efficacy analysis of three forms of accelerated partial breast irradiation from a single institution.
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Breast Cancer Symposium, San Francisco, CA,
October 9, 2009.
Chen PY, Vicini F, Wallace M, Mitchell C, Gustafson G, Bentitez P, et al. Comparative
analysis of the efficacy of three forms of accelerated partial breast irradiation from a single
institution. 51st Annual ASTRO Meeting, Chicago, IL, November, 2009.
Downing L, Sawarynski K, Powell K, Williams JP, Finkelstein JN, Sims M, Marples B.
Evaluating pulmonary injury after combined exposures to low-dose low-LET radiation and fungal
spores. 55th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, Savannah, GA, October 3-7,
Duquette J, Swanson T, Grills IS, Ye H, Wallace M, Entwistle A, et al. Six year experience
routinely utilizing moderate deep inspiration breath-hold (mDIBH) for the reduction of cardiac
dose in left sided breast irradiation for patients with early stage or locally advanced breast
cancer. 51st Annual ASTRO Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 1-5, 2009.
Fontanesi J, Chen PY, Marvin K, Akervall J, Kiedan R, Margolis J, et al. The effect of
differential dosing, using IMRT, on local control in the treatment of advanced head and neck
cancers. 51st Annual ASTRO Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 1-5, 2009.
Ghilezan M, Park S, Ye H, Gustafson G, Brabbins D, Chen P, et al. A modified Phoenix
biochemical failure (BF) definition to account for PSA bounce phenomenon for prostate cancer
patients treated with brachytherapy (BT). 51st Annual ASTRO Meeting, Chicago, IL, November
1-5, 2009.
*Glide-Hurst C, Mohammed N, Yan D, Grills I, Kestin L. Inter- and intra-fractional stability of
tumor, surrogate structures, lymph nodes, organs at risk, etc over hyperfractionated accelerated
lung cancer radiotherapy. 51st Annual ASTRO Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 1-5, 2009.
Gopan E, *Glide-Hurst C, *Hugo G. Breathing pattern changes throughout lung cancer
radiotherapy. 51st Annual ASTRO Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 1-5, 2009.
Grills IS, Mangona V, Welsh R, Chmielewski G, McInerney E, Martin S, et al. A comparison of
outcomes after stereotactic lung radiotherapy or wedge resection for stage I non-small cell lung
cancer (NSCLC). 51st Annual ASTRO Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 1-5, 2009.
Radiation Oncology
Research Presentations: continued
Huang J, Kestin L, Ye H, Martinez A, Wallace M, Gjeltema R, et al. Rates of secondary
primary cancers after definitive treatment for prostate cancer using modern radiation therapy
techniques. 51st Annual ASTRO Meeting, Chicago, IL, November, 2009.
Hux F, Chen P, Nandalur S. Grills I, Maitz A. Kalkanis S, et al. Factors predicting gamma
knife radiosurgery failures in unresected brain metastasis. 15th Annual Cognitive Neuroscience
Conference, San Francisco, CA, March 2009.
Ioanscu D, Martin S, Wloch J, Matuszak M, Grills IS, Yan D. 3D image guided evaluation of
setup accuracy for patients undergoing frameless spine stereotactic radiosurgery. 51st Annual
ASTRO Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 1-5, 2009.
Kestin L, Vicini F, Ye H, McGrath S, Ghilezan M, Martinez A. Percentage of positive biopsy
cores is a strong predictor of clinical outcome and overall survival in prostate cancer. 51st
Annual ASTRO Meeting in Chicago, IL, November 1-5, 2009.
Krauss D, Martinez E, Maitz A, Grills IS, Ye H, Martinez A, Chen P. Surgical resection of
brain metastases and the risk of leptomeningeal recurrence in patients treated with gamma knife
stereotactic radiosurgery. 51st Annual ASTRO Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 1-5, 2009.
Krueger SA, McGonagle M, Kovalchuk O, Martinez A, Wilson GD, Marples B. The application
of flow cytometry to examine damage clearance in stem cells from whole-body irradiated mice.
Low Dose Radiation Research Investigators’ Workshop VIII, sponsored by the U.S. Department
of Energy, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Bethesda, MD, April 6-8, 2009.
Lamers N. The role of radiation therapy in the treatment of heterotropic ossification. 51st Annual
ASTRO Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 1-5, 2009.
Lamers N. White paper: Advanced practice in radiation therapy comparison with exciting
examples of advanced practice today. 51st Annual ASTRO Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 1-5,
Lanni T, Grills IS, Kestin LL, Marvin KS, Robertson JM, Shah C, et al. Stereotactic
radiotherapy reduces treatment cost while improving overall survival and local control over
standard fractionated radiation therapy for medically inoperable non-small cell lung cancer. 51st
Annual ASTRO Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 1-5, 2009.
Lee DY, McGrath SD, Yan D, Liang J, Dilworth J, Ghilezan MI, et al. Dose-volume analysis of
predictors for chronic rectal toxicity following treatment of prostate cancer with adaptive imageguided radiotherapy (IGRT). 51st Annual ASTRO Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 1-5, 2009.
Mangona V, Grills IS, Yan D, McInerney E, Martin S, Kestin LL, et al. Predictors of
pulmonary and other thoracic complications after lung stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) for
primary or metastatic lung tumors: Dose–volume analysis. 51st Annual ASTRO Meeting,
Chicago, IL, November 1-5, 2009.
Radiation Oncology
Research Presentations: continued
Marples B. Investigating lung damage after combined radiation and fungal exposures. Center
for Biophysical Assessment and Risk Management Following Irradiation, University of
Rochester, NY, May 14-15, 2009.
Marples B. Publish or persist: Role of an associate editor. Scholars in Training Workshop. 55th
Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, Savannah, GA, October 3-7, 2009.
Marples B. Molecular aspects of cancer biology: Techniques and concepts. 51st Annual ASTRO
Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 1-5, 2009.
Marples B. Treatment de-intensification for oropharyngeal carcinoma. 51st Annual ASTRO
Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 1-5, 2009.
Marples B, Downing L, Wilson GD, Martinez AA, Williams JP, Finkelstein JN. A new rapid
methodology for assessing pulmonary damage following low-dose x-irradiation. 51st Annual
ASTRO Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 1-5, 2009.
Martin S. Single fraction stereotactic radiosurgery for spinal rumor metastases. 51st Annual
ASTRO Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 1-5, 2009.
Martin L, Marples B, Coffey M, Lawler M, Hollywood D, Marignol L. Processing of O6MEG
lesions by the mismatch repair system may represent a novel mechanism for low-dose radiation
hypersensitivity. 55th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, Savannah, GA,
October 3-7, 2009.
Martinez-Perez E, Grills IS, Maitz A, Hahn Y, Pfannenstiel T, Ye H, et al. Objective and
subjective changes in hearing after gamma knife radiosurgery for acoustic neuromas using a
collaborative neurotology and radiation oncology treatment approach. 51st Annual ASTRO
Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 1-5, 2009.
Matuszak M, Yan D, Grills IS, Martinez A. Volumetric modulated arc therapy for stereotactic
body radiation therapy: Initial clinical experience. 51st Annual ASTRO Meeting, Chicago, IL,
November 1-5, 2009.
Ochs L. Sudden menopause: Helping patients cope. 51st Annual ASTRO Meeting, Chicago, IL,
November 1-5, 2009.
Ochs L. Neutralizing the workplace bully. 51st Annual ASTRO Meeting, Chicago, IL, November
1-5, 2009.
Park SS, Grills IS, Kestin LL, Mitchell C, Martinez AA, Vicini FA. Ten year outcomes for
regional nodal failure in early stage breast cancer patients treated with breast conserving
therapy. 51st Annual ASTRO Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 1-5, 2009.
Radiation Oncology
Research Presentations: continued
Park S, Grills IS, Martin A, Bojrab D, Pieper D, Chen P, et al. Longitudinal assessment of
quality of life and hearing test outcomes in vestibular schwannoma patients treated with gamma
knife stereotactic radiosurgery. 9th International Stereotactic Radiosurgery Society Congress,
Seoul Korea, 2009.
Robertson J, Ballouz S, Jaiyesimi I, Jury R, Margolis J. A phase I study of dose escalating
conformal radiation therapy with concurrent full-dose gemcitabine and erlotinib for unresected
pancreas cancer. 51st Annual ASTRO Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 1-5, 2009.
Shah C, Grills I, *Hugo GD, Wloch J, Martin S, Yan D. Variation of tumor baseline position
during daily CBCT-guided stereotactic body radiotherapy of lung cancer. 51st Annual ASTRO
Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 1-5, 2009.
Shaitelman SF, Grills IS, Liang J, Zhuang L, Mangona V, et al. A comprehensive dosevolume analysis of predictors of pneumonitis and esophagitis following radiotherapy for non–
small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). 51st Annual ASTRO Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 1-5, 2009.
Stromberg J, Kestin LL, Gustafson GS, Vicini FA, Ghilezan MI, Martinez AA. Improved
outcome with combined pelvic external beam radiation and HDR boost brachytherapy or IMART
compared with conventional external beam prostate radiation for elderly men with highintermediate to high-risk prostate cancer. 51st Annual ASTRO Meeting, Chicago, IL, November
1-5, 2009.
Suen AW, Galoforo S, Marples B, Robertson JM, Wilson GD. Synergy of sorafenib and
radiation in colorectal and pancreatic cancer. 51st Annual ASTRO Meeting, Chicago, IL,
November 1-5, 2009.
Swanson TA, Marples B, Grills I, Galoforo S, Schoenherr DM, Krueger SA, et al, [Martinez
AA, Wilson GD]. TMPRSS2/ERG fusion gene expression alters radio-responsiveness in cell
culture models of androgen independent prostate cancer. 51st Annual ASTRO Meeting,
Chicago, IL, November 1-5, 2009.
Wallace M, Krauss D, Martinez A, Weiner S, Mitchell C, Chen PY, et al. Long-term outcome
of adjuvant high-dose whole abdominopelvic irradiation for patients with stage I/II endometrial
cancer with high-risk pathologic features including serous papillary/clear cell. 51st Annual
ASTRO Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 1-5, 2009.
Wilson, GD. High throughput flow cytometric sorting for molecular oncology. Beaumont’s 18th
Annual Clinical Applications of Genomic Medicine, Somerset Inn, Troy, MI, September 23, 2009.
Swanson T, Martin A, Mohammed N, Wallace M, Maitz A, Chen P, et al. Parameters
associated with local failures in patients with unresected brain metastasis treated with gamma
knife radiosurgery. 19th Annual Meeting of the American College of Radiation Oncology, Las
Vegas, NV, February, 2009.
Wilson GD, Kozak K. Interactions of radiation with novel chemotherapy and biological targeting
agents. 51st Annual ASTRO Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 1-5, 2009.
Radiation Oncology
Research Presentations: continued
Wloch J, Martusak M, Quiwen W, Yan D. What is the setup correction threshold for online
image guided head and neck radiotherapy? 51st Annual ASTRO Meeting, Chicago, IL,
November 1-5, 2009.
Yan, D. 4D Adaptive radiotherapy for motion management. ESTRO 11th Annual Conference,
Masstrict, Netherlands, August 2009.
Yan, D. 4D cumulative dose construction. World Congress, Munich, Germany, October 2009.
Yan, D. Model identification adaptive control process: Clinical application for head and neck
cancer adaptive radiotherapy. 51st Annual ASTRO Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 1-5, 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Adamson J, Wu Q. Inferences about prostate intrafraction motion from pre- and post treatment
volumetric imaging. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, September
2009; 75(1):260-267.
Antonucci JV, Wallace M, Goldstein NS, Kestin LL, Chen PY, Benitez P, et al. Differences in
patterns of failure in patients treated with accelerated partial breast irradiation versus wholebreast irradiation: A matched-pair analysis with 10-year follow-up. International Journal of
Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. June 2009; 74(2):447-452.
Asur R, Balasubramaniam M, Marples B,Thomas RA, Tucker JD. Involvement of MAPK
proteins in bystander effects induced by chemicals and ionizing radiation. Mutat Res; 2009.
Campbell JM, Wong CO, Muzik O, Marples B, Joiner M, Burmeister J, et al. Early dose
response to yttrium-90 microsphere treatment of metastic liver cancer by a patient-specific
method using single photon emission computed tomography and positron emission tomography.
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, May 2009, 74(1):313-320.
*Hugo GD, Campbell J, Zhang T, Yan D. Cumulative lung dose for several motion
management strategies as a function of pretreatment patient parameters. International Journal
of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, June 2009; 74(2):593-601.
Liang J, Wu Q, Yan D. The role of seminal vesicle motion in target margin assessment for
online image-guided radiotherapy for prostate cancer. International Journal of Radiation
Oncology Biology Physics, March 2009; 73(3):935-943.
Martin L, Marples B, Coffey M, Lawler M, Hollywood D, Marignol L. Recognition of O6MeG
lesions by MGMT and mismatch repair proficiency may be a prerequisite for low-dose radiation
hypersensitivity. Radiation Research 172(4):405-13; 2009.
Radiation Oncology
Peer-Reviewed Articles: continued
Rabinovitch R, Taghian A, Vicini FA, Woodward W, White JR. Variability of target and normal
structure delineation for breast cancer radiotherapy: An RTOG multi-institutional and multi
observer study. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, March 2009;
Robertson JM, Campbell JP, Yan D. Generic planning target margin for rectal cancer
treatment setup variation. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, August
2009; 74(5):1470-1475.
Smith BD, Arthur DW, Buchholz TA, Haffty BG, Hahn CA, Hardenbergh PH, et al, [Vicini FA].
Accelerated partial breast irradiation consensus statement from the American society for
radiation oncology (ASTRO). International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, July
2009; 74(4):987-1001.
Soukup M, Söhn M, Yan D, Liang J, Alber M. Study of robustness of IMPT and IMRT for
prostate cancer against organ movement. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology
Physics, November 2009; 75(3):941-949.
Wu Q, Chi Y, Chen PY, Krauss DJ, Yan D, Martinez A. Adaptive replanning strategies
accounting for shrinkage in head and neck IMRT. International Journal of Radiation Oncology
Biology Physics, November 2009; 75(3):924-932.
Chapters and Books:
Arthur DW, Vicini FA, Wazer DE. Who is a candidate for accelerated partial breast irradiation?
Techniques and Clinical Implementation, 2nd ed; 2009.
Atkin GK, Wilson GD. Rectal cancer: Spectral imaging and immunohistochemistry of
thymidylate synthase. In Methods of Cancer Diagnosis, Therapy and Prognosis: Colorectal
Cancer, Springer, pp 329-342, 2009.
Chen PY. Wazer, DE, Arthur D, Vicini F, eds. Accelerated partial breast irradiation: A
Clinician’s Handbook. 2nd ed. Berlin Springer-Verlag. August; 2009.
Hasan Y, Vicini FA. 3D conformal external beam technique. In Accelerated Partial Breast
Irradiation: Techniques and Clinical Implementation. 2nd ed. Springer; 2009.
Jolly S, Vicini FA, Kestin L, Goldstein N. Pathologic anatomy of early stage breast cancer and
its relevance to APBI: Defining the target. Wazer, DE, Arthur, DW, Vicini, F, editors. In
Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation. Techniques and Clinical Implementation. 2nd ed. Springer;
Keisch M, Vicini FA. The mammosite technique for accelerated partial breast irradiation.
Technique and Clinical Implementation. 2nd ed. Springer; 2009.
Radiation Oncology
Chapters and Books: continued
Vicini FA. Accelerated partial breast irradiation: Techniques and Clinical Implementation. 2nd ed.
Springer; 2009.
Outcomes Research
Madder RD, Decker JM, Hickman L, Marinescu V, Marandici A, Raheem S, et al, [Haines DE].
CHADS2 score is predictive of left atrial thrombus on precardioversion transesophageal
echocardiography in atrial fibrillation. Circulation, 2009; 120:S384.
*Siddiqui MA, Chen X, Lucia V, Ellis A, Grossman DM. Cytologic evaluation of sentinel lymph
nodes in breast cancer: A community hospital experience. United States and Canadian
Academy of Pathology, Boston, MA, March 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Hanna K, Lucia V, Boura J, Kim SW, Welsh RJ, Chmielewski GW, et al. The safe transition
from open to thoroscopic lobectomy: A 5-year experience. Beaumont Hospital, Department of
Surgery, Beaumont Research Institute. 55th Southern Thoracic Surgical Association, 2009.
Seder CW, Hanna K, Lucia V, Boura J, Schultz H, Kim S, Welsh R, Chmielewski G. The safe
transition from open to thoracoscopic lobectomy: A 5-year experience. Annals of Thoracic
Surgery, 88:216-226, 2009.
Swor RA, Lucia V, McQueen K, Compton S. Hospital costs and revenue are similar for
resuscitated out of hospital cardiac arrest and acute myocardial infarction patients. Acad Emerg
Med, 2009.
Vanhecke TE, Franklin BA, Miller WM, deJong AT, Coleman CJ, McCullough PA.
Cardiorespiratory fitness and sedentary lifestyle in the morbidly obese. Clin Cardiol
32(3):121-124, 2009.
Research Administration
Balagna EE, Fern AK, Boura JA, Franklin BA, deJong AT. Indices of autonomic dysfunction
during exercise testing: Relationship to reduced levels of cardiorespiratory fitness.
American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting; May 27-30, 2009, Seattle, WA.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 41(5):S384(2162), 2009.
Brinks J, Franklin B, Spring T, Hardy R, Boura JA, deJong A. Physiological responses to
resistance training in cardiac patients: Impact of differing warm-up procedures.
American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting; May 27-30, 2009, Seattle, WA.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 41(5):S216(1483), 2009.
Dukatz T, Rosenblatt S, Jahn R, Ramsdell C, Sakharova A, Arndt M, et al, [Balasubramaniam,
M]. A comparison of evening insulin glargine (LANTUS) dosing strategies and preoperative
fasting glucose values in patients with diabetes undergoing surgery. Beaumont Hospitals 6th
Annual Nurse's Week, Royal Oak, MI, May 4-8, 2009.
Kazmierczak K, Spring T, Boura JA, deJong A, Franklin B. Estimating cardiorespiratory fitness
in morbidly obese patients. Validity of the Duke activity status index. American College of Sports
Medicine Annual Meeting, May 27-30, 2009, Seattle, WA. Medicine and Science in Sports and
Exercise 41(5):S385(2165), 2009.
Krueger SA, McGonagle M, Kovalchuk O, Martinez A, Wilson GD, Marples B. The application
of flow cytometry to examine damage clearance in stem cells from whole-body irradiated mice.
Low Dose Radiation Research Investigators’ Workshop VIII, sponsored by the U.S. Department
of Energy, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Bethesda, MD, April 6-8, 2009.
Krueger SA, McGonagle M, Kovalchuk O, Martinez A, Wilson GD, Marples B. Cellular damage
and repair in hematopoietic stem cells from whole-body low-dose x-irradiated mice. 55th Annual
Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, Savannah, GA, October 3-7, 2009.
Madder RD, Chinnaiyan KM, Foster NJ, McMurray MD, Carlyle LM, Boura JA, et al. Standard
vs. “triple rule-out” protocol CT angiography for evaluation of acute chest pain: Comparative
diagnostic yield and 3-month outcomes. Circulation. 2009; 120:S375-S376.
Madder RD, Decker JM, Hickman L, Marinescu V, Marandici A, Raheem S, et al, [Boura JA].
CHADS2 score is predictive of left atrial thrombus on precardioversion transesophageal
echocardiography in atrial fibrillation. Circulation. 2009; 120:S384.
Marcovitz P, Collins-Bohler D, Boura JA, Billecke SS. Elevated serum C-reactive protein is
associated with structural indices of cardiac hypertrophy but not systolic dysfunction in women.
Hypertension 54;e52, 2009.
Martin L, Marples B, Coffey M, Lawler M, Hollywood D, Marignol L. Processing of O6MEG
lesions by the mismatch repair system may represent a novel mechanism for low-dose radiation
hypersensitivity. 55th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, Savannah, GA,
October 3-7, 2009.
Research Administration
Abstracts/Posters: continued
McPhee KA, Calcaterra A, Balasubramaniam M, Boyea G, Wallace M, Flynn C, et al.
A preliminary quality of life assessment of genitourinary and gastrointestinal toxicity comparing
two fractions versus four fractions high dose radiation alone in early prostate cancer patients.
Brachytherapy, April 2009; 8(2):119.
Yeo L, Kim SK, Kim CJ, Balasubramaniam M, Gotsch F, Lee W, et al. Sonographic
chorioamniotic membrane thickness throughout gestation in three different sites: Chorionic
plate, uterine free wall, and cervix. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2009; 34:210.
Yeo L, Vaisbuch E, Kusanovic JP, Balasubramaniam M, Gotsch F, Lee W, et al. A systematic
comparison of the volume of fluid-filled fetal structures using 3D US: A comparison of
SonoAVCTM, VOCALTM, and inversion mode techniques. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2009;
Research Presentations:
Dyche D, Mashni J, Coffey M, Sarle R, Kernen K, Seifman B, et al. Patterns associated with
robotic-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy (RALP). A national survey of urologists. Michigan
Urological Society, Livonia, MI, May 2009.
Madder RD, Chinnaiyan KM, Foster NJ, McMurray MD, Boura JA, Raff G, et al. Standard vs.
“triple rule-out” protocol CT angiography for evaluation of acute chest pain: Comparative
diagnostic yield and 3-month outcomes. American Heart Association Scientific Session,
Orlando, FL, November 2009.
Martin L, Marples B, Coffey M, Lawler M, Hollywood D, Marignol L. Processing of O6MEG
lesions by the mismatch repair system may represent a novel mechanism for low-dose radiation
hypersensitivity. 55th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, Savannah, GA,
October 3-7, 2009.
Shellnut J, Wasvary H, Grodsky M, Boura J, Priest S. Evaluating the age distribution of patients
with colorectal cancer: Are the US preventative services task force guidelines for colorectal
cancer screening appropriate? Hollywood, FL, May 2009. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum:
52(4), 2009.
Peer Reviewed Articles:
Asur R, Balasubramaniam M, Marples B, Thomas RA, Tucker JD. Involvement of MAPK proteins
in bystander effects induced by chemicals and ionizing radiation. Mutat Res. 2009 Dec 21.
PMID: 20034502.
Balasubramaniam M, Capone Jr A, Drenser K, Trese M. Design and analysis of ophthalmic
studies. In response to: Kemper AR, Wallace DK and Quinn GE. Systematic Review of Digital
Imaging Screening Strategies for Retinopathy of Prematurity. Pediatrics 2009; 122:825-830.
Research Administration
Peer Reviewed Articles: continued
Bronsteen RA, Valice R, Lee W, Blackwell S, Balasubramaniam M, Comstock CH. Effect of a
low-lying placenta on delivery outcome. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2009; 33:204-208.
Eckleberry-Hunt J, Lick D, Boura J, Balasubramaniam M, Hunt, R, Mulhem E, et al. An
exploratory study of resident burnout and wellness. Acad Med. 2009 Feb;84(2):269-77.PMID:
Eckleberry-Hunt J, Lick D, Boura J, Hunt R, Balasubramaniam M, Mulhem E, et al. Resident
physician burnout: Who needs help and why they won’t get it. Annals of Behavioral Science and
Medical Education, 15(2):6-10, 2009.
Hanna K, Lucia V, Boura J, Kim SW, Welsh RJ, Chmielewski GW, et al. The safe transition
from open to thoroscopic lobectomy: A 5-year experience. Beaumont Hospitals, Department of
Surgery, Beaumont Research Institute. 55th Southern Thoracic Surgical Association, 2009.
Ho LY, Harvey TM, Scherer J, Balasubramaniam M, Dhaliwal DK, Mah FS. Comparison of
rosenbaum pupillometry card using red and blue light to colvard and Iowa pupillometers. J
Refract Surg. 2009 Sep 2:1-7. doi: 10.3928/1081597X-20090814-03. PMID: 19715266.
Klaver AC, Finke JM, Digambaranath JL, Balasubramaniam M, Loeffler DA. Antibody
concentrations to abeta1-42 monomer and soluble oligomers in untreated and antibodyantigen-dissociated intravenous immunoglobulin preparations. Int Immunopharmacol,
October 17, 2009.
Lee W, Balasubramaniam M, Deter RL, Hassan SS, Gotsch F. Fetal growth parameters and
birth weight: Their relationship to newborn infant body composition. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol
2009; 33:441-446.
Lee W, Balasubramaniam M, Deter RL, Hassan SS, Gonçalves LF, Romero R. Fractional limb
volume: A soft tissue parameter of fetal body composition. Validation, technical considerations,
and normal ranges during pregnancy. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2009; 33:427-440.
Lee W, Balasubramaniam M, Deter RL, Yeo L, Hassan SS, Gotsch F, et al. New fetal weight
estimation models using fractional limb volume. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2009; 34:556-565.
Lee W, Balasubramaniam M, Yeo L, Hassan SS, Gotsch F, Kusanovic JP, et al. Iliac crest
angle: A novel sonographic parameter for the prediction of Down syndrome risk during the
second trimester of pregnancy. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2010; 35: 163-171, December 15,
Maisels MJ, Deridder JM, Kring EA, Balasubramaniam M. Routine transcutaneous bilirubin
measurements combined with clinical risk factors improve the prediction of subsequent
hyperbilirubinemia. Jnl of Perinatology 2009; 29:612-617.
Research Administration
Peer Reviewed Articles: continued
Nori D, Raff G, Gupta V, Gentry R, Boura J, Haines DE. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging
assessment of regional and global left atrial function before and after catheter ablation for atrial
fibrillation. J Interv Card Electrophysiol, July 23, 2009.
Peters KM, Killinger KA, Boguslawski BM, Boura JA. Chronic pudendal neuromodulation:
Expanding available treatment options for refractory urologic symptoms. Neurourol Urodyn,
September 28, 2009.
Seder CW, Hanna K, Lucia V, Boura JA, Schultz H, Kim S, Welsh R, Chmielewski G. The safe
transition from open to thoracoscopic lobectomy: A 5-year experience. Annals of Thoracic
Surgery, 88:216-226, 2009.
Smythe MA, Koerber JM, Forsyth LL, Priziola JL, Balasubramaniam M, Mattson JC. Argatroban
dosage requirements and outcomes in intensive care versus non–intensive care patients.
Pharmacotherapy, 2009 September; 29(9):1073-81. PMID: 19698012.
Vanhecke TE, Franklin BA, Maciejko J, Chinnaiyan K, McCullough PA. Lipoproteins,
inflammatory biomarkers, and cardiovascular imaging in the assessment of atherosclerotic
disease activity. Rev Cardiovasc Med (Winter);10(1):51-58, 2009.
Weiner A, Cohn A, Balasubramaniam M, Weiner A. Glaucoma tube shunt implantation through
the ciliary sulcus in pseudophakic eyes with high risk of corneal decompensation. Jnl of
Glaucoma, 2009; DOI #: 10.1097/IJG.0b013e3181bdb52d.
Website Contributions, Video Clips, or other Multi-Media Contributions:
Balasubramaniam M, Capone Jr A, Drenser K, Trese M. Design and analysis of ophthalmic
studies. Pediatrics Online, 13 Feb. 2009. In response to: Kemper AR, Wallace DK and Quinn
GE. Systematic Review of Digital Imaging Screening Strategies for Retinopathy of Prematurity.
Pediatrics 2009; 122:825-830.
Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery
Research Presentations:
Chan EY, Bojrab D, Chen PY, LaRouere MJ, Pieper DR, Grills IS, et al. Persistent
vestibulopathy following stereotactic radiotherapy for acoustic neuromas: A prospective and
objective analysis. Otolaryngological Spring Meetings, Phoenix, AZ, April 28-May 2, 2009.
Lee AD, Maitz A, Kartush J, Pieper D, Bojrab D. Gamma knife radiosurgery for glomus
jugulare tumors. American Academy of Otolaryngology Meeting, San Diego, CA, October 2009.
Hahn Y, Grills I, Pieper D, Chen PY, Maitz A, Bojrab D. Longitudinal assessment of quality of
life, dizziness handicap inventory, and tinnitus handicap inventory in vestibular schwannoma
patients treated with radiosurgery. AAO-HNS Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA October 4-7,
Bojrab D, Grills I, Hahn Y, Maitz A, Pieper D, Chen P. Quality of life in patients treated with
gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery for acoustic neuroma. American Society of Radiation
Oncology, Chicago, IL, November 1-5, 2009.
Bojrab D. Surgical decision making in cholesteatoma. American Academy of Otolaryngology
Meeting, San Diego, CA, October 2009.
Chapters and Books:
Pfannenstiel TJ, Bojrab D. Ossicular chain reconstruction. In Ed. Seilesh Babu, Essentials of
Otology, Neurotology and Skull Base Surgery, 2009.
Website Contributions, Videoclips, or Other Multi-Media Contributions:
Lee AD, Bojrab D, Megerian C. (Nov 2009) Understanding stereotactic radiation for skull base
tumors. AAO-HNSF Academy U on line course,
General Surgery
Akay B, Camboni D, Pohlmann J, Kawatra A, Gouch A, Bartlett R, et al. Hi flow in parallel
artificial lung attachment in a pulmonary hypertension model. Coller Society Annual Conference,
Tampa, FL, October 2009.
Akay B, Camboni D, Pohlmann J, Kawatra A, Gouch A, Bartlett R, et al. Hi flow in parallel
artificial lung attachment in a pulmonary hypertension model. Moses Gunn 21st Annual
Research Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, March 2009.
Akay B, Camboni D, Pohlmann J, Kawatra A, Gouch A, Bartlett R, et al. Hi flow in parallel
artificial lung attachment in a pulmonary hypertension model. 20th Annual ELSO Conference,
Ann Arbor, MI, September 2009.
Akay B, Foucher J, Camboni D, Koch K, Martusiewicz A, Pohlmann J, et al. Impedance and
right ventricular function in the hypertensive pulmonary system. 20th Annual ELSO Conference,
Ann Arbor, MI, September 2009.
Camboni D, Akay B, Pohlmann J, Koch K, Hall C, Haft J, et al. Treatment of right ventricular
failure with right to left atrial shunting and veno-venous extracorporeal life support. Moses Gunn
21st Annual Research Conference Ann Arbor, MI, March 2009.
Camboni D, Akay B, Pohlmann J, Koch K, Hall C, Haft, J, et al. Treatment of right ventricular
failure with right to left atrial shunting and veno-venous extracorporeal life support. ASAIO
Annual Conference, Dallas, TX, May 2009.
Camboni D, Akay B, Toomasian J, Haft J, Cook K, Bartlett R. Treatment of acute severe
pulmonary hypertension with right to left atrial shunting and veno-venous extracorporeal life
support. 20th Annual ELSO Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, September 2009.
Kibuule LK, Baker K, Maerz T, Studzinski D, Herkowitz HN, Fischgrund JS. Halt of catabolism
of degenerative chondrocytes with a growth factor-loaded hydrogel. 39th Annual Residents and
Fellows Research Forum, Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI, June 10, 2009.
Pohlman J, Akay B, Camboni D, Koch K, Hall C, Mervak B, et al. A low mortality model of
chronic pulmonary hypertension. ASAIO Annual Conference, Dallas, TX, May 2009.
Pohlmann J, Akay B, Camboni D, Koch K, Hall C, Mervak B, et al. A low mortality model of
chronic pulmonary hypertension. 20th Annual ELSO Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, September
Seder CW. Nasal bridling decreases feeding tube dislodgement and increases caloric intake in
the ICU: A randomized, controlled trial. 38th Critical Care Congress, Nashville, TN, January 31February 1, 2009.
General Surgery
Abstracts/Posters: continued
Seder CW. Nasal bridling decreases feeding tube dislodgement and increases caloric intake in
the ICU: A randomized, controlled trial. 31st Annual South Eastern Michigan Center for Medical
Education Research Forum, May 20, 2009.
Wu B, Studzinski DM, Shanley CJ, Meyerhoff ME. Hemocompatible polymeric coatings with
sulfonated polyurethanes as matrix for sustained nitric oxide release. Society for Biomaterials,
San Antonio, TX, April 2009.
Research Presentations:
Akay B. Treatment of right ventricular failure with right to left atrial shunting and veno-venous
extracorporeal life support. 39th Annual Residents and Fellows Research Forum, Beaumont
Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI, June 10, 2009.
Shanley CJ. Smart technologies, safer healthcare in the biointelligence age. Accelerating
innovation in medical care. Engineering Society of Detroit, Plymouth, MI, April 28, 2009.
Shanley CJ. Can health care, business and government create cost and care transformation in
this region? Panelist discussion at Crain’s Health Care Leadership Summit, Rock Financial
Showplace, Novi, MI, October 15, 2009.
Shanley CJ. Surgery is responsibility: An exercise in applied philosophy. iSURGITEC 2009
Advance Surgical Technologies and Innovations Initiative (ASTii), Wayne State University,
Detroit, MI, October 28, 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Akay BA, Camboni D, Pohlmann JR, Kawatra A, Gouch AD, Bartlett RH, et al. Hi flow in parallel
artificial lung attachment in a pulmonary hypertension model. ASAIO Journal 2009 March;
Berenholtz S, Schumacher K, Hayanga A, Simon M, Goeschel C, Pronovost P, et al, [Shanley
C, Welsh R]. Implementing standardized operating room briefings and debriefings at a large
regional medical center. Joint Commission Journal on Quality & Patient Safety; August 2009,
Patel NV, Long GW, Cheema ZF, Rimar K, Bove PG, Rimar SD, et al, [Brown OW, Shanley
CJ]. Open vs. endovascular repair of isolated iliac artery aneurysms: A twelve-year experience.
J Vasc Surg. 2009, May; 49(5):1147-53,.
Pohlmann JR, Akay B, Camboni D, Koch KL, Hall CM, Mervak BM, et al. A low mortality model
of chronic pulmonary hypertension. ASAIO J, 2009 March; 55(2):130.
General Surgery
Peer-Reviewed Articles: continued
Patel NV, Robbins JM, Shanley CJ. Low fidelity exercises for basic surgical skills training and
assessment. Am J Surg. 2009 Jan; 197(1):119-25:2006–131.
Seder CW, Hartojo W, Lin L, Silvers AL, Wang Z, Thomas DG, et al. INHBA overexpression
promotes cell proliferation and may be epigenetically regulated in esophageal adenocarcinoma.
J Thorac Oncol 2009; 4(4):455-62.
Seder CW, Kramer M, Long G, Uzieblo MR, Shanley CJ, Bove P. Clostidium septicum aortitis:
Report of two cases and review of the literature. J Vasc Surg 2009 May; 49(5):1304-9.
Seder CW, Villalba MR Jr, Robbins J, Ivascu FA, Carpenter CF, Dietrich M, et al, [Villalba MR
Sr]. Early colectomy may be associated with improved survival in fulminant clostridium difficile
Colitis: An 8-year Experience. Am J Surg 2009; 197(3):302-7.
Seder CW, Kramer M, Uzieblo MR, Bove P. Endovascular treatment of a superior mesenteric
artery embolism in a high-risk Jehovah’s Witness. J Vasc Surg 2009; 49(4):1050-2.
Seder CW, Hanna K, Lucia V, Boura J, Kim SW, Welsh RJ, et al, [Chmielewski GW]. The safe
transition from open to thoracoscopic lobectomy: A 5-year experience. Ann Thorac Surg 2009;
Shah RD, Tariq N, Shanley C, Robbins J, Janczyk R. Peritonitis from peg tube insertion in
surgical intensive care unit patients: Identification of risk factors and clinical outcomes. Surg
Endosc; 2009 May 9.
Multi-Organ Transplant Surgery
Research Presentations:
Koffron A. Minimally invasive liver surgery: Limits of laparoscopy. Clinical Robotic Surgery
Association 1st Worldwide Congress, Chicago, IL, October 9-10, 2009.
Koffron A. Subspecialty session - HBP surgery, chairman and panel discussion. Clinical
Robotic Surgery Association 1st Worldwide Congress, Chicago, IL, October 9-10, 2009.
Koffron A. Laparoscopic right hepatic lobectomy. American Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary
Association Annual Meeting, Miami, FL, March 9-12, 2009.
Koffron A. Liver surgery parallel session, moderator and panel discussion. American HepatoPancreato-Biliary Association Annual Meeting, Miami, FL, March 9-12, 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Kocak B, Koffron A, Baker T, Leventhal J. Ureteral complications in the era of laparoscopic
living donor nephrectomy: Do we need to preserve the gonadal vein with the specimen?
Journal of Endourology, 24(2):247-51, 2009.
Buell J, Cherqui D, Geller D, O’Rourke N, Koffron A, et al. The international position on
laparoscopic liver surgery: The Louisville Statement. Annals of Surgery, 250(5):825-830, 2009.
Koffron A. Minimally-invasive liver resection (MILR): Techniques and resection types. Asian
Journal of Endoscopic Surgery, 2(2):70, 2009.
Chapters and Books:
Koffron A, Stein J. Living donor liver transplantation: Open and laparoscopic. In, Blumgart's
Surgery of the Liver, Biliary Tract, and Pancreas, 5th ed. Elsevier Saunders, Chapter 98B, 2009.
Koffron A, Stein J. Liver transplantation: Indications, presurgical evaluation, surgery, and posttransplant complications. In: Medical Clinics of North America: Common Hepatic Emergencies.
Elsevier Saunders, pp 861-888, 2009.
Diaz F, Park S, Wang AM, Shetty A, Maitz A, Grills I, et al. Interim results of MR spectroscopy
and perfusion studies in patients treated with gamma knife. 14th International Meeting of the
Leksell Gamma Knife Society, Quebec, Canada, May 18-22, 2009.
Diaz F, Mohammed N, Chen P, Grills I, Maitz A, Kalkanis S. Factors predictive of local failure
after gamma knife radiosurgery for unresected brain metastasis. 14th International Meeting of
the Leksell Gamma Knife Society. Quebec, Canada, May 18-22, 2009.
Diaz F, Suen A, Kalkanis S, Krauss D, Grills I, Galerani AP, et al. Gamma knife stereotactic
radiosurgery for resected brain metastases. 14th International Meeting of the Leksell Gamma
Knife Society, Quebec, Canada, May 18-22, 2009.
Diaz F, Swanson T, Martin A, Mohammed N, Wallace M, Maitz A, et al. Parameters
associated with local failures in patients with unresected brain metastasis treated with gamma
knife radiosurgery. Astro Gamma Knife, 2009.
Diaz F, Park S, Wang AM, Shetty A, Maitz A, Grills I, et al. Interim results of MR spectroscopy
and perfusion studies in patients treated with gamma knife. International Stereotactic
Radiosurgery Society, Seoul, Korea, June 7-11, 2009.
Diaz F, Hux FJ, Martinez A, Maitz A, Chen P, Fontanesi J, et al. Factors predicting gamma
knife radiosurgery failures in unresected brain metastasis. Congress of Neurological Surgeons
Meeting, New Orleans, LA, October 24-29, 2009.
Research Presentations:
Diaz F. Minimally invasive translumbar fusion with navigational guidance. WENMISS Annual
Meeting. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 17-29, 2009.
Diaz F. Minimally invasive lateral extracavitary approaches for lumbar spinal scoliosis.
WENMISS Annual Meeting. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 17-29, 2009.
Diaz F. XLIF in Degenerative scoliosis. XX Mexican Congress of Neurological Surgery.
Cancun, Mexico, July 18-25, 2009.
Diaz F. Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery. Genesys Learning Institute. Grand Blanc, MI, July 30,
Diaz F. Abordaje de minima invasion posterolateral. Symposio I Madrazo of Residentes and
Exresidentes de Neurocirugia CMR. Mexico City, Mexico, October 15-17, 2009.
Research Presentations: continued
Diaz F. Cerebral revascularization. Michigan State Medical Society 144th Annual Scientific
Meeting. Troy, MI, October 21, 2009.
Diaz F. Patient outcomes vs. cost containment in lumbar fusion. ACAOS Annual Meeting.
Chicago, IL, November 2, 2009.
Diaz F. Cerebral revascularization for surgically induced ischemia. ICCVS Meeting. Nagoya,
Japan, November 3-13, 2009.
Peripheral Vascular Surgery
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Patel NV, Long GW, Cheema ZF, Rimar K, Bove PG, Rimar SD, Brown OW, Shanley CJ.
Open vs. endovascular repair of isolated iliac artery aneurysms: A twelve-year experience. J
Vasc Surg. 2009, May;49(5):1147-53.
Seder CW, Kramer M, Long G, Uzieblo MR, Shanley CJ, Bove P. Clostidium septicum aortitis:
Report of two cases and review of the literature. J Vasc Surg, 2009 May;49(5):1304-9.
Seder CW, Kramer M, Uzieblo MR, Bove P. Endovascular treatment of a superior mesenteric
artery embolism in a high-risk Jehovah’s Witness. J Vasc Surg 2009; 49(4):1050-2.
Seder CW, Villalba MR Jr, Robbins J, Ivascu FA, Carpenter CF, Dietrich M, et al. Early
colectomy may be associated with improved survival in fulminant clostridium difficile Colitis: An
8-year Experience. Am J Surg 2009; 197(3):302-7.
Thoracic Surgery
Research Presentations:
Chmielewski G. Radiofrequency ablation for Barrett’s esophagus: Changing treatment changing times - changing minds? Surgery Grand Rounds, Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI,
October 20, 2009.
Chmielewski G. Incorporating thorascopic (VATS) lobectomy into your practice. Masters Class
on VATS Lobectomy, Duke University, Las Vegas, NV, April 15-16, 2009.
Chmielewski G. Radiofrequency ablation for Barrett’s esophagus. Combined General Surgery
and GI Grand Rounds, Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI, March 10, 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Berenholtz S, Schumacher K, Hayanga A, Simon M, Goeschel C, Pronovost P, et al, [Shanley
C, Welsh R]. Implementing standardized operating room briefings and debriefings at a large
regional medical center. Joint Commission Journal on Quality & Patient Safety; August 2009,
Grills I, Chmielewski GW, Welsh R, Kestin L. Outcomes after stereotactic lung radiotherapy of
wedge resection for stage I non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Journal of Clinical Oncology,
Patel NV, Shah RD, Welsh RJ, Chmielewski GW. Empyema a complication of vacuum
assisted closure of infected thoracotomy wounds in two consecutive cases. Am Surg 2009
Seder CW, Hanna K, Lucia V, Boura J, Kim SW, Welsh RJ, Chmielewski GW. The safe
transition from open to thoracoscopic lobectomy: A 5-year experience. Ann Thorac Surg 2009
Jul; 88(1):216-25; discussion 225-6.
Website Contributions, Video Clips, or other Multi-Media Contributions:
Agarwal M, Brahmandy G, Chmielewski GW, Welsh R, Ravikrishnan K. Age, tumor size, type
of surgery, and gender predict survival in early stage (I and II) non-small cell lung cancer after
surgical resection, September 16, 2009.
Trauma Surgery
Research Presentations:
Bair H. Trauma care and research. Michigan Council of Nurse Practitioner Annual Meeting.
Summerset Inn, Troy MI, March 21, 2009.
Bair H. Anticoagulation and brain injury: How to reverse, what with and when to resuscitate.
Society of Trauma Nurses 12th Annual Conference. Phoenix, AZ, April 8, 2009.
Howells G. Beaumont trauma center to Beaumont access center. Trauma Nursing Symposium,
Sterling Heights, MI, April 24, 2009.
Bair H. Level one trauma center/access center. Think First State Meeting, Royal Oak, MI,
October 2, 2009.
Bucciarelli, D. Successful coordination of think first and safety city programs. Think First State
Meeting, Royal Oak, MI, October 2, 2009.
Hanna K. Airway pressure release ventilation increases successful lung donation: The influence
of ventilatory mode. Michigan Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, 56th Annual
Meeting and 58th Annual Resident Surgeons Competition, May 14-15, 2009.
Hanna K. Airway pressure release ventilation increases successful lung donation: The influence
of ventilatory mode. 39th Annual Residents and Fellows Research Forum, Beaumont Hospitals,
Royal Oak, MI, June 10, 2009.
Hanna K. Airway pressure release ventilation increases successful lung donation: The influence
of ventilatory mode. Michigan Society of Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery Society, August 11,
Hanna K. Airway pressure release ventilation increases successful lung donation: The influence
of ventilatory mode. Western Surgical Society, November 11, 2009.
Hanna K. Airway pressure release ventilation increases successful lung donation: The influence
of ventilatory mode manuscript publication: Archives of Surgery, 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Hanna K, Lucia V, Boura J, Kim SW, Welsh RJ, Chmielewski GW, et al. The safe transition
from open to thoroscopic lobectomy: A 5-year experience. Beaumont Hospital, Department of
Surgery, Beaumont Research Institute. 55th Southern Thoracic Surgical Association, 2009.
Research Presentations:
Bui DT, Relle J, Rosenberg B, Seifman B, Shetty S. Robotic-assisted laparoscopic
cystectomy (RALC) in a community hospital. Michigan Urological Society, Livonia, MI, May
Bui DT, Relle J, Rosenberg B, Seifman B, Shetty S. Robotic-assisted laparoscopic
cystectomy (RALC) in a community hospital. North Central Section of the American Urological
Association, Scottsdale, AZ, November 2009.
Burks FN, Diokno AC, Sirls LT, Nagaraju P, Cooney MN, Peters KM. Sexual function and
urinary symptoms after vaginal surgery. North Central Section of the American Urological
Association, Scottsdale, AZ, November 2009.
Burks FN, Carrico DJ, Cooney MN, Peters KM. Current perception thresholds of the bladder
and urethra after sacral neuromodulation. North Central Section of the American Urological
Association, Scottsdale, AZ, November 2009.
Burks FN, Carrico DJ, Peters KM. Interstim® impact on vulvar current perception thresholds
(CPT) of women with interstitial cystitis (IC/PBS). North Central Section of the American
Urological Association, Scottsdale, AZ, November 2009.
Brubaker L, Stoddard A, Richter H , Zimmern P, Moalli P, Sirls L, et al. Mixed incontinence:
Comparing definitions in women having stress incontinence surgery. Urinary Incontinence
Treatment Network, American Urogynecologic Society, Hollywood, FL, September 2009.
Carrico DJ, Burks FN, Peters KM. Pressure-pain thresholds of the vulva in women with
interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome (IC/PBS). Society of Urologic Nurses and
Associates Annual Symposium, Incontinence and Pelvic Floor Disorders, San Francisco, CA,
March 2009.
Carrico DJ. The therapeutic use of guided imagery for interstitial cystitis/painful bladder
syndrome (IC/PBS). Society of Urologic Nurses and Associates Annual Symposium,
Incontinence and Pelvic Floor Disorders, San Francisco, CA, March 2009.
Carrico DJ. Interstitial cystitis (IC/PBS): Where do we go from here? Michigan Council of Nurse
Practitioners, Troy, MI, March 2009.
Carrico DJ. Vulvar current perception thresholds (CPTs) of women with interstitial cystitis/
painful bladder syndrome (IC/PBS). Society for Urodynamics and Female Urology, Las Vegas,
NV, February 2009.
Chancellor MB. Workshop on the subject potential urinary biomarker for assessment of
Overactive Bladder. International Continence Society (ICS) meeting San Francisco, CA,
September 29-October 3, 2009.
Research Presentations: continued
Chancellor MB, Peters KM, Qu H, H Liu, Kuo HC, Tyagi P. Urine chemokine biomarker profile
and multivariate data analysis suggests low-grade inflammation as underlying pathology of the
overactive bladder abstract: 2459. ICS meeting San Francisco, CA, September 29-October 3,
2009. Neurourol Urodyn 2009; 28(7):600.
Chancellor MB, Lajiness MJ. Botinulum toxin: Why use it? How to do it? What are the results?
American Urological Association, Chicago, IL, April 2009.
Chancellor MB. Potential urinary biomarker for assessment of overactive bladder. International
Continence Society, San Francisco, CA, September 2009.
Diokno AC, Burgio KL, Newman D. Behavioral therapies for treatment of urinary and fecal
incontinence in geriatric patients. Society for Urodynamics and Female Urology, Las Vegas, NV,
February 2009.
Dmochowski RR, Peters KM, Morrow JD, Guan Z, Gong J, Sun F, et al. A double-blind,
placebo-controlled trial of flexible-dose fesoterodine for overactive bladder. International
Continence Society, San Francisco, CA, September 2009.
Dyche D, Bui D, Burks F, Hafron J. Percutaneous renal cryotherapy using cone-beam threedimensional fluoroscopy in a swine model. 39th Residents and Fellows Research Forum,
Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI, June 10, 2009.
Dyche D, Bui D, Burks F, Hafron J. Percutaneous renal cryotherapy using cone-beam threedimensional fluoroscopy in a swine model. Michigan Urological Society, Livonia, MI, May 2009.
Dyche D, Mashni J, Coffey M, Sarle R, Kernen K, Seifman B, et al, [Hollander J, Hafron J].
Patterns associated with robotic-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy (RALP). A national survey
of urologists. Michigan Urological Society, Livonia, MI, May 2009.
Eliya F, Sirls LT, Nagaraju P, Killinger KA, Mullins K, Thomas P, et al, [Peters KM].
Complications associated with a mesh based system for repair of pelvic organ prolapse.
Michigan Urological Society, Livonia, MI, May 2009.
Eliya F, Sirls L, Nagaraju P, Killinger KA, Mullins K, Thomas P, et al. Complications
associated with a mesh based system for repair of pelvic organ prolapse. North Central Section,
AUA, Scottsdale, AZ, November 2009.
Fischer M, Kalinowski S, Shetty S, Steinberger D. Robotic vesicovaginal fistula repair.
Society for Urodynamics and Female Urology, Las Vegas, NV, February 2009.
Girdler BJ, Turzewski C, Feber K, Nantau W, Gonzalez JA, de Benito J, et al, [Kass EJ,
Diokno AC, Peters KM]. One year clinical outcomes with lumbar to sacral nerve rerouting in
spina bifida. American Urological Association, Chicago, IL, April 2009.
Girdler BJ, de Benito J, Gonzalez JA, Nantau W, Feber K,Trock G, et al, [Diokno AC, Eliya
F, Peters KM]. Detailed method of performing nerve rerouting in spinal cord injury and spina
bifida. American Urological Association, Chicago, IL, April 2009.
Research Presentations: continued
Goldman K. Care of the couple with male factor infertility. OB/Gyn Grand Rounds, Royal Oak,
MI, May 2009.
Hasenau D. Stem cell research for stress incontinence. Great Lakes Chapter of the Society of
Urologic Nurses and Associates, Novi, MI, March 2009.
Kraus S, Lemack G, Brubaker L, Chai T, Albo M, Litman H, et al, [Sirls L]. Urodynamic changes
associated with successful stress urinary incontinence surgery: A little tension is a good thing?
For the UITN. NIDDK Symposium on Urinary Incontinence, Bethesda, MD, January 7-9, 2009.
Kraus S, Lemack G, Chai T, Richter H, Albo M, Brubaker L, et al, [Sirls L]. Urodynamic changes
24 months after burch colposuspension and autologous fascia publvaginal sling. For the UITN
NIDDK Symposium on Urinary Incontinence, Bethesda, MD January 7-9, 2009.
Lajiness MJ. The use of botulinum toxin in urology: A case study approach. Society of Urologic
Nurses and Associates Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, October 2009.
Lajiness MJ. Neuromodulation: Current concepts, future trends. Great Lakes Chapter of the
Society of Urologic Nurses and Associates, Novi, MI, March 2009.
Lipe K, Bui DT, Ziadeh J, Swor R, Hollander JB. The efficacy of tamsulosin in the treatment of
ureteral stones in emergency department patients. 39th Annual Residents and Fellows Research
Forum, Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI, June 10, 2009.
MacDiarmid SA, Peters KM, Leong FC, Shobeiri A, Rovner ES, Wooldridge LS, et al. Long-term
sustained therapeutic effect of percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation in the management of
overactive bladder. American Urological Association, Chicago, IL, April 2009.
Nagaraju P, Sirls L, Killinger KA, Eliya F, Mullins K, Thomas P, et al, [Peters K]. Securing
anterior prolift to the sacrospinous ligament: Optimizing apical support with procedure
modifications. American Urogynecologic Society, Hollywood, FL, September 2009.
Nager CW, Kraus SR, Kenton K, Sirls L, Chai TC, Wai C, et al. Urodynamics, the supine empty
bladder stress test, and incontinence severity. Urinary Incontinence Treatment Network.
International Continence Society, San Francisco, CA, September 2009.
Nager CW, Kraus SR, Kenton K, Sirls L, Chai TC, Wai C, et al. Urodynamics, the supine empty
bladder stress test, and incontinence severity. Urinary Incontinence Treatment Network.
American Urogynecologic Society, Hollywood, FL, September 2009.
Nikolavsky D, Chancellor MB, Peters KM, Tyagi V, Vodovotz Y, Barclay D, et al, [Tyagi P].
Urine proteomic study on interstitial cystitis/IC, painful bladder syndrome/PBS patients. 39th
Residents and Fellows Research Forum, Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI, June 10, 2009.
Nikolavsky D, Chancellor MB, Peters KM, Tyagi V, Vodovotz Y, Barclay D, et al, [Tyagi P].
Urine proteomic study on interstitial cystitis/IC, painful bladder syndrome/PBS patients. Michigan
Urological Society, Livonia, MI, May 2009.
Research Presentations: continued
Nikolavsky D, Chancellor MB, Peters KM, Tyagi V, Vodovotz Y, Barclay D, et al, [Tyagi P].
Urine proteomic study on interstitial cystitis/IC, painful bladder syndrome/PBS patients. North
Central Section of the American Urological Association, Scottsdale, AZ, November 2009.
Peters KM. Neuromodulation. NIDDK New Research Directions in Urinary Incontinence
Symposium, Bethesda, MD, January 7-9, 2009.
Peters KM. Lumbar to sacral nerve rerouting to restore voiding in spina bifida. Michigan
Association of Neurological Surgeons, Boyne Mountain, MI, June 2009.
Peters KM, Killinger KA, Boguslawski BM. Pudendal neuromodulation as a viable option for
symptoms refractory to sacral neuromodulation. Society for Urodynamics and Female Urology,
Las Vegas, NV, February 2009.
Peters KM, Killinger KA, Boguslawski B. Pudendal nerve stimulation is a viable alternative to
sacral nerve stimulation for voiding dysfunction. International Continence Society, San
Francisco, CA, September 2009.
Peters KM, Burks FN, Carrico DJ. Vulvar current perception thresholds (CPTS) of women with
interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome (IC/PBS). Society for Urodynamics and Female
Urology, Las Vegas, NV, February 2009.
Peters KM, MacDiarmid S, Wooldridge L, Leong FC, Shobeiri SA, Rovner E, et al. Six and 12
month results from OrBIT trial comparing percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (PTNS) vs.
extended-release tolterodine. International Continence Society, San Francisco, CA, September
Rackley RR, Fischer M, Kenton K. Laparoscopy and robotics in female pelvic reconstructive
surgery. Society for Urodynamics and Female Urology, Las Vegas, NV, February 2009.
Richter HE, Brubaker L, Norton P, Kraus SR, Zimmern P, Sirls L, et al. Steers for the
UITN. NIDDK Symposium on Urinary Incontinence, Bethesda, MD, January 7-9, 2009.
Richter HE, Kenton K, Huang L, Nygaard I, Kraus S, Sirls L, et al. The impact of obesity on
urinary incontinence symptoms, severity, urodynamic characteristics and quality of life.
International Continence Society, San Francisco, CA, September 2009.
Richter HE, Kenton K, Huang L, Nygaard I, Kraus S, Sirls L, et al. The impact of obesity on
urinary incontinence symptoms, severity, urodynamic characteristics and quality of life.
American Urogynecologic Society, Hollywood, FL, September 2009.
Rosenberg BH. Bladder cancer surveillance and neobladders. Great Lakes Chapter of the
Society of Urologic Nurses and Associates, Novi, MI, March 2009.
Research Presentations: continued
Sirls LT, Eliya F, Nagaraju P, Peters KM, Killinger KA, Mullins K, et al, [Thomas P]. Single
institution experience of peri-operative and short-term complications with the prolift repair
system for pelvic organ prolapse. Society for Urodynamics and Female Urology, Las Vegas, NV,
February 2009.
Sirls LT, Nagaraju P, Eliya F, Killinger KA, Mullins K, Thomas P, et al, [Peters KM]. Single
institution experience of peri-operative and short-term complications with the prolift repair
system for pelvic organ prolapse. American Urological Association, Chicago, IL, April 2009.
Sirls L, Eliya F, Nagaraju P, Peters K, Killinger KA, Mullins K, et al. Peri operative
complications and symptom outcomes after pelvic organ prolapse repair with the prolift system.
American Urologic Association, Chicago, IL, May 2009.
Thor K, Peters KM. Advanced neuromodulation – how it really works. Society for Urodynamics
and Female Urology, Las Vegas, NV, February 2009.
Tyagi P. Detecting urinary inflammatory biomarkers in OAB using proteomic study. Workshop
on the subject: Potential urinary biomarker for assessment of overactive bladder. International
Continence Society (ICS) meeting San Francisco, CA, September 29-October 3, 2009.
Tyagi P, Jacobs B, Qu X, Barclay D, Vodovotz Y, Leng WW, et al, [Nikolavsky D, Peters KM,
Chancellor MB]. Urine inflammatory chemokines are novel biomarkers for the diagnosis of the
overactive bladder. NIDDK New Research Directions in Urinary Incontinence Symposium,
Bethesda, MD, January 2009. Best Basic Science poster.
Tyagi P, Jacobs BL, Barclay D, Vodovotz Y, Leng WW, Kuo HC, et al, [Chancellor MB]. Urine
levels of inflammatory chemokines can be novel biomarkers for the overactive bladder.
American Urological Association, Chicago, IL, April 25-30, 2009.
Tyagi P, Nikolavsky D, Peters KM, Tyagi V, Barclay D, Chancellor MB, et al. Hypothesis
driven urine proteomic study on interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome (IC/PBS) patients.
Society for Urodynamics and Female Urology, Las Vegas, NV, February 23-27, 2009. Best
Clinical Essay.
Tyagi P, Nikolavsky D, Vodovotz Y, Barclay D, Tyagi, V, Peters KM, et al, [Chancellor MB].
Urine levels of selected chemokines positively correlate with lower bladder capacity and
psychometric scores in IC/PBS patients. American Urological Association, Chicago, IL, April 2530, 2009.
Zimmern P, Dandreo K, Sirls L, Howell A, Hall L, Gruss J, et al. Lessons from a patient
experience survey in a randomized surgical trial of treatment of stress urinary incontinence in
women. International Continence Society, San Francisco, CA, September 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Brubaker L, Stoddard A, Richter H, Zimmern P, Moalli P, Sirls L, et al. Mixed incontinence:
Comparing definitions in women having stress incontinence surgery. Urinary Incontinence
Treatment Network. Neurourol Urodynam, March 9, 2009.
Brubaker L, Moalli P, Richter HE, Albo M, Sirls L, Chai T, et al. Challenges in designing a
pragmatic clinical trial: The mixed incontinence – medical or surgical approach (MIMOSA) trial
experience. Clinical Trials 2009; 6:355-364.
Burks FN, Peters KM. Neuromodulation for urinary dysfunction. Curr Bladder Dysfunct Rep
2009 September; 4(3):139-44.
Carrico DJ, Sherer KL, Peters KM. The relationship of interstitial cystitis/painful bladder
syndrome to vulvodynia. Urol Nurs. 2009 July-August; 29(4):233-38.
Chuang YC, Chancellor MB. Treatment of painful bladder syndrome and pelvic organ prolapse.
Highlights of the 4th International Consultation on Incontinence, July 5-8, 2008, Paris, France.
Rev Urol. 2009 Winter; 11(1):28-32.
Chuang, YC, Kuo HC, Chancellor MB. Bladder botulinum toxin, lower urinary tract symptoms,
1(Supp 1):22-25, 2009.
Costa FJ, Greco FD, Chancellor MB. Female urology: Training and regulations. Rev Urology
11:3, 1-3, 2009.
Diokno AC, Ocampo MS, Ibrahim IA, Karl CR, Lajiness MJ, Hall SA. Group session teaching
of behavioral modification program (BMP) for urinary incontinence: A randomized controlled trial
among incontinent women. Int Urol Nephrol, July 21, 2009.
Dmochowski RR, Peters KM, Morrow JD, Guan Z, Gong J, Sun F, et al. Randomized, doubleblind, placebo-controlled trial of flexible-dose fesoterodine in subjects with overactive bladder.
Urology, November 19, 2009.
FitzGerald MP, Anderson RU, Potts J, Payne CK, Peters KM, Clemens JQ, et al. Randomized
multicenter feasibility trial of myofascial physical therapy for the treatment of urological chronic
pelvic pain syndromes. J Urol. 2009 August; 182(2):570-80.
Hasenau DL. Adult muscle stem cells for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence. Quality
Care. 2009 Spring; 27(1):6.
Ilie CP, Chancellor MB. Perspective of botox for treatment of male lower urinary tract
symptoms. Curr Opin Urol 19:20-25, 2009.
Ingber MS, Ibrahim I, Turzewski C, Hollander JB, Diokno AC. Does periprostatic block
reduce pain during transrectal prostate biopsy? A randomized, placebo-controlled, doubleblinded study. Int Urol Nephrol, August 8, 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Articles: continued
Ingber MS, Ibrahim IA, Killinger KA, Diokno AC, Peters KM. Neuromodulation and female
sexual function: Does treatment for refractory voiding symptoms have an added benefit? Int
Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2009 September; 20(9):1055-9.
Kim YT, Chancellor MB, Tyagi P, Yoshimura N, Masuda H, Kim DK, et al. Localized effects of
antimuscarinics in the bladder. LUTS 1 Suppl 1:S56-S58, 2009.
Kim DK, Yoshimura N, Tyagi P, Chancellor MB. Role of sarco/endoplasmic reticulum calcium
ATPase in lower urinary tract smooth muscles. Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms 2009; 1 Suppl
1:50-53, 2009.
Lajiness MJ. Antibiotic prophylaxis: What is it? Why do we care? Urol Nurs 2009 May-June;
Lajiness MJ. Overactive bladder medications: Do they cause memory less? Urol Nurs.2009
July-August; 29(4):261-63.
Lajiness MJ. The use of botulinum toxin type A in urological procedures. Urol Nurs 2009
November-December; 29(6):445-50.
Nager CW, Brubaker L, Daneshgari F, Litman, HJ, Dandreo, KJ, Sirls L, et al. Design of the
value of urodynamic evaluation (VALUE) trial: A randomized trial of preoperative urodynamic
investigations. Contemporary Clinical Trials 30, 2009, 531–539.
Nikolavsky D, Chancellor MB. Stress incontinence and prolapse therapy assessment. Rev
Urol 11:41-43, 2009.
Peters KM, Carrico DJ, Burks FN. Validation of a sham for percutaneous tibial nerve
stimulation (PTNS). Neurourol Urodyn 2009 January; 28(1):58-61.
Peters KM, Killinger KA, Ibrahim IA. Childhood symptoms and events in women with
interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome. Urology 2009 February; 73(2):258-62.
Peters KM, MacDiarmid SA, Wooldridge LS, Leong FC, Shobeiri SA, Rovner ES et al.
Randomized trial of percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation versus extended-release tolterodine:
Results from the overactive bladder innovative therapy trial. J Urol 2009 September;
Peters KM, Killinger KA, Boguslawski BM, Boura JA. Chronic pudendal neuromodulation:
Expanding available treatment options for refractory urologic symptoms. Neurourol Urodyn,
September 28, 2009.
Tyagi P, Barclay D, Zamora R, Yoshimura N, Peters K, Chancellor M, et al. Urine cytokines
suggest an inflammatory response in the overactive bladder: A pilot study. Int Urol Nephrol,
September 26, 2009.
Tyagi P, Tyagi V, Yoshimura N, Chancellor MB, Yamaguchi O. Beta 3-adrenoceptor agonists
for the treatment of OAB. Drugs of Future 34(8):635-640, 2009.
Chapters and Books:
Chancellor MB, Somogyi GT, Smith P. Mechansim of botulinum toxin in the lower urinary tract.
Chapter 19, 231-239, in Botulinum Toxin, Therapeutic Clincial Practicie and Science. ed:
Jankovic, J, Saunders/Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA, 2009.
Chuang YC, Chancellor MB. Application of botulinum toxin in the prostate. Chapter 22, 273282, in Botulinum Toxin, Therapeutic Clincial Practicie and Science. ed: Jankovic, J,
Saunders/Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA, 2009.
Diokno AC. Surgery for stress urinary incontinence: Open approaches. In: Continence: Current
Concepts. Badiani, Davila, Michel, de la Rosette, editors. Springer, 2009.
O’Leary, Chancellor MB, Dierich M. Continence care for people living with MS. Muller, National
Association for Continence, editors. Coloplast.
Website Contributions, Video Clips, or other Multi-Media Contributions:
Korman HJ. Laserendopyelotomie. November 2009.
Korman HJ, Harris MJ, Dyche DJ. Prostate cancer: Radical perineal prostatectomy. eMedicine
from WebMD. January 26, 2009.