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So what do they do?
Italy invades Ethiopia in 1935.
Ethiopia had defeated the Italians
in 1896 at the Battle of Adowa.
They’re BITTER!!
Under the leadership of Hitler,
Germany begins to re-arm against
the Versailles Treaty. They
mobilize and move into the
Rhineland in 1936—a no military
zone. Then, Hitler begins to
move all over Europe
Japan invaded and took over
Manchuria in 1931. Then, in order
to gain more resources and exert
control, Japan started taking over
the entire coast of China in 1937.
•Hitler and Mussolini send aid to Franco
•Stalin sends a little aid
•US, France, Britain remain neutral
The Spanish Civil
1 MILLION deaths
Testing grounds for Nazi firepower
Franco triumphs = another dictator in Europe
Hitler and Mussolini grow even MORE confident
In 1938, Hitler’s plan began…
1. Germany annexed Austria
2. Then he took over parts of Czechoslovakia, the
Sudetenland (area of Czechoslovakia containing 3
million Germans). He promised not to continue…
Is Anyone Going to Do Something?
Munich Conference
Neville Chamberlain
Allows Hitler to annex
the Sudetenland
Hitler promises to end
his aggression on Europe
“Peace for our time. ”: says that the conference saved
Czechoslovakia from destruction and Europe from
Now Germany looked like this.
What did Hitler have in mind for his next move?
…Hitler and Stalin make a secret peace treaty…
Germany would invade
Poland…Hitler and
Stalin would then split
it in half.
Hitler did this so he
did not have to fight
a 2 front war!
Hitler and Stalin
• 1 million men, 52
• 1500 tanks
• 850 bombers, 400
• 600,000 men,
some still on
• 310 tanks
• 400 planes, only
36 considered
German Plan of Attack?
Blitzkrieg = Lightning War!!!
Blitzkrieg Begins
• Within two days, the Luftwaffe (German air
force) has destroyed the Polish air
force…with most of the Polish planes never
getting off the ground
• Now the Germany army and air force have
no threat of being attacked in the air
• Stuka’s mercilessly attack Polish troops
Poor, poor Poland
• The Soviet Union and Germans divide
Poland on September 28th, 1939.
• Some soldiers continue to resist, but Poland
is officially finished.
• 90,000 Polish troops escape into Hungary
and Romania; some will fight for Britain
and France later in the war.
Now, Hitler could focus all of
his army in ONE direction!
In April of 1940, Hitler
takes over Norway and
What was next?
He then attacks Belgium
and the Netherlands.
They also fall quickly
Key People
Key Facts & Battles
Dwight Eisenhower
D-Day/Invasion of Normandy/Operation Overlord
George Patton
Battle of the Bulge
Chester Nimitz
Battle of Midway
Douglas MacArthur
The Philippines (Bataan & Leyte Gulf) – “I shall return”
Erwin Rommel
Bernard Montgomery
Isoroku Yamamoto
North Africa, El Alamein
Great Britain
North Africa, El Alamein
Top Japanese naval commander
Miracle at Dunkirk
May 27 – June 4, 1940
French, British, & Belgian troops are
trapped by the Germans at the port of
Dunkirk in northern France
Churchill sends all available ships to
rescue the troops
Miraculous rescue of approx. 400,000
Allied troops
Battle of Britain
 July 10 – Oct. 31, 1940
 Germany bombs Britain for 57 days
in a row!
 Fearing Britain may withdraw from
the war, Roosevelt begins the LendLease Program after this battle
 Britain wins due to the superiority of
the Royal Air Force (RAF) and their
use of new technology like radar
 Called Operation Sea Lion!
Pearl Harbor
December 7, 1941
Japanese air force launches a
surprise attack against US naval
base in Hawaii
Almost 2,500 Americans were killed
& a large portion of our naval
resources were destroyed
– Most casualties
came from the USS
Pushes US to enter WWII on the
side of the Allies
FDR: “A date which will live in
Battle of Bataan
Jan. 7 – Apr. 9, 1942
Japanese land in the Philippines at Manila
US forced to retreat
MacArthur: “I shall return”
Bataan Death March: 60,000-80,000 US &
Filipino POW’s march 65 miles
Suffer from physical abuse, starvation, & disease
Estimated that 2,500 – 10,000 Filipino & 100-650
American POW’s were killed
Considered to be a Japanese war crime
Doolittle Raids
• April 18, 1942
• First successful attack
on Japanese home
• Focused on large cities
like Tokyo
• No major damage
done to Japanese
• Increased US morale
Battle of the Coral Sea
• May 4 – 8, 1942
• US & Australian
victory prevents Japan
from invading
• Leads to the Battle of
Battle of Midway
June 3-7 1942
US learns of surprise attack planned by the
US turns surprise around on the Japanese
Turning Point of the Pacific
United States have broken the Japanese code
Japan loses 4 fleet carriers
US moves in the offensive position
Hawaii is saved
Begins the strategy of island hopping
Battle of Guadalcanal
• August 1942February 1943
• First major
offensive by the
Allied powers
• US takes over an air
base- strategically
very important
• Important island for
with Australia
Battle of Stalingrad
• Aug 1942-February 1943
• Germany on the move to take
the important city of
– Supply lines
– Access to oil fields
• Winter approaches; Germans
not equipped
• Bloodiest battle in all of
• Turning Point in Europe
– Hitler always on the
Battle of El Alamein
• October 23rd – November 5th,
• Fought in North Africa
• Led to the retreat of Axis
• Turning point in Africa
– Set up for the invasion of
– Once Italy is invaded, they
withdraw from the war and
Mussolini is killed
Normandy Invasion
• June 6th, 1944 –
“Operation Overlord”
• 5 Beaches invaded by
allied powers
– Three-pronged attack:
Sea, air, paratroopers
• Heavy losses for allies
• France is reclaimed
• Largest invasion before or
• “Bedford Boys”
Battle of the Bulge
• Dec 1944 -Jan
• Germany’s Last
• Patton’s 3rd Army
– Saves the day
Battle of Leyte Gulf
• Oct 23-26, 1944
• Largest naval battle
ever fought
• Destroyed Japan’s
fleet preventing
their ability to
move resources
• America regains the
Battle of Iwo Jima
• Feb 19 – March
26, 1945
• Change in
military tactics
for the Japanese
– Kamikaze
pilots, caves,
• 750 miles from
mainland Japan
Battle of Okinawa
• April – June
• Largest
landing in
• 350 miles from
Japan: US can
now bomb
mainland Japan
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Potsdam Ultimatum: surrender or face
ultimate destruction
Atomic Bomb
Manhattan Project
J. Robert Oppenheimer
Hiroshima: August 6, 1945
Enola Gay drops “Little Boy”
Nagasaki: Bockstar drops “Fat Man”
V-E Day: May 8th, 1945
V-J Day: August 15, 1945