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The Greek World
Chapter Nine
Section One: Greece And Persia
1. Who was Cyrus the Great and what did he do?
• Leader of the Persians and started the Persian
• Took over some Greek city-states (polis)
• Conquered people could keep their customs
2. Describe why the Persian Army was successful and define
• Strong army that was well organized and loyal
• Called the “Immortals” they were 10,000
soldiers chosen for their skills
• Had a powerful cavalry (a unit of soldiers who
ride horses)
• The cavalry would charge the enemy and
weaken them, then the Immortals would
attack the enemy
3. Describe political organization under Darius I
• Divided the empire in to 20 provinces ruled by
a “satrap” (like a governor)
• Darius’ officials would check in on the satraps
to make sure they were still loyal to the king
4. Describe Persian Society under
Darius I
• Many roads that messengers could travel, one
road was the “Royal Road” and it was 1,700
miles long
• Built a capital called “Persepolis” that was
filled with gold, silver, jewels and statues
• New religion called “Zoroastrianism” this
taught there were two forces fighting for
control of the universe (good and evil)
5. What are the Persian Wars?
• Wars between Greece and Persia
• Greece helped the parts of Greece that were
under Persian control
• Darius was angry so he sent soldiers to fight
6. What happened at the Battle of
• Greece had less soldiers but won because they
had better weapons and clever leaders
• A messenger ran from Marathon to Athens (26
miles) to bring news of the victory then fell
over dead from exhaustion
7. Describe the Battle of Salamis
• Darius’ son Xerxes I sent the Persian Army AND navy to conquer Greece
• Sparta helped fight and the Athenians sent their navy
• The Spartans (about 1,400) held off the Persians in a small passage, but
the Persians went around another way, burned Athens
• A few days later the Athenian army led the large Persian ships in to a small
passage, getting the ships stuck and made it possible for the Athenian
army to sink the ships and beat the Persians
Section Two: Sparta and Athens
8. Describe life for a Spartan male
• Birth: too weak, left to die
• Small child: ran, jumped, swam and threw javelins to
increase strength
• 7-12 :Values training: left home to get educated
• 12-18: Physical Training: Boys developed physical skills
through exercise
• 18-20: Military training: Men learned how to fight as a part
of the army
• 20-30: Military Service: Soldiers formed the body of the
Spartan army
• 30: Full citizenship: soldiers could participate in the
assembly and move back home
9. Describe life for a Spartan female
• Women had more rights than other Greek
city-states because the men were gone most
of the time
• They could own land and run the household
• Slaves wove clothes for the women
10. What was the government like in
• Two kings ruled jointly
• Elected officials ran everything and had more
power than the kings
• The government was set up to control the
helots (slaves) because there were more
slaves than Spartan citizens, so they had to
keep them under control to keep them from
11. What was life like for an Athenian
• Athenian boys were taught to improve their body and minds
• They didn’t have to devote their lives to the army, they only
joined for two years from 18-20
• They learned to read, write, count, sing, play instruments
• Had private tutors if rich
12. What was life like for an Athenian
• Not educated
• taught to weave and sew
• Could NOT serve in the government, leave
home (except for special occasions), buy
anything or own property and disobey their
husbands or fathers
13. Define alliance
• An agreement to work together
14. What was the Delian League and
how was Athens so powerful?
• An agreement among Greek city-states to punish the Persians
for attacking Greece and to defend each other and help
defend the Aegean Sea
• Athens was the strongest in this league, so they forced city
states to join and wouldn’t let anyone leave it, and they spent
the money in the league to improve Athens, making it very
15.Describe the Peloponnesian War
• A war between Athens and Sparta that threatened to tear all of Greece
• The Spartans set fire to the crops surrounding the city walls, so the
Athenians sent their navy to attack Spartans and Spartan allies.
• Fighting went on and on for ten years until they both agreed to a truce
Section Three: Alexander the Great
16. Who was Phillip II and what did he do?
• King of Macedonia in 359 BC
• Took over Athens and Thebes, then the rest of
Greek surrendered to him
• He became a brilliant military leader
17. Define phalanx
• A group of warriors who stood close together
in a square, each soldier held a spear pointed
outward and as soldiers were killed others
stepped up from behind to fill their spots
18. How did Alexander the Great build
an empire?
• Ended the rebellion in Thebes and enslaved the people to
stop others in Greece from rebelling
• Defeated the Persians because they had a well trained army
that was ready to battle
• Was crowned pharaoh of Egypt
• Took over the Persian Empire after the Persian king was killed
• Ruled from the age of 20 to 33 when he died of illness
19. Describe the new “Hellenistic”
culture from Alexander
• Called many cities Alexandria
• Built temples and theaters like the ones in
• Very Greece-like everywhere
• Greek art, literature, language and science
spread to surrounding lands
• But he let people keep parts of their own
culture, so it was a blend
20. Describe the Three Hellenistic
kingdoms in Alexander’s empire
• 1. Hellenistic Macedonia~ weak government, lots
of Greek rebellions, Roman Empire takes over in
the mid 100’s BC
• 2. Hellenistic Syria~ also faced unhappy people
that rebelled and by the 60’s BC Rome invaded
and took over
• 3. Hellenistic Egypt~ encouraged the Greek
culture and built libraries and museums to Greek
learning and Alexander, most successful empire
until Rome took it over in 30 BC
Section Four: Greek Achievements
21. Describe Greek architecture
• Temples with columns in rows around it
• The buildings reflected the greatness of the
• Parthenon was the most impressive, in
Athens, as a temple to Athena
22. What did the Greeks write about
• Dramas (plays)~actors and singers performed scenes in honor
of gods and heroes (tragedies and comedies)
• History~ they wrote books on history so Greeks could learn
from their past, mainly learning from mistakes so they don’t
do them again
23. Who was Socrates and what did he
• Philosopher that believed people should not
stop looking for knowledge
• He was a teacher, taught by asking questions
• The government accused him of questioning
the gods and sentenced him to death by
24. Who was Plato and what did he
• A student of Socrates
• A teacher and philosopher
• Described the “perfect” society with fairness
and equality to all, ran by philosphers
25. Who was Aristotle and what did he
• Plato’s student
• Believed in moderation or balance in
everyones lives
• Lives based on reason (clear and ordered
• Think about your actions and how they will
affect others
26. What were the Greek
advancements in Mathematics?
• Geometry
• Accurately calculated the size of the Earth
27. What were the Greek advancements in
Medicine and Engineering?
• Studied the human body to understand how it worked and to
cure diseases and keep people healthy
• Hippocrates was a doctor is known today for how he thought
doctors should behave
• Archimedes was a Greek scientist that invented a water screw
to bring in water from the fields, it is still used today