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Perspectives on the Evolutionary Origin of
Tetrapod Limbs
The Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, CA 92037
The study of the origin and evolution of the tetrapod limb has benefited enormously from the confluence of molecular and paleontological data. In the last two decades, our
knowledge of the basic molecular mechanisms that control limb development has grown exponentially, and developmental biologists now have the possibility of combining molecular data with
many available descriptions of the fossil record of vertebrate fins and limbs. This synthesis of
developmental and evolutionary biology has the potential to unveil the sequence of molecular
changes that culminated in the adoption of the basic tetrapod limb plan. J. Exp. Zool. (Mol. Dev.
Evol.) 288:287–303, 2000. © 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The basic structure of the vertebrate limb is remarkably conserved among amniote tetrapods. It
consists of a proximal part (stylopod) with a single
skeletal element, a medial part (zeugopod) with two
elements, and a distal part (autopod) composed of
carpus or tarsus and radiating digits. This morphological conservation appears to be the consequence of the utilization of similar molecular
mechanisms to control growth and patterning in
the limb of most tetrapods (reviewed by Johnson
and Tabin, ’97; Ng et al., ’99). The vertebrate limb
bud is probably the structure for which more molecular data are available in terms of understanding patterning mechanisms in developing embryos.
Classical embryological studies in avian and amphibian embryos and gene knockouts in mouse
have contributed greatly to our understanding of
how positional information is established and how
growth and patterning are integrated in the limb.
In the last two decades, the study of limb development has benefited from a new synthesis of
developmental and evolutionary biology based on
the reinterpretation of the fossil record and on new
discoveries from developmental genetics (Gilbert
et al., ’96; Raff, ’96; Gerhart and Kirschner, ’97;
Wilkins, ’98). The analysis of the fossil record (especially of Late Devonian tetrapods discovered in
recent years) has helped to establish the evolutionary history of the vertebrate limb, and developmental biologists have attempted to explain this
evolutionary history in terms of changes in the
activity of genes involved in embryonic development. Traditionally, two types of developmental
changes have been postulated to explain the origin of macroevolutionary novelties (Raff and
Kaufman, ’83; Gilbert et al., ’96; Raff, ’96): heterochrony (alteration in the timing of some developmental event) and allometry (differential growth
of parts). The mechanisms that could explain
rapid morphological changes in evolution have
been discussed at length by several authors (see
for instance Gould, ’77; Raff, ’96). The challenge
for developmental biologists is to provide detailed
and plausible molecular explanations for the developmental changes that are proposed to lead to
macroevolutionary novelties.
In this scenario, what does developmental biology tell us about the origin and evolution of the
vertebrate limb? First, that the molecular processes that control growth and patterning in the
vertebrate limb also operate in the development
of other appendages (and body wall outgrowths
in general) in many organisms (reviewed by
Shubin et al., ’97). There seems to be a very specific molecular formulation to make an outgrowth
that sticks out of the main body axis. That molecular formulation, composed of several genetic
networks, constitutes a “developmental module”
that is used time and again during embryonic development to control growth and patterning of
many body wall outgrowths, including limbs. Second, that changes in the spatial or temporal pattern of expression of key developmental genes, like
the Hox genes, are associated with the appearance of morphological innovations such as digits,
Grant sponsor: National Institute of Health; Grant sponsor: G.
Harold and Leila W. Mathers Charitable Foundation.
*Correspondence to: Javier Capdevila, The Salk Institute for Biological Studies, 10010 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037.
E-mail: [email protected]
Received 26 April 2000; Accepted 18 May 2000
or with a change in the number and shape of digits. We are reaching the point where developmental biologists should be able to provide a plausible
mechanistic explanation for the sequence of genetic events that culminated in the adoption of
the basic tetrapod limb plan.
In this review, we focus on some aspects related
to the evolution of vertebrate limbs from a molecular perspective. We first discuss what is
known about appendages in general and limb induction and limb positioning in particular. We
then analyze the role of some key genes involved
in outgrowth and patterning, and we finally discuss the genetic control of digit formation and the
developmental constraints that influence the evolution of vertebrate limb morphology.
Animal appendages are outgrowths of the body
wall that are adapted for specialized functions
such as feeding and locomotion. The tetrapod limb
is just one type of appendage, a particular example
of body wall outgrowth that played a key role in
the appearance of terrestrial vertebrates in the
late Devonian. In recent years, it has also become
clear that, even after more than 500 million years
of independent evolution, a very similar genetic
regulatory machinery operates in both vertebrate
and arthropod appendages (reviewed by Shubin
et al., ’97). The prevailing interpretation of this
fact is that an ancient genetic network, operating
in a common ancestor, controlled the formation
of sensory, feeding, or locomotor outgrowths that
were already patterned along the anteroposterior,
dorsoventral, and proximodistal axes (Panganiban
et al., ’97). Thus, the genetic machinery required
to build a tetrapod limb is considered to be a modern version of an ancient genetic mechanism that
controlled body wall outgrowths in many primitive organisms.
One of the best examples to support this interpretation comes from the study of the homeodomain-containing transcription factor Distalless
(Dll/Dlx), which seems to play a major role in the
mechanism controlling appendage formation. The
Dll gene was originally cloned in Drosophila,
where it was shown to be expressed at the distal
tip of growing limbs (Cohen et al., ’89; Panganiban
et al., ’94, ’95). Clonal analysis demonstrated that
Dll activity is required for appendage outgrowth
in Drosophila (Cohen and Jurgens, ’89). Since its
discovery in the fly, Dll/Dlx genes have been
cloned in many different organisms. A comparison of the expression of Dll/Dlx in several meta-
zoan phyla has revealed that Dll/Dlx is associated with outgrowths from the body wall in many
different animals. For example, Dll/Dlx genes are
expressed in the tubefeet and spines of sea urchins, in Onychophoran lobopodia and antennae,
in ampullae and siphons of ascidians, in the
parapodia of annelids, and in vertebrate limb buds
(Panganiban et al., ’97).
What is known about the evolutionary history
of the Dll/Dlx genes? In vertebrates, Dll/Dlx
genes are distributed in pairs that are located on
the same chromosomes (Rossi et al., ’94; Simeone
et al., ’94; Stock et al., ’96). Phylogenetic analyses of Dll/Dlx gene sequences suggest that a
primitive tandem duplication resulted in a linked
pair of Dll/Dlx genes, presumably after the divergence of arthropods and chordates, but prior
to the divergence of tunicates and vertebrates.
That pair of Dll/Dlx genes was later duplicated
in the chromosomal events that also originated
the four clusters of Hox genes present in bony
fish and tetrapods (Stock et al., ’96). Some regulatory elements that direct Dll/Dlx expression in
specific organs or structures (including the vertebrate limb bud) have been identified (Morasso
et al., ’95). Also, linked Dll/Dlx genes show overlapping patterns of expression during embryonic
development, which suggests that they share cisacting sequences (Ellies et al., ’97). Cross-regulatory interactions between Dll/Dlx genes may be
responsible for their overlapping patterns of expression in several organisms (Zerucha et al., ’97).
So far, a direct role for Dll/Dlx in the outgrowth
of vertebrate appendages has not been demonstrated, although the pattern of expression of several Dll/Dlx genes in the vertebrate limb bud
suggests their involvement in apical ectodermal
ridge (AER) activity, cartilage differentiation, and
other functions (Dollé et al., ’92; Bulfone et al.,
’93; Ferrari et al., ’95; Panganiban et al., ’97;
Ferrari et al., ’99).
How do Dll/Dlx genes actually work? The exact mechanism is still unknown, but it could involve local control of cell division. Campbell and
Tomlinson (’98) have also recently proposed a role
for Dll/Dlx in the control of adhesive properties
of cells. Dll null clones in leg imaginal disks in
Drosophila appear to sort out from wild-type surrounding cells, which seems to indicate that Dllexpressing cells share specific adhesive properties.
The authors speculate that this function of controlling cell adhesion could be related to an ancient role in the formation of outgrowths from the
body wall in different organisms. It should be
pointed out, however, that Dll/Dlx genes are not
associated with all types of outgrowths. For example, in several crustaceans, Dll/Dlx expression
is not associated with the appearance of limb
branches (Williams, ’98). This suggests that not
all outgrowths are patterned by the simple iteration of the Dll/Dlx-dependent mechanism that
patterns the unbranched leg of Drosophila.
Panganiban and collaborators speculate that,
most likely, the ancestral role of Dll/Dlx genes
was unrelated to appendages or body wall outgrowths. For example, Dll/Dlx genes are expressed in arthropods in the CNS and PNS, and
in vertebrates in the CNS, which suggests that
Dll/Dlx function arose in the CNS before being
coopted to direct outgrowths from the body wall.
This observation can be generalized to state that
the genetic network that controls appendage
growth and patterning was most likely already
present before appendages and outgrowths appeared (Panganiban et al., ’97).
Basal chordates (Amphioxus) do not have appendages. Tetrapods have two sets of paired appendages, derived from the pectoral and pelvic fins
of gnathostomes (reviewed by Coates, ’94). The
first paired appendages appeared in some jawless
fish, and gnathostomes already had pectoral and
pelvic paired fins (Carroll, ’88). We do not know
how fins appeared in these primitive fish. Our
knowledge about how limbs are induced at specific locations along the main body axis derives
almost exclusively from experiments conducted
with avian embryos. Limbs originate in the flanks
of the early embryo, where groups of cells in the
lateral plate mesoderm develop into small buds
of mesenchymal cells encased in an ectodermal
jacket (Searls and Janners, ’71). In many tetrapods, as development proceeds, mesodermal signals induce the distal part of the ectoderm to form
a thickening called apical ectodermal ridge (AER),
which runs along the anteroposterior axis of the
limb bud, separating the dorsal aspect of the limb
from the ventral aspect (Saunders, ’48; Todt and
Fallon, ’84). The integrity of the AER is essential
to keep the limb cells proliferating and the limb
bud growing. When the AER is surgically removed,
proliferation of the limb bud cells is affected and
the resulting limb is truncated (Saunders, ’48).
The AER interacts with the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA), a group of mesenchymal cells in the
posterior margin of the limb bud that control anteroposterior patterning in the limb (Saunders and
Gasseling, ’68). The polarizing activity of the ZPA
is mediated by sonic hedgehog (shh; Riddle et al.,
’93; López-Martínez et al., ’95). The shh gene encodes a secreted factor homologous to the product
of the Drosophila segment polarity gene hedgehog (hh), involved in many patterning processes
in the embryo and imaginal discs (Lee et al., ’92;
Mohler and Vani, ’92; Tabata et al., ’92; Tashiro
et al., ’93; reviewed by Ingham, ’98). The mesenchymal cells in the distal part of the limb bud
constitute the progress zone (PZ), which is kept
in a proliferative state by the AER (Summerbell
et al., ’73). Cells in the PZ give rise to most of the
skeletal elements of the limb. As the limb grows,
mesenchymal cells leave the PZ moving proximally and acquiring positional information to give
rise to the skeletal elements (Summerbell et al.,
’73), which develop in a proximodistal direction
that follows a specific sequence of prechondrogenic
condensations and bifurcations. This sequence is
highly conserved among tetrapods, as revealed by
comparative morphogenetic analyses (Shubin and
Alberch, ’86).
This general scheme of limb development does
not apply to all vertebrates. For example, in
osteichthyan fish like the zebrafish, Danio rerio, the
apical fin bud ectoderm does not form an AER, but
it rather transforms into a protruding fold that encloses the dermal rays and terminates proliferation
of the mesenchyme of the fin bud (Geraudie, ’78).
The result is a proximodistal subdivision of the mesenchyme that forms four radials, and several peripheral foci form other distal radials. Recently,
several mutations in zebrafish that affect fin formation have been identified (van Eeden et al., ’96),
but their exact roles in fin bud patterning have not
been examined in detail.
The AER is clearly a major organizing structure in the limb bud of higher tetrapods, but not
all tetrapod limbs have an AER. Richardson and
collaborators speculate that the AER was present
in the common ancestor of anurans and amniotes,
and that it has been lost in several species which
are direct developers, including several species of
frog. In these frogs there is a thickened apical ectoderm, but no AER (Richardson et al., ’98). In
slow worms and other reptilians, the AER appears
but later on it degenerates and the adult is limbless. The molecular basis of this phenomenon is
not well known, but Raynaud and collaborators
have demonstrated that treatment with basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF) protein is able to
maintain proliferation of slow worm limb bud cells
(Raynaud and Kan, ’92; Raynaud et al., ’95). FGF
and chick AER are also able to rescue leg bud outgrowth in python embryos (Cohn and Tickle, ’99).
FGF proteins (which are expressed in the AER in
vertebrate limb buds; reviewed by Martin, ’98) have
been previously shown to be able to substitute for
the AER in maintaining the proliferation of PZ cells
and outgrowth of the limb (Niswander et al., ’93;
Fallon et al., ’94; Mahmood et al., ’95). It would be
interesting to analyze the expression of endogenous
Fgfs genes and other genes involved in limb induction and outgrowth in slow worm embryos and other
limbless reptiles (see an example of this approach
in Cohn and Tickle, ’99). This type of comparative
analysis should provide useful information about
the factors required to induce limbs and to support
their growth in the embryonic flank.
How are limbs positioned along the main body
axis in the first place? The mechanism of limb induction is still a matter of controversy, but some
molecular players have already been identified (reviewed by Martin, ’98). The Fgf-8 gene is expressed
transiently and dynamically in the intermediate
mesoderm at the forelimb and hindlimb levels before limbs are induced, and Fgf-8 activity can maintain cells in a proliferative state at the flank
positions that correspond to the limb fields (Crossley
et al., ’96; Vogel et al., ’96). FGF-8 protein (and other
proteins of the same family) seems to be able to
direct initiation and normal development of a limb
bud from the embryonic flank (Cohn et al., ’95;
Ohuchi et al., ’95; Crossley et al., ’96; Vogel et al.,
’96). Interestingly, another member of the same gene
family, FGF-10, could be involved in mediating the
effect of FGF-8 on the lateral plate mesoderm cells
(Ohuchi et al., ’97; Xu et al., ’98). The Fgf-10 gene
has been shown to be induced by FGF-8, and FGF10 is able to induce ectodermal cells to form an AER
in a more direct way than FGF-8 (Ohuchi et al.,
’97). Targeted mutation of the Fgf-10 gene in mice
results in the absence of limbs (Min et al., ’98;
Sekine et al., ’99).
Although ectopic FGF proteins can induce the
development of an ectopic limb in the flank of the
embryo, factors other than FGF proteins could
also be involved in limb induction. For example,
the Hensen’s node has limb-inducing activity
(Dealy, ’97), and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGFI) and insulin are produced by medial tissues next
to the prospective limb-forming regions of the lateral plate, and they are able to induce limb budlike structures in vitro (Dealy and Kosher, ’96).
Thus, although enormous progress has been made
in the last few years in our molecular understanding of limb induction, the exact molecular nature
of the limb inducer remains elusive.
Irrespective of the nature of the endogenous
limb inducer, its function clearly depends on its
adequate spatiotemporal pattern of expression
prior to limb induction. Hox genes, which encode
homeodomain transcription factors initially identified in Drosophila, play a key role in this process. It is generally accepted that a combinatorial
expression of Hox genes in the embryonic trunk
and lateral plate mesoderm (Cohn et al., ’97) determines the level at which the limbs are going
to develop, and perhaps the initial anteroposterior polarity also. An interesting result that supports the involvement of a combinatorial Hox code
in positioning the vertebrate limbs is that mice
lacking the Hoxb-5 gene have the shoulder girdle
slightly shifted (Rancourt et al., ’95), which is consistent with a role for Hoxb-5 in establishing positional cues in the embryonic axis. According to
this view, limbs would be induced in the embryonic flank at specific positions that contain certain combinations of Hox gene expression. Once
the limb bud has been induced, several Hox genes
also seem to be important in delimiting the region where the ZPA (and shh expression) is going
to be located. Thus, Hoxb-8 was proposed to be
required for the initiation of shh expression in the
posterior mesenchyme of the limb bud (Lu et al.,
’97a; Stratford et al., ’97), although it would not
be required for shh maintenance (Charité et al.,
’94). Besides, ectopic Hoxb-8 in the anterior margin of the mouse limb bud is able to induce ectopic shh, which results in pattern duplications
(Charité et al., ’94). However, the fact that Hoxb8-deficient mice have normal limbs (Van den
Akker et al., ’99) clearly indicates that Hoxb-8 is
not necessary for shh expression, which could be
controlled by a combination of several Hox genes.
Another Hox gene, Hoxd-12, has also been shown
to be involved in the control of shh in the limb
(Knezevic et al., ’97; Hérault et al., ’98; Mackem
and Knezevic, ’99).
Hox genes provide spatial cues in a variety of
embryonic structures in vertebrates (reviewed by
Krumlauf, ’94; Burke et al., ’95; Cohn and Tickle,
’99), and the study of Hox gene regulation is an
active field of research (reviewed by Duboule, ’98).
In the embryonic axis, Hox gene expression is controlled by several factors. Retinoic acid (RA) appears to be a key regulator of Hox genes (reviewed
by Marshall et al., ’96). Interestingly, RA is involved in controlling Hox gene expression in the
lateral plate mesoderm at the time at which the
limb fields are determined. Inhibition of RA activity in the embryonic flank prevents initiation
of shh expression in the limb, most likely by downregulating Hoxb-8 (Lu et al., ’97). Also, it has been
demonstrated that the Hoxb-8 gene has regulatory
elements that bind Cdx proteins (Charité et al.,
’98). These proteins are homologues of Drosophila
Caudal, a protein involved in anteroposterior patterning in the embryo. Other Hox genes are also
regulated by Cdx proteins (Shashikant et al., ’95;
Subramanian et al., ’95). Charité and collaborators
(’98) have proposed an ancestral role for Cdx/Caudal proteins in specifying anteroposterior axial patterning in a variety of organisms through the
control of Hox gene expression boundaries. The
TGF-β factor Gdf-11 also appears to act upstream
of Hox genes, since Gdf-11-deficient mice show a
posterior displacement of the hindlimbs that correlates with alterations in Hox gene expression in
the trunk (McPherron et al., ’99).
It is important to point out that both Hox and
Fgf genes are older than limbs. Some authors have
speculated that a small number of ancestral Hox
genes were initially involved in the specification
of polarity in the digestive tract and they were
later on recruited in the patterning of other axial
structures and body wall outgrowths, including
limbs (van der Hoeven et al., ’96). The establishment and maintenance of the spatial and temporal distribution of Hox gene expression play a key
role in determining axial pattern in many organisms. It is becoming clear that specific differences
in Hox transcription patterns can be correlated
with anatomical modifications in different species,
which clearly suggests that evolutionary variation
of Hox cis-regulatory elements has played an important role in the origin and evolution of body
plans (reviewed by Gellon and McGinnis, ’98). In
the case of Fgfs, several members of the superfamily have been shown to be required during gastrulation in the mouse embryo (reviewed by
Rossant et al., ’97), which suggests that their ancestral role was related to very basic mechanisms
of axial patterning. Fgfs were probably recruited
later for derived functions such as the induction
of the limb buds. Coulier and collaborators (’97)
have proposed a model of evolution of the Fgf superfamily through phases of gene duplications, one
of which may have coincided with the emergence
of vertebrates.
The key event in the evolutionary transition
from fins to limbs was the acquisition of digits,
about 360 million years ago. Until very recently,
the prevailing theory stated that digits (both fin-
gers and toes) were a morphological novelty that
appeared in osteolepiform fish (such as Eusthenopleron foordi) as an adaptation to the need of supporting the weight of the animal during terrestrial
locomotion. However, recent analyses of fossils of
one of the most primitive known tetrapods, the amphibian Acanthostega gunnari (Coates, ’96), and of
an aquatic rhizodontid sarcopterygian fish with finger-like structures in the pectoral fin (Daeschler and
Shubin, ’98) have suggested that digits evolved in
water as an event unrelated to the need of terrestrial locomotion. The osteolepiform-tetrapod relationship has also been recently revised by Ahlberg
and Johanson (’98) in a way that suggests that we
may reasonably expect that the discovery of fossils
of more primitive forms will provide more details
about the entire lineage that leads to tetrapods
(Janvier, ’98; Johanson and Ahlberg, ’98).
On the matter of the origin of digits, two main
views have dominated the debate for more than a
century: one that considers digits as being unique
to tetrapods (Holmgren, ’33), and another that considers radials of fins (of sarcopterygian fish) homologous to digits (Gregory and Raven, ’41).
Indeed, both tetrapod digits and fin radials seem
to branch both anteriorly and posteriorly from the
metapterygial axis (the main axis of cartilaginous
condensation in the limb), but only if this axis is
considered to be a straight line. In 1986, Shubin
and Alberch expanded Holmgren’s initial observation that the digital arches in tetrapods are discontinuous with the rest of the limb (Holmgren,
’52) and, based on comparative morphological
analyses of prechondrogenic limb patterns, they
proposed a redefinition of the metapterygial axis
as bending anteriorly through the digital arch.
According to this view, tetrapod digits would now
lie postaxially to the metapterygial axis (Shubin
and Alberch, ’86; see Fig. 1). In 1991, Coates noticed a correspondence between the pattern of expression of Hoxd genes in the limb bud and the
“bent” metapterygial axis of the tetrapod limb
(Coates, ’91), as redefined by Shubin and Alberch
(’86). Since then, it has become clear that the
proper development of digits in the vertebrate
limb requires the activity of Hoxa and Hoxd gene
complexes (Tabin, ’92; Dollé et al., ’93; reviewed
by Rijli and Chambon, ’97; Kondo et al., ’98).
The prevailing view at this time is that the appearance of digits seems to be associated with the
adoption of novel spatial and temporal patterns
of expression of Hox genes in the vertebrate limb
bud (Sordino et al., ’95; Nelson et al., ’96; Sordino
and Duboule, ’96; reviewed by Shubin et al., ’97).
Fig. 1. According to some interpretations, the origin of
digits correlates with a reversal in the polarity of Hoxd expression. Sarcopterygian fin buds, like those of Eusthenopleron
foordi (a), presumably had nested expression of Hoxd-11, 12,
and 13 in the posterior margin of the bud (only two genes
are shown for simplicity). Expression persists in older buds,
fading in the most posterior edge. This gives rise to an adult
fin with a straight metapterygial axis (in black), similar to
the one observed in the zebrafish (Danio rerio). In contrast,
tetrapod limb buds like those of Achantostega gunnari or the
mouse (Mus musculus) (b) have a later phase of Hoxd expression where nested expression of Hoxd-11, 12, and 13 expands anteriorly and distally and the anterior limits of the
genes are reversed with respect to the early phase. This “bending” of the metapterygial axis and reversed Hoxd polarity
correlates with bending of the appendicular axis and the appearance of digits. The illustrations were adapted from Coates
and Clack (’90), Ahlberg and Milner (’94), Coates (’95),
Sordino et al. (’95), and Ahlberg and Johanson (’98).
In an early stage during limb bud development,
Hoxd-11, 12, and 13 genes are expressed in a nested
sequence in the posterior edge of the limb bud in
tetrapods, and of the fin bud in fish like the teleost
Danio rerio and (presumably) sarcopterygian fish
like the osteolepiform Eusthenopleron (Fig. 1). As
the limbs elongate, expression of Hoxd-11, 12, and
13 maintains the same pattern in fin buds, but in
tetrapods (including, presumably, Acanthostega
gunnari), Hoxd-11, 12, and 13 expand more anteriorly in the distal part of the limb bud, which is the
region that eventually gives rise to the digital arch,
from which the digits form. Thus, a novel late phase
of Hoxd-11, 12, and 13 expression in the distal part
of the limb bud seems to be closely associated with
the appearance of digits, perhaps through the in-
duction of new patterns of cell proliferation (Zákány
et al., ’97). Shubin and collaborators (’97) have proposed that the reversal of the relative anterior
boundaries of the 5′ most Hoxd genes (that were
posteriorly restricted at an early stage) is closely
correlated with the origin of digits.
Clearly, comparative studies in several organisms
are necessary if we are to get a complete picture of
the origin of digits. For example, it would be useful
to investigate Hox gene expression during fin bud
development in lungfish, which are much closer to
tetrapods than teleost fish like Danio rerio. Also,
although in most tetrapods skeletal elements appear in a posterior to anterior sequence in the
zeugopod and autopod, in urodele amphibians the
sequence goes from anterior to posterior (Shubin
and Alberch, ’86). Recent studies have revealed that
in the axolotl limb there is no anterior distal expansion of the posterior domain of Hoxd-11 expression, contrary to what is observed in mice and
chicks. This result suggests that the anterior expansion of expression of Hoxd genes in higher vertebrates is probably linked to the formation of a
handplate (axolotls do not form an expanded paddlelike handplate prior to digit differentiation), but is
not necessary for digit differentiation, at least in
limbs in which the sequence of digit formation goes
from anterior to posterior (Torok et al., ’98).
How are the different phases of Hoxd expression in the limb bud controlled at the genetic level?
A complex set of enhancers within the regulatory
regions of each Hoxd gene is used during the early
phase (Beckers et al., ’96; van der Hoeven et al.,
’96), characterized by nested domains of expression in the posterior margin of the limb bud
(Nelson et al., ’96). In contrast, the late phase of
Hoxd expression, characterized by antero-distal
expansion and polarity reversal of Hoxd expression (Nelson et al., ’96), is regulated by a single
enhancer (Gérard et al., ’93; van der Hoeven et
al., ’96). The fact that up to five posterior Hoxd
complex genes act through a shared regulatory
element suggests that digits are evolutionary novelties that originated through the simultaneous
recruiting of several Hoxd genes to be expressed
in the developing limb in an antero-distal domain
(the autopod). This scenario would imply that a
relatively small number of evolutionary steps
would be sufficient to cause a change in the expression of multiple genes. It is now the time for
developmental biologists to suggest a plausible
mechanistic account of the molecular changes that
explain the appearance of digits.
Regarding the number of digits, most tetrapods
have a pentadactyl digit formula, but polydactyly
appears to be common in early limbed tetrapods.
For example, Tulerpeton curtum had six digits,
and Acanthostega gunnari had eight. Some authors speculate that paddle-like autopods, with
multiple short digits, could have been advantageous to these primitive aquatic tetrapods. Locomotion in a terrestrial environment, conversely,
would favor autopods with fewer, longer digits
(Zákány et al., ’97). Zákány and collaborators have
Fig. 2. In the mouse, Hoxd and Hoxa genes control the
size and number of digits in a dose-dependent fashion. Red
indicates a loss-of-function allele of the corresponding gene,
and green indicates wild-type allele. Progressive reduction
in the dose of Hox gene products causes first ectrodactyly,
then olygodactyly, and finally adactyly, but going through a
step of polydactyly where up to seven digit vestiges can be
identified in the severely affected limbs (similar to the last
limb in the figure). The figure shows mouse forelimb skeletons. Adapted from Zákány et al. (’97).
recently proposed a model for a dose-dependent
regulation of number and size of digits by Hox
genes. According to this model (Fig. 2), which is
based on the analysis of mouse mutants, digit size
and number are quantitatively specified by the
dose of Hox proteins, and not by a qualitative Hox
code (Zákány et al., ’97; Zákány and Duboule, ’99).
Thus, a progressive reduction in the dose of Hox
gene products causes a succession of phenotypes
where ectrodactyly (reduction in digit size) is observed first, then polydactyly (extra digits), oligodactyly (loss of digits), and finally adactyly
(absence of digits). Noting that the succession goes
through a step of polydactyly, the authors speculate that Hoxa genes were predominantly active
in the distal appendage of polydactylous shortdigited ancestral tetrapods (such as Acanthostega),
and that Hoxd genes were recruited later in evolution, which resulted in a reduction in digit number and an increase in digit length (Sordino et
al., ’96; Zákány et al., ’97). This would provide an
account of specific genetic changes responsible for
the morphological transitions observed during vertebrate limb development.
This model notwithstanding, Hoxa and Hoxd
complexes seem to have different roles in digit patterning. For example, it does not seem possible to
cause polydactyly without affecting Hoxd genes,
and oligodactyly is only observed when perturbing Hoxa genes. Also, the proposed model would
not apply to anamniotes, since they seem to have
reached pentadactyly independently (Coates, ’94).
The dose of Hox proteins is not the only factor
that controls digit number in vertebrates. Experiments in chick embryos have shown that the number of digits also depends on the extension of the
AER. Consistent with this, experimental manipulations that extend the AER result in extra digits. Also, local alterations in the pattern of
programmed cell death in the limb may lead to
the appearance of extra digits, presumably because in that situation cells that are committed
to die can now form cartilage (Katagiri et al., ’98).
Several mutant mice display ectopic expression
of shh or Indian hedgehog (Ihh) in the anterior
margin of the limb bud, which results in digit duplications (Chan et al., ’95; Masuya et al., ’95, ’97;
Büscher et al., ’97; Qu et al., ’97, ’98; Takahashi
et al., ’98; Yang et al., ’98). Some other mutant
mice have extra digits that do not seem to correlate with alterations in the pattern of expression
of any member of the hh gene family in the limb
(Dudley et al., ’95; Fawcett et al., ’95; Luo et al.,
’95; Hofmann et al., ’96; Rodríguez et al., ’96; Dunn
et al., ’97; Katagiri et al., ’98; ten Berge et al.,
’98). Clearly, a variety of local alterations in the
mesenchyme and the AER of the developing limb
bud can result in the appearance of extra digits,
which suggests a multigenic control of digit patterning during vertebrate limb development.
What about the genetic mechanisms that determine the differences between the digits? In vertebrates, most likely there are no specific genes
for specific fingers. In other organisms there is
some evidence that specific pattern elements in
the appendages are closely associated with restricted patterns of expression of certain genes.
For example, in Drosophila melanogaster, the expression of the genes knirps, knirps-related, and
spalt in the wing imaginal disc has been shown
to be closely linked to the development of wing
vein number two (Sturtevant et al., ’97; Biehs et
al., ’98; Lunde et al., ’98), and expression of the
collier gene is related to the development of vein
three and the space between veins three and four
(Vervoort et al., ’99; Mohler et al., 2000).
We still do not know what makes the differences
between the digits. Recently, however, Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMPs) have been proposed to
play a key role during digit determination in the
chick (Dahn and Fallon, 2000; Drossopoulou et al.,
2000), although the mechanism by which they do
is still unclear. Of course, the problem of digit identity is just part of the bigger problem of describing
the molecular mechanism that patterns the limb
along the anteroposterior axis. In this process, the
protein encoded by the gene shh is a key player.
Shortly after the limb bud is induced, shh expression is detected in the posterior margin of the
limb bud, colocalizing with the ZPA (Echelard et
al., ’93; Krauss et al., ’93; Riddle et al., ’93). In
1993, Riddle and collaborators demonstrated that
ectopic application of shh to the anterior margin
of the limb bud was able to induce mirror-image
duplications of the digits, thus mimicking ZPA activity. Since then, other hh genes have been cloned
in many different organisms, and they have been
shown to be involved in many developmental decisions in several organs and tissues. Several components of its transduction pathway have already
been identified (reviewed by Ingham, ’98 and
Johnson and Scott, ’98).
Shh is required neither for the initiation of limb
development nor for the establishment of initial
anteroposterior polarity of the limb, since even
in the complete absence of Shh protein there is
some anteroposterior polarity in the limb (Noramly et al., ’96; Ros et al., ’96). However, shh is
absolutely required for the maintenance of limb
bud growth and patterning. Shh acts in a regulatory loop with FGF proteins expressed in the AER
to maintain cell growth and proliferation in the
mesenchyme, and to maintain the integrity of the
AER (Laufer et al., ’94; Niswander et al., ’94),
through the control of the BMP antagonist Gremlin (reviewed by Vogt and Duboule, ’99). Mice that
are null for shh (Chiang et al., ’96) have limbs,
but they are reduced and the skeletal pattern is
altered, displaying severe distal truncations that
include absence of digits.
Although shh is able to mimic the ZPA activity,
it seems unlikely that Shh itself gives positional
information to all the cells in the limb bud. Shh
protein does not appear to diffuse a long distance
in vivo (Martí et al., ’95), and a membrane-tethered form of Shh is still able to elicit a dose-dependent patterning response, which suggests that
at least part of the organizing activity of Shh is
mediated by secondary signals (Yang et al., ’97)
such as BMPs and others. A new Drosophila gene,
named tout-velu, has been shown to be required
for the diffusion of Hh proteins (Bellaiche et al.,
’98). The gene encodes an integral membrane protein that belongs to the EXT gene family, which
is involved in the human multiple exostoses syndrome that affects bone morphogenesis. Since one
of the vertebrate Hh proteins, Ihh, is involved in
bone morphogenesis, the authors propose that the
exostoses syndrome could be caused by the abnormal diffusion of Hh proteins. The mechanism
by which EXT proteins regulate Hh diffusion has
been reviewed by Perrimon and Bernfield (2000).
Shh expression has been detected in the posterior margin of the limb or fin bud in all types of
vertebrate limbs and fins examined so far (Echelard et al., ’93; Krauss et al., ’93; Riddle et al., ’93;
Sordino et al., ’95; Zardoya et al., ’96; Endo et al.,
’97; Imokawa and Yoshizato, ’97; Stark et al., ’98).
One exception is a recently described newt homologue of Xenopus banded hedgehog (Ekker et al.,
’95), called N-bhh, which is uniformly expressed
both in the early limb bud of the newt embryo
and in the mesenchymal blastemal cells from the
initial stages of regeneration. Since N-bhh has not
been detected in developing limbs of higher vertebrates, it has been speculated that its expression in developing and regenerating newt limbs
may somehow be related to the regenerative capability of urodeles (Stark et al., ’98). In the vertebrate species that can regenerate limbs or fins,
shh expression has always been observed to be
closely associated with the regenerating areas
(Endo et al., ’97; Imokawa and Yoshizato, ’97;
Stark et al., ’98). In general, tetrapod limb buds
present a distalized pattern of shh expression
when compared to fin buds. For example, in the
zebrafish pelvic fin shh is confined to the posterior
margin, never reaching the most distal mesenchymal cells (Sordino et al., ’95). Thus, distalization of
shh expression appears to correlate well with the
fin to limb transition. It has been shown in chick
and mouse limbs that several Hoxd genes are controlled (at least partially) by shh, so it could be argued that, most likely, the distalization of shh
expression has played a major role in the appearance of novel spatial and temporal patterns of expression of Hoxd genes in the vertebrate limb bud.
As pointed out by Coates (’95), it is reasonable
to assume that a basic network of signaling factors involved in the control of growth and patterning of the limb, most likely including shh,
Fgfs, Wnts, and others (all of them interacting
with Hox genes), was already present before the
evolutionary split between ray- and lobe-finned
bony fishes. The common ancestor of both groups
presumably had two sets of paired fins containing dermal rays, and the pelvic and pectoral fins
were probably dissimilar. These and other morphological features suggest the existence of elaborated mechanisms that control the timing of
transition from ectodermal ridge to fin fold, and
also the existence of mechanisms to impose asymmetry upon the endoskeletal pattern and the pattern of cellular proliferation in the fin bud.
Expression studies in the fin buds of extant rayfinned fishes might help test this assumption.
Why is the basic plan of the tetrapod limb so
remarkably conserved? The prevailing view is that
the appearance of the basic plan provided the best
adaptation to the necessities of feeding and locomotion in an aquatic environment during Ordovician and late Devonian. Successful evolutionary
novelties (like the appearance of fingers and toes)
were selected and fixed, in some way “locked-up.”
Thus, although parts of the limb show more variability than others (the autopod being the more
variable in number and shape of digits), the basic
architecture has been maintained, which has led
many evolutionary biologists to speculate on the
nature of the “developmental constraints” that
have limited the evolution of the tetrapod limb.
Developmental processes effectively constrain evolution by limiting the universe of possible phenotypes that may result from selection (Alberch, ’82).
In order to understand why a successful structure such as the tetrapod limb becomes lockedup, that is, fixed during evolution, one needs to
argue that the genetic mechanisms that build the
limb are not exclusive. A common theme in molecular evolution is the reiterated use of successful genes or even complete genetic algorithms
(“modules” or “syntagmata”) in the making of what
appear to be very different structures in the same
developing organism (see for instance García
Bellido, ’94; Gilbert et al., ’96). For example, many
genes involved in limb development (such as shh
and Hox genes) are also involved in the development of the nervous system or the urogenital system. The capability of the shh gene or a particular
Hox gene to mutate in a way that has some chance
to be positively selected is severely restricted by
the need to keep the integrity of a genetic module
that is required for the development of several
other organs or structures. Thus, the fact that key
regulatory genes are required for many different
functions in the organism imposes a constraint in
the “evolvability” of organs or structures that are
linked by the use of common genetic modules. This
evolutionary constraint is an important factor to
be considered when studying how evolving developing systems are controlled by genetic networks
(Duboule and Wilkins, ’98; Hérault and Duboule,
’98; Kirschner and Gerhardt, ’98).
Of course, this constraint does not entirely prevent tetrapod limbs from evolving. One example
is the independent evolution of forelimbs and
hindlimbs. According to fossil evidence, forelimbs
and hindlimbs appeared at the same time, as did
fingers and toes (Coates, ’94). Thus, forelimbs and
hindlimbs are considered to be “serially homologous” structures, which implies that, in some way,
the same molecular formulation has been used to
build two pairs of very similar structures at different locations along the body flank (Shubin et
al., ’97). What makes forelimbs different from
hindlimbs must be some kind of differential gene
expression or regulation. We are just beginning
to understand the molecular mechanisms that
could have driven the independent evolution of
pectoral and pelvic appendages. In recent years
several genes have been described that are expressed exclusively in forelimbs or hindlimbs in
mouse, chick, and other organisms. For example,
Tbx-5 is expressed exclusively in the forelimb, and
Tbx-4 in the hindlimb (Bollag et al., ’94; Simon et
al., ’97; Gibson-Brown et al., ’98; Isaac et al., ’98;
Logan et al., ’98; Ohuchi et al., ’98). Both genes
are members of the family of T-box transcription
factors. Pitx-1, a member of the Otx-related subclass of paired-type homeodomain proteins (Lamonerie et al., ’96; Szeto et al., ’96), is expressed
exclusively in the hindlimb (Shang et al., ’97; Logan et al., ’98). Hoxc-4 and Hoxc-5 are restricted
to the forelimb (Nelson et al., ’96). Experiments
involving loss of gene function in mice and ectopic
expression in chick embryos have recently demonstrated the role of Tbx-5 as a forelimb determinant (Rodríguez-Esteban et al., ’99; Takeuchi et
al., ’99) and of Tbx-4 and Pitx-1 as hindlimb determinants (Lanctot et al., ’99; Logan and Tabin,
’99; Rodríguez-Esteban et al., ’99; Szeto et al., ’99;
Takeuchi et al., ’99; reviewed by Graham and
McGonnell, ’99). The role of these genes as “selectors” of limb identity has been reviewed by
Weatherbee and Carroll (’99).
The remarkable genetic similarity between vertebrate and arthropod appendages has made possible the use of homology cloning to isolate and
characterize many genes involved in the control
of vertebrate limb growth and patterning. This
“homology approach” to study the mechanisms of
vertebrate limb development has been, by far, the
most successful one in the last two decades. We
can anticipate that this approach will still be useful in the future, although the focus will probably shift slightly toward the understanding of
the mechanisms that determine specific differences in development. We know that similar genes
make similar structures in very different organisms, and we marvel at the conservation of very
complex genetic mechanisms, but what makes a
fly wing so different from a chicken wing if the
genes involved are so similar? Clearly, a deeper
understanding of the spatial and temporal regulation of key developmental genes and their targets is required to even begin to scratch the
surface of this problem.
We should count on technical improvements
that will expand the number of species available
for comparative studies. For example, gene transfer is a powerful tool to analyze gene activity during embryonic development but, so far, efficient
methods have only been developed for a few species. Gene targeting in mouse and transgenic approaches in mouse, chick, and Drosophila have
provided invaluable information about appendage
development. In the mouse, new techniques that
use ultrasound microscopy for guiding injections
of cells or viruses into early stage mouse embryos
in utero (Liu et al., ’98) should make possible gainof-function studies in mutant embryos. If we want
to study limb development in species other than
the “traditional” model systems, we need methods to introduce foreign DNA into a variety of embryos, tissues, and organs in vertebrates and
invertebrates. In recent years, several techniques
to deliver DNA into developing embryos of several species have been described. Preliminary results of gene transfer have been reported in insect
embryos (Leopold et al., ’96; Lewis et al., ’99;
Oppenheimer et al., ’99), medaka fish (Lu et al.,
’97b), newt limbs (Burns et al., ’94; Pecorino et
al., ’94), and others. Future improvement in the
efficiency and convenience of these methods would
undoubtedly help us to analyze many aspects of
limb development in different species.
In theory, to obtain a complete understanding
of the genetic events that led to the evolutionary
changes of the vertebrate limb would require a massive effort of comparison of regulatory sequences
that control the spatial and temporal expression of
key developmental genes. The availability of the
entire sequences of several genomes in the near
future should provide a great opportunity to compare regulatory sequences of genes involved in key
developmental decisions in the limb. But what
genes should we focus on? Strong candidates for
this approach are genes that belong to the Hox,
hh, Wnt, Fgf, and BMP superfamilies. All of these
genes are involved in many developmental decisions in vertebrate embryos, but we should not
limit our efforts to the analysis of only a few candidates. New molecular players have been added
to the list of factors likely to control growth and
patterning in the vertebrate limb, so that the Hox
code might not be the only “molecular code” operating in the limb. For example, Eph receptor tyrosine kinases and their ligands are involved in
the guidance of motor axons and neural crest cells
through the anterior half of the somites (Krull et
al., ’97), and they are also required for somite development (Durbin et al., ’98). In the vertebrate limb
bud, there is a reciprocal compartmentalization of
Eph receptors and ligands that suggests that these
molecules could be involved in the formation of spatial boundaries that may help to organize the pattern of the vertebrate limb (Flenniken et al., ’96;
Gale et al., ’96; Patel et al., ’96).
A method that has already been used to identify
regulatory sequences of genes involved in embry-
onic development in mouse is the enhancer-trap system. Mouse embryonic stem cell lines are generated that carry β-galactosidase trap constructs
integrated in their genome. The analysis of the pattern of expression of β-galactosidase at different
stages of embryonic development makes possible
the identification of lines that express the reporter
in interesting patterns, driven by regulatory sequences located around the integration site. The
cloning of sequences flanking the insertion site is
relatively easy (reviewed by Korn et al., ’92; Voss
et al., ’98). Expression of the same or other reporters in transgenic lines can also be driven by
putative regulatory elements already isolated from
the vicinity of interesting genes. This kind of
transgenic promoter analysis is very important in
identifying single regulatory elements that direct
expression of key genes in specific areas of the
embryo. A related technique is the GAL4-UAS system, which has been used extensively in Drosophila melanogaster (Brand and Perrimon, ’93) and,
lately, has also been applied to the mouse (originally described by Ornitz et al., ’91; McMahon,
’98). In this system, a target strain carries a
transgene controlled by yeast UAS regulatory sequences, which respond only to the yeast transcriptional activator GAL4, while a transactivator
strain expresses an active GAL4 gene driven by
any selected promoter. When both lines are
crossed, mouse embryos that carry both lines express the transgene under the control of the selected promoter. This system can be used to
express any transgene in a controlled way in any
organ or tissue for which specific promoters are
available, or it can be modified to be used as an
enhancer-trap method. The development of new
systems of conditional genome alteration on mice
(reviewed by Lobe and Nagy, ’98) is a very active
field of research which promises to be particularly useful for the study of limb development in
vertebrates (Moon et al., 2000; Sun et al., 2000).
Interestingly, important regulatory elements
have been shown to be remarkably conserved in
different species. For example, a short regulatory
element from a Xenopus Dll/Dlx gene is able to
confer appropriate expression on a β-galactosidase
reporter gene in ectodermal structures in the
mouse (Morasso et al., ’95). Also, regulatory elements that control AER-specific gene expression
seem to be highly conserved between mouse and
human (Liu et al., ’94). Finally, an interesting
project would be to analyze the regulatory sequences of genes specifically expressed either in
forelimbs or hindlimbs but not both (Tbx-4, Tbx-
5, Pitx-1, and others) in order to unveil the genetic mechanisms that determine the differences
between forelimbs and hindlimbs. It would be interesting to see if similar exclusive patterns of expression are also observed in other vertebrates.
What can be expected from the detailed analysis
of the key molecular players in limb development?
In the best scenario, developmental biologists
should be able to explain how specific changes in
gene expression lead to the appearance of limbs
and their subsequent modifications during evolution. However, there are also important methodological questions to be asked: is that massive
effort of analysis and comparison of regulatory sequences feasible and worthwhile? The analysis of
the data obtained from the massive genome sequencing projects still in progress should help answer these questions. The completed sequences
of key genomes could reveal, taken together, a remarkable pattern of conservation of regulatory elements that would make further analysis much
faster than expected before. There is hope for this
possibility, since it has been shown that the genomes of several species (see for example Schofield
et al., ’97) show remarkable conservation of
synteny (that is, similar genes and even key regulatory sequences are located in similar relative
chromosomic positions in several related species).
The new synthesis that we call evolutionary developmental biology (Gilbert et al., ’96; Raff, ’96;
Gerhart and Kirschner, ’97; Wilkins, ’98) has already had a tremendous impact in the way biologists think about evolution, but there is an
ongoing debate about the scope and methods of
this relatively new discipline. Several authors
have pointed out that evolutionary developmental biology seems too focused on developmental
mechanisms, without providing convincing explanations of how the molecular changes responsible
for evolutionary changes actually occur and spread
through populations (see for example Gilbert et
al., ’96; Wilkins, ’98). These authors claim that a
“population genetics of regulatory genes” is necessary in order to complement the molecular hypotheses that, so far, only provide partial answers
to the question of how evolutionary novelties actually appear. Developmental biology usually provides hypotheses about what kind of genetic
changes could be responsible for a certain evolutionary novelty, but it usually fails at providing a
detailed account of how the changes actually occurred and were selected (see Palopoli and Patel,
’96; Wilkins, ’98). We should expect a shift toward
more integrated approaches to evolutionary de-
velopmental biology so that problems such as the
origin, evolution, and morphogenetic roles of genetic networks are studied in the context of their
actual relevance in populations.
In the emerging field of evolutionary developmental biology, the problem of the origin and evolution
of the tetrapod limb has attracted considerable
attention. The abundance of fossil specimens, especially from the late Devonian, has allowed paleontologists to formulate detailed hypotheses on the
sequence of character acquisition in early tetrapods,
including detailed predictions on limb evolution. The
view that digits appeared in Devonian fishes as an
adaptation to an aquatic environment is now generally accepted, after the analysis of recently discovered transitional forms, and there is reasonable
hope that new fossil discoveries will help us reconstruct the entire lineage that led to the tetrapods.
As mentioned before, developmental biologists have
proposed molecular hypotheses to account for the
appearance of digits, which are evolutionary novelties. However, for our molecular predictions to be
of explanatory value, we should aim to make a detailed reconstruction of the genetic changes that led
to the appearance of appendages in the first place
and, later in evolutionary history, to the fin-limb
transition, a landmark event in the appearance of
vertebrates adapted to new terrestrial, aquatic, and
aerial environments. In conclusion, the goal is to
achieve a detailed account of how the genetic
changes appeared and how and when these changes
were selected and fixed in specific phyla to eventually give rise to the basic plan of the tetrapod limb.
J.C. was supported by a Hoffman Foundation
Fellowship. Work in the laboratory is supported
by grants from N.I.H. and the G. Harold and Leila
Y. Mathers Charitable Foundation. J.C.I.B. is a
Pew Scholar.
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