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How many times per day do you think
you breathe?
You breathe about 25 times per minute, and
about 36000 times per day
What do you think is the purpose of
•To get rid of waste carbon dioxide made by cells.
•Help in regulating the concentration of hydrogen ion (PH) in your blood.
•Keep oxygen concentration high and carbon dioxide concentration low in alveoli.
Why is carbon monoxide so deadly?
It binds to hemoglobin (blood) more tightly
than either oxygen or carbon, which
minimizes the delivery of oxygen to all the
tissues of the body.
What Is The Respiratory System?
• The goal of the respiratory system is to
deliver oxygen to your cells all through out
your body.
• From the help of the alveoli which takes the
oxygen out of the air you breathe in and
sends the oxygen into you blood stream
which are then picked up by your red blood
cells that carry it through out your body.
Parts Of The Respiratory System
• Lungs- Are the main organs of the respiratory
system. In the lungs oxygen is taken into the body
and carbon dioxide is breathed out. Then the oxygen
is picked up by the red blood cells. The red blood
cells drop off the oxygen to the body cells, then pick
up the carbon dioxide then the carbon dioxide is sent
back to the lungs and we breathe it out when we
• Trachea-filters the air we breathe and branches into
the bronchi.
• Bronchi-are two air tubes that are connected to the
trachea and carry air directly into the lungs.
Parts Of The Respiratory System
• Diaphragm-The diaphragm is the main
muscle used in breathing.
• Pharynx- Is the muscular tube that leads
from the mouth to the gastrovascular cavity.
• Larynx- is the area of the throat that has the
vocal cords in it and produces vocal sounds.
• Bronchioles- are very small airways that
extend from the bronchi to the alveoli.
Parts Of The Respiratory
• Capillaries- A tiny blood vessel that allows
an exchange between blood and cells in tissue
• Alveoli- Tiny air cells of the lungs where
oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged.
Each lung contains 300-350 million aveolis.
Diseases of the respiratory
Asthma- hypersensitive
respiratory system airways that,
when triggered, constrict. Constricted airways reduce the
flow of air and cause trouble breathing. About 4,000
people die from asthma each year. You can be born with
asthma or get it, and there are several treatments, but it
can never go away.
• Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema which 8090% of (COPD) is caused by smoking.
Chronic Bronchitis- involves inflammation and scarring of the
main airways, the bronchial tubes.
Emphysema- is permanent damage to the walls of the air sacs and
loss of lung elasticity.
Diseases of the respiratory
• Acute Bronchitis- is inflammation of the bronchial
tubes which are the primary airways to the lungs
and is usually caused by a viral or bacterial
respiratory infection.
• Sinusitis- inflammation of the sinus cavities.
Anytime the small opening of the sinus cavities are
blocked, sinusitis may occur. About 40 million
people develop the respiratory disease each year.
• Common Cold- Colds are upper respiratory
infections that are really contagious. Cold viruses
are mostly spread through sneezing and coughing
and by touching contaminated objects.
Diseases of the respiratory system
• Influenza- serious respiratory tract infection. The flu is
highly contagious and spread from person to person from
airborne viruses.
• Pneumonia- can be a mild respiratory inflammation or it
can require intensive-care hospitalization. Pneumonia
affects about two million Americans annually, mostly
those under age 40.
• Pleurisy- respiratory inflammation of the pleural membrane
lining the lungs and the chest cavity.
• Lung Cancer- an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in
lung tissue and More than 169,500 new cases of lung
cancer were treated in 2001
Keeping your lungs healthy
You can keep your lungs healthy by:
»Don’t smoke
»Don’t expose yourself to
pollutants such as secondhand smoke
»Eat healthily
You can keep your lungs
healthy anytime!
Oxidation generates free radicals (that cause
cell damage) and is partially to blame in the
obstruction and stiffening of the lungs’
– Vitamin C, is an antioxidant, and the main
antioxidant you’d find on the surface of the lungs,
and thus, you’d probably want to eat it. It is believed to
fend off oxidation although this has not been proven.
You may also want To make sure you get plenty of:
Vitamin E
Omega-3 Fatty Acids (found in some nuts and fish)
Take a mulivitamin
Eat 5 a day of fruits and vegetables
Eat whole grains
As WELL as things you’ll want to be sure to do:
– Excersise
– Maintain healthy weight
– Drink caffeine In moderation
How Respiratory system was
• In 1627-1691 A.D Robert Boyle and Robert Hooke
discovered that parts of the body acted as pumps
• John Mayow showed that what animals need is the
same substance fire needs to burn
• In 1771, a swedish chemist discovered oxygen
1. What is the
purpose of
• Keep oxygen concentration high and carbon dioxide
concentration low in alveoli.
• To get rid of waste carbon dioxide made by cells.
2. What is
Asthma and how
do you get it?
• hypersensitive respiratory system airways
that, when triggered, constrict. Constricted
airways reduce the flow of air and cause
trouble breathing.
• You can either be born with Asthma or
acquire it, and, though it can be treated to
decrease symptoms, it never goes away.
3. What are
A tiny blood vessel that allows an exchange
between blood and cells in tissue
4.What are the
bronchi and what
do they do?
• two air tubes that are connected to the trachea
• carry air directly into the lungs.
5. True or False:
Colds are lower
False: Colds are upper respiratory infections.
6. Who discovered
that parts of the
body acted as
Robert Boyle and Robert Hooke