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Unit 2- Preventing Injuries Through Conditioning
To complete successfully at a high level, the athlete must
be physically fit. One who is physically fit, is less likely to
sustain an injury.
Prehabilitation- trying to prevent injuries before they occur
by conditioning
Periodization- athletes train year round to prepare for the
season and for peak performance
Pre-season- preparing the body for the upcoming season
-most intense training, most gains in
In-season- maintain body conditioning levels- medium
Post Season- recovery, low intensity
Off Season- keeping active, other sports participation
Exercise Principles
Overload- always upgrade the exercise routine- do
more, increase intensity (Duration, intensity, resistance,
S.A.I.D. principle- train the specific skills of the sport
(Improves the muscle memory, prevents fatigue to
continue to preform that skill)
Warm up- preparing the for exercise
- gradual stimulate the cardiovascular system
- increase in core body temperature causes an
increased speed in muscle contraction
-this should take place before every training session
Benefits of warm-up
1. Increases body temperature
2. Improves flexibility
3. Stretches ligaments
4. Prevents injuries
5. Prevents muscle soreness (lactic acid)
General warm up- trying to raise body temperature and
general stretching of muscles
Specific warm up- actions or skills related to the sport to
be done
- warm up should last 10-15 minutes
- benefits usually last up to 45 minutes
Cool down- returning the body to pre-exercise levels
preventing muscle soreness and pooling of blood
(blood sent back to pick up oxygen)
- 5-10 minutes of jogging/stretching
Flexibility- range of motion of a joint
- good flexibility is important to prevent injury and
improve performance ( improve speed, jump height,
change directions)
when athletes improve their flexibility, they take advantage
of the elastic properties of muscles- you can increase the
length of a muscle
ligaments and tendons do not stretch very well, not elastic
normal bone structure, fat, scar tissue can limit range of motion
Stretching techniques
- Ballistic- bouncing, not good can cause injuries
- Static- stretch and hold for a count
- PNF- partner stretching- combines stretch with muscle
contraction- good way to improve
Gain both strength and flexibility
Muscular strength- the ability to exert force against a
Muscular endurance- ability to perform repetitive muscle
Power- ability to generate force rapidly
What determines the amount of strength?
- Size of muscle increases in diameter with weight training
- Hypertrophy- increase in muscle size
- atrophy- decrease in muscle size
- the number of muscle fibers determine strength(inherited)
- how well the nerve and muscle work together
- how well muscles and bones work together
Muscle fiber types
Fast twitch fiber
- muscle fiber type for speed/ power/strength
Anaerobic- exercise that does not require oxygen
intake during use. (Do not breath heavy)
- sprints, weight lifting, throwing
Anaerobic exercise trains the fast twitch muscle fibers
Slow twitch fiber
- muscle fiber type for endurance
Aerobic- exercise that does require oxygen intake
during exercise or use. (Breath heavy)
- distant running, swimming, long bike rides
Aerobic exercise trains the slow twitch fibers
Muscle contractions
Isometric- muscle contraction with no change in length
- not a good way to gain strength, get stronger in that
position only
- used for rehab following an injury or surgery
Isotonic- shortening and lengthening a muscle through it's
- most common way to gain strength
Isokinetic- muscle contraction against an accommodating
- the harder you push against the machine, the harder
it pushes back
- best way to gain strength, most expensive
Ways to achieve strength
1. Free weights- very common- set resistance
2. Free exercise- gravity is the resistance (push-ups, situps)
3. Nautilus- equipment that is set to exercise one
particular muscle
4. Circuit Training- the use of exercise stations that
combines strength training, flexibility, aerobic exercise and
sometimes sport skills- each station is done for a set
period of time
5. Plyometrics- exercise of rapid lengthening and
shortening of a
muscle group
- gain strength and flexibility
6. Manual resistance- partner provides resistance
7. Cross training- exercise that involves alternate activity
- used for strength training and conditioning
- hard but prevents boredom
Consideration for Women Athletes
Strength Training for women- when men lift weights, their muscles get stronger
and larger
- when women lift weights, their muscles get stronger
and toned
Women lack the male growth hormone testosterone
Women have smaller hearts and lungs therefore:
- have a higher heart rate
- have a higher breathing rate
Women have a higher percentage of body fat
Women have a lower center of gravity, they cannot jump as high
as men.
Cardio-respiratory endurance- the ability to preform large
body muscle activity for long periods of time
- critical for athletic performance and preventing fatigue
Effects on the heart:
- heart gets stronger
- heart pumps more blood
- blood vessels get stronger
-resting heart rate decreases, uses less energy
Effects on the lungs
- lungs get stronger
- lung capacity increases
- resting breathing rate decreases
- better oxygen/ carbon dioxide exchange
Resting HR- how many beats per minute
Maximal HR- 220-age = mhr
Cardio-respiratory endurance training methods
- Continuous training- exercise at the same level of
intensity for a long period of time
( type, frequency, intensity, duration)
- Interval training- alternating periods of work and rest
- Fartlek training- training over varied (hilly) terrain- up and down
hills around trees/rocks and such