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Putman/Biol 242
1. Which is not a function of the digestive system?
a. Food ingestion
b. Breaking macromolecular aggregations into individual macromolecules
c. Digesting macromolecules into monomers via hydrolysis
d. Absorption of macromolecules
e. Compaction and elimination of wastes
f. They’re all functions of the digestive system!
2. Breaking covalent bonds holding nutrient macromolecules together.
a. Chemical digestion
b. Mechanical digestion
c. Dehydration synthesis
3. Coordinates peristalsis of gut.
a. submucosal plexus
b. serosa of gut
c. muscularis mucosae
d. myenteric plexus
4. Water enters the blood from the stomach. Drinking too much water too quickly can cause
brain cells to swell, possibly resulting in death.
a. True
b. False
5. Gastric secretions: Cells that secrete HCl and intrinsic factor.
a. mucous cells
b. parietal cells
c. chief cells
d. G cells
e. enteroendocrine cells
6. Causes submucosal glands to secrete.
a. tunica muscularis
b. muscularis externa
c. muscularis mucosae (interna)
d. lumen of mucosa
e. tunica serosa
7. The major/most important site of chemical digestion.
a. stomach
b. liver
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c. oral cavity
d. small intestine
e. pancreas
8. Increases the surface area of food, optimizing digestive enzyme action:
a. Chemical digestion
b. Mechanical digestion
c. Hydrochloric acid
d. Sodium bicarbonate
9. Gastric cells that secrete a high molecular-weight lipoprotein that protects the stomach
mucosa from its own acid.
a. G cells
b. parietal cells
c. paneth cells
d. chief cells
e. mucous cells
10. Duodenal glands that secrete sodium bicarbonate.
a. Brunner’s glands
b. crypts of Lieberkühn
c. Putman’s glands
d. gastric glands
e. haversian glands
11. Lining of the oral cavity.
a. simple columnar epithelium
b. simple squamous epithelium
c. stratified squamous epithelium
d. stratified columnar epithelium
e. pseudostratified squamous epithelium
12. Which is not true about the stomach?
a. Rugae cross-hatched in fundus, facilitating the mixing of chyme.
b. Pyloric sphincter regulates passage of chyme into duodenum.
c. Cardiac sphincter inhibits reflux of stomach contents into esophagus.
d. The delivery of chyme is facilitated by cross-hatched rugae in the pyloris.
e. The stomach is a major site of the mechanical digestion of food.
13. Only secretion of esophagus.
a. HCl
b. mucus
c. zymase
d. hydrolase
e. amylase
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14. Not cooking hamburger fully OR not chewing undercooked (“pink”) hamburger well
increases your risk of contracting which?
a. Escherichia
b. Staphylococcus
c. Streptococcus
d. Serratia
e. All the above!
15. Apron of mesentery extending from stomach to transverse colon that lays between anterior
abdominal wall and intestines.
a. greater omentum
b. lesser omentum
c. parietal omentum
d. choledochal omentum
16. Gastric cells that secrete pepsinogen as well as gastric lipase.
a. mucous cells
b. parietal cells
c. chief cells
d. Langerhans cells
e. G cells
17. Produces hormone needed to trigger secretions that neutralize gastric juice entering
a. crypts of Lieberkühn
b. enteroendocrine cells
c. Brunner’s glands
d. cells lining pancreatic ducts
e. chief cells
18. Primary site of mechanical digestion.
a. ileum
b. stomach
c. oral cavity
d. caecum
19. Secretions chemically neutralize gastric juice entering duodenum. (Circle all that apply.)
a. paneth cells
b. enteroendocrine cells
c. cells lining pancreatic ducts
d. Brunner’s glands
e. G cells
20. Lipid digestion begins here.
a. Oral cavity
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21. The only protection the esophagus has to stomach acid reflux.
a. HCl secretion
b. keratinized epithelial lining
c. lamellar granule secretions
d. mucus secretion
e. bicarbonate secretion
22. Gastric cells that secrete a hormone necessary for the absorption of vitamin B12.
a. chief cells
b. parietal cells
c. mucous cells
d. G cells
e. paneth cells
23. Sense nutrient monomers in chyme entering duodenum; secrete secretin and cholecystokinin.
a. paneth cells
b. C cells
c. absorptive cells
d. chief cells
e. enteroendocrine cells
24. Principle organ(s) that increase primary surface area for digestive enzyme action.
a. Stomach rugae
b. Teeth and tongue
c. Plicae circularis of small intestine
d. Caecum of large intestine
e. Sphincter of Oddi
25. Salivary amylase breaks (“digests”) what?
a. peptide bonds
b. -glycosidic bonds
c. -glycosidic bonds
d. lactose bonds
e. hydrogen bonds
26. Regarding the regulation of blood osmotic homeostasis by the stomach:
a. Eating hypotonic foods causes stomach to secrete water from blood into lumen.
b. Eating hypertonic foods causes stomach to secrete water from blood into lumen.
c. Eating protein causes the stomach to secrete hydrochloric acid from the blood into the
d. Alcohol is absorbed by the stomach and enters the brain within one minute.
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e. Eating hypertonic foods causes stomach to absorb water from the lumen into the blood.
27. Ignoring GERD may lead to which?
a. esophageal cancer
b. gastroenteritis
c. “heart burn”
d. all the above
28. Peyer’s patches found here.
a. stomach
b. esophagus
c. ileum and appendix
d. duodenum
e. colon
29. Immunological cells capable of phagocytosis and the secretion of defensins and lyosozyme;
derived from monocytes.
a. enteroendocrine cells
b. chief cells
c. parietal cells
d. paneth cells
e. I cells
30. Carbohydrate digestion begins here.
a. Oral cavity
b. Stomach
c. Duodenum
d. Ileum
e. Jejunum
31. People without a gall bladder
a. cannot digest fat.
b. cannot secrete pancreatic enzymes.
c. can digest fat, but only a little bit at a time.
d. must sprinkle bile salts over their food to digest fat.
e. should not consume protein after 5:00 pm.
32. Connects laryngopharynx to stomach.
a. esophagus
b. jejunum
c. ileum
d. caecum
e. pyloric sphincter
33. Bile is made by the
a. spleen.
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gall bladder.
34. Which is false about the ductules of the liver?
a. Hepatic portal venules join with hepatic arterioles in supplying blood into hepatic
b. Hepatic sinusoids drain directly into the central vein of hepatic lobules.
c. Kupffer cells are found in bile ductules.
d. Bile ductules are lined by hepatocytes.
e. Hepatic sinusoids receive both deoxygenated and oxygenated blood.
35. Milk fats are digested here; particularly important for neonates.
a. Stomach
b. Oral cavity
c. Duodenum
d. Jejunum
e. Colon
36. Which is not true about the lining of the oral cavity?
a. can absorb water
b. aspirin can pass through the lining of oral cavity
c. alcohol can pass through the lining of oral cavity
d. lining sloughs off easily; 20% of dietary protein is from lining of oral cavity
e. heavily keratinized
37. Most susceptible to GERD.
a. Cardiac region of stomach
b. Pyloric region of stomach
c. Upper esophagus
d. Lower esophagus
e. Duodenum
38. Which does not connect to the caecum? (Circle all that apply!)
a. appendix
b. jejunum
c. ileum
d. ascending colon
e. sigmoid colon
39. Which is a function of Kupffer cells? (Circle all that apply.)
a. Erythrocyte phagocytosis followed by digestion and recycling of heme.
b. Removal of pathogens from hepatic sinusoids.
c. Removal of debris from bile ducts.
d. Detoxification of alcohol.
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e. Absorption of cholesterol.
40. Source of amylase into the oral cavity.
a. Lymphatic nodules
b. Oral epithelium
c. Salivary glands
d. Lingual glands
e. Sublingual glands
41. The rhythmic contraction and relaxation of longitudinal and circular muscles that moves
material through a tube.
a. peristalsis
b. hemolysis
c. plasmolysis
d. eustasis
e. nutristalisis
42. Histology of lower esophagus.
a. stratified squamous epithelium
b. stratified cuboidal epithelium
c. transitional columnar epithelium
d. pseudostratified squamous epithelium
43. Which is not found as part of the esophagus?
a. tunica serosa
b. longitudinal smooth muscle
c. circular smooth muscle
d. oblique smooth muscle
e. tunica mucosa
44. Function of submucosal plexus of gut.
a. Detect nutrient monomers in gut.
b. Secrete hydrogen peroxide into gut.
c. Secrete digestive enzymes such as enterokinase into gut.
d. Coordinate peristalsis.
45. Salivary amylase cannot digest
a. covalent bonds
b. maltose
c. starch (amylose)
d. lactose
e. sucrose
46. In swallowing, what happens after the tongue moves a bolus of food to the back of the
a. Vestibule of the nasal cavity closes.
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Epiglottis closes over glottis.
Uvula moves up.
Oropharynx constricts.
Tongue pushes food into esophagus.
47. Physically stabilizes connection between liver and stomach.
a. greater omentum
b. lesser omentum
c. parietal peritoneum
d. visceral peritoneum
e. muscularis mucosae
48. Approximately 10% of water absorbed; mutualistic bacteria synthesize and release vitamin
K, which we absorb.
a. duodenum
b. colon
c. stomach
d. ileum
e. appendix
49. Lipases are secreted by which? (Circle all that apply!)
a. liver
b. lingual glands
c. gastric glands
d. pancreas
e. brush-border cells
50. A weak or “lazy” cardiac sphincter, along with eating a large meal containing a lot of protein
are causes of this pathology.
a. acid reflux
b. peptic ulcers
c. pyloric ulcers
d. duodenal ulcers
e. caecal ulcers
51. Tunica serosa is
a. parietal peritoneum
b. visceral peritoneum or mesentary
c. parietal pleura
d. visceral pleura
e. pleural peritoneum
52. Average pH of the stomach.
a. 1.0
b. 2.0
c. 3.0
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d. 4.0
e. 5.0
53. Which is a function of hepatocytes? (Circle all that apply.)
a. Synthesis and secretion of cholesterol into the blood.
b. Removal and storage of fat-soluble vitamins from the blood.
c. Detoxification of alcohol and other drugs from the blood.
d. Absorption/secretion of glucose from/to blood.
e. Deamination of amino acids producing keto acids and ammonia/urea as waste products.
54. Works best in a very acidic pH. (Circle all that apply.)
a. gastric lipase
b. trypsin
c. pepsin
d. carboxypeptidase
e. amylase
f. gastrin
55. Unique to this organ.
a. tunica serosa
b. goblet cells in tunica mucosa
c. tunica submucosa
d. oblique muscle layer in muscularis externa
e. submucosal plexus
56. The acid in your stomach will kill all of the following pathogenic bacteria except for which?
a. Escherichia coli
b. Staphylococcus aureus
c. Streptococcus mutans
d. Bacillis anthracis
e. Helicobacter pylori
57. Hypertonic foods in the stomach trigger hypothalamic thirst centers and stimulate ADH
secretion from posterior pituitary.
a. True
b. False
58. Plicae circularis of small intestine does all of the following except for which?
a. Mixes chyme
b. Increases absorption of nutrients
c. Increases absorptive surface area of small intestine
d. Moves chyme through contraction/relaxation of mucosa
59. Primary function of this digestive organ is storage of chyme.
a. oral cavity
b. duodenum
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c. stomach
d. caecum
e. liver
60. Initial pH of acid secretion into stomach.
a. 1.9 to 2.0
b. About 3.0
c. 4.5
d. 6.0
e. 7.0
61. Small intestine: Secrete water and mucous only. (Circle all that apply.)
a. mucous cells
b. Brunner’s glands
c. crypts of Lieberkühn
d. paneth cells
e. enterendocrine cells
62. Duodenum: Cells that produce digestive enzymes.
a. absorptive cells
b. crypts of Lieberkühn
c. paneth cells
d. chief cells
e. enteroendocrine cells
63. Which is not a function of the acid secreted into the stomach?
a. hydrolysis of carbohydrate (minor role)
b. cleavage of peptide bonds (minor role)
c. activation of pepsinogen into pepsin (major role)
d. activation of salivary amylase and lingual lipase
e. activation of gastric lipases
64. The gastric pit cells that secrete hydrochloric acid into the lumen of the pits obtain the
hydrogen and chloride ions from where?
a. capillaries surrounding the neck of the gastric pits
b. arterioles in the submucosa
c. from the muscularis mucosae (via simple diffusion)
d. from arterioles in the serosa
e. capillaries in the submucosa
65. Length of duodenum.
a. 2 feet
b. 6 inches
c. 1 foot
d. 25 inches
e. 12 inches
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66. Why are children and the elderly most susceptible to E. coli outbreaks? (Circle all that
a. They tend not to wash their teeth adequately after eating and the bacteria are thus capable
of entering into the blood, making them sick.
b. Kids and elderly people tend not to chew their food fully.
c. On the average, children and older people have lowered HCl secretion into their stomachs
than others.
d. Not fully formed (children) or depressed (elderly) immune systems.
e. Stomach holds/stores their food longer than other people, allowing bacteria to penetrate
mucosal lining of stomach and get into blood.
67. Gastric cells that secrete a zymogen.
a. parietal cells
b. mucous cells
c. G cells
d. chief cells
68. Gastric cells that secrete a hormone that stimulates parietal cells to release HCl.
a. parietal cells
b. mucous cells
c. G cells
d. chief cells
e. enteroendocrine cells
69. Histology lining the lumen of most of the gut.
a. Simple columnar epithelium
b. Simple squamous epithelium (keratinized)
c. Stratified columnar epithelium (keratinized)
d. Stratified cuboidal epithelium
e. Stratified columnar epithelium (ciliated)
70. Which is incorrect regarding the ducts of the hepatopancreas?
a. The sphincter of Oddi regulates the flow of bile and pancreatic enzymes from the ampulla
vater into the duodenum.
b. The duct of Santorini extends from the pancreas to the duodenum but does not usually
empty into the ampulla vater.
c. The R & L hepatic ducts flow into common hepatic duct, forming the ductus
d. The common hepatic duct joins with the cystic duct to form the common bile duct.
e. The ductus choledochus empties into the ampulla vater with Wirsung’s duct from the
71. The principal site of nutrient absorption.
a. liver
b. small intestine
c. oral cavity
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d. stomach
e. pancreas
72. Secretes biliruben into the blood which is later picked up and turned into one of the
components of bile.
a. liver
b. pancreas
c. kidneys
d. gall bladder
e. spleen
73. Under voluntary control.
a. ileo-caecal valve
b. pyloric sphincter
c. cardiac sphincter
d. external anal sphincter
e. internal anal sphincter
74. Which is true regarding the rate of bile production by the liver.
a. Production is continuous.
b. Depends on the hematocrit.
c. Depends on the rate of bilirubin production by pancreas.
d. Directly related to blood pressure.
e. Depends on the rate of bile storage and use.
75. Most of our digestive enzymes come from here.
a. liver
b. pancreas
c. lining of small intestine
d. oral cavity
e. stomach
76. Total length of the small intestine.
a. 3.25 m
b. 5 ½ feet
c. 2.25 m
d. 18 ¾ feet
e. About 3 feet
77. About 70% of the HCl secreted by the stomach for digestion is stimulated by what?
a. Gastrin
b. Cholecystokinin
c. Nutrients (esp. protein) in the stomach
d. Stomach distension from a large meal
e. Sight, smell, taste, aroma, thought or sound of food!
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78. Jaundice may be caused by all of the following except which?
a. Bilirubin is not being removed from blood by liver.
b. Blockage of duct of Santorini or Wirsung’s duct.
c. Hypersecretion of bilirubin by spleen.
d. Blockage of common hepatic duct.
e. Blockage of ductus choledochus.
79. In the gastric phase of digestion, cells of the stomach do not do which? (Circle all that apply.)
a. Secrete somatostatin, which stimulates a sympathetic response.
b. Secrete pepsinogen
c. Secrete serotonin, which stimulates contraction of the stomach.
d. Secrete histamines, which directly stimulate the parietal cells to secrete HCl.
e. Secrete VIP & GIP
80. Which does not trigger the gastric phase of digestion?
a. thought of food
b. stomach distension
c. amino acids in stomach
d. caffeine
e. low stomach acid
81. Length of the jejunum.
a. 25 cm
b. 1 m
c. 2 m
d. 2.5 m
e. 4 m
82. Venules that receive materials absorbed by mucosa of small intestine drain into
a. R or L hepatic veins.
b. inferior mesenteric vein.
c. hepatic portal vein.
d. superior mesenteric vein.
e. renal veins.
83. Which is not true about the synthetic pathway used to produce HCl by cells of the stomach?
a. The H+ secreted into the gastric pit comes from water.
b. The Cl- secreted into the gastric pit comes from the extracellular fluid surrounding the
cell; Cl- in the blood replenishes the extracellular fluid.
c. Concentration gradients of both Na+ and HCO3- power transporters that pump Cl- into the
d. K+ concentration gradients are used to pump Cl- into the lumen of the gastric pit.
e. Na+ concentration gradients are used to power transporters that pump excess K+ out cell.
84. Which does not increase the absorptive ability of the small intestine?
a. microvilli
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plicae circularis
mixing of chyme
crypts of Lieberkühn
85. The first part of the intestinal phase of digestion is stimulated by which?
a. food entering duodenum
b. duodenal distension
c. fats in duodenum
d. low pH
e. small chains of amino acids
86. Which is not a characteristic of the absorptive cells of the duodenum?
a. Have microvilli, giving them the name of “brush border cells”
b. Secrete enterokinase, a hormone, into the blood
c. Secrete peptidases and maltase into lumen of duodenum
d. Secrete maltase, sucrase and lactase
e. Absorb nutrients
87. The hepatopancreas consists of the
a. spleen, liver and gall bladder.
b. stomach, spleen and gall bladder.
c. pancreas, spleen, liver and gall bladder.
d. pancreas, spleen and liver
e. liver, gall bladder and pancreas
88. Most of the body’s digestive enzymes are secreted from which?
a. hepatocytes
b. acinar cells
c. enteroendocrine cells
d. absorptive cells of the small intestine
e. stomach
89. Regulates material moving from the small intestine into the large intestine.
a. ileo-caecal valve
b. jejuno-colic sphincter
c. ileo-colic sphincter
d. internal anal sphincter
e. duodenal-ileic valve
90. Which is not associated with the early stage of the intestinal phase of digestion?
a. Stimulates the duodenal mucosal cells to secrete intestinal gastrin.
b. Intestinal gastrin stimulates the G cells of the stomach to secrete gastrin.
c. Overall effect is to decrease HCl secretion into the stomach.
d. Triggered by a small squirt of chyme through pyloric sphincter.
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e. Increases the release of somatostatin, histamine and serotonin.
91. Moves feces through colon.
a. haustra
b. taenia coli
c. epiploic appendages
d. oblique muscle of tunica muscularis
e. relaxation of diaphragm
92. Secrete carbohydrases. (Circle all that apply!)
a. salivary glands
b. gastric glands
c. brush border of duodenum
d. pancreas
e. esophagus
93. In the second part of the intestinal phase of digestion, (Circle all that apply!)
a. Sympathetic response closes pyloric sphincter.
b. Cells of duodenum secrete secretin into lumen of duodenum.
c. Cells of duodenum secrete VIP and GIP into blood.
d. Duodenal mucosal cells secrete serotonin into blood.
e. Enterokinase is secreted into duodenal lumen.
94. Regarding the absorption of glucose and galactose, which is false?
a. Both absorbed by mucosal cells of the small intestine.
b. Absorption uses a Na+-powered symport; monosaccharides then power their own
transporter out of the mucosal cell into the extracellular fluid.
c. Absorption uses an ATP-powered symport; monosaccharides then power their own
transporter out of the mucosal cell into the extracellular fluid.
d. Absorption uses a Na+-powered antiport; monosaccharides are then pumped out of
mucosal cells into the extracellular fluid by an ATP-powered antiport.
e. Both are able to fit through endothelial fenestrae into the capillaries.
95. Which is not true about the synthetic pathway used to produce hydrochloric acid by cells of
the stomach?
a. CO2 absorbed into cell from extracellular fluid by simple diffusion, combines with water
into carbonic acid; reaction catalyzed by carbonic anhydrase.
b. K+ concentration gradients power secondary active transport symport, pumping K+ into
cell, Cl- out of cell, into gastric pit.
c. Carbonic acid dissociates into H+ and bicarbonate; bicarbonate leaves cell by way of
antiport transporter, powered by bicarbonate concentration gradients, that brings chloride
d. ATP-powered primary antiport transporter pumps H+s into gastric pit while it brings K+
e. Chloride is pumped into cell by Na+-powered secondary active transport symport.
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f. Sodium is removed from inside of cell by ATP-powered antiport that also pumps K+ into
96. Uses sodium-powered symports to enter absorptive cells of gut. (Circle all that apply.)
a. amino acids
b. some di- and tripeptides
c. glucose and galactose
d. fructose
e. small-chain fatty acids
97. Which is false about in the gastric phase of digestion? (Circle all that apply.)
a. HCl secretion inhibits the G cells from secreting gastrin.
b. Intrinsic factor, secreted by the enteroendocrine cells, facilitates vitamin B12 absorption.
c. The gastric phase uses parasympathetic innervations.
d. HCl secretion converts pepsinogen into pepsin.
e. HCl activates amylases produced by the G cells.
98. Short-chain fatty acids have special transporters that allow them to pass freely through the
absorptive cells of the gut.
a. True
b. False
99. Converts pepsinogen into pepsin.
a. H2CO3
b. HCl
c. trypsin
d. enterokinase
e. zymase
100. The cephalic phase of digestion can be initiated by which?
a. Distention of the stomach
b. Distention of the duodenum
c. Seeing a picture of food
d. Release of gastrin
e. Release of secretin
101. Micelles
a. Hydrophilic structures that carry hydrophobic fats through the gut.
b. Hydrophobic structures that carry hydrophilic fats through the gut.
c. Fat-protein structures found in the blood and lymphatic fluid.
d. Specialized absorptive cells lining the small intestine.
e. Cell-like structures that carry lipids, proteins and DNA through the plasma.
102. Lipids taken into absorptive cells of the gut are combined with what before they are
exported from the cell? (Circle all that apply!)
a. proteins
b. carbohydrates
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c. phospholipids
d. cholesterol
e. glycoproteins
103. In the gastric phase of digestion, the enteric ganglion stimulates the (Circle all that apply!)
a. G cells to secrete gastrin
b. chief cells to secrete gastric lipase
c. chief cells to secrete pepsin
d. parietal cells to secrete HCl
e. parietal cells to secrete intrinsic factor
104. Lowest in protein, largest in size, contribute to blockage of arteries.
a. chylomicrons
b. LDLs
c. VLDLs
d. HDLs
105. Secreted by cells of duodenum; inhibit secretions by stomach gastric glands.
a. VIP & GIP
b. gastrin
c. secretin
d. cholecystokinin
e. enterokinase
106. Enters absorptive cells by powering transporters with their own positive concentration
a. glucose
b. fructose
c. galactose
d. amino acids
e. glycerol
107. Which is not true about the cephalic phase of digestion?
a. Medulla sends action potentional to enteric ganglia via vagus nerve.
b. Enteric ganglion stimulates G cells to secrete gastrin into the stomach
c. Gastrin stimulates parietal cells to secrete HCl
d. HCl hydrolyzes trypsinogen into trypsin
e. Too much HCl may irritate the lining of the stomach
108. Part of the later stage of the intestinal phase of digestion includes the sympathetic
inhibition of the vagus nerve, inhibiting the amount of HCl produced by the stomach.
a. True
b. False
109. Which is not a function of cholecystokinin? (Circle all that apply!)
a. Opens sphincter of Oddi
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Contracts detrusor muscle of gall bladder
Stimulates secretion of trypsinogen into duodenal lumen.
Stimulates secretion of enterokinase into duodenal lumen.
Stimulates secretion of sodium bicarbonate into duodenal lumen.
110. Not secreted by pancreas.
a. trypsinogen
b. chymotrypsinogen
c. procarboxypeptidase
d. maltase and sucrase
e. active digestive enzymes
111. Which is not a function of somatostatin, secreted by the cells of the duodenum?
a. Inhibits gastric motility, emptying and secretions.
b. Increases the secretion of pancreatic juice.
c. Shunts blood from gut.
d. Tightens sphincter of Oddi.
e. Inhibits contractions of the gall bladder.
112. Needed for the formation of a micelle.
a. histone proteins
b. iron ions
c. calcium ions
d. bile salts
e. phospholipids
113. Not secreted by pancreas.
a. enterokinase
b. proelastase
c. prophospholipase
d. deoxyribonuclease
e. cholesterol ester hydrolase
114. Di- and tripeptides that enter absorptive cells are digested into amino acids inside the
a. liver.
b. blood.
c. absorptive cells.
d. extracellular fluid.
e. stomach.
115. How do lipoproteins enter the blood?
a. Through endothelial fenestrae
b. Through the left thoracic duct by way of the lymphatic system
c. By being disassembled then reassembled by the cells lining the arterioles
d. By way of the liver
e. They don’t!
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116. Activates chymotrypsinogen, procolipase, proelastase and prophospholipase.
a. HCl
b. trypsin
c. trypsinogen
d. pepsin
e. phosphoester kinase
117. Active ribonuclease is produced by the pancreas and is secreted into the lumen of the
duodenum. How is this possible?
a. The ribonucleic acid that ribonuclease digests isn’t human; our ribonucleic acid can’t be
digested by the ribonuclease we produce!
b. The cells lining the pancreatic ducts are lined with keratin, a protein, which resists
digestion by ribonuclease.
c. Substrate for “self” ribonuclease is found inside the nucleus, so can’t be digested.
d. The cell of the pancreas and pancreatic ducts are highly mitotic, sort of like skin; they can
divide and replace themselves faster than ribonuclease can digest them!
e. The ribonuclease we produce isn’t strong enough (active enough) to digest our RNA.
118. Triglycerides are transported through absorptive cells, undigested.
a. True
b. False
119. When micelles contact the membrane of absorptive cells, what happens?
a. Lipid monomers enter absorptive cell and are reassembled.
b.Lipids enter absorptive cells and are digested in the cytoplasm by lipases.
c. Cell membrane surrounds lipids, phagosome enters cytoplasm, lysosomes fuse with
d.Lipids enter through membrane and are joined with carbohydrates to form glycolipids.
e. Lipids enter through membrane and are joined with proteins to form mucus.
120. Lipoproteins may be digested in the blood by lipoprotein lipases attached to extracellular
matrix of endothelial cells.
a. True!
b. False!
121. High in protein and small in size, high levels in the blood are beneficial as they markedly
reduce the risk of arterial blockage.
a. chylomicrons
b. HDLs
c. LDLs
d. VLDLs
122. A common human parasite, Ascaris lumbricoides can grow to 18 inches (46 cm) in the
human small intestine. How could we contract A. lumbricoides? (Circle all that apply.)
a. Ingesting undercooked meat, such as hamburger, infected with the eggs.
b. Ingesting the eggs through fresh vegetables and fruits.
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c. By being bitten by infected mosquitoes.
d. From contact with the feces of someone infected with the parasite.
e. From dirty toilet seats, touching your rear, then placing your hands in your mouth.
123. Some cells have LDL receptors and can take in LDLs.
a. True
b. False
1d, 2a, 3d, 4a, 5b, 6c, 7d, 8b, 9e, 10a, 11c, 12d, 13b, 14e, 15a, 16c, 17b, 18c, 19cd, 20a, 21d,
22b, 23e, 24b, 25b, 26b, 27d, 28c, 29d, 30a, 31c, 32a, 33d, 34c, 35b, 36e, 37d, 38be, 39abc, 40c,
41a, 42c, 43d, 44a, 45d, 46c, 47b, 48b, 49bcde, 50a, 51b, 52c, 53abcde, 54ac, 55d, 56e, 57a, 58d,
59c, 60a, 61ac, 62a, 63d, 64a, 65e, 66bcd, 67d, 68c, 69a, 70c, 71b, 72e, 73d, 74a, 75b, 76a, 77e,
78b, 79e, 80a, 81b, 82c, 83e, 84f, 85a, 86b, 87e, 88b, 89a, 90e, 91b, 92ac, 93ace, 94cd, 95b,
96abc, 97be, 98b, 99b, 100c, 101a, 102acd, 103ab, 104a, 105a, 106b, 107d, 108a, 109de, 110d,
111b, 112d, 113a, 114c, 115b, 116b, 117c, 118b, 119a, 120a, 121b, 122bde, 123a.
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