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Date Due:
Physical Science
Chapter 9
Standard Model
1. Define the following terms:
a. fermion=
a. quark=
b. lepton=
c. boson=
d. standard model=
2. Complete the table comparing and contrasting the three types of fundamental particles.
3. The Greek root for the word atom, “atomon”, means “that which cannot be divided.” Why is the term
“atom” a misnomer?
4. The fermions are divided into two groups called
5. List the six flavors (names) of the six quarks of matter:
6. List the flavors (names) of the six leptons:
7. What is the best known lepton?
8. Write the symbols for the following particles:
a. up quark
b. down quark
c. top quark
d. charm quark
9. If you had two up quarks and one down quark, what charge would you have?
10. In what ways is the standard model incomplete?
Atomic Structure
11. Define the following terms:
a. atoms=
a. protons=
b. neutron=
c. electron=
d. atomic number=
e. mass number=
f. isotope+
12. Complete the table:
Relative Charge
Relative Mass
13. Since the up quark has a charge of +2/3 and a down quark has a charge of -1/3, explain how the proton
has a 1+ charge?
14. Since the up quark has a charge of +2/3 and a down quark has a charge of -1/3, explain how the
neutron has a 0 charge?
15. Why do some say that the electron does not have mass?
16. Why do electrons have very different properties than protons and neutrons?
17. How are atoms of one element different from atoms of other elements?
18. How do you determine the number of protons?
19. How do you determine the number of electrons?
20. How do you determine the number of neutrons?
21. What is the difference between two isotopes of the same element?
22. How do you distinguish between different isotopes of the same element?
23. Is the following sentence true or false? Two atoms of the same element can have different numbers of
24. Circle the letters that identify quantities that are always equal to an element’s atomic number.
a. Number of nuclei
b. Number of protons
c. Number of neutrons
d. Number of electrons
25. All oxygen atoms have 8 protons. Circle the letter of the number of neutrons in an atom of oxygen-18.
a. 8
c. 9
b. 10
d. 18
Atomic Models
26. Define the following terms:
a. energy levels=
b. electron cloud=
c. orbital=
d. electron configuration=
e. ground state=
f. excited state=
27. What did the philosopher Democritus believe about all matter?
28. What did Democritus call the particles?
29. What were Aristotle’s four elements?
30. What were Aristotle’s four properties which the elements were combinations of?
31. How combination of properties was water?
32. What did Dalton conclude about the evidence he gathered?
33. In the spaces provided, write which part (number) of the atomic theory supports the given statement.
_______a) The element helium is composed of atoms.
_______b) Salt, a compound, contains sodium and chlorine.
_______c) Hydrogen atoms can combine with oxygen atoms to form the compound water.
_______d) An atom of hydrogen weighs much less than an atom of silver.
34. How do like electric charged particles behave?
35. How do opposite electric charged particles behave?
36. What is electric current?
37. How will a positive charge be represented?
38. What did Thomson observe about the beam?
39. In Thomson’s experiment, why was the glowing beam repelled by a negative charged plate?
40. How did Thomson’s experiments change how people thought about the atom?
41. Describe Thomson’s atomic model.
42. What did Rutherford conclude about the structure of an atom?
43. In the Rutherford experiment, why weren’t all the alpha particles deflected?
44. What is Rutherford’s model?
45. What is Bohr’s model of the atom?
46. How does Bohr’s model differ from Rutherford’s model?
47. What are energy levels?
48. How can electrons move from one energy level to another?
49. How do scientists use the electron cloud model?
50. What does it mean to say that an atom is in an excited state?