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Unifying Themes of Biology
4B, 7E, 10A,
10C, 11A
4B investigate and explain
cellular processes, including
homeostasis, energy conversions,
transport of molecules, and
synthesis of new molecules;
7E analyze and evaluate the
relationship of natural selection to
adaptation and to the development
of diversity in and among species;
10A describe the interactions that
occur among systems...; 10C analyze
the levels of organization in
biological systems and relate the
levels to each other and to the
whole system; 11A describe the role
of internal feedback mechanisms in
the maintenance of homeostasis
Figure 2.1 Cells can work together
in specialized structures, such as
these leaf hairs that protect a leaf
from insects. (LM; magnification 7003)
8 Unit 1: Introducing Biology
Key Concept Unifying themes connect concepts from many
fields of biology.
All organisms share certain characteristics.
All levels of life have systems of related parts.
Structure and function are related in biology.
Organisms must maintain homeostasis to survive in diverse environments.
Evolution explains the unity and diversity of life.
Connect to Your World What do you think about when you hear the term theme? Maybe you think about
the music at the start of your favorite TV show or the colors and organization of a
computer desktop. In both cases, that theme shows up over and over again. In
biology, you will see something similar. That is, some concepts come up time after
time, even in topics that might seem to be completely unrelated. Understanding
these themes, or concepts, can help you to connect the different areas of biology.
All organisms share certain characteristics.
An organism is any individual living thing. All organisms on Earth share
certain characteristics, but an actual definition of life is not simple. Why? The
categories of living and nonliving are constructed by humans, and they are not
perfect. For example, viruses fall into a middle range between living and
nonliving. They show some, but not all, of the characteristics of living things.
Cells All organisms are made up of one or more cells. A cell is the basic unit
of life. In fact, microscopic, single-celled organisms are the most common
forms of life on Earth. A single-celled, or unicellular, organism carries out all
of the functions of life, just as you do. Larger organisms that you see every day
are made of many cells and are called multicellular organisms. Different types of cells in a multicellular organism
have specialized functions, as shown in Figure 2.1. Your
muscle cells contract and relax, your stomach cells secrete
digestive juices, and your brain cells interpret sensory
information. Together, specialized cells make you a complete organism.
Need for energy All organisms need a source of energy to
carry out life processes. Energy is the ability to cause a
change or to do work. All living things, from bacteria to
ferrets to ferns, use chemical energy. Some organisms use
chemicals from their environment to make their own
source of chemical energy. Some organisms, such as plants,
(t) ©PhotoDisc/Getty Images; (b) ©R.B. Taylor/Photo Researchers, Inc.
algae, and some bacteria, absorb energy from sunlight and store some of it in
chemicals that can be used later as a source of energy. Animals obtain energy by
eating other organisms. In all organisms, energy is important for metabolism,
or all of the chemical processes that build up or break down materials.
Response to environment All organisms must react to their environment to
survive. Light, temperature, and touch are just a few of the physical factors,
called stimuli, to which organisms must respond. Think about how you
respond to light when you leave a dimly lit room and go into bright sunlight.
One of your body’s responses is to contract the pupils of your eyes. Your
behavior might also change. You might put on sunglasses or raise your hand to
shade your eyes. Other organisms also respond to changes in light. For example, plants grow toward light. Some fungi need light to form the structures
that you know as mushrooms.
Reproduction and development Members of a species must have the ability
to produce new individuals, or reproduce. When organisms
reproduce, they pass their genetic material to their offspring.
In all organisms, the genetic material that contains the information that determines inherited characteristics is a molecule
called deoxyribonucleic acid (dee-ahk-see-ry-boh-nooKLEE-ihk), or DNA.
Single-celled organisms can reproduce when one cell
divides into two cells. Both new cells have genetic information
that is identical to the original cell. Many multicellular organisms, such as the gold-specs jawfish in FIGURE 2.2, reproduce by
combining the genetic information from two parents. In both
cases, the instructions for growth and development of organisms, from bacteria to people, are carried by the same chemicals—DNA and ribonucleic acid (RNA). The process of
development allows organisms to mature and gain the ability
to reproduce.
Figure 2.2 Reproductive strategies differ among species. The
male gold-specs jawfish protects
unhatched eggs by holding them
in his mouth.
Summarize What characteristics are shared by all living things?
(cr) ©David Fleetham/Bluegreen
All levels of life have systems of related parts.
Think about the separate parts of a car—tires, engine, seats, and so on. Even if
you have a complete set of car parts, you might not have a functioning car.
Only when all of the parts that make up a car are put together in the correct
way do you have a working car. A car is a system. A system is an organized
group of related parts that interact to form a whole. Like any other system, a
car’s characteristics come from the arrangement and interaction of its parts.
Systems exist on all scales in biology, from molecules that cannot be seen,
to cells that can be seen only with a microscope, to the biosphere. In just one
heart muscle cell, for example, chemicals and processes interact in a precise
way so that the cell has energy to do its work. Moving up a level, heart muscle,
valves, arteries, and veins form a system in your body—the circulatory system.
Chapter 1: Biology in the 21st Century 9
Two organisms that interact can also be a system, as you
can see in figure 2.3. On a larger scale, you are a part of a biological system—an ecosystem—that has living and nonliving
parts. An ecosystem is a community of organisms and their
physical environment. When you hear the term ecosystem, you
might think about a large region, such as a desert, a coral reef,
or a forest. But an ecosystem can also be a very small area, such
as an individual tree.
Often, different biologists study different systems. For
example, a person studying DNA might focus on very specific
chemical interactions that take place in a cell. A person studying
behavior in birds might focus on predator–prey relationships in
an ecosystem. However, more and more biologists are working
across different system levels. For example, some scientists study
how chemicals in the brain affect social interactions.
Figure 2.3 The moray eel and
Figure 2.4 The snout beetle
(below) has specialized prongs and
pads on its tarsi (right) that allow it
to easily walk on both smooth and
rough surfaces. (colored SEMs;
magnifications: beetle 203; tarsus 1003)
10 Unit 1: Introducing Biology
Structure and function are related in biology.
Think about a car again. In a car, different parts have different structures. The
structure of a car part gives the part a specific function. For example, a tire’s
function is directly related to its structure. No other part of the car can
perform that function. Structure and function are also related in living things.
What something does in an organism is directly related to its shape or form.
For example, when you eat, you probably bite into food with your sharp front
teeth. Then you probably chew it mostly with your grinding molars. All of
your teeth help you eat, but different types of teeth have different functions.
Structure and function are related at the level of chemicals in cells. For
example, membrane channels and enzymes are both proteins, but they have
very different structures and functions. A channel is a protein molecule that
extends through the membrane, or outer layer, of a cell. It has a structure like
a tube that allows specific chemicals to pass into and out of a cell. Enzymes
are protein molecules that make chemical processes possible in living things.
These proteins have shapes that allow them to attach to only certain chemicals and then cause the chemicals to react with each other.
Different types of cells also have
different functions that depend on their
specialized structures. For example, cells
in your brain process information. They
have many branches that receive information from other cells. They also have
long extensions that allow them to send
messages to other cells. Red blood cells
are very different. They are much
smaller, disk shaped, and are specialized
to carry oxygen. Their structure allows
(tp) ©Doug Perrine/Nature Picture Library; (b) ©Andrew Syred/Photo Researchers, Inc.; (br) ©Steve Gschmeissner/Photo Researchers, Inc.
the cleaner shrimp are parts of a
system in which both organisms
benefit. The shrimp cleans the
eel’s mouth and gets food and
protection in return.
them to fit through even the smallest blood vessels to deliver oxygen throughout your body. Of course, a brain cell cannot take the place of a red blood cell.
Structure and function are also related on the level of the organism. For
example, your foot structure allows you to walk easily on rough, fairly level
surfaces. Walking on a surface such as ice is more difficult, and walking up a
wall is impossible for you. The beetle in Figure 2.4 is different. Its tarsi, or feet,
have sharp prongs that can grip smooth or vertical surfaces, as well as soft pads
for walking on rough surfaces. The beetle’s tarsus has a different structure and
function than your foot has, but both are specialized for walking.
Infer Do you think heart muscle has the same structure as arm muscle? Explain.
MAIN IDEA 4B, 10A, 11A
(cr) ©Andrew Syred/Photo Researchers, Inc.; (b) ©Fritz Polking/Peter Arnold, Inc.
Organisms must maintain homeostasis to survive
in diverse environments.
Temperature and other environmental conditions are always changing, but the
conditions inside organisms usually stay quite stable. How does the polar bear
in Figure 2.5 live in the Arctic? How can people be outside when the temperature is below freezing, but still have a stable body temperature around 37°C
(98.6°F)? Why do you shiver when you are cold, sweat when you are hot,
and feel thirsty when you need water?
Homeostasis (hoh-mee-oh-STAY-sihs) is the maintenance of constant
internal conditions in an organism. Homeostasis is important because cells
function best within a limited range of conditions. Temperature, blood
sugar, acidity, and other conditions must be controlled. Breakdowns in
homeostasis are often life threatening.
Homeostasis is usually maintained through a process called negative
feedback. In negative feedback, a change in a system causes a response that
tends to return that system to its original state. For example, think about
how a car’s cruise control keeps a car moving at a constant set speed.
A cruise control system has sensors that monitor the car’s speed and then
send that information to a computer. If the car begins to go faster than the
set speed, the computer tells the car to slow down. If the car slows below
the set speed, the computer tells the car to speed up. Similarly, if your
body temperature drops below normal, systems in your body act to
return your temperature to normal. Your muscles cause you to
shiver, and blood vessels near your skin’s surface constrict. If your
body temperature rises above normal, different responses cool your
Behavior is also involved in homeostasis. For example, animals
regulate their temperature through behavior. If you feel cold, you
may put on a jacket. Reptiles sit on a warm rock in sunlight if they
get too cold, and they move into shade if they get too warm.
Summarize What is homeostasis, and why is it important?
Figure 2.5 The polar bear can
maintain homeostasis in very cold
climates. Its hollow hair is one
adaptation that helps the bear
retain its body heat. (SEM;
magnification 4503)
Chapter 1: Biology in the 21st Century 11
Evolution explains the unity and diversity of life.
The processes of evolution,
natural selection, and adaptation
are described in more detail in
the Evolution unit.
Evolution is the change in living things over time. More specifically, evolution is
a change in the genetic makeup of a subgroup, or population, of a species. The
concept of evolution links observations from all levels of biology, from cells to
the biosphere. A wide range of scientific evidence, including the fossil record
and genetic comparisons of species, shows that evolution is continuing today.
One way evolution occurs is through natural selection of adaptations. In
natural selection, a genetic, or inherited, trait helps some individuals of a
species survive and reproduce more successfully than other individuals in a
particular environment. An inherited trait that gives an advantage to individual organisms and is passed on to future generations is an adaptation. Over
time, the makeup of a population changes because more individuals have the
adaptation. Two different populations of the same species might have different
adaptations in different environments. The two populations may continue to
evolve to the point at which they are different species.
(bl) ©Martin Gabriel/Nature Picture Library; (br) ©Michael and Patricia Fogden/Corbis
Figure 2.6 Through evolution,
some orchids (left) have flowers
that look like insects, and some
insects, such as the thorn bug
(right), look like parts of plants.
Consider the orchid and the thorn bug in figure 2.6. Both organisms have
adapted in ways that make them resemble other organisms. The orchid that
looks like an insect lures other insects to it. The insects that are attracted to
the orchid can pollinate the flower, helping the orchid to reproduce. The
thorn bug’s appearance is an adaptation that makes predators less likely to
see and eat it. This adaptation allows the thorn bug to survive and reproduce.
12 Unit 1: Introducing Biology
In different environments, however, you would find other orchid and insect
species that have different adaptations.
Adaptation in evolution is different from the common meaning of adaptation. For example, if you say that you are adapting to a new classroom or to a
new town, you are not talking about evolution. Instead, you are talking about
consciously getting used to something new. Evolutionary adaptations are
changes in a species that occur over many generations due to environmental
pressures, not through choices made by organisms. Evolution is simply a
long-term response to the environment. The process does not necessarily lead
to more complex organisms, and it does not have any special end point.
Evolution continues today, and it will continue as long as life exists on Earth.
Unity and Diversity
Evolution is a unifying theme of biology because it accounts for both the
diversity and the similarities, or the unity, of life. As you study biology, you
will see time after time that organisms are related to one another. When you
read about cells and genetics, you will see that all organisms have similar cell
structures and chemical processes. These shared characteristics result from a
common evolutionary descent.
Humans and bacteria have much more in common than you may think.
Both human and bacterial genetics are based on the same molecules—DNA
and RNA. Both human and bacterial cells rely upon the same sources of
energy, and they have similar cell structures. Both human and bacterial cells
have membranes made mostly of fats that protect the inside of the cell from
the environment outside the cell.
Now think about the vast number of different types of organisms. All of the
species alive now are the result of billions of years of evolution and adaptation
to the environment. How? Natural selection of genetic traits can lead to the
evolution of a new species. In the end, this genetic diversity is responsible for
the diversity of life on Earth.
Analyze How does evolution lead to both the diversity and the unity of life?
Self-check Online
Formative Assessment
Reviewing Main Ideas
1. Describe a biological system.
2. Why is homeostasis essential for
living things?
3. What is the relationship between
adaptation and natural selection?
Critical thinking
4. Analyze How are structure and
function related to adaptation?
5. Apply How is the process of natural
selection involved in evolution?
7. Do you think homeostasis is
necessary at the level of a
single cell? Explain.
4b, 10A, 10c
6. Apply Describe the relationship
between cells and organisms.
Chapter 1: Biology in the 21st Century 13