Download Identifying Verbs (Action, Linking, Auxiliary) Flow Chart

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Identifying Verbs (Action, Linking, Auxiliary) Flow Chart Definitions: Verb: expresses action or a state of being Action Verbs: express mental or physical action Linking Verbs: link subject of a sentence to a word in predicate Auxiliary Verbs: used with main verb to form a verb phrase Subject: noun performing the action Prepositional Phrase: consists of a preposition and its object Cross out any other PHRASES Identify the SUBJECT Cross out PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE The subject is the noun performing the action Is there an ACTION VERB in the sentence? An action verb expresses mental or physical action: “Can I (fill in the verb)? YES! Find the LINKING VERB NO! Is there an AUXILIARY VERB? A linking verb links the subject of a sentence to a word (often looks like a verb!) in the predicate YES! Mark it and DONE!! DONE! !! An auxiliary verb is used with the main/action verb to form a verb phrase. NO? Then you are DONE!!