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Thank You!
Thanks for purchasing this astrological calendar, for making this
small but meaningful investment in yourself. This calendar’s purpose
is to give you a heads-up on the good, the bad, and the ugly in 2008.
There’s a time for every purpose unto Heaven, and the Creator was
kind enough to place markers in the sky to help us on our way. I
created this calendar to break down this cosmic “weather forecast”
for you, so you can make plans with awareness of these guideposts
and what they mean to you.
People who don’t know astrology often pooh-pooh the idea of
planning your life according to the stars, as if it were some kind of
superstitious hocus-pocus. Astrology in the past has suffered from a
degree of woo-wooism that has placed it in many people’s minds in
the same category as the Magic 8 Ball, when it is so much more. But
don’t take my word for it. If you’re new to astrology, I invite you to
follow along for a month, two months, a year. You’ll see astrology
come alive in this calendar and ones like it, not the newspaper
horoscopes. Watch astrology in action, so you can see how it
relates to you and to your life. Then you’ll understand how to use
this knowledge to your advantage.
If you make your plans in accordance with the cosmos, you won't
find that all problems disappear and songbirds begin to alight on
your shoulder. But you will notice a sense of an order to things, a
new perspective on situations and events in your life. Like the
gambler in the Kenny Rogers’ song, you'll “know when to hold 'em
and know when to fold 'em.” And that, my friend, is incredibly
valuable information.
Placement of Aspects
Aspects, or angular connections between
two planets, are most powerful in the time
before they are exact.
I have placed aspects on the calendar on
the day they will be most potently
experienced, rather than the actual
calendar date of the event. Quite often,
these are the same. Sometimes, however, the aspect is exact in the
early morning hours. In that case, it will be felt most powerfully on
the day before. I chose 10:00 a.m. as my cutoff point—if an aspect
completes before 10:00 a.m., I consider it strongest on the day
Ingresses (a planet’s entry into a new sign) and lunations (new and
full Moons) do not follow this pattern of a rise and fall in the energy.
They are recorded on the actual calendar day they happen,
regardless of the time.
If you want more detailed information about planetary phenomena
in 2008, I recommend Jim Maynard's Celestial Guide calendar, Pocket
Astrologer, or weekly planner. For more detailed information,
Llewellyn publishes an astrological calendar that also lists
semisquares, sesquisquares, inconjuncts, and transits of Chiron,
Pallas, Vesta, Juno, and Ceres.
Moon Void of Course (v/c)
The Moon moves through all 12 Zodiac signs every 28 days, one
sign every 2 ½ days. The Moon is void once she has finished
forming aspects to other planets. The void period ends when the
Moon enters a new sign. It can last as little as a few seconds or
more than two days. While the Moon is void, our energies dissipate
easily, and we tend to feel more spacey and disconnected. Stick to
routine. It is not advisable to make major decisions or purchases
during these times.
Moon v/c periods that happen between
the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. ET
are recorded on the calendar. Those
happening in the late night and early
morning hours are left off for readability.
Time Zones
All times used, and those given for void
of course Moons, are Eastern time. To
convert to Pacific time, subtract 3 hours.
For Mountain, subtract 2, and for
Central, subtract 1 hour. There is no need to adjust for Standard
and Daylight time. I have done that for you.
Nobody's Perfect!
This calendar has been lovingly and professionally proofed. In the
unlikely event that I find an error after printing, I will post a notice
here: If you find something
wrong, feel free to let me know.
Forecasts written by Molly Cliborne. ©2007
Visit Molly on the Web at
Zodiac art by Kathy Dannel-Vitcak. ©2007
Visit to see more of Kathy’s work.
Copyediting by Juli Barbato/[email protected]
Thanks to the plants for keeping me healthy, to the planets for their
guidance, to John Woodriff for love and moral support, to Lance
Ferguson for getting me started in astrology, and to the astrologers
out there with your books and blogs that inspire me every day.
For an in-depth daily astrological forecast, visit Lance Ferguson's
Web site,
Works Cited
Arroyo, Stephen. Chart Interpretation Handbook. Sebastopol, CA:
CRCS Publications, 1989.
Personalized Services
I can customize this calendar with your personal astrological
forecast, based on your birth chart. The cost for one year is $200
for first timers, $150 for established clients. Details about this and
my other services are posted at
Calling All Artists
Would you like to see your Zodiac art featured in my 2009
calendar? Submit a sample to [email protected], or mail to
Molly Cliborne, 711 Rockland Ave., Charlottesville VA 22902. Keep
in mind that I will do my best to safeguard your work, but I can’t
accept responsibility for valuable originals. If in doubt, send a scan or
a high-resolution copy instead.
Symbols used: * and †
I use symbols to indicate the prevailing mood of the day in a general way.
They do not cancel out the month’s overview, they simply point out the highs
and lows along the way.
* indicates a day when the mood is more easygoing.
There are fewer
obstacles, and things tend to move along quickly. These days tend to feel
more relaxed and pleasant, and generally they are good days to plan
important transactions and events.
† indicates a more challenging day. Obstacles come up that force action or a
Brady, Bernadette. Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark. San
Francisco: Weiser Books, 1999.
change of course. Oftentimes, these are days when something comes up that
alerts you to an issue that needs your attention. These days tend to feel more
unpleasant and are not the best times for first-time events or important
meetings and transactions.
Ebertin, Reinhold. The Combination of Stellar Influences. Tempe, AZ:
American Federation of Astrologers, 1972.
Doubles(** and ††) are for transits involving outer planets (Jupiter through
Pluto). They are more important and longer in duration.
For a list of other great astrology books and Web sites, visit
If this is a custom order, handwritten symbols are your personal * and † days,
unique to you.
January 2008
Mars retrograde began in mid-November and lasts through January 30.
When the red planet appears to move backward, our physical and mental
energy is lower, and our focus is drawn within. This is a good time to work
on strengthening and reinforcing what you already have rather than
launching something brand new. If you can allow things to move slowly and
accept delays, you’ll have fewer problems this month.
With Mars in Gemini, it’s easy to scatter our energies due to restlessness
or impatience. With Venus in Sagittarius until the 24th, we’re more idealistic
and romantic about relationships and ready to overlook another’s
shortcomings. Venus’ entry into Capricorn on the 24th brings a more
practical, realistic perspective.
Jupiter semisquares Neptune the 2nd week of January, and dreamtime
invades our reality. Folks at work are out sick, and it’s more difficult to
bring plans into focus. Clear thoughts and solutions return the following
week as Jupiter moves on to trine practical Saturn.
Mercury retrograde begins on the 28th and lasts through February 18. This
one is in Aquarius—sign of groups and gadgets. We’re more subject to
scheduling issues, mistakes, inaccuracies, communications errors, and
mechanical problems during Mercury retrograde. Double-check all work.
Pluto enters a new sign every 12 to 20 years. Thus, Pluto’s entry into
Capricorn this month is no small event, marking the beginning of an era
when, collectively, we reform the rules and structures that govern our
lives—business and political—and the world’s borders and boundaries, as
well as those borders and boundaries that define us and our relationships.
Best Days
January 16-20: Jupiter trine Saturn—practical ideas, good business sense.
January 1-2: Retrograde Mars opposite Pluto—there’s a lot of resistance
out there; don’t force the issue. An issue, plan, or complication that
develops today resolves when Mars opposes Pluto again on March 7.
January 9-11: Jupiter semisquare Neptune—vague or confusing information,
a tendency to ignore “red flags” that we should pay close attention to.
Something’s sketchy or doesn’t quite sit right. Trust your intuition.
New Moon January 8 at 17 Capricorn
Full Moon January 22 at 01 Leo
Retro gra des
Mercury on the 28th
Moon v/c
7:33–8:31 p.m.
Mars opposite Pluto
Jupiter quintile
Moon v/c at 7:31 p.m.
Moon v/c until 9:14 am
Sun sextile Uranus
Venus square Saturn
9 ††
10 ††
11 ††
12 †
Moon v/c
12:52–1:44 p.m.
Venus square Uranus
17 **
18 **
19 **
Moon v/c
7:28–8:42 p.m.
Mercury enters
New Moon in
Capricorn 6:38 a.m.
Moon v/c all day
13 *
22 †
23 †
Sun enters Aquarius
Jupiter trine
Moon v/c all day
Full Moon in Leo
8:35 a.m.
Mercury conjunct
Venus conjunct Pluto
Venus enters
Pluto enters
Moon v/c until 5:35 p.m.
28 *
29 *
31 *
Mars quintile Saturn
Moon v/c
6:41–7:24 p.m.
20 **
16 **
Venus sextile Neptune
Venus opposite Mars
retrograde begins
Moon v/c at
Mars retrograde
Venus conjunct Jupiter
Moon v/c until 5:08 p.m.
4:48 p.m.
Venus trine Saturn
All times given are for the Eastern time zone. For Central, subtract 1 hour. For Mountain, subtract 2. Pacific, subtract 3.