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Chapter 24 Quiz
1) Two species of frogs occasionally mate, but the
embryos do not complete development. What type of
barrier isolates these gene pools
a) gametic isolation
b) prezygotic barrier
c) hybrid breakdown
d) reduced hybrid viability
e) reduced hybrid fertility
2) A horse (2n = 64) and a donkey (2n = 62) can mate and
produce a mule. How many chromosomes would there be
in a mule’s cells?
a) 31
b) 62
c) 63
d) 64
e) 126
3) Allopatric speciation is more likely to occur when an
isolated population:
a) is large and thus has more genetic variation
b) is reintroduced to its original homeland
c) is small and exposed to different selection
pressures in its new habitat
d) inhabits an island close to its parent species’
e) all of the above contribute to allopatric
4) A tetraploid plant species (with four identical sets of
chromosomes) is probably the result of
a) allopolyploidy
b) autopolyploidy
c) prezygotic barrier
d) allopatric speciation
e) a and c
5) Which of the following would not contribute to
allopatric speciation
a) geographic separation
b) genetic drift
c) gene flow
d) different selection pressures
e) founder effect
6) Which of the following is the best description of
punctuated equilibria?
a) long periods of stasis are punctuated by
episodes of relatively rapid speciation and change
b) the equilibrium of separate species may be
punctuated by gene flow within hybrid zones
c) most rapid speciation events involve polyploidy
in plants; speciation in animals is a much more
gradual process
d) rapid environmental changes produce rapid
speciation events. Gradual environmental changes
results in gradual speciation events. Speciation
does not occur is the environment remains
e) in the framework of geologic time period,
speciation events occur rapidly and the
equilibrium of species is punctuated by frequent
Use this key for 7-11
Adaptive radiation
Directional reproduction
Sexual reproduction
Sympatric speciation
**use each only once
7) Because of human predation, the sizes of and genetic
variation in populations of most whale species are
8) Progeny possess new combination of alleles every
9) Many strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the
bacterium that causes tuberculosis, are resistant to
standard drug therapy
10) There are more than 750,000 names species of insects
inhabiting a wide range or habitats
11) A recently introduced species of seed-eating birds
occupies an island where small and large seeds are
available. Beak size in the bird population varies from
small to large, allowing some birds to be more successful
at eating small seeds, while others are more successful at
eating large seeds. Birds with intermediate beak size must
exert additional effort to eat seeds.