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Exam III – Chapter 41 – Worksheet 2
Chapter 41: Animal Nutrition (Part II)
1. What is the term used to describe the rhythmic waves of muscle contractions in the
 Peristalsis
2. Can you name and describe the four tissue layers found in the Esophagus, Stomach, and
 Mucusa – epithelial tissue (lines the lumen)
 Submucosa – connective tissue (blood vessels and nerves)
 Muscularis – smooth muscle (fibers run in all directions)
 Serosa – thin layer of connective and epithelial tissue (outermost)
3. What are the three main regions of the stomach?
 Cardiac – upper region
 Fundus – rounded area
 Pyloric – lower region
4. What type of glands line the lumen of the stomach and what is their role?
 Gastric Glands – located in the mucosa layer and secret gastric juice which aids
in enzymatic hydrolysis
5. What is gastric juice and which cells aid in its formation?
 Gastric Juice – mixture of pepsinogen and HCL
a) Chief Cells – secrete pepsinogen
b) Parietal Cells – secrete HCL
c) Mucus Cells – secrete mucus
6. Pepsinogen is a ___________, which when activated is called ____________.
 Zymogen (inactive enzyme); Pepsin
7. ____________ and ___________ activate pepsinogen.
 HCL; Pepsin
8. Can you name and describe the hormone that causes the release of gastric juice?
 Gastrin Hormone
 Made in the bottom of the stomach and affects upper stomach
 Stops production if stomach pH is too low (acidic)
9. What causes ulcers?
 Helicobacter pylori bacteria – live in the acidic environment of the stomach
10. Food enters the stomach as a ________ and exits as _________.
 Bolus; Chyme (semi-liquid dissolved food)
Exam III – Chapter 41 – Worksheet 2
11. The __________ of the intestine differs in animals due to their food source. Why?
 Size
 Plant material takes longer to digest
(Herbivores have longer intestines)
12. What are the three parts of the small intestine and what is their respective function?
 Duodenum – most digestion
 Jejunum – absorption
 Ileum – absorption
13. (T/F) The gall bladder makes bile which is then stored in the liver.
 False
14. (T/F) Bile contains digestive enzymes which aid in enzymatic hydrolysis.
 False
15. What is the function of Bile?
 Neutalizes chyme and breaks down fats
 Aids in absorption of fat (through the use of bile salts)
16. What is the function of Choleocytokinin (CCK)?
 Hormone that stimulates the release of enzymes from the pancreas and bile
from the gall bladder (both help to neutralize the chyme)
17. The hormone ________ stimulates the _____________ to release ______________ which
neutralizes chyme.
 Secretin; Pancreas; Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3)
18. What do you think stimulates (signals) the production of Secretin?
 HCL in the chyme – too much HCL (acidic chyme) stimulates the need for
19. CCK and ___________ inhibit ______________. Why?
 Secretin; Peristalsis
 Caused by chyme that is rich in fat and/or acidic.
 Allows time for the chyme to neutralize, enzymes to aid in digestion, and the
breakdown of fats before peristalsis moves it through the other parts of the
Exam III – Chapter 41 – Worksheet 2
20. Which enzymes aid in carbohydrate digestion?
 Salivary Amylase (oral cavity) – Polysaccharides  smaller Polysaccharides,
 Pancreatic Amylase (lumen of duodenum) – Polysaccharides  Maltose and
other Disaccharides
 Disaccharidases (epithelial layer of jejunum and ileum) – Disaccharides 
21. Which enzymes aid in protein digestion? Fill out table.
Enzyme (Origin)
Active Form
HCL and
Enteropeptidase Trypsin
chain at
each end
22. Which enzymes aid in nucleic acid digestion?
 Pancreatic Nucleases (lumen of duodenum) – DNA and RNA  nucleotides
 Nucleotidases (epithelial layer of jejunum and ileum) – Nucleotides  Sugars,
Phosphates, and Nitrogenous bases
23. Which enzymes and salts aid in fat digestion?
 Bile Salts – Fat globules  Fat droplets
 Pancreatic Lipase – Fat droplets  Glycerol, fatty acids, and monoglycerides
24. (T/F) Everything except for fat is absorbed in the bloodstream.
 True
 Enters cell and incorporated into Chylomicrons
 Enters lacteal (lymphatic vessel in each villi)
25. What is the function of the Hepatic Portal System?
 Blood goes through 2 sets of capillaries (1 of 3 in the body)
 Functions to regulate distribution of nutrients to the rest of the body
 Allows for storage of excess sugars and amino acids in the liver (as glycogen)
 Allows the liver to remove toxic substances before the blood circulates
Exam III – Chapter 41 – Worksheet 2
26. What is the main function of the large intestine?
 Absorb and release water (most absorbed in the Small Intestine)
 Excrete salts (calcium and iron salts)