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Тести з англійської мови для бакалаврів
агрономічного факультету
Choose the correct form:
1. I want to talk with … .
A. he
C. they
B. him
D. we
2. We like … job.
A. ours
C. hers
B. our
D. yours
3. How often … Ann watch TV?
A. does
C. did
B. do
D. will
4. My sister is a 1st-year … of KhNAU.
A. agronomist
C. student
B. teacher
D. engineer
5. Jane … fond of music.
A. is
C. do
B. am
D. does
6.They … dictations at every lesson.
A. write
C. do
B. wrote
D. did
7.Last summer Peter Brown … his friend David in the village.
A. visit
C. had
B. visited
D. did
8. My father is a teacher. He … at school.
A. works
C. is working
B. work
D. worked
9. Her brother … vegetables in his vegetable garden last year.
A. grow
C. grew
B. grows
D. grown
10. An apple is my favourite … .
A. fruit
C. vegetable
B. cereal
D. berry
11. The farmer’s … kept hens, ducks and pigs last year.
A. wife
C. daughter
B. son
D. grandparents
12. Peter helped to work … the garden.
A. in
C. at
B. on
D. under
13. What … he eat for breakfast yesterday?
A. did
C. do
B. does
D. will
14. I … very early yesterday morning.
A. got up
C. get up
B. gets up
D. slept
15. She needed … money to buy a new flat.
A. much
C. few
B. many
D. a few
16. … and animals are organic nature.
A. goods
C. clothes
B. plants
D. tractors
17. He … English at the University.
A. learn
C. learns
B. learned
D. will learn
18. Plants make up one third on the … .
A. earth
C. soil
B. ground
D. sky
19. Plants …. soil from the wind.
A. combine
C. defend
B. protect
D. give
20. My parents are … home.
A. at
C. near
B. in
D. from
21.Trees give off a lot of oxygen into the … .
A. air
C. ground
B. soil
D. water
22. Animals and man…. without plants.
A. will not live
C. does not live
B. do not live
D. did not live
23. They … wheat in June.
A. will harvest
C. harvests
B. harvest
D. shall harvest
24.She will buy a new dress … week.
A. next
C. that
B. last
D. this
25.If the day … warm we shall go to the forest.
A. is
C. will be
B. are
D. shall be
26. It rained yesterday and he took an … .
A. umbrella
C. pen
B. watch
D. bag
27. Great Britain … of four main parts: England, Wales , Scotland, Northern
A. composes
C. is
B. consists
D. does
28. The agricultural area of Britain is … the English Channel and the Continent of
A. to
C. between
B. towards
D. in
29. Most … in Britain are mixed.
A. farms
C. fields
B. forests
D. plants
30. She … a report in a week.
A. will prepare
C. prepare
B. shall prepare
D. prepared
31. I saw my friend … .
A. always
C. yesterday
B. today
D. tomorrow
32. He … an agronomist next year.
A. will be
C. shall be
B. is
D. was
33. Large private … dominate in the USA.
A. farms
C. plants
B. factories
D. hospitals
34. The USA consists of 50 … and the District of Columbia.
A. states
C. villages
B. countries
D. cities
35.The University library has a big collection of … .
A. books
C. products
B. goods
D. halls
36. The farmers grow many … in the orchard.
A. fruit trees
C. pine trees
B. oak trees
D. bushes
37. Agriculture is a … branch of the USA economy.
A. powerful
C. undeveloped
B. ancient
D. private
38. The state language of Australia is … .
A. French
C. English
B. Russian
D. German
39. Kharkiv National Agrarian University was founded in … .
A. 1866
C. 1920
B. 1816
D. 1888
40. Our University was founded in … .
A. Kharkiv
C. Marimont
B. Kyiv
D. Warsaw
41. The Agrarian University trains specialists of … .
A. medicine
C. mining industry
B. industrial production
D. agricultural production
42. The most productive period of the University was when … headed it.
A. M.M. Kuleshov
C. V.V. Dokuchayev
B. G.F. Naumov
D. A.M. Sokolvsky
43. The University possesses a … .
A. botanical garden
C. zoological garden
C. dendrological park
D. veterinarian clinic
44. I … reading an interesting book now.
A. are
C. am
B. were
D. is
45. When I came, he … a letter.
A. writes
C. is writing
B. was writing
D. wrote
46. Tomorrow at this time they … in the garden.
A. worked
C. are working
B. were working
D. will be working
47. Look! The sun … brightly in the sky.
A. shines
C. shone
B. is shining
D. was shining
48. The man who … is my brother.
A. spoke
C. is speaking
B. was speaking
D. speaks
49. The farmers use … to improve the soil.
A. crops
C. fertilizers
B. flowers
D. grains
50. They plant vegetables in … .
A. summer
C. spring
B. winter
D. autumn
51. The days get … in winter.
A. shorter
C. more funny
B. longer
D. harder
52. Work starts when the sun … .
A. falls
C. rises
B. is in the clouds
D. sets
53. Work … when the sun sets.
A. starts
C. begins
B. finishes
D. continues
54. My room is … than yours.
A. smallest
C. biggest
B. big
D. bigger
55. He is not so … as he looks.
A. older
C. old
B. oldest
D. elder
56. February is the … month of the year.
A. short
C. shortest
B. shorter
D. longest
57. The Dnipro is the … in Ukraine.
A. longest
C. long
B. longer
D. oldest
58. In Kyiv it is not so … as in Yalta in summer.
A. hotter
C. hot
B. colder
D. cold
59. Your garden is not so … as mine.
A. big
C. bigger
B. biggest
D. largest
60. He is the … student in our group.
A. good
C. better
B. best
D. well
61. Autumn is the time to … .
A. ski
C. pick fruits
B. skate
D. make snowballs
62. In spring farmers prepare … for planting.
A. forest
C. trees
B. soil
D. yard
63. Forests occupy the … of Ukraine.
A. southern
C. north-western
B. eastern
D. south-eastern
64. We may find a lot of … in the Steppe.
A. grasses
C. forests
B. mountains
D. hills
65. Many elements … a plant’s environment.
A. comprise
C. include
B. make up
D. divide
66. The mountains influence the … greatly.
A. sunlight
B. grasses
C. flowers
D. climate
67. The highest point of Ukraine is … .
A. Everest
C. Hoverla
B. Kazbek
D. Mont Blan
68. The highest yields of crops farmers grow in the … region.
A. forest-steppe
C. desert
B. steppe
D. forest
69. He … drive a tractor well.
A. can
C. must
D. might
D. was able to
70. You … come to your lessons in time.
A. can
C. could
B. may
D. must
71. You look ill. You … see a doctor.
A. must
C. have to
B. can
D. should
72. … you speak English when you were 7?
A. could
C. must
B. may
D. can
73. As the weather was nasty we … to stay at home.
A. can
C. had
B. must
D. can
74. The Crimean Mountains protect the …from bitter steppe winds.
A. Black sea
C. Northern coast
B. Southern coast
D. sand beach
75. The height of Hoverla is … meters.
A. 2050
C. 2061
B. 1095
D. 2085
76. Tomorrow we … to finish this work.
A. will be able
C. can
B. must
D. may
77. Lowland Britain is a rich area with a … soil.
A. poor
C. fertile
B. bad
D. thin
78. My friend … solved a difficult problem this week.
A. has
C. had
B. have
D. was
79. I … never been to London.
A. have
C. has
B. had
D. am
80. The farmers … different crops there.
A. give
C. grows
B. are
D. grow
81. Britain has a … climate.
A. continental
C. mild
B. dry
D. severe
82. The main agricultural … of Britain are wheat, barley, oats, corn, etc.
A. animals
C. products
B. tools
D. trees
83. The farmers work in the … all the year round.
A. fields
C. schools
B. plants
D. streets
84. We … done the work by 2 p.m. yesterday.
A. have
C. has
B. had
D. will have
85. The students … translated the text by 10 a.m. tomorrow.
A. will have
C. had
B. have
D. will
86. Peter has … his English examination well today.
A. passes
C. passed
B. will pass
D. passing
87. We … asked every day.
A. is
C. was
B. are
D. will be
88. The field … plowed yesterday.
A. will be
C. were
B. was
D. had
89. The college prize is … annually to the best students.
A. giving
C. gives
B. gave
D. given
90. English … spoken in many countries.
A. are
C. is
B. were
D. has
91. From the earliest times plants have been playing an … part in every day life of
A. beautiful
C. impossible
B. important
D. insignificant
92. The agronomical department was founded in 1816 in ….
A. England
C. Germany
B. France
D. Poland
93. The students of agronomical department learn how to prepare ….
A. meals
C. leaves
B. roots
D. seedbed
94. In autumn farmers harvest various …. .
A. soils
C. stems
B. crops
D. fertilizers
95. Many places of interest are … by tourists every year.
A. visited
C. visiting
B. visit
D. visits
96. Kharkiv … founded in the XVII-th century.
A. was
C. are
B. were
D. be
97. Every agricultural college cooperates with some leading … .
A. farmers
C. dancers
B. musicians
D. schoolchildren
98. Mary likes … books.
A. reads
C. will read
B. to read
D. has read
99. Our common goal is … land for the present and future generations.
A. to give
C. to preserve
B. to take
D. to do
100. … books we find out a lot of interesting and useful things.
A. reads
C. have read
B. reading
D. will read
101. John is … a text now.
A. translated
C. translating
B. translates
D. will translate
102. The pollution is caused by … technology.
A. good
C. big
B. rich
D. poor
103. … in the park we met our friends.
A. walking
C. walks
B. walk
D. walked
104. Mary has just … the flowers.
A. watering
C. watered
B. waters
D. will water
105. We asked them … us.
A. will help
C. to help
B. helped
D. helps
106. … foreign languages is very important nowadays.
A. knows
C. knew
B. knowing
D. known
107. The most important rivers of … are the Thames and the Severn.
A. Ukraine
C. France
B. Great Britain
D. Italy
108. In … rivers and lakes are frozen over.
A. autumn
C. summer
B. spring
D. winter
109. Farmers … fields with cow manure or a chemical fertilizer.
A. plow
C. fertilize
B. water
D. sow
110. They went to the … to prepare their homework.
A. bus stop
C. shop
B. café
D. library
111. You must … well.
A. study
C. studying
B. to study
D. studies
112. You stopped … supper.
A. have
C. to have
B. had
D. has
113. It is too late … .
A. to work
C. worked
B. works
D. will work
114. Ukraine’s climate is … for agriculture.
A. poor
C. bad
B. favorable
D. short
115. Wheat is a leading food … of the world.
A. crop
C. organism
B. tree
D. flower
116. Plants are living organisms consisting of innumerable tiny ….
A. cages
C. branches
B. cells
D. leaves
117. The cells which contain chlorophyll also have … pigments such as carotene.
A. blue
C. yellow
B. white
D. green
118. … is released during photosynthesis.
A. carbon dioxide
C. calcium hydroxide
B. sulfuric acid
D. oxygen
119. Most plants consist of roots, stems , … and reproductive parts.
A. leaves
C. pages
B. bushes
D. sheets
120. A very important feature of the leaf structure is the presence of large numbers
of tiny … (stomata) on the surface of the leaf.
A. holes
C. pits
B. pores
D. hollows
121. The evaporation of water from plants is called … .
A. transportation
C. translation
B. transformation
D. transpiration
122. The stomata guard cells close during … .
A. daylight
C. darkness
B. morning
D. afternoon
123. In very … or windy weather water evaporates from the guard cells.
A. frosty
C. rainy
B. hot
D. cold
124. Plants are classified as … and monocotyledons according to the structure of
the seed.
A. dicotyledons
C. perennial
B. annual
D. biennial
125. To produce seeds, plants must first produce … which come in varied forms
among many plant species.
A. leaves
C. roots
B. branches
D. flowers
126. The ovaries contain ovules which develop into seeds when fertilized with … .
A. nutrients
C. chemicals
B. fertilizers
D. pollen
127. Birds, insects, … and water are important pollen carriers for plants.
A. wind
C. helicopters
B. planes
D. aircrafts
128. The bright petals are for attracting pollinating … .
A. animals
C. people
B. insects
D. rodents
129. The daily amount of photosynthesis … limited by the duration and intensity
of sunlight.
A. are
C. have been
B. is
D. am
130. Shortage of water and low temperatures … reduce photosynthesis.
A. must
C. should
B. will
D. can
131. The stomata … in very cold weather, e.g. 0º C.
A. opens
C. releases
B. begins
D. closes
131. All the nourishment which the developing seed … passes through the funicle.
A. expects
C. claims
B. requires
D. orders
132. The calyx is the outer protective cover on a … with the petals, stamens and
ovaries inside.
A. liver
C. heart
B. kidney
D. bud
133. The tissue of the ovary surrounding the developing seed … the flesh of a
fruit or the hardened shell of a nut.
A. starts
C. becomes
B. begins
D. finishes
134. The sepals are the outermost parts and together form the calyx, usually … .
A. green
C. red
B. orange
D. pink
135. A complete flower …each of the four kinds of parts: sepals, petals, stamens
and ovaries.
A. will have
C. had
B. has had
D. has
136. The sculletum … be regarded as the cotyledon of the seed.
A. can
C. have
B. has
D. have to
137. The … separates the embryo from the endosperm.
A. thorax
C. scutellum
B. apron
D. dashboard
138. Wheat belongs to the class of … .
A. fodder crops
C. cereals
B. oil crops
D. vegetables
139. The rate of transpiration varies … .
A. considerably
C. considerate
B. consider
D. considerable
140. The leaves, with their … surfaces, are the main parts of the plant where
photosynthesis occurs.
A. thick
C. oblate
B. broad
D. narrow
141. The roots spread through the spaces between the particles in the soil and …
the plant.
A. break
C. anchor
B. fasten
D. loose
142. Fats and oils … formed from carbohydrates.
A. are
C. am
B. is
D. have
143. The daily amount of photosynthesis is limited … the duration and intensity of
A. in
C. on
B. with
D. by
144. Crop plants can only build up chlorophyll in the ….
A. night
C. dark
B. light
D. evening
145. According to the … of life crops can be divided into annuals, biennials and
A. height
C. depth
B. width
D. length
146. Annuals start their life from the … then develop roots, stems and leaves.
A. flower
C. bud
B. seed
D. branch
147. Wheat is a typical example of ….
A. annuals
C. perennials
B. biennials
D. root crops
148. Root crops are grown for their …
A. leaves
C. flowers
B. grain
D. roots
149. Kale, lucerne, radish are... crops.
A. root
C. cereal
B. combinable
D. forage
150. Soils are complex natural formations which make up the ... of the earth.
A. profile
C. surface
B. parent material
D. crust
151. The soil provides a suitable … for plants.
A. respiration
C. atmosphere
B. environment
D. characteristics
152. A soil … is a section taken through the soil down to the parent rock.
A. profile
C. mould
C. trench
D. surface
153. In … soils there are usually three or more horizons.
A. well- developed
C. deep
B. shallow
D. limestone
154. The horizons vary in colour, compaction and ….
A. smell
C. taste
B. texture
D. depth
155. Soils are formed by … of rocks.
A. weathering
C. decay
B. aggregating
D. division
156. The subsoil is a(n) … stage in the formation of soil from the parent rock.
A. surface
C. intermediate
B. initial
D. primary
157. Igneous rocks were formed from the … molten materials.
A. cold
C. soft
B. crystal
D. hot
158. The chalks were formed from the shells and skeletons of … animals.
A. sea
C. wild
B. domestic
D. farm
159. Clay and … are breakdown products.
A. limestone
C. shales
B. granite
D. sand
160. ….can cause pieces of rocks surface to split off when it freezes or melts.
A. wind
C. water
B. sunlight
D. temperature
161. Chemical breakdown is brought about by carbonic and organic … from the
biological activity in the soil.
A. compounds
C. acids
B. elements
D. organisms
162. Igneous rocks are very … and are weathered very slowly.
A. soft
C. light
B. hard
D. colorful
163. The difference between the types of soils are mainly due to the variety of …
from which they are formed.
A. rocks
C. layers
B. chemicals
D. particles
164. The soil is composed of solids, liquids, gases and … .
A. chemicals
C. nutrients
B. living organisms
D. roots
165. The organic matter of the soil is attacked by all sorts of soil organisms:
bacteria, earthworms, … and insects.
A. flies
C. fungi
B. birds
D. animals
166. Humus is finally broken down by an … process.
A. fertilization
C. weathering
B. oxidation
D. waterlogged
167. Annuals … at the end of the first year.
A. are harvested
C. are harvesting
B. harvesting
D. harvest
168. In the topsoil most of the plant roots …
A. are found
C. are dug up
B. are removed
D. are fertilized
169. The soil profile can be examined by … a trench .
A. weeding
C. pulling
B. cultivating
D. digging
170. Sedimentary or transported rocks … from weathered materials.
A. are forming
C. formed
B. are formed
D. is forming
171. Wetting and … of some rocks cause expansion and contraction and results
in cracking the rocks.
A. melting
C. thawing
B. freezing
D. drying
172. To produce good … the soil must provide suitable conditions for plant
A. weather
C. yields
B. climate
D. rocks
173. … is the dark organic material in the soil produced by decomposition of
vegetable or animal matter.
A. sand
C. limestone
B. humus
D. nutrient
174. The use of … materials as means of supplementing the natural food supplies
of the soil is of considerable importance.
A. vegetation
C. crop
B. fertilizer
D. dead
175. Various factors are involved in the economical … of crops as well as in the
proper maintenance of soil fertility.
A. transportation
C. production
B. promotion
D. selling
176. Undernourished …. are likely to mean undernourished men and animals.
A. animals
C. vegetables
B. plants
D. fruit
177. The essential elements for plant … may be divided into several groups.
A. growth
C. selecting
B. breeding
D. eating
178. Three elements are needed by plants in relatively … amounts.
A. small
C. huge
B. large
D. tiny
179. Iron, sulfur, copper and boron are needed by the plant in only minute … .
A. amounts
C. qualities
B. quantities
D. sums
180. Plant nutrients are … from air, water and soil.
A. given
C. obtained
B. taken
D. borrowed
181. Without some elements plants can’t … .
A. breathe
C. grow
B. live
D. dwell
182. Around 70% of the world’s harvested acreage is devoted to growing … .
A. vegetables
C. cereals
B. fruit
D. corn
183. Cereals are the direct source of half the … needs of the world.
A. water
C. food
B. oxygen
D. shelter
184. The true cereals are all members of the … family.
A. bush
C. grass
B. flower
D. tree
185. Buckwheat and amaranth are sometimes regarded as … .
A. grass
C. grains
B. corn
D. crops
186. There are a number of reasons why … have evolved into man’s leading food
A. cereals
C. potato
B. beans
D. beet
187. … adapt well to a variety of soils, climates, and ways of handling.
A. flowers
C. trees
B. grasses
D. fruit
188. Rice, wheat, and corn are the world’s three major cereals and very important
in terms of world … .
A. trading
C. production
B. importing
D. exporting
189. … is chiefly grown on lands that were naturally prairies.
A. barley
C. wheat
B. corn
D. oats
190. Many thousands of … plants were utilized by primitive cultures.
A. wild
C. grain
B. grass
D. vegetable
191. The greater proportion of man’s food are derived from relatively few plant …
A. groups
C. species
B. varieties
D. families
192. The great wheat regions of the world are found in the … zones.
A. desert
C. polar
B. temperate
D. tropical
193. Winter wheat is more resistant to cold than inter barley or oats, but much less
hardly than … rye.
A. spring
C. winter
B. summer
D. autumn
194. Total wheat plant may vary from 2 to 5 feet, but it may be even … in dry land
A. smaller
C. longer
B. shorter
D. bigger
195. Winter wheat usually has a more extensive … system than spring wheat does.
A. crown
C. branch
B. root
D. stem
196. Wheat is harvested in the world during every … of the year.
A. period
C. season
B. day
D. night
197. Barley is one of the five most important cereals widely used for food and
malting, but more especially as a … feed grain.
A. man
C. livestock
B. animal
D. poultry
198. … was formerly believed to have originated somewhere in the dry lands of
southwestern Asia.
A. rice
C. oats
B. wheat
D. barley
199. The … of growing a crop of rye is not different from that for wheat.
A. method
C. technique
B. kind
D. way
200. Barley is a shallow rooted and rapidly growing grain which needs welldrained loams, almost as … as the soil needed for wheat.
A. productive
C. fertile
B. expensive
D. valuable
201. The types of barley usually grown in Europe are less tolerant of … heat than
are corn and rice.
A. dry
C. warm
B. moist
D. cold
202. Perl barley is commonly added to some types of … .
A. salads
C. pies
B. soups
D. fish
203. Rice is the principal … for 60 percent of mankind.
A. food
C. water
B. air
D. mineral
204. The long-grain types need a longer season to… , and hence are grown mostly
in tropical regions, such as Southeast Asia.
A. grow
C. die
B. mature
D. harvest
205. The best rice land is level, conveniently diked for alternating irrigation and …
A. water
C. drainage
B. subsoil
D. sun energy
206. Most rice is grown in paddy fields of …water.
A. running
C. falling
B. growing
D. standing
207. Rice … is an exceedingly laborious and time-consuming hand operation.
A. growing
C. harvesting
B. sowing
D. planting
208. Compost and sewage have been used … ancient times to fertilize the paddy.
A. from
C. in
B. since
D. after
209. The rice stalks are cut, banded together, and laid out in the sun to … .
A. soak
C. dry
B. wet
D. lie
210. Wild oats were first … growing in different regions of western Europe.
A. noticed
C. discovered
B. seen
D. found
211. From western Europe oats spread to other temperate parts of the world and are
produced … a wide range of conditions.
A. under
C. over
B. of
D. through
212. The flowering and fruiting structure of the oats … a terminal panicle that is
usually lax or spreading.
A. are
C. will be
B. is
D. was
213. The … of the oats plant are thin, narrow and long.
A. stems
C. leaves
B. flowers
D. roots
214. Roots of the oats plant are fibrous and numerous, and penetrate the … to
various depths.
A. area
C. water
B. ground
D. soil
215. The stems of the oats … are usually hollow except at the nodes.
A. plant
C. flower
B. crop
D. grass
216. The panicles may be … approximately symmetrical … with a preponderance
of branches.
A. either...or
C. both…and
B. neither...nor
D. and…and
217. After fertilization the pistil develops … a one-seeded fruit called a caryopsis.
A. out
C. in
B. into
D. through
218. Oats are less exacting in their soil … than are other cereals are with the
exception of rye.
A. conditions
C. requirements
B. structure
D. factors
219. Oats seem to be able to extract … from the soil that would not be available for
wheat and barley.
A. water
C. gases
B. air
D. nutrients
220. Oats do comparatively well on soils that are sandy and low … and on soils
high in acidity, but will also do well under fertile conditions.
A. in fertility
C. in sterility
B. in productivity
D. in structure
221. In some countries harvesting is … by more primitive means.
A. doing
C. did
B. done
D. does
222. The combine is widely used for … the crop.
A. growing
C. harvesting
B. picking
D. handling
223. The oats grain is high in … and fat content.
A. hydrogen
C. nitrogen
B. mineral
D. protein
224. … of growing oats plants are high in a large number of nutritional elements
that add to its value as fodder.
A. Leaves
C. Roots
B. Stems
D. Petals
225. Alfalfa is a deep-rooted … legume living from 3 to 6 years.
A. annual
C. biannual
B. perennial
D. one-year
226. The deep root system allows alfalfa to grow in … areas too dry for other
A. one
C. many
B. several
D. none
227. … try to develop oats that are resistant to major diseases and that are high in
quality and yield.
A. Scientists
C. Doctors
B. Archeologists
D. Plant breeders
228. One of the main problems in breeding is the selection of plant progenies in
early generations that … disease and have high productive capacity.
A. will resist
C. will create
B. will have
D. will include
229. The seed … harvested by binding and threshing or by combining.
A. must be
C. should be
B. can be
D. have to be
230. Alfalfa should be cut … hay when it is in early bloom.
A. in
C. for
B. after
D. under
231. Alfalfa has five important uses: grazing, hay, soil improvement, erosion
control and seed … .
A. germination
C. production
B. growing
D. harvesting
232. Peas are … grown in Europe today.
A. loosely
C. widely
B. broadly
D. extensively
233. The pea … minimal labour .
A. needs
C. demands
B. requires
D. wants
234. The two … types of bean are the snap bean and the lime bean.
A. main
C. principal
B. chief
D. major
235. The … of the beans are hauled from the field
A. pods
C. seeds
B. fibers
D. strings
236. Bush beans grow on a low, erect plant which … need support.
A. hasn’t
C. isn’t
B. doesn’t
D. wasn’t
237. Snap beans ranks … the top 10 or 11 vegetables.
A. among
C. across
B. between
D. through
238. Lettuce is a … of sunflower family.
A. member
C. kind
B. representative
D. example
239. In China the fleshy … of the lettuce is eaten fresh or cooked.
A. root
C. stem
B. branch
D. leaf
240. … lettuce is cooked like spinach.
A. all over the world
C. in deserts
B. in some parts of the world
D. in polar regions
241. Pea quality depends on … .
A. protective seed treatments C. sugar content and texture
B. supplemental irrigation
D. early planting
242. Peas … thrive on poorly drained or water soaked land.
A. does not
C. was not
B. will not
D. are not
243. Sandy or rocky soils usually … in early crops.
A. pursue
C. follow
B. succeed
D. result
244. Peas are a … weather, rapid maturing crop.
A. cool
C. frozen
B. windy
D. slippery
245. Peas are a cool weather, … maturing crop.
A. rapid
C. hard
B. slow
D. poor
246. Beans are direct-seeded … .
A. in the seedbed
C. in the field
B. in the greenhouse
D. in the cold frame
247. Nearly all commercially grown limas are of …type .
A. woody
C. tussock
B. herbaceous
D. bush
248. The plant … that of the snap bean in growth habit.
A. is resembling
C. have resembled
B. resembles
D. will be resembling
249. Lettuce is frequently the main constituent of … .
A. cabbage soups
C. salads
B. birthday cakes
D. meat dishes
250. Use of lettuce is almost exclusively as a … .
A. stewed vegetable
C. frozen vegetable
B. canned vegetable
D. fresh vegetable
251. Much hand labour is … in the commercial lettuce harvest.
A. involved
C. drawn
B. attracted
D. appealed
252. Lettuce is propagated by … which are very small.
A. sprouts
C. roots
B. seeds
D. stems
253. Workers walk through the lettuce fields and cut heads which are … .
A. ripe
C. mature
B. juicy
D. fleshy
254. … , the butterhead and romaine types of lettuce are of some importance.
A. for small-seeded species
C. for the needs of irrigation
B. for short-distance shipment D. for early marketing
255. Lettuce is propagated by seeds which are very … .
A. small
C. big
B. square
D. rectangular
256. Lettuce … available every day of the year to the consumers of the USA.
A. will
C. been
B. are
D. is
Ключі до тестів з англійської мови для бакалаврів
агрономічного факультету
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. A
6. A
7. B
8. A
9. B
10. A
11. A
12. A
13. A
14. A
15. A
16. B
17. C
18. A
19. B
20. A
21. A
22. A, B
23. A, B
24. A
25. A
26. A
27. B
28. B
29. A
30. A
31. C
32. A
33. A
35. A
36. A
37. A
38. A
39. B
40. C
41. D
42. C
43. C
44. C
45. B
46. D
47. B
48. C
49. C
50. C
51. A
52. C
53. B
54. D
55. C
56. C
57. A
58. C
59. A
60. B
61. C
62. B
63. C
64. A
65. B
66. D
67. C
68. B
69. A
70. D
71. D
72. A
73. C
74. B
75. C
76. A
77. C
78. A
79. A
80. D
81. C
82. C
83. A
84. B
85. A
86. C
87. B
88. B
89. D
90. C
91. B
92. D
93. D
94. B
95. A
96. A
97. A
98. B
99. C
100. B
101. C
102. D
103. A
104. C
105. C
106. B
107. B
108. D
109. C
110. D
111. A
112. C
113. A
114. B
115. A
116. B
117. C
118. D
119. A
120. B
121. D
122. C
123. B
124. A
125. D
126. D
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128. B
129. B
130. D
131. D
132. D
133. C
134. A
135. D
136. A
137. C
138. C
139. A
141. C
142. A
143. D
144. B
146. B
147. A
148. D
149. D
150. C
151. B
152. A
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155. A
156. C
157. D
158. A
159. C
160. C
161. C
162. B
163. A
164. B
165. C
166. B
167. A
168. A
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170. B
171. D
172. C
173. B
175. C
176. B
177. A
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181. C
182. C
183. C
184. C
185. C
186. A
187. B
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191. B
192. B
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194. B
195. B
196. C
198. D
199. C
200. C
201. B
202. B
204. B
205. C
206. D
207. A
208. B
209. C
210. D
211. A
212. B
213. C
214. D
215. A
216. A
217. B
218. B
219. D
220. A
221. B
222. C
223. D
224. A
225. B
226. C
227. D
228. A
229. B
232. С
234. D
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241. C
242. B
243. D
244. A
245. A
246. C
247. D
248. A
249. C
250. D
251. A
252. B
253. C
254. B
255. A
256. D