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The Cold War
(In these notes we will only discuss things that happened until 1960)
The Cold War (1945-1991) The United States and the Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) emerged as the two strongest
powers in international affairs. Ideologically opposed, they
challenged one another in a series of confrontations known as
the Cold War. The costs of this prolonged contest weakened the
USSR so that it collapsed due to internal upheavals as well as
American pressure. The Cold War had social and political
implications in the United States.
Origins of the Cold War
• It starts before the true end of WWII.
• “Germany is finished; the real problem now is Russia.”
-- Winston Churchill
1945- The beginning of the tensions
• Wartime cooperation is temporary. Relations are tense between the US and
Differences at Yalta
• Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin
meet. Germany is separated into 4
• West Germany = US, Britain and
• East Germany = Soviet Union
Other things discussed at Yalta
• Stalin wants $10 billion in war
damages! He is rejected. Why?
• The huge question that separates
the US and USSR is – What type of
government will Poland have?
The United Nations (U.N.) is developed
• International peace-keeping
• League of Nations failed after
WWI because the US would not
• Now the US sees it as a way to
prevent wars.
There is also a change in command
• April 12, 1945- Roosevelt dies and
an “unprepared” Harry Truman
takes over.
The Potsdam Conference
• Truman meets Stalin.
• Stalin wants $
• Truman wants elections in Poland.
Conflicting Goals
• US view is, “democracy for all
European nations.”
• Soviet view- “we lost 20 million
men and have widespread
destruction. We must rebuild and
protect ourselves. Satellite
nations are needed- countries on
the western border of the USSR
that are friendly to communist
The Soviets tighten their hold
• Polish elections take 2 years to begin- the communists eliminate all
opposition in that time.
• Hungary and Romania hold elections but the communists refuse to leave
after their defeat  communist takeover in 1947.
• Albania and Bulgaria  communist control in 1948
• Czechoslovakia will fight but lose  communist control in 1948
• East Germany- communist government in 1949
• Finland and YugoslaviaFinland will cooperate with USSR but will manage their own domestic
Yugoslavia- Tito (who is a communist) is in charge in 1945- But he will
not take orders from Stalin.
The Iron Curtain
• Invisible barrier that divides communist
dominated Eastern Europe from capitalist
Western Europe. (Winston Churchill)
• 1946- Stalin predicts triumph of
communism over capitalism. (It is the Red
Scare of the 20’s all over again)
• So the _Cold War begins. It is a
competition for power and influence
between the US and USSR. It will last for
almost 50 years (until the collapse of the
USSR in 1991)
Content Statement
24. The United States followed a policy of containment during the Cold
War in response to the spread of communism.
To Know- The policy of containment began in the late 1940s to halt the
spread of communism in Europe and Asia. It became the policy of the
United States for decades.
Following World War II, most of the eastern Europe countries had
communist governments and were under Soviet control. The Chinese
Revolution ushered in a communist government.
In Europe, the Marshall Plan and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO) were efforts to contain communism. In Asia, the policy of
containment was the basis for U.S. involvement in the Korean and Vietnam
What is the US to do?
• containment- eastern Europe is lost
but we must stop Soviet expansion
The British could no longer provide aid
to Greece and Turkey they want us
protect them now. So now the US has
been handed the job of world leadership.
Truman Doctrine- Declaration that the
US would support nations that were
being threatened by communism.
1. US helps – sends $- establishes bases
2. This would lead the US into many
conflicts for many years.
The Cold War Abroad
and at Home
Europe is devastated by war- 21 million homeless- In Poland
20% of the population is dead.
The Marshall Plan
Post WWII plan to aid Europe
We must not repeat post WWI
mistakes- we must help restore nations to
• George Marshall- (WWII army chiefof-staff) writes up the Marshall Plan.
• The European nations are to draw up
a plan for economic recovery then the
US would help with the money.
• The USSR and the satellite nations
will not participate.
• $13 billion sent to western Europe
economies are restored and trading
partners are established.
The Berlin Airlift Begins
We realize that Stalin will not unite
Germany so we begin to merge 3
zones together to make West
The Soviets form East Germany.
Thousands want to flee the area and
do so thru West Berlin.
More on the Airlift
Stalin blockades West Berlin
The US response is the Berlin Airlift.
We move supplies into West Berlin by
plane. US sends in 13,000 tons of
supplies a day for 15 months. We must
help Berlin and keep it secure.
The Soviets eventually give up the
blockade- but Berlin is still separated.
Alliances are set
• North Atlantic Treaty Organization- NATO- is formed. 12 countries.
• An armed attack against one or more of them shall be considered an attack
against them all.
• Collective Security- mutual military assistance
• Soviets respond and create the Warsaw Pact. Military alliance with its
satellite nations.
• The atomic threat- The Soviets
have the atomic bomb in 1949!! In
1952 the US develops the hydrogen
bomb which is even more
• The US spreads information about
how to survive a nuclear attack.
China falls to communism in 1949
• Mao Zedong (communist) organizes the poor and rural peasants and begins
a Civil War (fighting since the 1920’s) – they go against Jaing Jieshi (Chinese
• During WWII they cooperate to resist the invading Japanese
• The fighting begins again after WWII and Jieshi wants US aid. But Truman
believes that Mao is too strong to stop and decides to not aid China. Instead
they will aid western Europe to hold off communist aggression there.
• 1949- Peking (Beijing now) falls to communism and the PRC, People’s
Republic of China is created.
• Jiang as his followers go to Taiwan
• This is a black mark on Truman’s administration- WE LET CHINA GO TO
Cold War at Home
• At this time many
Americans were
communists, WHY?
• Anyone with any
communist ties is
• All new federal
employees are
investigated. This is
called the Loyalty
• HUAC- House Un-American
Committee. Looking for
communist infiltration in
government and Hollywood.
Looking for anyone
sympathetic with communist
Hollywood 10
• 10 people who refused to answer ?’s
by Congress. They served jail time for
6-12 months.
1. Hollywood was not happy with
these people and began a blacklist a list
of employees that employers refuse to
hire. Hollywood will now stay away from
controversial movies and concentrate on
pure entertainment.
McCarran-Walter Act
• Immigration law
that established a
quota system for
each country
• How is this
relevant today?
Spy Cases
• Alger Hiss- ex State Dept.- accused
of being a spy and sent to prison
for 4 years.
• Julius and Ethel Rosenbergmembers of the communist party.
Accused of passing atomic secrets
to Russia. Executed in 1953.
• Both of these spy cases were hotly
The Cold War Expands
Content Statement
26. The Cold War and conflicts in Korea and Vietnam influenced domestic and
international politics.
To Know- The Cold War dominated international politics and impacted domestic
politics in the United States for almost 45 years. The intense rivalry between the U.S. and
the Soviet Union led to the creation of alliances, an arms race, conflicts in Korea and
Vietnam and brought the world close to nuclear war with the Cuban Missile Crisis. The
Cold War affected international politics in the Middle East and Latin America.
The Cold War affected domestic politics. It led to the Second Red Scare and the rise of
McCarthyism. A space race impelled the U.S. to increase spending on science education.
The Korean War also fed into the communist hysteria of the late 1940s and 1950s. The
United States was able to secure support from the United Nations for the defense of
South Korea while the Soviet Union was boycotting the Security Council.
The Vietnam War divided the country and sparked massive protests. Spending for the
war came at the expense of the domestic programs launched by President Johnson. This
led to urban unrest in the 1960s. The Vietnam War was a dominant issue in the
presidential campaigns of 1968 and 1972. The difficulties and eventual withdrawal from
Vietnam led to concerted efforts on part of the U.S. to find allies in future conflicts.
• 1945- North Korea is Soviet held
South Korea is American held
• 1950- Korean War begins. North
Korean troops go across the 38th
parallel- latitude line dividing the 2
nations. Communists want to unite the
2 parts of Korea by force.
So what happens in Korea?
1. McArthur is in charge of the US forces
2. Must defend Pusan
3. Lands troops in Inchon and attacks the supply lines of N. Korea
4. North Koreans are cut off and flee to the north
5. China does not want the US this close and push us back to South Korea
6. Stalemate for years
7. Outcome- a truce is signed in 1953. Korea is divided in almost the same
8. 55,000 Americans killed- 103,000 wounded. Why? Limited results 
Content Statement
25. The Second Red Scare and McCarthyism reflected Cold War fears in American
To Know- The actions of the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe and the spread of
communism in Asia sparked fears among many Americans. A second Red Scare focused
attention on the media, labor unions, universities and other organizations as targets of
communist subversion.
Like the first Red Scare following World War I, civil liberties were again challenged. The
investigations of the House UnAmerican Activities Committee (HUAC) prompted
employers to blacklist suspected communists, including actors and writers.
Senator Joseph McCarthy played on fears of subversion with his charges of communists
infiltrating the U.S. government. The McCarthy hearings and HUAC investigations held
the attention of the American people through the middle 1950s.
McCarthy era begins at home
• Republican senator from Wisconsin
is on a witch-hunt for communists.
He says communists are in the state
department and in the army as well.
• McCarthy-Army hearings-1954McCarthy has baseless allegationspeople watch the hearings on TV
 he loses support
The Cold War in the late 40’s and 50’s
• Eisenhower becomes president in
1952. He states that the US will
not intervene with satellite nations
because the risk of war with the
Soviets is to high.
• 1953- Korean War ends.
• 1953- Stalin dies
• Vietnam (a French colony that fell
to Japan during WWII.)
• Ho Chi Minh is the leader of the
Vietnamese Communist Party and
he declares the independence of
Vietnam from France. France
rejects this idea.
• The US believes in the domino
theory. If one country falls to
communism so will another. So we
send aid to support France.
But eventually France pulls out of
North Vietnam is now communist
South Vietnam is now anticommunist
The US will resist greater involvement
until the 1960’s
The Middle East
Great Britain is given Palestine after WWI.
Anti-Semitism in WWII sent the Jews to
Palestine. Now there is a call for a Jewish
state .
The solution is to make 2 states.- 1948
• 1 Arab state called Palestine- backed by
the Soviets
• 1 Jewish state called Israel- backed by
the US
We support Israel but don’t want Arab
nations to fall under
communist control. Why?
1952- Iran is under communist control
• . The CIA overthrows
the government and gives
control to the Shah of
Iran who is pro-US.
Suez Crisis of 1956
• Nasser (leader of Egypt) seeks
Soviet support
• US and Great Britain cut off aid 
• Egypt seizes the British owned
Suez Canal (vital for the
transportation of oil to Europe)
• British and French attack
to regain control of the
• Soviets threaten
• US asks France and
Britain to withdraw
• Egypt has the canal.
Eisenhower Doctrine
• “US would use force to safeguard
the independence of any country in
the Middle East requesting aid
against communist aggression.”
Latin America
• Cuba- Fidel Castro overthrows the
corrupt Cuban dictator Batista.
• He then seizes American property
US cuts ties with Cuba
• Castro turns to the Soviets for military
and economic help.
Content Statement
23. Use of atomic weapons changed the nature of war, altered the balance of power
and began the nuclear age.
To Know- The dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan hastened the end of World
War II and is considered the beginning of the nuclear age. The use of these bombs
introduced a new type of weapon capable of mass destruction.
In the four-year period following World War II, the United States was the only country
in possession of atomic bombs and this contributed to its status as a superpower. The
threat of using this weapon was seen as a deterrent to the ambitions of the Soviet
The testing and explosion of the atomic bomb by the Soviets in 1949 established the
Soviet Union as a second superpower. It also began a nuclear arms race that continued
for decades and threatened world peace.
The Arms Race
• The struggle to gain weapons superiority
between the US and USSR.
1. Nuclear weapons
1953- USSR has thermonuclear bombs
1954- US has a bomb 750 times more
powerful than the bomb dropped on Japan.
• Secretary of State John Dulles
talks of brinkmanship.
The US is willing to go to the brink
of war to protect its national interests.
• Intercontinental Ballistic MissilesICBM. US has an Air Force to
carry bombs. But the Soviets need
long range rockets called ICBM’s.
• 1957- Soviets launch Sputnikartificial satellite to orbit the Earth.
• The US is scared.
• Are we lagging behind in
• Can a missile carry an atomic
U2 Incident
• 1960- Soviets shoot
down an American
spy plane with a
guided missile. This
is called the U2
• https://www.youtub
Content Statement
27. The collapse of communist governments in Eastern Europe and the USSR brought an
end to the Cold War.
To Know- There were multiple causes for the collapse of communist governments in
Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. The effect of these was the reduction of the
tensions between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. that characterized the Cold War period. Several
communist governments in Eastern Europe gave up power following mass
demonstrations for democracy. The collapse of the Soviet Union resulted in independent
republics that moved to institute democratic reforms and introduce free-market
economies. This brought an end to the Cold War era.
The political and economic turmoil occurring in some of the new governments posed
new challenges for the United States. The U.S. supported economic and education reforms
by providing assistance to some of the former communist countries.