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UNIT 6: INTRO. TO THE COLD WAR (1945-1991)
I. The end of World War II led to important changes in the world:
A. The United Nations was created which replaced ____________________________________
B. The UN created a Jewish nation called ________________________ which set off a series of
wars with Arabs in the Middle East
C. The United States occupied & helped rebuild _______________________
D. The end of the war inspired independence throughout Africa & Asia, called ______________
II. The Beginning of the Cold War
A. One of the most important changes after World War II was the beginning of the __________
1. From 1945 to 1991, the _______________________________ & ____________________
entered an era of distrust & hostility known as the Cold War
2. The United States & Soviet Union were _______________________________ & rivals
who dominated world politics
B. Cold War Ideologies
1. This was an era of competing ideologies: the USA promoted ______________________
& _____________________ while the USSR tried to spread
2. The different ideologies between USA & USSR and their desires to
____________________________________ led to an era of _______________________,
hostility, proxy battles, & near ______________________________________
United States
Soviet Union
• Private ownership of industry,
• Gov’t owns industries and
freedom of competition, gov’t
farms; The goal of the gov’t is to
keeps hands off (laissez-faire)
bring equality to people
• Leads to different economic
classes (rich and poor)
• The goal is to have a classless
society with no rich or poor
• Government of the people
• Government led by a dictator
• People elect their leaders
• Total control over many aspects
of peoples’ lives
• Valuing freedoms of speech,
• Valuing basic needs (food,
press, and business
homes jobs) for all people
• People need to do things on
• People need to work together to
their own
• Competition is a good thing;
benefit everyone
• Everyone works the same
The best individuals have more
amount and every gains the
power, status, money
same benefits
C. Causes of the Cold War
1. In 1917, _________________ led the ___________________________________ in the
Russian Revolution & created the world’s first communist gov’t
2. Distrust began when the USA sent troops to fight the “__________________________”
during the Russian Civil War
3. After Lenin’s death in 1924, ____________________________ became ______________
of the Soviet Union
4. During WWII, the USA & USSR worked together to defeat the _____________________,
but…World War II increased _______________________ between the USA and USSR
a. Stalin never ________________________ the Britain or the USA during World War II
b. The __________________________________________ gave the USA a monopoly on
nuclear weapon technology
III. The Cold War in Europe, 1945-1949
A. Soviet Satellites in Eastern Europe
1. At the ________________ Conference, Stalin agreed to allow _______________________
in Eastern Europe
2. But, Stalin wanted a “_________________________________” between the USSR & the
______________________ nations in Western Europe
3. Stalin used his military to install _________________________ gov’ts in _____________
European nations
4. As a result, Eastern European nations turned communist & became __________________:
nations that were ________________________________ by the USSR
5. In the years after World War II, the USA began to view Stalin as a new _______________
—a dangerous dictator who wanted to _______________________________ the world
B. By 1946, Europe was divided by an “____________________________________” that
separated democratic/capitalist Western Europe from
_______________________________/_______________________________ Eastern Europe
C. The U.S. created a foreign policy called _______________________________________ to
stop Soviet influence & the _____________________________________________________
1. Truman Doctrine
a. When the USSR began to pressure _______________________ & _________________
to turn communist, the U.S. created the _____________________________________,
promising economic & __________________________ help to any nation threatened by
b. The Truman Doctrine __________________ & neither Greece nor Turkey fell to
2. Marshall Plan
a. European nations had difficulty _____________________ after WWII which led to
fears of communism in Europe
b. The U.S. created the ___________________________________________ which
offered $_______ billion to help ___________________________ post-war Europe
c. By 1952, Western Europe _______________________________ & Communism never
took root
a. In 1948, the USSR used _________________________________________ to turn
Czechoslovakia to communism; This led to fears that Stalin would use similar tactics in
________________________ Europe
b. In 1949, the United States formed the ________________________________________
(NATO): a ______________________________________ among democratic countries
in Europe & North America
4. Berlin Airlift
a. At the end of WWII, Germany was _______________ into zones occupied by the USA,
Britain, France, & the USSR
b. ________________, the German capital, was also divided but was located in the
c. In 1948, Stalin tried to turn all of Berlin communist & ordered the _________________
which ___________________________ all ground transportation to West Berlin
d. In response, the U.S. began the ________________________________________
For _______ months, U.S. & British ________________ supplies landed in Berlin to
bring food, fuel, & supplies
ii. Stalin admitted defeat & lifted the ________________________ in 1949
iii. The United States _________________________________________ kept West
Berlin from turning communist
D. The Cold War Expands
1. From 1945 to 1949, the United States successfully ________________________________
in Europe
2. But over the next 40 years, the Cold War ___________________________ as communism
spread to ____________, Africa, and Latin America
3. The Cold War intensified as new ____________________________________________
were introduced; espionage (spying) increased; & _____________ broke out in
________________, _______________________, & Afghanistan