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Test Review & Study Guide
Renaissance, Scientific Revolution and Reformation
Important Vocabulary: Be able to write a definition for each word.
A time of cultural rebirth across Europe; lasted 1300-1600; started in Italian city states
Technique used by artists to make paintings look more realisitc
Focus on human achievement
Wealthy and powerful banking family from Florence; influential during the Renaissance
From Germany; invented the modern day printing press
Scientific Revolution
A time period where evidence was sought out to answer questions
William Shakespeare
Famous writer from England during the Renaissance
Scientist of the scientific revolution
Heliocentric Theory
Theory that the sun is at the center of the universe, not the earth
Bubonic Plague
Plague began in Asia and spread across Europe; killed 2/3 of the European population; led to
end of Middle Ages and start of the Renaissance
Renaissance Man
A man who was talented in several different areas; “jack of all trades” or “universal man”;
DaVinci would be a good example
Writing in every day speech instead of formal language
Term comes from German princes who “protested” the ways of the Catholic Church
Term refers to Christians who belong to non-catholic church
A pardon of forgiveness of sins in exchange for money
A time period of religious change, or reform, in Europe
Followers of Martin Luther adhere to his teachings and create this religion
95 Theses
Martin Luther’s formal statement against the church attacking its policy of selling indulgences
Henry VIII
King of England in the 1500s; wanted a divorce from his wife but the Catholic Church wouldn’t
allow it; King Henry makes himself, not the Pope, the head of the Church in England
John Calvin
Martin Luther
German monk/teacher who spoke out against the Catholic Church’s policy of selling
indulgences; wrote the 95 thesis
Catholic Church
The main religious institute prior to the Reformation; during the reformation the CC came
under a lot of criticism for selling indulgences
Church of England
Created by Henry’s daughter Elizabeth; also known as the Anglican Church
Important Facts/Content: Be able to answer each of these questions.
1) The bubonic plague led to the end of the ____MIDDLE AGES___ and the start of the
2) The Renaissance was a rebirth of ___CULTURE_____.
3) The Renaissance lasted _300_ years and occurred in the time period of _1300___ - ___1600_.
4) During the renaissance people became more secular. Secular means __LESS RELIGIOUS, MORE WORLDLY___.
5) Humanists focused on _HUMAN ACHIEVEMENT_____.
6) The four primary artists of the renaissance were …. _DA VINCI, MICHELANGELO, RAFAEL, DONATELLO__.
7) The _MEDICIS_ were a powerful banking family from Florence during the renaissance.
8) The first full sized book printed using the printing press was the … __BIBLE__
9) Writers began to write in the ___VERNACULAR___ during the renaissance.
10) Renaissance artists used __PERSPECTIVE__ to make paintings look more realistic.
11) Isaac Newton is credited with creating this: __LAW OF GRAVITY___
12) _COPERNICUS__ was the scientist to propose the heliocentric theory.
13) Luther’s statements criticizing the Church are known as the __95 THESES____.
14) During the reformation the Catholic Church was accused of selling __INDULGENCES___.
15) __HENRY VIII__ started his own church because the church wouldn’t let him divorce.
16) ___THEOCRACY_____ is a government run by religious officials.
17) How did the Bubonic Plague lead to the start of the Renaissance?
18) What was the long term impact of the printing press? How did it change Europe politically, religiously and
19) What is the legacy of the Renaissance? What were two changes in art and two changes in society?