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Unit 3 Review Session Questions:
1. Geography
1) What continents does Constantinople span? (Asia &
2) On what strait does the city of Constantinople lie?
3) What is the current name of Constantinople? (Istanbul)
4) Who founded Constantinople? (Constantine)
5) What two seas surround Constantinople? (The
Mediterranean & Black)
6) Umayyad capital was what city? (Damascus)
7) Where was the great University of Islam located?
8) Islamic Spain is known as what alliterative term? (AlAndalus)
9) The grand canal is the grand construction project of
which dynasty? (Sui)
Of the three dynasties during the golden age of
China, which was the smallest geographically? (Sui)
Of the three dynasties during the golden age of
China, which was the largest geographically? (Tang)
During which period of Japanese history was the
Emperor’s capital moved to Heian “modern Kyoto”?
Islam reigned supreme in this region of India.
(the north)
Hinduism and Buddhism made sporadic inroads in
this region of India. (the south)
This kingdom located on the eastern side of
Africa was crucial to trade in the Arabian sea. (Axum)
The great temples of this place testify to the
traditions of India in Indonesia. (Angkor)
The powerful state of Melaka controlled this
strait and the trade that went through it.
strait of Melaka)
Vikings attacked all the way to this city on the
Black sea. (Constantinople)
2. Religion
1) What branch of Christianity practiced Caesaropapism?
(Eastern Orthodox)
2) What branch of Christianity worshipped icons? (Roman
Catholic or Western)
3) What branch of Christianity conducted liturgical
services in Latin? (Roman Catholic or Western)
4) The most significant divergence of opinion in the
early Christian church was over what? (icons or
5) Which branch of Christianity focused on the education
of the clergy only? (Roman Catholic or Western)
6) A break or irreparable separation between two parts of
the same religion is called a (schism)
7) What does Islam mean? (submission)
8) What do we call the holy book of Islam? (Quran)
9) What is the Kaba? (cube, holiest site in Islam)
How many pillars does Islam recognize? (5)
Muslim mystics/hermits/monks are called? (Sufi’s)
The once in a lifetime, must do trip to Mecca
that’s mandatory in the Quran is called? (The hajj)
This dynasty re-established the Confucian
of examinations for officials. (Sui)
This dynasty expanded the borders of China
through tremendous military expansion. (Tang)
This dynasty sent diplomats to Vietnam, Korea,
and beyond. (Tang)
The type of Buddhism practiced in China.
(Mahayana Buddhism)
The type of Buddhism originally practiced in
India. (Theraveda Buddhism)
Neo Confucianism blends Buddhism with which other
religions? (Daoism, Confucianism)
Shinto is a deeply spiritual form of what type of
religion? (animism)
First hindu kingdom of Southern India? (Chola)
This religion utilizes the caste system. (Hindu)
These two gods are worshipped in Hinduism , among
others. (Shiva, Vishnu)
This movement tried to sycreticize the Hindu
belief with Islam, unsuccessfully I might add.
Which leader chose Roman Christianity over Arian
Christianity when he converted from Paganism? (Clovis)
This Frank leader said “embrace Jesus now or meet
him now”. (Charlemagne)
This Christian monasticism proponent had some
vicious tough rules. (St. Benedict)
3. People
1) What group of Germanic invaders took over the city of
Rome? (Ostrogoths)
2) What group of Germanic invaders took over N. Africa?
3) What group of Germanic invaders took over modern day
France? (Franks)
4) What people group is the root word of our word for a
captive person with no rights? (slav)
5) Western Romans thought Eastern Romans were effeminate,
why? (too much bathing, hiring others to fight for
6) Which emperor was responsible for building the Hagia
Sophia? (Justinian)
7) The theme system gave which group of people the power
in the Byzantine system? (landowners, nobles)
8) The cyrillic system of writing was developed in part
because of the efforts of Christian missionaries from
which empire? (The Byzantines)
9) What is dar-al-islam? (The geographic and political
lands in Islamic control)
Famous Islamic traveler. (Ibn Battuta)
The Uighars, an Islamic group of nomads brought
down which Chinese dynasty after being hired as
mercenaries? (the Tang)
Filial Piety is reverence for the? (males in your
Bodyguards for European feudal lords? (Knights)
Body guards for Japanese shoguns & lords?
Mahmud of Ghazi’s raiding lands later became this
kingdom. (The sultanate of Delhi)
One indicator that India was instrumental in the
development of SE asia is the use of? (kings, rajas)
Leader of the Franks, converted to Christianity.
Branch of the Franks that became the first ruling
family. (Carolignians)
Education loving king who got a white elephant
from an Abassid sultan. (Charlemagne)
Crowned as the first Holy Roman Emperor in 962
after he bailed Italy out for the second time. (Otto I
of Germany)
Instead of Marco Polo, Islamic children might
play this game. (Ibn Battuta)
4. Dates
1) Year of the first Hajj by Muhammad? (632 CE)
2) What year was Muhammad born? (570 ce about)
3) The Sultanate of Delhi lasted from here to here… (1206
– 1526)
4) Year of the Battle of Tours when Charles became “the
hammer” Martel. (732)
5) When did Norse expansion begin? (800 CE)
6) __________ during this time period small pox and a
cold snap is believed to have caused a large decrease
in population.
(500 – 700 ad)
5. Places
1) What was the main amusement space in Constantinople
called? (The Hippodrome)
2) What do we call an Islamic motel? (Cavansieri)
3) What do you call an Islamic school? (Madrasas)
4) During the Tang dynasty, Korea was a ________ nation
to China. (tribute)
5) Timbuktu, Cordoba, Swahili city states, name the
commonality. (Islamic trading cities)
6. Important events
1) The introduction of new crops in dar-al-islam coupled
with increased knowledge of crop rotation and growing
techniques led to better what? (food supplies, or
2) The Song dynasty eventually collapsed when the Emperor
spent more time worrying about getting this fruit for
his beloved than ruling the Empire. (Lychee)
3) Daoist alchemists during the Tang dynasty developed
this substance. (gunpowder)
4) Block printing became prevalent during this dynasty.
5) The most important maritime technology invented in the
Tang dynasty was… (the magnetic compass)
6) Flying cash was invented due to a shortage of copper
coins during the ____dynasty. (Tang)
7) This happens every year on the Indian subcontinent,
farmers count on it. (the monsoon)
7. Extras
1) Which people group first discovered/used Greek Fire?
2) Name the standard coin used by trading people in the
Mediterranean region. (the Bezant, Byzantium coin)
3) What type of camel does desert travel? (Arabian or
4) What type of camel does mountain travel? (Bactrian)
5) What type of law system makes women wear veils and
thieves lose hands? (sharia law)
6) Which dynasty imported tea for the first time to China
in large quantities? (Tang)
7) Population grew during the Golden Age in China due to
an increase in what? (agricultural output)
8) Most important way to travel during the Golden age of
China? (Grand Canal)
9) Increased food supplies led to a new type of social
group in Golden age china called the what? (middle
Porcelain was exported in vast quantities during
which two dynasties during the Golden age? (Tang &
The first novel written that deals with life in
Heian court is called? (The life of Genji)
The kind of ship that allowed for increases in
Indian Ocean trade. (Dhows)
The kind of ship that allowed for increases in
Chinese trade. (Junks)
Is Feudalism an accurate description of what
happened in Europe? (not really)
This new technology made farming possible in N.
European soils. (the heavy plow)