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Chapter 3 Study Guide
Name: _____________________
1. What effect did Marco Polo’s book have on Europeans?
Europeans became more interested in travel to Asia and more people began exploring that
part of the world!
2. What important contribution did Portuguese explorers make to European trade?
The were the first to find a sea route to Asia
3. What was Ferdinand Magellan’s purpose when he set sail from Spain in 1519?
To cross the Pacific Ocean and return to Spain
4. What did Spanish colonists build in the Americas?
Religious settlements called missions
5. Where did Columbus first land in the New World?
On an island in the Caribbean Sea
6. What new technologies caused exploration to change during the Renaissance?
The compass helped sailors to know what direction they were going. The caravel ship allowed
ships to sail into the wind.
7. What is longitude? Which direction do these lines run in? What is another name for
n north to south and measure distance east and west of the prime
Lines of longitude ru
meridian. A line of longitude is also called a meridian.
8. What is latitude? Which direction do these lines run in? What is another name for
Lines of latitude run east and west and m
easure distance north and south of the equator. A line
of latitude is also called a parallel.
9. Longitude tells you how many degrees __east__ or __west__ you are away from the
___prime meridian___.
Latitude tells you how many degrees __north__ or __south__ you are away from
the __equator__.
When Christopher Columbus made his return voyage to Spain from the West
Indies, he sailed west toward the east. Was he sailing toward the prime meridian, or
away from it? How do you know? Use the maps on page 116 and 117 of your book to
help you!
He sailed towards the prime meridian. I know this because the lines of longitude DECREASE in
degrees as you go east, which means you are nearing the prime meridian. Columbus was
sailing west away from Spain, and the lines of lon
gitude are increasing in degrees which means
Columbus was sailing away from the prime meridian.
Describe the trade routes and the trade products of one of the West African trading
Ghana needed salt to preserve food. They were rich in gold, and traded
traded with Arabia to get salt.
Merchants traveled across the Sahara desert to trade gold for salt. Arab merchants taught
people in Ghana about their religion, Islam. Many people in Ghana became Muslims, or
followers of Islam.
What were two important results of European exploration in the 1400s and the
o 2 new continents were discovered (North and South America)
o New peoples and cultures were discovered on these continents
o New foods, spices, and resources were discovered.(Discuss the Columbian
o Diseases were spread to the native Americans, and many of them died
In 1519, Hernán Cortés made an expedition to Mexico to conquer the Aztecs.
Write a description of the journey, of what Cortés did, and of what happened to the
Aztecs. Write your description on a separate sheet of paper.
Hernan Cortes lead an expedition to Mexico in 1519. His ships carried horses, weapons,
and an army of more than 500 conquistadors. They were eager to find wealth and fame
for themselves and their families. After landing iin
n Mexico, Cortes met people who were
enemies of the Aztec empire. Cortes convinced them to come with him to defeat the
Aztecs. An Indian woman named Malinche joined Cortes. She helped him communicate
with the Aztecs and give advice about how to conquer them.
them. The Aztec ruler Moctezuma
welcomed Cortes. Cortes, however, wanted Aztec gold and put Moctezuma in prison. The
Aztecs attacked the Spanish and drove them from Tenochtitlan. Cortes went to
neighboring Indian nations that had been conquered by the Aztecs and persuaded them
to join with his army. Contact with the Spanish had infected the Aztec army with disease.
When Cortes returned to Tenochtitlan, he ued guns, horses, and steel armor to defeat the
weakened Aztec army. Cortes soon controlled the entire Aztec
Aztec empire. By 1535, Spain
had claimed all of Mexico and renamed it New Spain.