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Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care Journal 2017;5(1):24-30
Perioperative management of a child with hypoplastic left heart
syndrome following the hybrid stage I procedure presenting for
laparoscopic gastrostomy tube placement
T. Lok 1 , P. Winch 2 ,3 , A. Naguib 2 ,3 , J. D. Tobias 2 ,3
The Ohio State School of Medicine, Columbus, Ohio, USA
Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio, USA
Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine, The Ohio State School of Medicine, Columbus, Ohio, USA
Corresponding author: J. D. Tobias, Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine, Nationwide Children’s Hospital,
Columbus, Ohio, USA. Email: [email protected]
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) is a complex congenital heart condition which includes abnormal development of left-sided cardiac structures leading to inadequate systemic perfusion following post-natal closure
of the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). The hybrid approach for surgical palliation includes bilateral pulmonary
artery (PA) banding and placement of a stent into PDA.
The goals of preoperative management include stabilization of the patient’s clinical status, a complete definition of the cardiac anatomy, and identification of non-cardiac diagnoses that may impact perioperative care.
Preoperative echocardiography is used to evaluate the atrial level communication, myocardial function, degree
of tricuspid regurgitation, adequacy of the PA bands, and degree of retrograde aortic arch obstruction.
Problems that may be encountered perioperatively include excessive pulmonary blood flow, increased pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), and coronary ischemia. Coronary ischemia may result from a combination of
retrograde arch obstruction, low diastolic blood pressure, and abnormal coronary vasculature.
flow without the ongoing need for prostaglandin therapy
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) is a complex
to maintain ductal patency. We present a 2-month-old
congenital heart condition which includes abnormal de-
patient, 2.5 kg infant who presented for laparoscopic
velopment of left-sided cardiac structures leading to
placement of a gastrostomy tube following stage I of the
inadequate systemic perfusion following post-natal clo-
hybrid procedure. The intraoperative implications of the
sure of the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Surgical pal-
hybrid anatomy are discussed, options for anesthetic ca-
liation may be accomplished through a 3 staged process
re presented, and previous reports of anesthetic care for
known as the hybrid approach. Shortly after birth, the
such patients reviewed.
first procedure includes bilateral pulmonary artery (PA)
banding to restrict pulmonary blood flow and pla ce-
Keywords: hypoplastic left heart syndrome, laparosco-
ment of a stent into PDA to allow for systemic blood
pic surgery, congenital heart disese, hybrid stage 1.
Lok et al. Hybrid stage 1 and non-cardiac surgery
Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care Journal 2017;5(1):24-30
pic G-tube placement. The patient’s medical history in-
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) is a complex
cluded an unbalanced atrioventricular canal defect
congenital heart condition which includes abnormal de-
(AVC) with right-sided dominance and aortic coarcta-
velopment of left-sided cardiac structures leading to
tion following hybrid stage I palliation. There was on-
inadequate systemic perfusion following post-natal clo-
going hyperbilirubinemia due to cholestasis related to
sure of the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA).
the prolonged need for parenteral nutrition. There was a
surgical strategies have been employed for the palliation
past history of acute kidney injury (AKI) due to hypo-
of HLHS in the immediate newborn period including
tension and intravascular volume depletion related to
the Norwood procedure and more recently, the hybrid
aggressive diuretic therapy following stage I of the hy-
procedure. The hybrid procedure includes bilateral pul-
brid procedure. From birth, there was acute and chronic
monary artery (PA) banding through a median sterno-
respiratory failure requiring tracheostomy and ventilator
tomy and placement of a stent into PDA.
The stent is
dependence. Past surgical history included hybrid stage
placed through a sheath inserted directly into the main
I procedure on day of life 11. The current feeding regi-
pulmonary artery with a multidisciplinary approach in-
men included 14 mL of human milk delivered via a na-
volving the surgeon and an interventional cardiologist in
sogastric tube every 3 hours. Medications included van-
the hybrid operating room suite. The technique avoids
comycin (40 mg) every 12 hours and ampicillin-
the need for CPB during the neonatal period. One to two
sulbactam (125 mg) every 6 hours for a recent nosoco-
weeks after the initial procedure, a balloon atrial septo-
mial tracheal infection. Cardiac medications included
stomy (BAS) is performed to ensure unimpeded mixing
enteral chlorothiazide twice a day and digoxin once a
of blood at the atrial level. At 4-6 months of age, the
day. Phenobarbital was administered once a day to treat
comprehensive stage II is performed. The comprehensi-
cholestasis. The preoperative hematocrit and hemoglo-
ve stage II includes removal of the bilateral PA bands,
bin were 40.4% and 12.6 gm/dL, respectively. Coagula-
removal of the PDA stent with PDA ligation, recon-
tion studies, serum electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen,
struction of the aortic arch, and the creation of a cavo-
creatinine, and blood glucose were within normal limits.
pulmonary anastomosis (Glenn procedure). At two years
of age, the Fontan procedure is completed in the same
HLHA (small left ventricle, hypoplastic and abnormal
manner as the Norwood pathway for HLHS. We report a
mitral valve, a large sub-aortic ventricular septal defect),
2-month-old patient, 2.5 kg infant who presented for la-
no stenosis across the PDA stent, an unrestrictive atrial
paroscopic placement of a gastrostomy tube following
septal defect, mildly abnormal pulmonary valve, trivial
the stage I hybrid procedure. The intraoperative implica-
tricuspid regurgitation, moderately dilated and hyper-
tions of the hybrid anatomy are discussed, options for
trophied right ventricle, mild to moderately depressed
anesthetic care presented, and previous reports of ane-
ventricular function, and adequate gradients across the
sthetic care for such patients reviewed.
PA bands.
Case report
The patient was held nil per os for 6 hours during which
Institutional Review Board approval is not required for
time 10% dextrose in 0.45% NS was infused at a main-
publication of isolated case reports at Nationwide Chil-
tenance rate of 10 mL/hour. After transportation from
dren’s Hospital (Columbus, Ohio). A 2-month-old, 2.5
the Pediatric Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Unit
kg infant with trisomy 18 who was status post stage I of
(CTICU) to the operating room, routine American So-
the hybrid procedure for HLHS presented for laparosco-
ciety of Anesthesiologists’ monitors were placed. Ane-
Lok et al. Hybrid stage 1 and non-cardiac surgery
Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care Journal 2017;5(1):24-30
sthesia was induced via the incremental inhalation of
and respiratory status without any perioperative compli-
sevoflurane in 30-40% oxygen which was administered
via the tracheostomy. This was supplemented with fen-
Discussion and conclusion
tanyl (total intraoperative dose of 10 µg/kg). Neuromu-
HLHS encompasses a spectrum of intracardiac and ex-
scular blockade was provided by rocuronium. Intraope-
tracardiac anomalies, including abnormalities of the
ratively, the FiO2 was maintained at 22-23% and main-
ascending aorta, aortic valve, left ventricle, and mitral
tenance anesthesia provided by isoflurane (expired con-
valve. The left ventricle and mitral valve may be poorly
centration of 0.4-1.4%). During the procedure, mechani-
developed or totally absent. With this combination of
cal ventilation was provided by pressure-limited ventila-
defects, perfusion of the systemic circulation depends
tion with a peak inspiratory pressure (PIP) of 21-24
partly or completely on flow from the PA across the
cmH2O and a positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)
ductus arteriosus. Although these infants frequently ap-
of 4 cmH2O. Exhaled tidal volumes varied from 8-10
pear normal at birth, signs of cardiorespiratory failure
mL/kg. Oxygen saturation (SpO2) ranged from 90-97%
occur when the ductus arteriosus closes, usually during
and the end-tidal carbon dioxide (EtCO2) varied from
the first 2 weeks of life. Initial stabilization requires the
34-37 mmHg during the procedure. Forced air warming
infusion of prostaglandin to maintain or reopen the duc-
was used to maintain normothermia of 36.4-37 Centi-
tus arteriosus and provide systemic flow. The goals of
grade during the procedure. Following the induction of
surgical palliation of HLHS include provision of syste-
anesthesia, the patient’s abdomen was prepped and dra-
mic blood flow while limiting pulmonary blood flow.
ped in standard surgical fashion. A 5 mm infraumbilical
At our institution, surgical palliation is provided by the
incision was made and carried down to the fascia which
hybrid approach. Shortly after birth, the first procedure
was directly incised. A laparoscopy trocar was placed in
includes bilateral pulmonary artery (PA) banding to re-
this location. A second 5 mm trocar was placed in the
strict pulmonary blood flow and placement of a stent
anticipated site for the G-tube. Insufflation was provi-
into PDA to allow for systemic blood flow without the
ded using an intra-abdominal pressure of less than 6-8
ongoing need for prostaglandin therapy. A balloon atrial
mmHg. The stomach was clearly visualized. It was gra-
septostomy is then performed to ensure unrestricted
sped at the G-tube site and brought into sight. An open
flow of pulmonary venous blood returning from the
incision into the stomach was performed, a purse string
lungs across the atrial septum into the right atrium. This
suture placed, and the G-tube inserted. The two trocars
blood is then ejected from the single ventricle into the
were removed and the incisions closed. A local anesthe-
pulmonary artery. The blood that is ejected into the
tic agent (0.25% bupivacaine) was infiltrated into the
pulmonary artery can then either flow to the lungs or to
surgical incision sites. Total intraoperative time was 95
the body. The distribution of this blood flow (systemic
minutes. During the procedure, heart rate ranged from
versus pulmonary) is determined by the differential resi-
111 to 148 beats/minute, systolic blood pressure ranged
stance to flow of the two circulations. Flow to the sy-
from 85 to 110 mmHg, and diastolic blood pressure
stemic circulation is determined by the systemic vascu-
ranged from 25 to 55 mmHg. The patient tolerated the
lar resistance (SVR) or any mechanical obstruction in
procedure well and was transferred back to the CTICU
the PDA stent/aorta versus the restriction imposed by
with standard ASA monitoring. The patient returned to
the degree of pulmonary banding or the pulmonary va-
his preoperative baseline status as far as hemodynamic
scular resistance (PVR).
Lok et al. Hybrid stage 1 and non-cardiac surgery
Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care Journal 2017;5(1):24-30
The goals of pre-operative management include clinical
Another major issue concerning the hemodynamic and
stabilization, complete definition of the cardiac anato-
respiratory status of infants with HLHS is the balance
my, recognition of non-cardiac diagnoses, and family
between pulmonary and systemic blood flow. Provided
education. Transthoracic echocardiography is used to
that they have an appropriate gradient, PA bands gene-
determine the presence of an adequate atrial level com-
rally prevent excessive pulmonary blood flow related to
munication, myocardial function, degree of tricuspid
decreases in PVR due to hypocarbia or high inspired
regurgitation, adequacy of the PA bands, and degree of
oxygen concentrations. However, significant increases
retrograde aortic arch obstruction. If needed, the ana-
in PVR may result in a decrease in pulmonary blood
tomy can be further defined or interventions provided
flow and decreases in oxygen saturation. An oxygen
during cardiac catheterization as indicated. Problems
saturation of 75% to 80% is generally optimal in infants
that may be encountered perioperatively include exces-
with univentricular anatomy as a saturation in excess of
sive pulmonary blood flow, increased pulmonary vascu-
80% implies a pulmonary-to-systemic flow (Qp:Qs) ra-
lar resistance (PVR), and coronary ischemia.
tio of greater than 1.5 to 1. These ratios not only decrea-
Coronary ischemia may result from a combination of
se peripheral oxygen delivery but also result in over-
retrograde arch obstruction, low diastolic blood pressure
perfusion of the pulmonary bed, leading to pulmonary
(BP), and abnormal coronary vasculature. These factors
edema and chronic volume overload of the ventricle. A
may lead to an increased frequency of ventricular fibril-
second, less common cause of pulmonary edema is
lation and the possibility of perioperative myocardial
pulmonary venous congestion from obstruction to pul-
ischemic events.
Although the dependence on retro-
monary venous return from a restrictive atrial septum.
grade aortic perfusion of the coronaries may partly ex-
These problems should be identified on preoperative
plain these events, it has also been postulated that there
echocardiography and if severe enough, may require in-
may be primary abnormalities in the coronary circula-
tervention during cardiac catheterization. Simple intrao-
tion with HLHS related to the persistently high intraven-
perative maneuvers to maintain the Qp:Qs ratio include
tricular pressure with retrograde flow into the coronary
adjusting the inspired oxygen concentration to maintain
vasculature, leading to intimal injury.
Given these
an oxygen saturation of 75-80%, maintaining normocar-
concerns, control of factors regulating myocardial
bia, a normal pH, and normothermia. Direct measure-
oxygen consumption and delivery should be considered
ments of cardiac output are not possible by conventional
in these patients. In particular, control of heart rate and
means. Intraoperative data have demonstrated a pro-
maintaining normal diastolic blood pressure is sugge-
gressive increase in the base deficit when the PaO2 ex-
ceeds 50 mmHg.9 Conversely, an increased SVR can
The primary goal in the management of patients with
generate lactic acidosis and a low cardiac output state
single ventricle physiology is optimizing systemic
due to the high afterload.
oxygen delivery and perfusion pressure. Maintenance of
Myocardial function may be compromised in infants
systemic oxygen delivery is dependent on optimizing
with HLHS related to chronic volume overload, a de-
cardiac output and arterial oxygen content. Optimal car-
creased ability of the morphologic right ventricle to su-
diac output requires attention to volume status (preload),
stain systemic pressures, and myocardial ischemia (see
vascular resistance (afterload), heart rate, rhythm, and
above). Myocardial function should be assessed preo-
myocardial contractility, whereas arterial oxygen con-
peratively using echocardiography and inotropic agents
tent is predominately dependent on hemoglobin content.
such as milrinone and epinephrine administered as nee-
Lok et al. Hybrid stage 1 and non-cardiac surgery
Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care Journal 2017;5(1):24-30
ded to improve myocardial performance. Chronic diure-
hemodynamic and respiratory function. Concerns exist
tic therapy may lead to electrolyte imbalance, and preo-
as to whether or not laparoscopic surgery is safe in pa-
perative monitoring of potassium and magnesium are
tients with CHD, especially those with HLHS, given the
suggested. When ventricular function is normal, we ha-
increases in intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) with insuf-
ve found that non-invasive monitoring of hemodynamic
flation and its effects on cardiac function. In the absence
status is generally sufficient for surgical procedures of a
of associated CHD, an IAP of 12 mmHg, but not 6 mm
limited duration. Furthermore, non-invasive monitoring
Hg, has been shown to decrease cardiac index assessed
of tissue oxygenation using near infrared spectroscopy
by TEE.13 IAP above 6-8 mmHg may decrease preload,
may provide an early warning of decreased oxygen deli-
increase afterload, and increase PVR which may be
very.10 Invasive monitoring may be warranted in patients
poorly tolerated in patients with HLHS.13,14 Echo-
with depressed ventricular function or for more invasive
Doppler monitoring has shown decreases in aortic blood
surgical procedures. This provides not only access for
flow, stroke volume, and cardiac index in children at an
invasive blood pressure monitoring, but also access for
IAP as low as 10 mm Hg.13 Additionally, increases in
arterial blood gas monitoring. This may be useful to fol-
PaCO2 induced by laparoscopy should be expected and
low acid-base status, pH, and PaCO2 in a setting where
minute ventilation increased, as an increase in PaCO2
end-tidal CO2 monitoring may be unreliable. Alternati-
levels may have deleterious effects on myocardial func-
vely, these patients may have percutaneously inserted
tion and pulmonary vascular resistance. A significant
central (PIC) lines which allow for venous blood gas
increase in the arterial pressure of CO2 and end-tidal
CO2 gradient after abdominal insufflation has shown
The induction and maintenance of anesthesia is achie-
end-tidal CO2 to be an insensitive monitor in healthy
ved with a combination of opioids, volatile, and intrave-
nous agents. During both the induction and maintenance
Adequate postoperative pain control in neonates has hi-
of anesthesia, the anesthetic agents chosen should be
storically been difficult to achieve and continues to pre-
modified to limit their deleterious effects on hemody-
sent a challenge to the anesthesiologist and intensive
namic parameters (see above). In our patient, anesthesia
care unit physician. The challenge of adequately treating
was induced and maintained with a combination of a
postoperative pain is particularly relevant after surgery
volatile agent (sevoflurane or isoflurane) and fentanyl.
for complex congenital heart disease such as HLHS as
Although synthetic opioids such as fentanyl offer the
pain treatment must be carefully weighed against the
advantage of hemodynamic stability, the use of high do-
risks associated with opioids. Our experience has sug-
ses will often requires postoperative mechanical ventila-
gested that nurse-controlled anesthesia (NCA) with fen-
Given that our patient already required chronic
tanyl achieves effective analgesia with limited adverse
mechanical ventilation, we chose a high dose opioid
effects as demonstrated by low pain scores, successful
technique with fentanyl to effectively blunt the surgical
early tracheal extubation, infrequent need to change to
stress response and maintain hemodynamic stability.
an alternate opioid, and a low incidence of adverse ef-
Alternatively, if the goal had been early tracheal extuba-
fects.15 Fentanyl is commonly preferred in this setting
tion, the dose of fentanyl can be decreased to 3-5 µg/kg
due to its rapid onset, easy titratability, lack of active
and higher doses of isoflurane used for maintenance
metabolites, and limited effect on myocardial and he-
anesthesia.In addition to our patient’s comorbid CHD,
modynamic performance. Dexmedetomidine may be
the surgical procedure may also impact intraoperative
added to the regimen to provide sedation and potentiate
Lok et al. Hybrid stage 1 and non-cardiac surgery
Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care Journal 2017;5(1):24-30
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