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A. Very Early Greek Civilizations (Sec 1, pp. 106-109)
1. About 3000BC-1400BC: M______________ Civilization
a. The 1st Greek civilization was on the island of C______ and is called M_____________ Civ.
b. The myth of Th______ and the M________(half-man/half-bull) contains bits of truth about
M__________ Civilization. Named for M______, the King of Crete in this myth.
c. Their written language, called Linear __, has not been translated.
d. The most important building was the Palace of K________--a huge building, residence of k_____,
place for craftsmen to work and place for storage of export goods; had advanced plumbing, including
pipes to take away waste w___ and bring in clean w___.
e. Prosperity based on t_________. Relatively p________ (no defensive walls, few weapons)
Religion involved a mother goddess and b___________.
g. Art included f_________ (paintings on wet plaster), joyful & full of motion; leaping
d____________; & athletes jumping over a b____.
h. W____________apparently had equal, or almost equal, status.
About 1628BC: v_______ eruption on nearby island of Thera-damaged but did not destroy Crete.
1450BC: mainland G______ (Mycenaeans) took over C_______. Written language abruptly changed
from Linear _ to Linear __.
k. 1400BC: M___________ civilization vanished. The Palace of K________ was abandoned.
2. About 2000BC-1200BC: M___________ Civilization. (reached its height about 1600BC)
a. The next Greek civilization was on the mainland of Greece & is called M_________ civilization.
b. Their written language, Linear __, was deciphered by Michael Ventris in the 1950’s.
c. Largest city was M_________________.
d. Prosperity based on t_______ing & r________ing; very w______-like
e. Society: a number of families made a cl_______; a number of cl_______ made a tr_______. Each
tribe had a war chief or king. Over all the tr________ was the “High King of M_________”.
f. Very wealthy civilization with a lot of g_______ in their tombs.
g. 1250BC- T______ War was launched by the M____________ against the city of T__________.
(The story was told orally for hundreds of years; written down by H__________ in about 750BC)
h. The M__________ civilization declined after 1200BC & by 1100BC had disappeared.
3. The D________ Age (1100BC-800BC) and the Recovery from the D_______ Age.
a. 1100BC-800BC: period called the D________ Age of Greece. The p_____________ declined
sharply& few l____________ buildings were built. People even (over several generations) forgot the
skill of w_________.
b. About 800 BC, Greeks rediscovered writing & used a modified version of the P__________alphabet.
c. About 750BC: H______________ wrote the I________ & the O__________
1) I________________: story about the T______ War & the wrath of Achilles
2) O_______________: story about the journey home of O_________.
d. About 750BC: population increased & many city-states sent men out to form c_______ in other lands.
B. Developments in Greece (Sec 1-Sec2, pp. 108-112)
1. P__________, a Greek city-state
a. Greece was made up of many independent city-states; a city-state was called a p____________.
1) Fairly small, included the city and the farmland & farming villages around it.
2) Usually had a hill, called the a___________ in the center with temples on it.
3) Had a market at the bottom of the hill called the a___________.
b. The citizens of a polis felt intense l________ to their polis and fierce r_________ toward others.
2. What Greeks had in common: the Greek l________ (those who did not speak Greek were called “barbarians”.
r__________ ideas (including gods & myths); c________ characteristics (way of life) & social patterns;
festivals such as athletic competitions, including the O________ Games.
2. Greek religion & religious ideas:
a. God/goddesses included: Z________, the king of the Gods; H______, queen; P________-ruler of the
sea; H_________-ruler of the underworld; A_________-goddess of wisdom; A________-god of light,
sun, music, prophesy.
b. M_________-stories about the gods & goddesses
c. O__________- places where a god spoke through someone and foretold the future. The most famous was
the O_______ of D__________.
d. Greek religion did not emphasize m___________ (good and bad conduct), or life after d_______. Greeks
believed that almost all people went to H________, a gloomy place.
e. Greek religion did explain n_______& human emotions, and provide a way to try to get favors from the
3.Development in Greek Government & military
a. Many Greek poleis went through the following evolution, or stages of change, in their forms of government
1)M__________ - rule by a king – in very early times.
2)A_______________- rule by land-owning nobles (aristocrats)-700sBC
3) O_______________- rule by a small group of the wealthy people; -700s-600sBC
4)T_______-rule by a “t________”, man who got power with the support of the common people 600’s-500s
5) D_______________-rule by the male citizens-about 500BC-400BC
b. Developments in the military
1) Use of i________ weapons meant more men could own weapons & armor.
2) H________-term for a heavily armed Greek foot soldier
3) P_____________ - a military formation, in which h___________ fought in closely
spaced rows and columns.
C. Sparta (Sec3, p. 113-14) (_______ means very plain & simple”; l________ means using few words.)
1. Society & Government
a) Spartan society included: The S________________Equals: ruling class; 2) H______-citizens: the
free people who were farmers, artisans or merchants; 3) The H_______________ - state owned
slaves, who were the descendants of the M______, a neighboring people conquered by the Spartans.
b) Fear of an uprising by the h_________ (who greatly outnumbered the Spartans), caused the
Spartans to create their bizarre m__________ culture.
c) Spartan women had more freedom than women in other parts of Greece. They also received
ph________ training & exercise.
d) Government of Sparta: Only the male, adult Spartan E_______ participated in government.
1) Two K__________ led the army
2) Council of E_________: proposed laws and policies. Included men over _ _ years of age.
3) A__________ of all S_________ men over 30.
4) Five E____________ - elected yearly to handle day-to-day affairs
2. Life of a male Spartan Equal.
a) At birth, they were examined, and weak ones were “exp______”
b) 0-7 years, they lived __________________.
c) 7-18 years, they lived in b__________________, where they received military training called
the a_________; learned military skills, obedience, a sense of strong loyalty to each other.
d) 19-20: the K___________- the secret police who spied on the H________ and sometimes killed
e) 20-30: became full members of the a____________. Joined an army group called a m_____
that ate and lived together. Were m____________ but continued to live in barracks with the
men of their mess.
f) 30-60: lived in their own homes, but ate their main meal in the b______________.
g) 60+: retired, became members of the C__________ of E___________.
h) Purpose: To toughen the men for war, and to insure that their first loyalty was to
D.Athens (pp. 115-117)
a. Geography:
a. The region around Athens is called A__________.
b. Athens is only slightly inland from the coast. The port is called P_________
c. Many people turned to s___-trading.
b. Society of Athens
1) C___ - free people born in Athens & parents were both citizens. Later only the father had to be a citizen.
Women were considered citizens but had few rights.
2) M__________-foreigners living in Athens; usually m_______ or a______. Could not vote or own land.
3) S_________-usually captives in war.
c. Development of the government of Athens
1) In very early times, Athens was a m___________ (had a king).
1) By 700BC, the monarchy had ended and Athens was an a__________ - rule by land-owning nobles.
2) 621BC: D_________ wrote Athen’s first law code, which was very harsh
3) 594BC: S_________ reformed the laws, because of severe social problems.
a) E_________all current d_________ - just once – to give everyone a fresh start
b) Abolished d_____-slavery for Athenians citizens,
c) Divided citizens into 4 groups based on w_______; men in the top two groups could hold
public office and all male c___________ could be in the Assembly.
d) 500sBC : A man named P___________ gained power in Athens with the support of the poor.
He became “t__________” of Athens.
4) 507BC – C_____________ reformed the government again, and created a direct d________.
a. Divided the male citizens into 10 groups called t_________.
b. C_______ of Five Hundred consisted of 500 men,
50 chosen from each tribe by l___ (drawing names). Proposed laws and policies.
c. A___________ consisted of all male citizens over _ _ met 2 times each month, debated &
voted on all laws & polices. It became a genuine legislature
d. J______ of 501 men chosen by l__ (drawing names) decided most civil & criminal cases.
e. O______ –all men voted for their least favorite person and the “winner” was exiled for 10 years.
E. PERSIAN WARS (Sec5, pp. 121-122) – history written by Greek historian H_____________.
1. Cause
a. Persia conquered Greek colonies on the coast of A______ M________ .
b. About 500BC, these Greek colonies tried to r____________against Persia.
c. Athens sent military aid to the Greek colonies, but the Persians crushed the r__________ anyway.
d. The Persian king D__________ wanted revenge on Athens for sending help, and wanted to add Greece to
his empire so he sent messengers to the city-states of Greece, with a demand for e________ and
w_________, the symbols of submission.
2. 490BC: 1st PERSIAN ATTACK – Battle of M________________
a. King D____________ of Persia sent ships to attack Athens. Athens asked Sparta for help, but Sparta
was busy with a festival.
b. Persians landed at M____________.
c. Athenians h_________ (heavily armed foot-soldiers) formed a p_____________ at
(battle formation) ran at the Persians & defeated them.
c. Athenians sent their runner Ph_______________ to run the 26 miles to Athens to
announce victory; he arrived, said “rejoice, we conquer” and dropped d____.
This was the first “m___________”
d. During the time between the 2 Persian attacks, the Athenian statesman Th____________ convinced
Athens to build a powerful n________.
(1). BATTLE OF TH_________________________
a. King X____________ (successor of Darius) sent a much larger army as well as a navy
b. __00 S__________ under King L_________, along with several thousand Greek hoplites from other
poleis were stationed at the mountain pass of Th____________, to try to hold back a much larger
Persian army
c. The Greeks held back the Persians for several days. Then a tr______ showed the Persians
another way through the mountains.
d. The _ _ _ S_________ told the other Greeks to flee while they held the pass, which they did,
but they all died fighting the Persians.
e. The heroism of the _ _ _ S______ made the Greeks determined to beat the Persians.
(2) BATTLE OF S______________
a. The victorious Persians marched toward Athens, who desperately sent messengers to ask the
O________ ofD_____________ for advice, who told them they would find safety behind their
w________ w________!”
b. Statesman Th________ convinced the Athenians that the w______ w________ were their s_______,
so they evacuated Athens, and prepared to fight the Persians at s_____. They believed that their main
strength was in their n_________, and that if they could defeat the Persian n_______, the Persian
army would have no way to get s__________.
c. The Persian army marched into Athens and b__________ed it.
d. Then the Athenians used tricks to lure the Persians into the bay of S________, where they knew all the
e. The Athenians fought the Persians at s___ in the bay of S______. The Athenians r________ Persian
ships and used f____ ships. They defeated the Persian navy. Now the Persians had no way to get
(3) Battle of P___________
a. During the winter, many soldiers in the Persian army d_________
b. The next year, a combined Greek force defeated the weakened Persian army at the land battle of
F. Daily life in Athens (Sec. 4, p. 118-120)
1) Most Athenians were farmers. Athenian farmers grew o_________, g______ and f________ on
terraced hillsides.
2) Tr_________ was the main source of Athenian wealth. Athenians usually exported o________ oil
and w_______, and imported gr_______.
3) Athenians believed private homes should be s_______ and money should be spent on p_______
4) Greek houses were built around a central c_________, and were lit with o____-o____ lamps, and
they had no pl__________
5) Girls married at about age ____; men at about age ___
6) Women were regarded as i________. They could not own p_______. They were expected to stay
out of sight. Girls stayed home and were taught household management by their m___________.
7) Greek boys went to school at about age ___. Well-to-do Greek boys had a slave called a
p__________. Greek boys often memorized long sections of Homer’s I________ and O________.
8) S________ were teachers of older boys, who taught government, math, e_______ (philosophical
study of good and bad behavior) and rh________(public speaking)
9) At 18, all Athenian men received m_________ training.
G. Golden Age of Greece & the rise of the Delian League (about 480BC-430BC) pp. 124-125
1) The Greeks had great confidence because they had beaten the Persians
2) Greatest Athenian leader during this time was P_________.
3) Athenian democracy grew; men were p_______ the average wage of an Athenian worker for time
spent holding public office. This allowed even p_______ men to participate in government,
without losing wages.
4) Athens formed an alliance called the D_____ League to counter future Persian aggression; its
headquarters was on the neutral island of D______
5) At first, each polis contributed sh________, and the tr________ of the D________ League
was on the neutral, holy island of D________.
6) Then Athens, since Athens built the best ships, Athens began building all the sh_______, while
the other members of the D_________ League contributed money.
7) Soon the tr______________ of the D_______ League was moved to Athens.
8) Then Athens began using the D_______ League money for itself
9) Then Athens refused to let city-states withdraw from the D_______ League.
10) Athens now had an e____________ disguised as the D________ League
11) Sparta formed the P________________ League to counter the power of Athens.
12) Tension between Athens and Sparta grew
H. P_____________ War, the War between Athens+Delian League and Sparta+Peloponnesian League
1. The historian Th________ wrote about the P________ war and its causes.
2. One cause was the growing rivalry between Sparta and Athens; another was expressed by
Th_____________, who wrote, “Sparta and Athens were full of young men whose
inex_________ war made them eager to take up arms.”
3. Athens had a strong n_______ and e________ Sparta had a strong a________
4. Sparta attacked Athens by land, but Athens pulled its people behind its w_____ and imported food
from overseas.
5. In 429BC, a p__________ killed many people in Athens, but this didn’t stop the war.
6. Athens made a disastrous attempt to conquer the city of S__________ on the island of Sicily. Almost
all the Athenians were killed. From then on, the war went badly for Athens.
7. In about 404BC, Sparta borrowed a n____ from P________, and blockaded the port of Athens.
Athens could not get food. This forced the Athenians to surrender.
8. Neither Athens nor Sparta was ever as powerful again, and Th________ temporarily became the most
powerful city in Greece.
I. On a map, be able to locate & name: Greece, the Gulf of Corinth, the Peloponnesus, Athens, Sparta,
Crete, Asia Minor, Troy, the Aegean Sea, the Ionian Sea, the Mediterranean Sea