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Preparations CXO-Cockpit Installation (version 6)
Version for Financial Management (HFM, Oracle EPM FM)
This document describes the prerequisites and preparations for installing and configuring the CXO-Cockpit as a
dashboard on Oracle Hyperion Financial Management. It does not describe the installation and configuration itself.
The tables should be used as a check-list: either the indicated piece of information must be provided (enter it in the
‘Information’ column) or the specified action should be carried out / component should be installed (put a
checkmark in the ‘Done’ column).
CXO-Cockpit Application Server
Provide the following information for the CXO-Cockpit application server. We also support virtual servers.
Information need / Action
Windows 2008 (R2)/ 2012 (R2). We recommend 2012
(If possible with HFM version)
Amount of RAM (min. 8Gb, preferably 16Gb)
Check Disk Space available (> 25Gb)
Name (full DNS)
Account to log on
Domain (if applicable)
SQL Server Management Studio installed (optional)2
Microsoft Components
IIS 6 / IIS 7 / IIS 8
.Net framework 4.5.2 (CXO installer will install it if it is
not there yet, so there is no need to pre-install it)
Service Account
For communication between the Web-application and the OLAP database and for running the CXO-Cockpit services,
we need a service account. If Analysis Services (see below) is installed on the CXO-Cockpit application server, this
service account can be a local machine account. Otherwise it should be a Domain account. The password of the
account should never expire.
Information need / Action
Domain (if applicable)
If you cannot provide this, then make sure it is available during installation or ensure that someone can logon.
During installation it might be convenient to do some checks in the SQL Server databases of the CXO-Cockpit application. To
facilitate that we need access to SQL Server, either through an instance of the SQL Server Management Studio on the CXOCockpit application server or by getting the Windows log-on credentials for the Windows server where SQL Server is installed
(see below).
SQL Server
Data and meta-data of a CXO-Cockpit application are stored in SQL Server databases. A SQL Server should be
available, or SQL Server should be installed on the CXO-Cockpit Application Server.
Information need / Action
Edition (Enterprise/ Standard / Express3)
Version ( 2008 / 2012 / 2014) (SQL server 2012 or
newer is recommended)
Disk space for data and logs: >25Gb4
Name Windows Server (full DSN)
Instance name (or specific port)6
Native SQL Account7 (role = dbcreator8)
Domain (or local) account to log-on to the server
(optional: see2)
Analysis Services
The OLAP database in which we store the data extracted from HFM runs on SQL Server Analysis Services. As a rule,
Analysis Services is installed on the same Windows Server as the SQL Server Database Engine, but this is not a
requirement. Only provide information if it differs from the SQL Server specifications.
Information need / Action
Edition (Enterprise/ Standard)
Version (2005 / 2008 / 2012)
Name Windows Server (full DSN)
Instance name (or specific port)
Domain (or local) account to log-on to the server
(optional: see2)
Express Edition can be used if Analysis Services runs on another server (Analysis Services requires Enterprise Edition or
Standard Edition)
Depends on the data volume to be extracted from HFM and transformed in the database. In case of huge volumes (> 100
Million of records) we recommend 50Gb.
Recommended: >4Gb for Database Engine. If Analysis Services is on the same box, a total of 8Gb is recommended.
The instance name can be equal to the name of the Windows Server. In that case you can ignore this field. Provide information
on a specific instance extension or port. E.g., the Windows Server could be named srvsql01.cxo.intra, while the instance is
named srvsql01.cxo.intra\prod or srvsql01.cxo.intra;48000
A Native SQL Account is required because on the HFM application server we have to create a UDL that connects to one of the
CXO-Cockpit databases. In this UDL we cannot apply Windows Authentication.
The ‘dbcreator’ role is only required at the moment of creation of a CXO-Cockpit application. Once created, the role can be
degraded to ‘public’.
Financial Management
To connect to the HFM Application cluster, the FM Client and ADM Driver (and – depending on the FM version – the
Application Server) must be installed on the CXO-Cockpit Application Server. Also, the cluster should be registered.
We support all versions from HFM 4.0 and later.
Information need / Action
Version of (H)FM
Client and ADM driver installed9
Cluster registered (provide name)10
Name FM Application
Check if meta-data contains single quotes11
Native (non-domain) FM User
Check if the user can read all data that need to be
extracted (check role & security classes)
Check if the user is allowed to start Extended
Create .udl-file on HFM Application Server(s)12
Register DSN on HFM Application Server(s)13
This should be the same version as installed on the HFM Application Server(s). For the versions and lower, also the
Application Server must be installed because some of the libraries are required for running Extended Analytics. For the
Financial Management Server must also be installed.
For there is no cluster-registration tool anymore. You must run the EPM Configurator and do the following steps: (1)
connect the Shared Services database; (2) configure DCOM, using the same account that is used as a DCOM-account on the EPM
server(s). As a result (and as a check if the correct steps were taken), the cluster will be visible when you start the Financial
management Application Tool Box.
Single quotes in application meta-data, such as Entity descriptions, UDA’s etc. can be problematic for Extended Analytics (the
built-in FM tool for extracting data and meta-data). It is unpredictable if and when these problems occur (a typical problem is
that only part of the data is extracted). It is highly recommended to remove all single quotes and replace them by a more neutral
symbol, like a -.
This action can only be done after creating the CXO-Cockpit application. The .udl file must connect to the cxo_hfmstaging_...
database (or the cxo_hfmstaging2012_... database for FM, using the Native SQL Account.
For HFM System 9: use the Server and Web Configuration tool, for EPM 11.1.1.x use the EPM Configurator, for use
the Client Configuration tool, for the Extended Analytics DSN Configuration tool.