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1. Which substance is the most direct source of the energy that an animal cell uses for the synthesis of materials?
(1) ATP
(2) glucose
(3) DNA
(4) starch
2. The diagram below represents the cloning of a carrot plant.
Compared to each cell of the original carrot plant, each cell of the new plant will have
the same number of chromosomes and the same types of genes
the same number of chromosomes, but different types of genes
half the number of chromosomes and the same types of genes
half the number of chromosomes, but different types of genes
3. The development of an embryo is represented in the diagram below.
These changes in the form of the embryo are a direct result of
(1) uncontrolled cell division and mutations
(2) differentiation and growth
(3) antibodies and antigens inherited from the father
(4) meiosis and fertilization
4.The diagram below represents an event that occurs in the blood.
Which statement best describes this event?
(1) Cell A is a white blood cell releasing antigens to destroy bacteria.
(2) Cell A is a cancer cell produced by the immune system and it is
helping to prevent disease.
(3) Cell A is a white blood cell engulfing disease-causing organisms.
(4) Cell A is protecting bacteria so they can reproduce without being destroyed by predators.
5. In an ecosystem, the growth and survival of organisms are dependent on the availability of the energy from the
Sun. This energy is available to organisms in the ecosystem because
(1) producers have the ability to store energy from light in organic molecules
(2) consumers have the ability to transfer chemical energy stored in bonds to plants
(3) all organisms in a food web have the ability to use light energy
(4) all organisms in a food web feed on autotrophs
6. Which factor has the greatest influence on the type of ecosystem that will form in a particular geographic area?
(1) genetic variations in the animals
(2) climate conditions
(3) number of carnivores
(4) percentage of nitrogen gas in the atmosphere
7.A food chain is represented below. This food chain contains
4 consumers and no producers
1 predator, 1 parasite, and 2 producers
2 carnivores and 2 herbivores
2 predators, 1 herbivore, and 1 producer
8. A volcanic eruption destroyed a forest, covering the soil with volcanic ash. For many years, only small plants
could grow. Slowly, soil formed in which shrubs and trees could grow. These changes are an example of
(1) manipulation of genes
(2) evolution of a species
(3) ecological succession
(4) equilibrium
9.A major reason that humans can have such a significant impact on an ecological community is that humans
(1) can modify their environment through technology
(2) reproduce faster than most other species
(3) are able to increase the amount of finite resources available
(4) remove large amounts of carbon dioxide from the air
10.Rabbits are herbivores that are not native to Australia. Their numbers have increased steadily since being
introduced into Australia by European settlers. One likely reason the rabbit population was able to grow so large is
that the rabbits
(1) were able to prey on native herbivores
(2) reproduced more slowly than the native animals
(3) successfully competed with native herbivores for food
(4) could interbreed with the native animals
11. The diagram below represents an interaction between parts of an organism.
The term chemicals in this diagram represents
(1) starch molecules
(2) DNA molecules
(3) hormone molecules
(4) receptor molecules
12. The diagram below represents two cells, X and Y.
Which statement is correct concerning the structure labeled A?
(1) It aids in the removal of metabolic wastes in both cell X and cell Y.
(2) It is involved in cell communication in cell X, but not in cell Y.
(3) It prevents the absorption of CO2 in cell X and O2 in cell Y.
(4) It represents the cell wall in cell X and the cell membrane in cell Y.
13. The graph below provides information about the reproductive rates of four species of bacteria, A, B, C, and D,
at different temperatures.
Which statement is a valid conclusion based on the information in the graph?
(1) Changes in temperature cause bacteria to adapt to form new species.
(2) Increasing temperatures speed up bacterial reproduction.
(3) Bacteria can survive only at temperatures between 0°C and 100°C.
(4) Individual species reproduce within a specific range of temperatures.
14. The diagram below shows some of the steps in protein synthesis.
The section of DNA being used to make the strand of mRNA is known as a
(1) carbohydrate
(2) gene
(3) ribosome
(4) chromosome
15. An energy pyramid is shown below.
Which graph best represents the relative energy content of the levels of this pyramid?
16. The diagram below represents four different species of bacteria.
Which statement is correct concerning the chances of survival for these species if there is a change in the
(1) Species A has the best chance of survival because it has the most genetic diversity.
(2) Species C has the best chance of survival because it has no gene mutations.
(3) Neither species B nor species D will survive because they compete for the same resources.
(4) None of the species will survive because bacteria reproduce asexually.
17. On which day did the population represented in the graph below reach the carrying capacity of the ecosystem?
(1) day 11
(2) day 8
(3) day 3
(4) day 5
18. Which diagram best represents the levels of organization in the human body?
19. A protein on the surface of HIV can attach to proteins on the surface of healthy human cells. These attachment
sites on the surface of the cells are known as
(1) receptor molecules
(2) genetic codes
(3) molecular bases
(4) inorganic catalysts
20. Contractile vacuoles maintain water balance by pumping excess water out of some single-celled pond organisms.
In humans, the kidney is chiefly involved in maintaining water balance. These facts best illustrate that
(1) tissues, organs, and organ systems work together to maintain homeostasis in all living things
(2) interference with nerve signals disrupts cellular communication and homeostasis within organisms
(3) a disruption in a body system may disrupt the homeostasis of a single-celled organism
(4) structures found in single-celled organisms can act in a manner similar to tissues and organs in multicellular
21.Which statement best explains the observation that clones produced from the same organism may not be
(1) Events in meiosis result in variation.
(2) Gene expression can be influenced by the environment.
(3) Differentiated cells have different genes.
(4) Half the genetic information in offspring comes from each parent.
22. A change in the base subunit sequence during DNA replication can result in
(1) variation within an organism
(2) rapid evolution of an organism
(3) synthesis of antigens to protect the cell
(4) recombination of genes within the cell
23. Two proteins in the same cell perform different functions. This is because the two proteins are composed of
(1) chains folded the same way and the same sequence of simple sugars
(2) chains folded the same way and the same sequence of amino acids
(3) chains folded differently and a different sequence of simple sugars
(4) chains folded differently and a different sequence of amino acids
24. Even though each body cell in an individual contains the same DNA, the functions
of muscle cells and liver cells are not the same because
(1) mutations usually occur in genes when muscle cells divide
(2) liver tissue develops before muscle tissue
(3) liver cells produce more oxygen than muscle cells
(4) liver cells use different genes than muscle cells
25. The flounder is a species of fish that can live in very cold water. The fish produces an "antifreeze" protein that
prevents ice crystals from forming in its blood. The DNA for this protein has been identified. An enzyme is used to
cut and remove this section of flounder DNA that is then spliced into the DNA of a strawberry plant. As a result,
the plant can now produce a protein that makes it more resistant to the damaging effects of frost. This process is
known as
(1) sorting of genes
(2) genetic engineering
(3) recombination of chromosomes
(4) mutation by deletion of genetic material
26. Tissues develop from a zygote as a direct result of the processes of
(1) fertilization and meiosis
(2) fertilization and differentiation
(3) mitosis and meiosis
(4) mitosis and differentiation
27.Which part of a molecule provides energy for life processes?
(1) carbon atoms
(2) oxygen atoms
(3) chemical bonds
(4) inorganic nitrogen
28. Energy from organic molecules can be stored in ATP molecules as a direct result of the process of
(1) cellular respiration
(2) cellular reproduction
(3) diffusion
(4) digestion
29. Which statement best describes how a vaccination can help protect the body against disease?
(1) Vaccines directly kill the pathogen that causes the disease.
(2) Vaccines act as a medicine that cures the disease.
(3) Vaccines cause the production of specific molecules that will react with and destroy certain microbes.
(4) Vaccines contain white blood cells that engulf harmful germs and prevent them from spreading throughout the
30.The diagram below represents four different species of wild birds. Each species has feet with different structural
adaptations.The development of these adaptations can best be explained by the concept of
(1) inheritance of resistance to diseases that
affect all these species
(2) inheritance of characteristics acquired after
the birds hatched from the egg
(3) natural selection
(4) selective breeding
31.The diagram below represents events associated with a biochemical process that occurs in some organisms.
Which statement concerning this process is correct?
(1) The process represented is respiration and the primary source of energy for the process is the Sun.
(2) The process represented is photosynthesis and the primary source of energy for the process is the Sun.
(3) This process converts energy in organic compounds into solar energy which is released into the atmosphere.
(4) This process uses solar energy to convert oxygen into carbon dioxide.
32. The diagram below represents two molecules that can interact with each other to cause a biochemical process to
occur in a cell.
Molecules A and B most likely represent
(1) a protein and a chromosome
(2) a receptor and a hormone
(3) a carbohydrate and an amino acid
(4) an antibody and a hormone
33. In order to reduce consumption of nonrenewable resources, humans could
(1) burn coal to heat houses instead of using oil
(2) heat household water with solar radiation
(3) increase industrialization
(4) use a natural-gas grill to barbecue instead of using charcoal
In 1859, a small colony of 24 rabbits was brought to Australia. By 1928 it was estimated that there were 500 million
rabbits in a 1-million square mile section of Australia. Which statement describes a condition that probably
contributed to the increase in the rabbit population?
(1) The rabbits were affected by many limiting factors.
(2) The rabbits reproduced by asexual reproduction.
(3) The rabbits were unable to adapt to the environment.
(4) The rabbits had no natural predators in Australia.
Information concerning the diet of crocodiles of different sizes is contained in the table below.
Which statement is not a valid conclusion based on the data?
(1) Overharvesting of fish could have a negative impact on group C.
(2) The smaller the crocodile is, the larger the prey.
(3) Group B has no preference between reptiles and birds.
(4) Spraying insecticides would have the most direct impact on group A.
36. The graph below shows the growth of a population of bacteria over a period of 80 hours.
Which statement best describes section II of the graph?
(1) The population has reached the carrying capacity of the
(2) The rate of reproduction is slower than in section I.
(3) The population is greater than the carrying capacity of the
(4) The rate of reproduction exceeds the death rate.
37. A classification system is shown in the table below.
38. Information concerning nests built in the same tree by two different bird species over a ten-year period is
shown in the table below.
What inference best describes these two bird species?
(1) They most likely do not compete for nesting sites because they
occupy different niches.
(2) They do not compete for nesting sites because they have the
same reproductive behavior.
(3) They compete for nesting sites because they build the same type
of nest.
(4) They compete for nesting sites because they nest in the same
tree at the same time.
39.The diagram below shows the effect of spraying a pesticide on a population of insects over three generations.
Which concept is represented in the
(1) survival of the fittest
(2) dynamic equilibrium
(3) succession
(4) extinction
40. Two food chains are represented below.
Decomposers are important for supplying energy for
(1) food chain A, only
(2) food chain B, only
(3) both food chain A and food chain B
(4) neither food chain A nor food chain B
Which statement best describes these cells?
(1) Cell B lacks vacuoles while cell A has them.
(2) DNA would not be found in either cell A or cell B.
(3) Both cell A and cell B use energy released from ATP.
(4) Both cell A and cell B produce antibiotics.
What is an appropriate title for this diagram?
(1) Energy Flow in a Community
(2) Ecological Succession
(3) Biological Evolution
(4) A Food Chain
Which organism carries out autotrophic nutrition?
(1) hawk
(2) cricket
(3) grass
(4) deer
The dashed line in the diagram represents
(1) a digestive process
(2) a feedback mechanism
(3) cellular differentiation
(4) recycling of organic chemicals
45. Which statement best describes a controlled experiment?
(1) It eliminates the need for dependent variables.
(2) It shows the effect of a dependent variable on an independent variable.
(3) It avoids the use of variables.
(4) It tests the effect of a single independent variable.
46. Which statement best describes a change that usually takes place in the human body
when the heart rate increases as a result of exercise?
(1) More oxygen is delivered to muscle cells.
(2) Blood cells are excreted at a faster rate.
(3) The rate of digestion increases.
(4) No hormones are produced.
47. Base your answers to question 71 on the diagram below and on your knowledge
of biology. The diagram shows the changes that occurred in a beaker after 30 minutes. The beaker contained water,
food coloring, and a bag made from dialysis tubing membrane.
When the colors yellow and blue are combined, they produce a green color. Which statement most likely describes
the relative sizes of the yellow and blue food-coloring molecules in the diagram?
(1) The yellow food-coloring molecules are small, while the blue food-coloring molecules are large.
(2) The yellow food-coloring molecules are large, while the blue food-coloring molecules are small.
(3) Both the yellow food-coloring molecules and the blue food-coloring molecules are large.
(4) Both the yellow food-coloring molecules and the blue food-coloring molecules are small.
Base your answer to question 72 on the diagram below and on your knowledge of biology. The diagram shows the
changes that occurred in a beaker after 30 minutes. The beaker contained water, food coloring, and a bag made
from dialysis tubing membrane.
Which statement best explains the changes shown?
(1) Molecular movement was aided by the presence of specific carbohydrate molecules on the surface of the
(2) Molecular movement was aided by the presence of specific enzyme molecules on the surface of the membrane.
(3) Molecules moved across the membrane without additional energy being supplied.
(4) Molecules moved across the membrane only when additional energy was supplied.
49. In preparation for an electrophoresis procedure, enzymes are added to DNA in order to
(1) convert the DNA into gel
(2) cut the DNA into fragments
(3) change the color of the DNA
(4) produce longer sections of DNA
50. A marathon runner frequently experiences muscle cramps while running. If he stops running and rests, the
cramps eventually go away. The cramping in the muscles most likely results from
(1) lack of adequate oxygen supply to the muscle
(2) the runner running too slowly
(3) the runner warming up before running
(4) increased glucose production in the muscle
Base the answers to questions 51 and 52 on the data table below and your knowledge of biology
51.Based on its preferred food, species B would be classified as a
(1) decomposer
(2) producer
(3) carnivore
(4) parasite
52. Which two species would most likely be able to live in the same
habitat without competing with each other for food?
(1) A and C
(2) B and C
(3) B and D
(4) C and E
53. The diagram below represents a plant cell in tap water as seen with a compound light microscope.
Which diagram best represents the appearance of the cell after it has been placed in a
15% salt solution for two minutes?
54. Why is a mushroom considered a heterotroph?
(1) It manufactures its own food.
(2) It divides by mitosis.
(3) It transforms light energy into chemical energy.
(4) It obtains nutrients from its environment.
55. Three days after an organism eats some meat, many of the organic molecules originally contained in the meat
would be found in newly formed molecules of
(1) glucose
(2) protein
(3) starch
(4) oxygen
56. Which statement best explains why some cells in the reproductive system only respond to certain hormones?
(1) These cells have different DNA than the cells in other body systems.
(2) These cells have specific types of receptors on their membranes.
(3) Reproductive system cells could be harmed if they made contact with hormones from other body systems.
(4) Cells associated with the female reproductive system only respond to the hormone testosterone.
57. In the cell shown below, which lettered structure is responsible for the excretion of most cellular wastes?
(1) A
(2) B
(3) C
(4) D
58. What is the main function of a vacuole in a cell?
(1) storage
(2) coordination
(3) synthesis of molecules
(4) release of energy
59.Global warming has been linked to a decrease in the
(1) size of the polar ice caps
(2) temperature of Earth
(3) rate of species extinction
(4) rate of carbon dioxide production
60. Several structures are labeled in the diagram of a puppy shown below.
Every cell in each of these structures contains
(1) equal amounts of ATP
(2) identical genetic information
(3) proteins that are all identical
(4) organelles for the synthesis of glucose
61. A characteristic that an organism exhibits during its lifetime will only affect the evolution of its species if the
(1) results from isolation of the organism from the rest of the population
(2) is due to a genetic code that is present in the gametes of the organism
(3) decreases the number of genes in the body cells of the organism
(4) causes a change in the environment surrounding the organism
62. Agriculturists have developed some varieties of vegetables from common wild mustard plants, which reproduce
sexually. Which statement best explains the development of these different varieties of vegetables?
(1) Different varieties can develop from a single species as a result of the recombination of genetic information.
(2) Different species can develop from a single species as a result of the effect of similar environmental conditions.
(3) Mutations will occur in the genes of a species only if the environment changes.
(4) Variations in a species will increase when the rate of mitosis is decreased.
63. The diagram below represents a technique used in some molecular biology laboratories.
This technique is a type of
(1) chromatography
(2) gel electrophoresis
(3) direct harvesting
(4) genetic engineering
64.A species of bird known as Bird of Paradise has been observed in the jungles of New Guinea. The males shake
their bodies and sometimes hang upside down to show off their bright colors and long feathers to attract females.
Females usually mate with the "flashiest" males. These observations can be used to support the concept that
(1) unusual courtship behaviors lead to extinction
(2) some organisms are better adapted for asexual reproduction
(3) homeostasis in an organism is influenced by physical characteristics
(4) behaviors that lead to reproductive success have evolved
65. Which statement concerning the evolution of species A, B, C, D, and E is supported by the diagram below?
(1) Species B and C can be found in today's environments.
(2) Species A and D evolved from E.
(3) Species A and C can still interbreed.
(4) Species A, B, and E all evolved from a common ancestor and all are successful today.
66. Even though identical twins have the same genetic material, they may develop slightly different characteristics
(1) each twin receives different chromosomes from the egg
(2) one twin may only have genes from the father
(3) gene expression may be influenced by factors that switch genes on and off
(4) a gene mutation may have occurred before the zygote divided
67. What normally happens immediately after fertilization in sexual reproduction?
(1) specialization of cells to form a fetus from an egg
(2) production of daughter cells having twice the number of chromosomes as the parent cell
(3) production of daughter cells having half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell
(4) division of cells resulting in the development of an embryo from a zygote
68. The failure to regulate the pH of the blood can affect the activity of
(1) enzymes that clot blood
(2) red blood cells that make antibodies
(3) chlorophyll that carries oxygen in the blood
(4) DNA that controls starch digestion in the blood
69. Young birds that have been raised in isolation from members of their species build nests characteristic of their
species. This suggests that the nest-building behavior is
(1) genetically inherited from parents
(2) learned by watching members of their species
(3) a disadvantage to the survival of the species
(4) a direct result of the type of food the bird eats
70. Decomposers are necessary in an ecosystem because they
(1) produce food for plants by the process of photosynthesis
(2) provide energy for plants by the process of decay
(3) can rapidly reproduce and evolve
(4) make inorganic materials available to plants
71. A manatee is a water-dwelling herbivore on the list of endangered species. If manatees were to become extinct,
what would be the most likely result in the areas where they had lived?
(1) The biodiversity of these areas would not be affected.
(2) Certain producer organisms would become more abundant in these areas.
(3) Other manatees would move into these areas and restore the population.
(4) Predators in these areas would occupy higher levels on the energy pyramid.
72. A serious threat to biodiversity is
(1) habitat destruction
(2) maintenance of food chains
(3) competition within a species
(4) a stable population size
73. Which action will result in the greatest decrease in rain forest stability?
(1) removing one species of plant for medicine
(2) harvesting nuts from some trees
(3) cutting down all the trees for lumber
(4) powering all homes with wind energy
74. One way that humans could have a positive impact on local environments is to
(1) generate waste products as a result of technological advances
(2) use resources that are renewable
(3) increase planting large areas of one crop
(4) increase the use of pesticides