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Title: Cell Structure and Function
Lesson Authors: Chrystal Bruckner, David Clark, Candice Ridley
Grade Level / Subject Area: 7th Grade Science
Time Allotted for Lesson: Three 50-minute class periods.
1. Website/game/group review
2. Creation of cell analogy
3. Completion of cell analogy
Lesson Description
Content (C): Cell Structure and Function
Pedagogy (P): Inquiry Based Learning
Technology (T): Computer and Smart Board
Learning Goals / Objectives: The students will be able to identify parts of a cell and
describe the function of each part. The students will be able to create a cell analogy model
using a real world place by relating the parts of a cell to the parts of the real world place.
Next Generation Science Standards
MS-LS1-2 - Students who demonstrate understanding can develop and use a model to
describe the function of a cell as a whole and ways parts of cells contribute to the function.
Description of Students: 7th grade students sitting at laptops, working in pairs.
Instructional Procedures: Students will begin class by working in groups of two at a
computer, laptop, or tablet. The first phase of the lesson is discovery of the cell parts and
their functions. Each group of two will go to this site: to learn about the
structures within animal cells, plant cells, and bacteria cells. Each type of cell has a tutorial
that allows students to read and locate some of the most important organelles within the
cell. During this time, students should take a few notes about the most important function of
each organelle and how it works with others.
When the group of two feels confident in their understanding, they will play the game for
each of the types of cells. They will continue to replay the game until they do not make any
mistakes. This is determined by the special sequence they see after correctly identifying all
cell parts.
Students will come together for a whole group activity using the Smart Board. Each student
will be given a hand out with an unlabeled plant and animal cell. Students will take a few
minutes to label each organelle. Using the Smart Notebook software the teacher will have
two slides for each cell, the animal cell and the plant cell. The first will have an unlabeled
cell, the second a labeled cell. The students will go up to the Smart Board to try labeling the
animal cell correctly. Once all of the organelles are labeled, the teacher can put the slides in
dual screen mode to allow students to compare their class answers with the correct
answers.The class will discuss any mistakes made, and correct them. This can be repeated
for the plant cell.
From their notes and with the use of this website, each group of two will create a cell
analogy model. The use of Word or some other presentation software should be used for
students to create a pamphlet of some place that can be used as an analogy to a cell.
Students may also choose to create a poster displaying their cell analogy model. For
example, a pamphlet for an amusement park could be created complete with pictures for
each part of the park. The fence surrounding the park could represent the cell membrane
and it only allows people with a ticket in.
Assessment: The summative assessment is the student created cell analogy model.
Materials / Resources: Computer, Smart Board, student tablets, student laptops.
TPACK Analysis:
Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK): Inquiry-based learning works well when
teaching cell structure and function because science is rooted in answering questions.
Taylor and Bilbrey built on the work of Vygotsky and Dewey and showed that inquiry-based
learning improved student science achievement scores on the SAT-10, especially for poor,
black and female students (Taylor 2012). Having students investigate and discover the
answers on their own has worked well in previous assignments. Students are given strict
guidelines as to where to go to perform their investigation, but they have the freedom to
choose the order and manner in which they study. Students are also given the freedom and
creativity to choose how to exhibit their understanding with the assessment project.
Technological Content Knowledge (TCK): The website chosen allows students to study
the cell organelles using pictures and text which helps students retain information. After
students study the tutorial they can play a game that further reinforces what they learned in
the tutorial. After the game, students will review organelles on the SmartBoard. This allows
students to use the information from the website and apply it in an interactive way.
Eslinger’s research shows that students engaged in inquiry-based learning using an
interactive software demonstrate improved learning and higher test scores (Eslinger, White,
Frederiksen, Brobst 2008).Once students have completed the review and the game scoring
100%, students can apply their knowledge by creating a pamphlet or poster analogy
comparing the cell to something the student is familiar with such as an amusement park.
Each of the organelles would relate to a different aspect of the park.
Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK): The use of the website makes the
assignment interactive and dynamic. The same information could be relayed via static
pictures, diagrams and students could take lecture notes. The colorful website and the
moving parts make the assignment much more interesting for a digital native. It is important
to use models online where manipulation and visualization of science concepts can be
achieved (Thomas, 2001). This allows students to discover scientific knowrledge ather than
being told. The use of the Smart Board also makes the lesson interactive, allowing students
to view the cell in a different way. The Smart Board is an ideal resource that supports whole
group teaching and learning (Lewin, Somekh & Steadman, 2008). Using the website and
Smart Board gives students the opportunity to learn using a variety of technology.
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK): The lesson was designed
with the intent of teaching students the organelles of cells through inquiry and interactive
technologies, allowing students to connect the unfamiliar concept to something more
familiar in their environment or experience. By using inquiry, students were able to
investigate and discover the cell structure and function on their own. By using the interactive
website, students were able to see the organelles in a cell in color, with movement (when
applicable), as well as with the definition of what the organelle does in the cell. This is the
exact information that the student needs to learn, and keeps the student on task. Thus, the
content, pedagogy, and technology fit together strongly within this lesson and supported by
research based evidences as presented in the previous sections.
Eslinger, E., White, B., Fredericksen, J., Brobst, J. (2008). Supporting Inquiry Processes
with an Interactive Learning Environment: Inquiry Island
Retrieved from
Lewin, C., Somekh, B., & Steadman, S. (2008). Embedding interactive whiteboards in
teaching and learning: The process of change in pedagogic practice. Education Information
Technology, 13, 291-303.
Taylor, J., & Bilbrey, J. (2012). Effectiveness of inquiry-based and teacher-directed
instruction in an alabama elementary school.Journal of Instructional Pedagogies, 8, 1-16.
Retrieved from
Thomas, G.P. (2001). Toward effective computer use in high school science education:
Where to from here? Education and Information Technologies, 6, 29-41