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Digestive Dysfunction
The principle functions of the stomach
are the initiation of protein digestion
and the breakdown of minerals for
absorption in the small intestine. The
most important elements in the
stomach are hydrochloric acid and
pepsin. Without these two elements, in
sufficient quantity, protein digestion
and mineral digestion are incomplete.
The pancreas uses its digestive enzymes
to further break down carbohydrates,
protein, and fat. It is also responsible
for producing insulin and regulating
Bad breath (halitosis)
Loss of taste for high protein (meat,
Gas shortly after eating
Indigestion 1/2 to 1 hour after eating
Acidic or spicy foods upset stomach
Chronic asthma, airborne or food allergies
H-Pylori infection and/or intestinal parasites
Crave sweets or coffee in afternoon or
Hungry between meals or excessive
Eat when nervous
Irritable between meals
Inability to tolerate fruits and vegetables, especially lettuce
Particles of undigested fruits and vegetables seen in stool
Get “shaky” or light-headed if meals
Fatigue, eating relieves
Heart palpitations if meals missed or
Awake after a few hours of sleep, hard
to get back to sleep
Gall Bladder/Liver
The gall bladder stores bile produced
in the liver. Bile is released when fat
enters the small intestine and the bile is
responsible for emulsifying the fat and
neutralizing the acid produced from
protein digestion
Small Intestine
The small intestine is where most
nutrients from ingested food are
 Lower bowel gas and/or bloating sev- absorbed after breakdown in the
stomach and emulsification by bile
eral hours after eating
 Feet burn
and pancreatic enzymes
Whites of eyes (sclera) are yellow
Dry skin, itchy feet and/or skin peels on
Brown spots or bronzing of the skin
Bitter metallic taste
Blurred vision or headache over eyes
Feel nauseous, queasy, or gag easily
Color of stools light brown or yellow
Greasy or high fat foods cause distress
Pain between shoulder blades
Dark circles under eyes
“Acid” breath
History of gall bladder attacks or gallstones
Gall Bladder removed
Inability to handle carbohydrates
Food allergies
Intestinal cramping
Gluten/casein sensitivity
Large Intestine
The colon is responsible for storing
waste, reclaiming water, and
absorbing some nutrients.
Coated tongue or “fuzzy” debris on
Pass large amounts of foul smelling gas
Irritable bowel or mucous colitis
Constipation, diarrhea, or stools alternate from soft to watery
Bowel movements painful or difficult,
and/or laxatives used
Burning or itching anus