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Semester 1 Final Test Bank Fall 2014 -- Earth Systems
Volcanoes & Plate Tectonics
1) Which is the name of the continuous mountain range found in Earth’s ocean basins?
a. Irregular sea floor b. Rift valley c. Ring of Fire d. Mid-ocean ridge
2) Which is the name for naturally occurring molten rock generated within the Earth?
a. Sedimentary b. Organic c. Magma
d. Lava
3) A Mercator projection is a type of map. As the area covered by the map increases
a. the detail the map can show increases.
c. the northern and southern latitudes are distorted.
b. no change in detail, scale or length occurs. d. the length of the map increases.
4) Below is a topographic map with points A, B, C, X and Y. Which is the elevation of point A on the
topographic map?
a. 1550 feet
b. 1600 feet
c. 1650 feet
d. 1700 feet
5) When magma or lava solidifies, it becomes
a. sediments. b. an igneous rock
c. a metamorphic rock.
Use the topographic map for the next three questions.
6) What is the contour interval?
a. 20 feet
c. 40 feet
b. 60 feet
d. 80 feet
7) If lava erupted at point A, in which compass direction
would the lava NOT BE ABLE to flow?
a. South
c. West
b. North
d. East
8) Which compass direction of this map has the steepest slope?
a. South
c. West
b. North
d. East
d.. a sedimentary rock.
9) Which volcanic hazard is most likely to affect communities several hundred kilometers from the volcano
a. mudflow b. lava flow c. pyroclastic flow d. ash fall
10) This topographic map has points X, Y and Z. In
which direction does Mill River generally flow?
a. Southwest
b. Southeast
c. Northwest
d. Northeast
11) Which is NOT a role that volcanoes play in the water cycle and atmosphere?
a. Groundwater circulates within volcanoes, becomes heated and is released as steam.
b. All of the oxygen in the air we breathe originally came from a volcano.
c. Mudflows associated with volcanoes contain water from the surface of Earth.
d. Volcanoes emit water vapor into the atmosphere.
12) Which would increase the speed of the flow of magma?
a. an increase in the magma’s silica content
c. an increase in the magma’s temperature
b. a decrease in slope
d. an increase in the magma’s viscosity
13) Which is the name for a device that can detect very small changes in surface slope elevation?
a. Hydrometer b. Tiltmeter c. Seismometer d. Psychrometer
14) What external evidence indicates that a reservoir in a volcano is being fed with magma prior to an eruption?
a. No fractures in the bedrock beneath the volcano
b. Depression of the land surface above the volcano
c. Steepening of the slopes of the volcano
d. Reduced forces in the rock layers beneath the volcano
15) Which best describes the global distribution of volcanoes?
a. Most volcanoes occur on land.
c. Most volcanoes occur at Earth’s poles.
b. Most volcanoes occur along plate boundaries. d. Most volcanoes occur in coastal California.
16) The figure shows lithospheric plate activity
throughout Earth. Which letter is associated with
the region on Earth called the “Ring of Fire?”
a. location A
b. location B
c. location C
d. location D
17) Which type of volcano is broad and flat and is associated with low-silica magma?
a. caldera b. shield volcano c. step volcano d. composite volcano
18) Which type of volcano is tall with steep slopes and has magma of high-silica content?
a. step volcano b. composite volcano c. shield volcano d. caldera
19) Which is most likely to erupt explosively?
a. Magma with high silica content (70%+)
b. Magma with low silica content (50%)
c. Magma with medium silica content (60%)
d. Magma with very low silica content (40%)
20) Which results from volcanic eruptions onto mountainsides covered with ice and snow?
a. Lava domes of thick magma
b. Damaging lahars of wet volcanic debris
c. Igneous rocks formed underground in your community and are now exposed due to erosion.
d. Giant calderas that can be many kilometers in diameter
21) Why are the crystals of extrusive volcanic rocks generally much smaller than the crystals of intrusive
a. The lack of air being present while cooling results in smaller crystals.
b. The fast cooling of extrusive rocks results in smaller crystals.
c. The pressure exerted deep within Earth while forming extrusive rocks produces small crystals.
d. The slow cooling of extrusive rocks results in smaller crystals.
22) When magma solidifies, it becomes
sediments. b. a sedimentary rock. c. a metamorphic rock.
23) The graph shows the relationship between the cooling time of
magma and the size of crystals produced.
As the cooling time increases…
a. Crystal size shrinks.
b. Crystal size increases.
c. Crystals become darker.
d. No change in crystal size or color occurs.
d. an igneous rock
24. How does the volume of an eruption affect the area covered by the eruption?
a. As the volume increases, the covered area decreases.
b. As the volume increases, the covered area increases.
c. As the volume decreases, the covered area increases.
d. The covered area is not affected by the volume of the flow
25. Volcano monitoring can
a. slow a volcanic eruption.
b. save lives in a volcanic eruption.
c. reduce earthquakes in a volcanic eruption
d. divert lava flows during a volcanic eruption.
26.Which statement is the MOST accurate?
a. Volcanic eruptions only lead to global cooling, lowering the global temperature.
b. Volcanic eruptions only lead to global warming, raising the global temperature.
c. Some volcanic products affect global cooling, others affect global warming.
d. Volcanic eruptions always lead to increased rainfall, creating more rainforests.
27. Which describes an extrusive igneous rock?
a. Slowly cooled rock with fine (small) grains
b. Quickly cooled rock with fine (small) grains
c. Slowly cooled rock with coarse (large) grains
d. Quickly cooled rock with coarse (large) grains
28. The map shows four locations in the United States. In
which location would the next volcano likely erupt?
a. Location A
b. Location B
c. Location C
d. Location D
29. The outermost, rigid layer of Earth, consisting of the crust and part of the upper mantle, is called the
a. biosphere. b. atmosphere. c. hydrosphere. d. lithosphere
30) The diagram below shows a cross-section view of Earth.
Which layer of Earth does the ‘letter C’ represent?
a. Crust
b. Inner core
c. Mantle
d. Outer core
The map shows Earth’s lithospheric plates and their direction of travel.
Use the map to answer the next 4 questions.
31. Which plates are colliding (converging)?
a. Pacific and Caribbean
c. Pacific and African
b. Nazca and South American
d. North American and Antarctic
32. Which two plates are moving apart (diverging)?
a. Indian-Australian and Eurasian c. Indian-Australian and Pacific
b. North American and Eurasian
d. South American and Nazca
33. What is happening to the width of the Atlantic Ocean over time?
a. The Atlantic Ocean is becoming wider.
b. The Atlantic Ocean is becoming narrower.
c. The width of the Atlantic Ocean is remaining the same
d. No conclusion can be made based on the current data.
34. At which of these boundaries would you find new oceanic crust forming?
a. Between the North American and Eurasian plates
b. Between the South American and Nazca plates
c. Between the Pacific and North American plates
d. None of these choices above
35. What does GPS stand for?
a. global positioning satellites
b. global positioning system
c. globally positioned satellites
36. Which event is most likely to occur when an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate.
a. The oceanic plate will be subducted.
c. . A rift valley will form in the continental plate.
b. A hot spot will form in the oceanic plate
d. The continental plate will be subducted.
37) The diagram shows a cross-section of the outer surface of Earth.
Which crust type is usually the thickest?
Oceanic Crust
Continental Crust
Stiffer Mantle
The diagrams show the Earth’s continental lithosphere over four distinct time periods. Use the diagrams
to answer the next two questions.
38 Which diagram represents the OLDEST map of the Earth’s landforms?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
39. Which diagram of the Earth’s landform is MOST SIMILAR to the present day landform?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
Use these diagrams of the plate motion below to answer the following questions.
Continental crust is black and white dots.
Ocean crust is dark gray with no dots.
40. Which diagram above shows the plate motion that is the cause of rift valleys found at mid-ocean ridges?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
41. Which diagram above best shows the plate motion at a convergent boundary which forms the volcanoes
in Washington state like Mt St Helens?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
42. Which diagram above best shows the plate motion of the San Andreas Fault in California?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
43. Which is the name of the supercontinent that existed 250 million years ago?
a. Laurasia b. Gondwanaland c. Pangaea d. North America
44. The illustration shows plate movement around Iceland.
At which location is the youngest bedrock most likely to be found?
a. Point A
b. Point B
c. Point C
d. Point D
45. _____ One hypothesis states that plate movement results from convection currents in the
a. mantle.
c. lithosphere.
b. crust.
d. outer core.
46. _____ A zone where oceanic crust is subducted beneath continental crust is called a:
a. subduction zone.
c. what?
b. divergent boundary.
d. rift valley.
_________ Which mountain range is being formed as the plate carrying India collides with the Eurasian
a. Urals;
b. Alps;
c. Rockies;
d. Himalayas
48. If you look at a geologic cross section and see flat layers, what rock type is it?
a. metamorphic
b. igneous
c. sedimentary
49. Sedimentary rocks like sandstone and shale are found under the Front Range here in Colorado .
What assumption can be made about the Front range’s past geologic history?
a. The front range was once covered by several large glaciers.
b. Ash deposits covered much of the front range.
c. Lava flows once covered a large area of the front range.
d. The front range was below sea level at some point in the past.
50. Coarse grains in a sample of granite suggest that it formed…
a. from rapid cooling at the Earth’s surface.
b. from slow cooling below the Earth’s surface.
c. by deposition of sediment in a high-energy environment, such as a fast-flowing stream.
d. by deposition of sediment in a low-energy environment, such as a lagoon.
Identify the rock type that fossils can be located in.
a. Metamorphic b. Sedimentary c. Igneous
d. any rock type
52. Igneous rocks are generally classified on the basis of
a. only texture.
b. only color.
c. both texture and color
d. neither texture nor color.
53. Which statement best describes the formation of an intrusive igneous rock?
a. Magma solidifies rapidly, resulting in a clastic texture
b. Magma solidifies rapidly, resulting in a glassy texture.
c. Magma solidifies slowly, resulting in a coarse (large) grained texture
d. Magma solidifies slowly, resulting in a fine (small) grained texture
54. What type(s) of rocks undergo heat and pressure?
a. Metamorphic only
b. Igneous and sedimentary
c. Metamorphic and sedimentary d. Sedimentary Only
Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding Colorado?
a. Colorado has no volcanic history.
b. There was volcanic activity in the SW part of Colorado about 3 million years ago.
c. Our little Haystack Mountain is volcanic.
d. Longmont is sitting on top of an old ash flow.
56. Which of the following rocks is NOT volcanic?
a. basalt
b. granite
c. pumice
d. rhyolite
57. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the Boulder area?
a. The plains consist largely of granite and metamorphic rocks while the mountains consist of
sedimentary rock.
b. Most of the Boulder area consist of metamorphic rock.
c. The mountains consist large of granite and metamorphic rocks while the plains consist of
sedimentary rock.
d. Most of the Boulder area is volcanic.
58. Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding Yellowstone?
a. It is one of the biggest super-volcanoes in the world.
b. It sits on a hot spot.
c. It consists mostly of rhyolite.
d. Scientists expect it to erupt in the next 50 years.
59. What gives rise to the prevalence of hot springs in the Rocky Mountains?
a. Faults formed in the crust during the formation of the Rocky Mountains.
b. Faults formed in the crust because we are near a plate boundary.
c. Faults formed in the crust because we are near a hot spot.
d. Faults formed because we have lots of volcanic activity.
60. Which of the following statements is false?
a. India and Australia are located on the same tectonic plate.
b. The Pacific plate is getting smaller each year.
c. The earth is constantly recycling its crustal material.
d. The tectonic plates move a total distance of about 5 miles each year.
61. Which of the following countries did NOT experience a volcanic eruption in the past two years?
a. France b. Indonesia c. Iceland c. Hawaii
The cross section below shows the geology of the Boulder area. Use the diagram to answer the following
four questions.
62. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the Boulder area?
a. The plains are much older than the mountains.
b. The mountains are much older than the plains.
c. The mountains and the plains sediments are the same age.
d. It is impossible to tell from the diagram.
63. Which of the following sedimentary layers is the oldest?
a. Pierre Shale;
b. Morrison formation;
c. Lyons sandstone;
d. Fountain formation.
64 . What type of rock does the Flatirons of Boulder consist of ?
a. sedimentary rock (sandstone);
b. metamorphic rock (quartz);
c. igneous rock (granite).
d. none of the above.
65. If granite is an intrusive igneous rock that forms INSIDE the earth, how come we see such huge
granitic walls when we drive up to Nederland or Estes Park ?
a. Granite deep inside the earth was exposed on the surface during the folding that happened in the
formation of the Rockies;
b. The granite walls are remnants of ancient volcanoes;
c. Not all granite forms inside the earth.
d. The granite was deposited on previous layers of sedimentary rocks, thus forming higher ground.
66. The block diagram below represents the present ocean floor. The white arrows show the movement of the
ocean floor and the black arrows show the movement of the asthenosphere. Some rock sections found on the
ocean floor exhibit a symmetric alternating pattern. What is the primary cause of the pattern?
Changes in Earth’s global temperature
Changes in Earth’s magnetic field strength and direction
Changes in the asthenosphere’s temperature
Changes in the asthenosphere’s pressure
67. The diagram shows a cross-section view of Earth’s
surface, interior and their associated movements. What
most likely created the deep ocean trench along the west coast of South America?
c. The oceanic crust sinking beneath the continental crust
d. The convection currents make the ocean basin narrower
e. The oceanic crust uplifting over the continental crust
f. The oceanic crust sinking at the Mid-Atlantic ridge
The cross section below shows the boundary between two lithospheric plates. Point X is a location in the
continental lithosphere. The depth below Earth’s surface is labeled in kilometers.
68. Between which two lithospheric plates could the boundary shown above be located?
(a) South American Plate and African Plate
(b) Scotia Plate and Antarctic Plate
(c) Nazca Plate and South American Plate
(d) African Plate and Arabian Plate
Use the map below to answer # 69. The map below shows the Atlantic Ocean divided into zones A, B, C, and D.
The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is located between zones B and C.
69. Which graph best represents the geologic age of the surface bedrock on the ocean bottom?
70. The map below shows a portion of Earth’s surface. Points X and Y are locations on the lithosphere.
Which cross section shows the inferred movement of material in the asthenosphere beneath points
71. Arrows in the block diagram below show the relative movement along a tectonic plate boundary.
Between which two tectonic plates does this type of plate boundary exist?
(a) Nazca Plate and South American Plate
(b) Eurasian Plate and Indian-Australian Plate
(c) North American Plate and Eurasian Plate
(d) Pacific Plate and North American
The block diagram below shows a tectonic plate boundary.
72. The diagram represents
(a) subduction at a divergent plate boundary
(b) subduction at a convergent plate boundary
(c) rifting at a convergent plate boundary
(d) rifting at a transform plate boundary
1. D
2. C
3. C
4. D
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. C
9. D
10. D
11. B
12. C
13. B
14. C
15. B
16. D
17. B
18. B
19. A
20. B
21. B
22. D
23. B
24. B
25. B
26. C
27. B
28. A
29. D
30. D
31. B
32. B
33. A
34. A
35. B
36. A
37. B
38. D
39. B
40. C
41. D
42. B
43. C
44. C
45. A
46. A
47. D
48. C
49. A
50. B
51. B
52. C
53. C
54. A
55. B
56. B
57. C
58. D
59. A
60. A
61. A
62. B
63. D
64. A
65. A
66. B
67. C
68. C
69. D
70. C
71. D
72. B