Download 2REV1.15VNAEWMFF Qtr Report - Nebraska Breast Cancer Control

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EWM Foundation Fund Quarterly Report
October 30, 2014 – January 30, 2015
Funds from the Nebraska Community Foundation were received on September 22, 2014
 EWM Cervical Cancer Fund - $1,000.00
 EWM Breast Cancer Fund - $4,424.90
To date funds expended:
 Cervical Cancer Fund (three women assisted in first quarter)
$460.00 Direct Patient Assistance
$46.00 Program Administration/Overhead
$506.00 Total funds used
$494.00 Balance Remaining
(no change since last report)
Breast Cancer Fund (ten women assisted in first and second quarters)
$3,093.13 Direct Patient Assistance
$309.31 Program Administration/Overhead
$3,402.44 Total funds used
$1,022.46 Balance Remaining
Second Quarter activity:
 Breast Cancer Fund (eight women served in second quarter)
$2,802.94 Direct Patient Assistance
$280.29 Program Administration/Overhead
Counties represented – Adams, Douglas, Lancaster and Sarpy
**Asterisks behind client paragraph indicate that other funds were also used
1. 11/2/2014 50 yr. old, Adams County. Diagnosed with breast cancer in September
2014. Employed, low wages, no benefits, no insurance. Fell behind due to lost wages.
Worked as often as she was able while undergoing treatment and returned to work
shortly following her lumpectomy because of financial concerns. Referral – Lisa Dirks,
Patient Advocate/Financial Counselor; Morrison Cancer Center. Rent - $350, Walmart $150 – prescriptions, groceries **
2. 12/30/2014 51 yr. old, Douglas County. Diagnosed with recurrent breast cancer in
September 2014. She had just started a new job working nights stocking shelves at
Walmart but was unable to continue because she could no longer do any lifting. She had
purchased insurance through the Health Market but had difficulty paying the monthly
premiums and her other bills. At the time of referral she was using her savings to pay for
expenses. Surgery completed and has received the 2nd of four rounds of chemo. Living
with family members while undergoing treatment. Following treatment, plans to move
to live with her mother who is elderly. She plans to return to work as soon as possible.
Referral – CHI Oncology Social Worker. Car Payment - $322.65 **
3. 1/5/2015 39 yr. old, Douglas County. Diagnosed with breast cancer in July 2014.
Started a new job three months before her diagnosis. Quickly used the PDO that she
was allowed following a double mastectomy on July 31. Employer is very supportive.
Returned to work on September 9. Undergoing chemo and will also have radiation.
Divorced with an Eight year old daughter at home. Family history of breast cancer.
Referral – CHI Oncology Social Worker. Suggested Young Survivors Coalition (YSC)
website. Discussed support for daughter. Rent - $500 **
4. 1/7/2015 61 yr. old, Sarpy County. Diagnosed with breast cancer in November 2014.
Lumpectomy in December with radiation treatments to begin in January. She and her
husband are on a fixed income. He is disabled and home bound. He receives his medical
care through the VA. Any extra expense puts a huge strain on their budget. Even the
smallest co-pay for prescriptions and extra gas money for appointments cause concern.
Their church assisted with a utility bill but they still had little left for groceries. She takes
advantage of a local food pantry when possible. Arrangements made by NE Medical
social worker for transportation for daily radiation appointments. Referral – University
Medicine Oncology SW. No Frills Gift Card - $250 **
5. 1/12/2015 65 yr. old, Douglas County. First diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012,
recurrent breast cancer October 2013, she has completed chemo/radiation. Currently
taking Tamoxifen. History of colon cancer. She has scans every three months which
cause her much anxiety. Continues to pay on past medical bills, totaling over $34,000.
She sends small amounts to each medical center monthly. After paying rent and utilities
she only has $170 a month left for food and incidentals. She is currently living in a senior
housing apartment complex. Her brother assists with transportation as she cares for her
86 year old mother who continues to live independently and visits her father daily who
resides in a nursing home. Referral – CHI Oncology SW. Suggested working with financial
counselors at Immanuel and Methodist to request financial assistance for past medical
bills. She has contacted them and is completing financial assistance forms. Utility bill $130.29 **
6. 1/13/2015 30 yr. old, Douglas County. First diagnosed with breast cancer at age 24.
Diagnosed Dec 24, 2014 with Stage IV Breast Cancer with lung metastasis. Single mother
with three children; ages 12, nine and seven. She is not working at this time. She has a
10 year employment history working in call centers. Assistance provided for housing
and SNAP. Referral made to My Sister’s Keeper. This emotional support will help her and
her mother. Her mother was not with her when she was diagnosed at age 24 and
completed treatment. Her mother is very emotional and the client is trying to stay
strong for her mother and her children. Discussed emotional support for her children
and resources to assist in telling her younger children and dealing with recurrence of
cancer. Collaborating with oncology social worker on future concerns and needs.
Walgreens - $100.00 for Rx. This assistance provided immediate help for prescription copays. Although the co-pays are minimal the client commented that she had seven
prescriptions to fill in one day. This amount, although small, caused concern with her
monthly budget and the amount left will also provide for future prescription co-pays.
7. 1/20/2015 38 yr. old, Lancaster County. Diagnosed with breast cancer in September
2014. Driving to Omaha for treatment at University Medicine. She has been reluctant to
ask for assistance and requested gas cards to help with transportation costs. This is her
main concern. She has no insurance/Medicaid is pending. Referral – Dr. Margaret Reed’s
cancer support team. Gas Card - $100.00
8. 1/26/2015 37 yr. old, Douglas County. Diagnosed with breast cancer in November
2014. She had a bilateral mastectomy in December. She was recently hospitalized with
an infection and is now on IV antibiotics at home. She is on disability and Medicaid but
has difficulty with finances because of her medical care over the last two months. Single
mother of two children, ages six and four. Her mother is helping to care for them at this
time. Referral – Oncology SW/Methodist. Mortgage - $500 **
9. 1/27/2015 48 yr. old, Douglas County. Diagnosed with breast cancer in 2004,
recurrence in 2010 and 2015. Cervical Cancer diagnosis in 2001. Right side mastectomy
in January 2015. Waiting for tests to determine treatment options. She is employed but
not working at this time, employer holding her position. She has three young adult
children. In March 2014 21 yr. old son was murdered. She is supported by her family and
church that she attends. Church also has a program to assist with prescription assistance
if needed. Referral – Oncology SW University Med Rent - $400
The EWM Fund Committee’s vote to broaden the eligibility requirements for the use of the
funds has allowed us to reach more women in a timely matter. It has also allowed us to
leverage resources from other funders to provide a greater impact for women as they are going
through treatment and recovery. EWM Fund has also supported our ability to deliver support
services to all women. Listening to the concerns and needs of each woman allows us to
customize their request and offer help at varying levels. VNA’s program is a two-pronged
approach which addresses the financial and resulting emotional impact of a breast cancer
diagnosis and treatment. As the program moves forward, its Patient Representative will
continue to reach out to treatment centers, social workers, etc. to share information about our
program and available funding sources for women undergoing treatment who are experiencing
financial hardships.
In ongoing discussions with medical social workers, they have shared that they are hesitant to
openly tell clients about EWM Foundation Funds for Cervical Cancer Treatment/Screening.
There is a great need but due to the limited amount available they feel it would be gone very
quickly. The VNA BCPAP Advisory Committee agreed that they will ask the oncology teams how
many cervical cancer patients they anticipate would need financial assistance in a six month
period. This will give us a better idea of how best to use resources and help us to communicate
the local need for Cervical Cancer support to the EWM Fund Committee.
At this time, we are confident that an additional $3,000 in EWM funds for the Breast Cancer
Fund could make an impact on meeting the need for this service over the next six months.