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CP Chemistry
Atomic Structure TEST
1. The Greek philosopher _____ proposed the first atomic theory around 400 B.C.
A. Aristotle
B. Archimedes
C. Democritus
D. Plato
2. _____ is generally credited with the discovery of the electron.
A. Chadwick
B. Moseley
C. Millikan
D. Thomson
3. _____ devised an oil drop experiment to determine the charge on an electron.
A. Chadwick
B. Moseley
C. Millikan
D. Thomson
4. The model of the atom that consisted of a nucleus with electrons orbiting it in energy levels like planets around the sun was
proposed by
A. Thomson
B. Democritus
C. Bohr
D. Dalton
5. Ernest Rutherford's gold-foil experiment confirmed
A. that atoms exist
B. the presence of a positively charged nucleus
C. that electrons orbit the nucleus
D. that the neutrons account for all an atom’s mass
6. Why does an atom have no overall charge?
A. Its subatomic particles carry no charge.
B. The positively charge protons cancel out the negatively charged neutrons.
C. The positively charged neutrons cancel out the negatively charged electrons.
D. The positively charged protons cancel out the negatively charged electrons.
7. Which particles are found in the nucleus of the atom?
A. electrons and protons
C. protons and neutrons
B. electrons and neutrons
D. protons, neutrons, and electrons
8. An atom composed of 16 protons, 16 electrons, and 16 neutrons is ______.
A. sulfur-48
B. germanium -32
C. sulfur-32
D. sulfur-16
9. Which of the following has a positive charge?
A. the nucleus
B. the neutron
C. the proton
D. both A and C
Use the table below to answer questions 10 and 11
Mass Number
10. How many electrons are in the atom of sodium?
A. 1
B. 11
C. 12
D. 23
11. How many neutrons are in the atom of chlorine?
A. 17
B. 18
C. 35
D. 52
12. The symbol “Si” is used to represent the element _____.
A. silver
B. silicon
C. sodium
D. sulfur
13. Which one of the following does NOT contribute significantly to the mass of an atom?
A. electrons
B. nucleus
C. neutrons
D. protons
14. Uranium exists in nature in the form of several isotopes. The different isotopes have different ______.
A. atomic numbers
B. numbers of protons
C. numbers of neutrons
C. number of electrons
15. The atom shown below which has 24 protons is _____.
A. 52Cr
B. 24Mg
C. 45Sc
16. A neutral iodine atom has a mass number of 131. Which description below fits this atom?
A. 39 protons, 78 neutrons, 39 electrons
B. 53 protons, 78 neutrons, 53 electrons
C. 53 protons, 131 neutrons, 53 electrons
D. 53 protons, 53 neutrons, 78 electrons
Use the information in the table below to answer question # 17
Mass (amu)
17. What is the average atomic mass of silver?
A. 105.865 amu
B. 107.865 amu
48.00 %
C. 107.905 amu
18. The conventional laboratory unit of mass is the ____.
A. amu
B. kilogram
C. gram
19. 6.02 x 1023 atoms is called _____ number.
A. Avogadro’s
B. Newton’s
D. 110.905 amu
D. ounce
C. Aristotle’s
20. There are 6.02 x 1023 atoms in one ____ of atoms.
A. mole
B. Newton
C. amu
D. Planck’s
D. kilogram
21. _____ is the element used as the standard for the atomic mass scale.
A. carbon
B. oxygen
C. sodium
D. aluminum
Use the diagram below to answer questions 22-23.
22. How many neutrons does beryllium have?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 9
23. What is the mass of a boron sample which contains 0.500 moles of beryliium atoms?
A. 2 g
B. 4.51 g
C. 3.01 x 1023 g
D. none of the above
24. The current periodic table is arranged in order of
A. atomic number
B. alphabetical symbols
C. atomic mass
D. date of discovery
25. Oxygen-16 and oxygen-17 differ in their number of
A. electrons
B. neutrons
C. protons
26. According to modern atomic theory, electrons are found
A. attached to the nucleus
B. scattered randomly around the outside of the nucleus
C. in regions called energy levels
D. the first eight in the nucleus and the rest in the electron cloud
2 7. Neutrons are similar to protons except that they
A. carry no charge
C. tend to repel, rather than attract, electrons
28. Location of a proton
a. 1amu
29. Charge of a neutron
b. nucleus
30. Mass of a neutron
c. O or none
31. Location of a neutron
d. positive
32. Mass of a proton
e. negative
B. orbit the nucleus of the atom, like electrons
D. have half the mass
33. Charge of a proton
34. Charge of an electron
35. Mass of an electron
In questions #36-38 dentify each as:
A. different elements
36. Element A has 27 protons and 32 neutrons.
Element B has 27 protons and 33 neutrons.
37. Element C has and atomic number of 92 and an atomic mass of 238.
Element D has 92 protons and 143 neutrons.
38. Element E has 17 protons and 18 neutrons.
Element F has 18 protons and 22 neutrons.
39. The
nucleus of an atom is:
negatively charged and has a low density.
negatively charged and has a high density.
positively charged and has a low density.
positively charge and has a high density.
40. The identity of an element can be determined on the basis of which of the following?
A. The number of protons in an atom of the element
B. The number of neutrons in an atom of the element.
C. The mass number of the element.
D. The atom mass of the element.
B. isotopes
CP Chemistry
Test – Atomic Structure
NAME: ______________________________________________
DATE: ______________________ CLASS: __________
Solve the following problems. You must show all work to receive full credit. Record all answers to the correct number of
significant digits and label with the correct unit.
41. A neon sign contains 0.450 moles of neon. How many grams of neon gas are in this sign?
42. How many moles are in a copper penny containing 1.80 X 1021 atoms?
43. A cup of hot chocolate contains 0.035 g of sodium. How many atoms of sodium are in the hot chocolate?
44. Answer the following questions about a Phosphorus-31 atom.
a) How many protons does the atom contain? _____________________
How many neutrons does the atom contain? ____________________
How many electrons does the atom contain? ____________________
Draw the Bohr diagram for the atom
How many valence electrons does the atom have? ________________
45. There are four isotopes of Zinc. Given the percent abundance of three of these isotopes, determine the percent
abundance of the fourth isotope, zinc-68.
48.89 %
27.81 %
4.73 %
Given the percent abundance for the three isotopes of sulfur, determine the average atomic mass of sulfur.
95.00 %
0.774 %
4.22 %