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Customer Analytics
Turn Big Data into Big Value
Customer Analytics
All Your Data Integrated in Just One Place
BIRT Analytics lets you capture the value of Big Data that
speeds right by most enterprises. It analyzes massive
volumes of data coming in from multiple sources and
formats, and turns them into clear, highly granular
information, so you can understand your customers
needs and desires, segment accordingly and sell the right
products and services to the right customers.
Your data should effectively inform your customer
relationship strategy. BIRT Analytics’ data discovery and
mining tools let you quickly drill down into data to identify
patterns and hidden relationships, profile top buyers and
accurately forecast trends and profits.
Easy-to-use advanced and predictive analytics tools
optimize your marketing efforts, allowing you to identify
more cross-sell and up-sell opportunities, take action
to prevent potential churn, give immediate attention
to incoming leads, and effectively nurture your entire
customer pipeline.
Intuitive tools make working with data fast and easy
for your entire team. Every table, diagram, tree and
map is dynamic and recalculates instantly as you drag
and drop data, and you can export your findings to
graphic presentations in seconds. Everyone in your
organization gets a clear window into your data’s value
without no IT team dependence, so efficiency improves
across your organization.
BIRT Analytics lets you clearly visualize and understand
customer information as soon as it comes in, so you
quickly pinpoint customer needs, adapt product
roadmaps and inform business strategy that’s based on
real customer knowledge.
It integrates all types of information, from survey results
to Tweets, to numeric purchasing data and campaign
response rates, and even external data like demographics,
market data or weather factors, so you get the most
comprehensive understanding of everything that might
affect sales. The result is an ability to really know your
customers, to respond them and to offer them the right
products and services.
We’d like to introduce you to the tools and techniques that
make BIRT Analytics the best customer analytics solution
for companies with big data challenges that need to get
the most value out of their data in the shortest period of
time with the least amount of effort.
“Before BIRT Analytics, extracting and analyzing
information took considerable amount of our
technical experts’ time, and as a consequence we were
not providing the top service.
BIRT Analytics has given our marketers autonomy and
flexibility. They now get detailed customer knowledge,
see behavior patterns and make movement
predictions quickly and easily.”
Francisco Magarite, CIO at Inversis Bank
Customer Analytics
1. Data Sources
2. Data Exploration & Visualization
3. Data Enrichment & Data Cleansing
4. Analytics & Data Mining
5. Gallery
6. Segmentation & Data Selection
7. Campaign Workflow
8. iWorkflow: Process Automation
9. Import / Export
10. Instant Advanced Analytics Cases
A. Churn Analysis
B. Cross-Selling
C. Forecasting
D. Efficient Campaigns
E. Recency, Frequency, Monetary Value (RFM)
F. Social Media
G. Web Analytics
Customer Analytics
1. Data Sources
BIRT Analytics integrates data from virtually any source into a single platform
to give you a comprehensive, easy-to-analyze view of all your customers.
Social Media
Other Data Sources
Customer Analytics
2. Data Exploration & Visualization
BIRT Analytics gives you a full range of exploration and visualization
tools so you can see and interact with your data in a variety of ways.
All of your findings can be easily exported to Excel and other applications.
Data Tree
Provides a graphic view of the categories
being explored. You can view all data, search
for specific data and organize information for
easy analysis.
Data Quality
View details on the selected table, object
or segment, including individual records,
a summary, discrete values, graphics, statistics
or numeric frequencies.
See clear graphical representations of the
fields being explored.
Customer Analytics
2. Data Exploration & Visualization
Frequency Representation
You can summarize a field by categories and also
see the percentage of the total value that each
category accounts for within the field.
Values Charts
View all values of the field being explored and
all the individual categories and records that
each one contains. You can search and select
values by just clicking on them.
Used when exploring numeric fields. An
exhaustive range of statistical values is available
to you, including maximum, median, minimum,
mode, sum, standard deviation and more.
Customer Analytics
3. Data Enrichment & Data Cleansing
BIRT Analytics does not limit you to cubes or predefined analyses. You
can organize your data and cross information in unlimited ways, without
depending on your IT team for help. These tools allow you to view your
data in full granularity and with total flexibility.
Group information from different tables and
cross them to understand relationships. You
might, for example, group information about
orders placed in a table that contains customer
data to find out how many orders a particular
customer has placed.
Decode information in your new fields, transform
codes into descriptions, group different records
into a single category value and normalize names.
Numeric Ranges
Create new fields that convert continuously
distributed variables into categorical variables.
Numeric ranges divide a numerical variable into
Generate new fields that are calculated
according to functions and operations found
in other fields of the database.
Quantile Ranges
Generate new fields that convert continuously
distributed variables into categorical variables.
Quantile ranges create intervals that contain the
same number of records in each one.
Create a new column consisting of query-based
values. Normalize and remap existing columns.
Queries can be formulated with values or fields
belonging to any table in the database, as long
as the tables are linked correctly.
Customer Analytics
4. Analytics & Data Mining
BIRT Analytics puts advanced and predictive analytics techniques at your
fingertips, making it easy for you to gain insight into customer behavior and
be able to make business decisions based on real data in much less time.
Venn Diagram– Discovering Hidden
Combine multiple segments to discover connections,
relationships or differences. Explore customers that
have bought different categories of products and
easily identify cross-selling opportunities.
Data Profiling– Identify Customer
Select records from your data tree and generate
customer profiles that indicate common features
and behaviors. Use customer profiles to inform
effective sales and marketing strategy.
Forecasting – Time Series Analysis
Forecasting enables you to adapt to changes,
trends and seasonal patterns. You can accurately
predict monthly sales volume or anticipate to the
number of orders expected in any given month.
Customer Analytics
4. Analytics & Data Mining
Association Rules – Cause/ Effect – Basket
This technique detects relationship or affinity
patterns across data and generates a set of rules.
It automatically selects the rules that are most
useful to key business insights: What products
do customers purchase simultaneously and
when? Which customers are not buying and
why? What new cross-selling opportunities exist?
Decision Tree – Classify and Predict Behavior
BIRT Analytics has a dynamic classification
algorithm that expands its knowledge and capacity
as new classification rules are introduced. It learns
as rules are applied across the entire database so
that future classifications are fast and accurate.
Classification helps you do things like select
the right products to recommend to particular
customers and predict potential churn.
Clustering – Group More Effectively
Clustering helps you identify segments and
homogeneous groups so that precise offerings
and messaging can be defined. It also helps
you group web visitors or prospects by specific
attributes so you can more easily and accurately
track customers and understand behaviors.
Mapping – Identify Geographical Zones
Mapping uses color-coding to indicate customer
behavior as it changes across geographic
regions. A map divided into polygons that
represent geographic regions shows you where
your churners are concentrated or where specific
products sell the most.
Customer Analytics
4. Analytics & Data Mining
Pivot Tables – Correlate Values and
Build Reports on the Fly
Pivot tables let you cross fields freely while the
system instantly recalculates. Tables and charts
change as values are dragged and dropped, but
information can be captured in reports at any
time. Pivot tables can give you a clear picture of
things like the net profit for each campaign or
the most-sold product by customer profile.
Pareto’s – 80-20 Rule
BIRT Analytics makes it easy to test Pareto’s
80-20 principle on your data. It lets you see the
financial dimension of customer performance
and measure the efficiency of your business.
Evolution – Draw Dimensional Correlations
Dimensional correlations present the evolution
of values over time by crossing different
variables and scenarios. You can see, for example,
the evolution of a particular product or range of
products during a specific time period.
Customer Analytics
5. Gallery
The BIRT Analytics gallery displays indicators that help you to
view, present, publish and distribute information. They are easy to
create and can include results that come from analysis, data model,
organizational needs and other sources.
Gallery views are designed from scratch in
minutes. Each one can be set up to analyze
a group of indicators that reveal key business
insights. Use these measurement graphics to
make sense of complex information at a glance.
You can present your progress on all key
variables defined in your customer strategy in
a single view.
Cylinder volume changes according to the
value selected.
Displays multiple data segments in colored
bands to allow for quick comparison of
Shows you where your data falls within
parameters you define, which might be specific
objectives you have established.
Color-based bar indicator that shows you how
data fall within established parameters so you
can quickly spot any deviations.
Color LED
Spheres that change color depending on
whether they are greater than, equal to or less
than an established baseline.
Customer Analytics
6. Segmentation & Data Selection
BIRT Analytics allows you to graphically view and interact with records or
groups of records. It’s the most intuitive way to gain quick insight from your
data. You can extract records and apply complex conditions in seconds.
Graphic segmentation even allows you to merge and correlate data from
tables that are not directly linked.
Visual Segmentation
Drag and drop interaction with your data lets
you classify your database, assign discrete
values, generate new customer groups, combine
segments, filter them by category, and other
actions that give you complete control and
visibility of your data.
Complex Segmentation Simplified
BIRT Analytics’ intuitive interface enables fast
advanced segmentation across your entire
database. Complex and parametric queries
are easy to build from its dynamic graphical
Customer Analytics
7. Campaign Workflow
Campaign Workflow is BIRT Analytics’ integrated end-to-end marketing
campaign management module. It gives you comprehensive visibility
of all customers, suppliers and staff, so you can analyze responses
better and make the right decisions.
Comprehensive Campaign Management
BIRT Analytics makes campaign creation and
management easy. You can schedule actions,
grant specific user permissions per stage, and
better define your target and overall campaign
strategy. You get total control over your records
and can perform every necessary campaign
action, from random sampling to Robinson
exclusions to applying marketing codes.
Stage-Based Workflow Management
Campaign Workflow lets you define and order
actions for every campaign stage, determine
which team members will have access to the
campaign, and assign actions to different users
throughout each stage.
Customer Analytics
7. Campaign Workflow
Campaign Progress Visibility
View your campaign as a timeline to quickly
see progress and identify incomplete actions.
Campaign Results Evaluation
Immediately identify micro-segments that
represent high response rates in order to modify
your campaign on the fly for better overall
results. Easily analyze campaign results in detail
to discover hidden patterns and trends and
know exactly how to improve future campaigns.
Customer Analytics
8. iWorkflow: Process Automation
Automate your workflow to stay on top of every process and
collaborate more efficiently. Set up notifications to automatically
assign incoming leads to regions, inform agents as soon as new leads
enter, alert the sales director when no new leads enter the CRM in a
24 hour period or when purchases drop below a defined level.
iWorkflow gets the whole sales pipeline running smoothly.
Workflow Definition
Set up actions and user roles. When an action is
triggered by an event, date or value, processes
are executed. Team members participate in the
process per their assigned roles, as one action
flows to the next.
Task Scheduling
The task planner allows you to define actions
that you want triggered by specific events,
and to delegate these actions across your
organization according to established security
Customer Analytics
9. Import / Export
This functionality allows you to build a strong data model by loading
and linking unlimited additional information from external sources in
order to gain deeper customer insight.
Enrich your analytical database by importing any
kind of flat file containing external information
such as demographics or market data.
Create new tables from data that can be either
used as temporary bases of analysis or exported
to a CSV text file.
Customer Analytics
10. Instant Advanced Analytics Cases
In this section we show you exactly how BIRT Analytics techniques and
functionalities help you with specific sales and marketing challenges.
When you have the capacity to understand customer behavior you can
forecast more accurately, strategize more effectively and improve your
every sales and marketing effort.
A) Churn Analysis
1. Using a Venn diagram you can
identify customers that were previously active
but are currently less responsive or completely
2. Extrapolate the characteristics of
these inactive customers to all current customers
using a Decision Tree, which creates a new table
in your database.
3. The resulting database classification
enables you to identify those likely to churn so
you can modify marketing and sales campaigns
Customer Analytics
10. Instant Advanced Analytics Cases
B) Cross-Selling
1. Use drag and drop functionality
to cross data and identify customers who are
buying certain categories of products or are not
buying at all.
2. Add new segments to uncover
additional cross-sell opportunities.
3. In a single click you will be able to
identify customers that represent potential sales
opportunities and customize campaigns that
offer them exactly the product or service they
are most likely to buy.
Customer Analytics
10. Instant Advanced Analytics Cases
C) Forecasting
1. Easily calculate the projection of a
time series by dragging and dropping the table
that contains historical information.
2. Perform a pre-calculation to
determine if the available data is likely to
produce a reliable projection.
3. The system will calculate based
on the number of projections selected while
adjusting for seasonal fluctuations.
Customer Analytics
10. Instant Advanced Analytics Cases
D) Efficient Campaigns
1. The Decision Tree uses a C 4.5
algorithm to quickly get information about a
specific group (attributes that people who buy
software have in common, for example) and
apply it to another group (customers who have
only purchased hardware).
2. It then takes the results of this
calculation and performs a more precise
customer segmentation for the group.
Customer Analytics
10. Instant Advanced Analytics Cases
E) Recency, Frecuency, Monetary Value (RFM)
1. Use an RFM analysis to accurately
forecast sales over a period of months so you
can identify possible decreases in sales and
strategize to prevent them from occurring.
2. Start by identifying the percentage of
your customers that are active and purchasing
3. Apply a decision tree algorithm to
find out the best target out of non active ones.
Inferring the RFM Classification to you potential
Customer Analytics
10. Instant Advanced Analytics Cases
F) Social Media: Twitter Followers
1. You can use BIRT Analytics to
compare your Twitter success to that of your
customers by extracting data from Twitter and
tracking accounts with defined keywords.
2. You’ll be able to see how many
people are following your accounts and those of
your competitors, broken down by day.
3. The information is available in a chart
that displays at-a-glance updates.
Customer Analytics
10. Instant Advanced Analytics Cases
Social Media: Other Analyses
1. Find out from which operating
systems and sources people are engaging with
your social media accounts.
2. Use sentiment analysis and get a
matrix of influencers that impact your accounts.
3. Find out which accounts are most
active, by hour or by language.
Customer Analytics
10. Instant Advanced Analytics Cases
G) Web Analytics
1. Gauge the effectiveness of your
online marketing campaigns by starting with a
Venn diagram.
2. Cross the number of total website
visits with the segment to which you sent the
campaign. Cross in the number of website
visits associated with the campaign. If a larger
percentage of website visits is unrelated to your
campaign, you can conclude that you need
improve segmentation for the next campaign.
3. Campaign results can also be viewed
by geographical region.
Customer Analytics
BIRT Analytics turns your Big Data challenges into big value opportunities. It integrates all your data sources into one intuitive tool. It even allows you to cross in external
data that takes into account seasonal variables, market changes, demographic factors or anything that might impact sales.
Your entire company benefits from a comprehensive analytics solution that gives
non-technical users a range of easy-to-use graphical tools so they can quickly gain
insight from complex data. They will analyze, segment, profile and forecast accurately with no dependence on your IT team.
BIRT Analytics is the one data solution that truly gets the most out of your data.
It gives your company total visibility of information coming in by the second and
makes it easy to roll out sales, marketing, customer acquisition, and customer loyalty
strategies that work.
Want to know how BIRT Analytics can address your specific customer analytics
challenges and help you get the most value out of your data?
E-mail us at [email protected] and we’ll schedule an appointment at
a time that’s convenient for you.
Test drive BIRT Analytics completely free for 30 days.
Sign up today at
Actuate Corporation
951 Mariners Island Boulevard
San Mateo, CA 94404
Tel: (+ 1) 888-422-8828
[email protected]