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Name: ____________________________________
Class: _____________
Self Assessment: Grouping of Elements in the Periodic Table
1. What is the primary factor used to arrange the elements in the periodic table?
a) atomic mass
b) element name
c) year of discovery
d) atomic number
2. What is another name for a column in the periodic table?
a) group
b) compound
c) family
d) period
3. Which group has the highest electronegativity?
a) transition metals
b) alkali metals
c) noble gases
d) halogens
4. What is shared by elements within a group?
a) the same electronegativity
b) similar element names
c) similar electron configurations
d) the same atomic radii
5. What is another name for a row in the periodic table?
a) period
b) valence
c) group
d) compound
Date: _____________
Name: ____________________________________
Class: _____________
Self Assessment: Grouping of Elements in the Periodic Table
6. Which of the following statements is true?
a) Some transactinides are also actinides.
b) Some actinides are also lanthanides.
c) Some transuraniums are also transactinides.
d) Some lanthanides are also transuraniums.
7. Which elements are most likely to lose electrons and form cations?
a) transition metals
b) noble gases
c) elements in the last two periods
d) metals in the first two periods
8. What is another name for semimetals?
a) alkaline earth metals
b) alkali metals
c) transition metals
d) metalloids
9. How does a noble gas atom relate to an alkali metal atom in size?
a) The two atoms are the same size.
b) The noble gas atom has a smaller radius.
c) The noble gas atom has a larger radius.
d) The alkali metal atom is slightly larger.
10. Which group contains elements with the most valence electrons?
a) alkali metals
b) alkaline earth metals
c) halogens
d) noble gases
Date: _____________
1. d
2. a
3. d
4. c
5. a
6. c
7. d
8. d
9. b
10. d