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Lab 1
Functional Anatomy of the Endocrine Glands - Exercise 27
Activity 1: Identifying the Endocrine Organs
Activity 2: Examining the Microscopic Structure of Endocrine Glands
Thyroid gland - colloid-filled follicles, follicle cells, parafollicular cells.
Parathyroid gland - chief cells.
Adrenal gland - cortex and medulla..
Pancreas - islets of Langerhans and acinar cells.
Hormonal Action – Movie - Endocrinology Experiments
To access the movie online (via DSL or cable)
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Course Media
Linda Kollett Anatomy and Physiology Audio/Video
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Anatomy and Physiology Video Clips
Endocrinology Experiments
Lab Section ________________
Hormonal Action: Wet Lab Movie
Movie - Experiments in Hormonal Action
Answer the following questions after watching the movie in lab or on Massasoit
onDemand at the MCC web site.
1. Pituitary Extract and Frog Ovulation.
a. What are the two main hormones of interest in the frog pituitary extract?
________________ and _______________
b. What is the role of pituitary extract in the frog?
c. What is the control frog in the experiment?
d. Do the data support the hypothesis that pituitary extract is necessary for
ovulation? _____
e. Explain your answer.
2. Effects of Hyperinsulinism.
a. Describe the fish swimming behavior when it is first put in the water containing
b. Describe the fish swimming behavior after swimming in the insulin and water for
a few minutes.
c. Where does insulin enter into the fish?
d. What does insulin do to blood glucose levels in the fish to cause the observed
e. Why does the fish go into a coma?
f. Why does the fish recover when it is put in a bowl containing glucose and water?
g. Based on this observation, what do you think might happen to a person if the
blood glucose level falls precipitously (hypoglycemia) and why ?
3. Epinephrine and the Heart.
a. What effect did epinephrine have on the force of heart contraction?
Circle one
no effect
b. What effect did epinephrine have on the rate of heart contraction?
c. Circle one increase
no effect
d. What gland releases epinephrine as a hormone? Be as specific as you can.
e. What advantage might there be to having the heart rate and force of cont raction
increase during the fight or flight response?
4. Acetylcholine and the Heart (ACh is not a hormone in vivo, but this demonstrates the
effect of an ANS neurotransmitter on the heart.
a. What effect did ACh have on the force of contraction?
Circle one
no effect
b. What effect did ACh have on the rate of heart contraction?
Circle one
no effect
c. What branch of the ANS releases ACh as a postganglionic fiber neurotransmitter?
d. Is the effect agonistic or antagonistic to epinephrine?
Circle one
Review Sheet
Exercise 27 - Functional Anatomy of the Endocrine Glands
1. Match the labels on the figure with the terms below
____ Adrenal gland
____ Pineal gland
____ Hypothalamus
____ Pituitary gland
____ Ovary
____ Testis
____ Pancreas
____ Thymus
____ Parathyroid gland
____ Thyroid gland
2. What gland or glands release(s) each of the following hormones?
______________________ Parathyroid hormone
______________________ Estrogens and progesterone
______________________ Testosterone
______________________ Many releasing hormones (TRH, CRH, GHRH etc.)
______________________ FSH, LH, GH, ACTH, Prolactin, TSH,
______________________ T-cell stimulating hormones
______________________ Melatonin
______________________ Mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids, androgens, epinephrine
and norepinephrine
______________________ Insulin and glucagons
______________________ Thyroid hormone
3. Define hormone
4. Define target cell
5. Hormones are carried in the blood. Why don't all tissues respond to all hormones?
Note: Information from questions 6 – 11 may appear on the first lecture exam.
6. Classify each of the following hormones as steroid or amino acid-based. Indicate
whether the hormone uses the second messenger or direct gene activation mechanism of
Molecule Type
Amino Steroid
Mechanism of Action
Direct gene
Hormones - Matching (8-9)
A Aldosterone
B Cortisol
C Glucagon
D Growth Hormone
E Insulin
F Parathyroid
G Thyroid Hormone
7. Target Cells or Tissues - Match the hormones and the correct target cells.
____ Liver, muscle, bone, cartilage
____ Body cells/gluconeogenesis, fat mobilization, protein metabolism
____ Osteoclasts (stimulates), kidneys, intestine via activated Vitamin D
____ Kidney tubules
____ Body cells/ role in metabolic rate regulation, growth and development
____ Liver
____ Muscle and fat cells, but NOT liver, kidney and brain
8. Stimulus for Release - Match the stimulus for release listed below with the correct
A Aldosterone
B Calcitonin
C Cortisol
D Glucagon
E Growth Hormone
F Insulin
G Parathyroid
H Thyroid Hormone
____ Rising levels of blood glucose, amino acids and fatty acids
____ Falling levels of blood glucose
____ Low sodium, high potassium, renin-angiotensin mechanism
____ ACTH release
____ Low blood calcium levels
____ Increasing levels of TSH
____ GHRH release, hypoglycemia, exercise etc.
10. Blood glucose levels are normally maintained from 70-120 mg/dl. Describe the role
of negative feedback in maintaining homeostasis of blood glucose.
6 points