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NAME: ______________________________________________ DATE: __________ BLOCK: ____
anus – outside and end opening of alimentary canal
ascending colon – begins at cecum and continues upward
bile – yellow-green liquid secreted from hepatic (liver) cells and contains bile salts, bile pigments
(bilirubin and biliverdin), cholesterol, and electrolytes
bile salts – break fat globules into smaller droplets (emulsification), and enhance absorption of
fatty acids, cholesterol, and fat-soluble vitamins
cecum – pouch-like structure at the beginning of large intestine which leads to rest of intestine
of to appendix
chyme – mixture of food particles and gastric juice
descending colon – follows the transverse section downward
digestion – mechanical and chemical break down of foods, and the absorption of the resulting
nutrients by cells
duodenum – first 25 cm of small intestine
10. epiglottis – a flap-like structure attached to larynx that closes off the trachea so that food does
not enter it
11. esophageal sphincter or cardiac sphincter – the thickened wall that prevents stomach
contents from regurgitating into the stomach
12. esophagus – a straight, collapsible tube about 25 cm long connecting the pharynx to the
13. feces – undigested and unabsorbed materials; also includes water, mucus, shed intestinal cells,
and bacteria
14. gastric glands – found in stomach and secrete gastric juice
15. gastric juice – includes mucus, digestive enzymes, intrinsic factor, and hydrochloric acid
16. hepatic duct- transfer bile from liver into the small intestine
17. ileocecal sphincter – distal end of small intestine where it joins the large intestine; opens to let
chime pass into large intestine
18. ileum – third and remaining section of the small intestine
19. intestinal villi – tiny projections of the inner wall of the small intestine and greatly increase the
surface area for absorption
20. intrinsic factor – in gastric juice and helps aid in B12 absorption
21. jejunum – second portion of small intestine and includes about 2/5 of total length
22. lacteal – lymphatic vessel in each villus that helps carries nutrients to the body
23. large intestine – larger in diameter than the small intestine; absorbs water and electrolytes from
chyme and forms and stores feces
24. liver – large, reddish-brown organ that has many functions; main digestive function is the
production and secretion of bile
25. mouth – receives food and begins digestion mechanically; mixes food with saliva
26. pancreas – an endocrine gland that secretes pancreatic juice
27. pancreatic duct – a tube that carries pancreatic juice from pancreas to duodenum
28. pancreatic juice – contains enzymes that break down carbohydrates (pancreatic amylase),
lipids (pancreatic lipase), nucleic acids (nucleases), and proteins (trypsin, chymotrypsin, and
carboxypeptidase) and bicarbonate to neutralize acidity of chyme
29. pepsin – most important gastric enzyme which breaks down protein (inactive form is called
30. peristalsis – wavelike movements that moves food down the canal
31. pharynx – connects nasal and oral cavities with the larynx and esophagus
32. pyloric sphincter – the thickened wall that controls gastric emptying into the small intestine
33. rectum – attached to the sacrum and leads to anal canal and anus
34. salivary amylase – enzyme in saliva that breaks down starch and glycogen
35. salivary glands – secrete saliva; include the parotid, submadibular, and sublingual
36. sigmoid colon – the S-shaped section after the descending colon and ends in the rectum
37. small intestine – tubular organ that extends from stomach to large intestine; completes
digestion, absorbs products of digestion, and transports leftover residues to large intestine
38. stomach – a J-shaped pouch and can hold about 1 liter or more; receives food from the
esophagus, beings protein digestion, and carries on limited absorption
39. transverse colon – begins after ascending and crosses the abdomen horizontally