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What are Plate Tectonics?
 A theory that Earth’s Surface is divided into a few large
plates that are constantly moving and changing shape.
 Geological evidence indicates that the face of Earth's
surface has changed significantly since its initial formation.
What do Plate tectonics involve?
 Plate tectonics involves two layers of Earth: the
lithosphere and the asthenosphere
 The lithosphere is divided into several major and
minor tectonic plates.
 The lithosphere is a rigid outer layer composed of the
crust and the uppermost mantle.
 The asthenosphere is an inner layer about 200
kilometers thick located exclusively in the mantle.
Fun Facts about Plate Tectonics
 Tectonic Plates move extremely slow, at a rate of 12
centimeters per year.
 Heat from Earth’s interior provides the energy
necessary to move plates.
 Earth is the only planet known to have plate tectonics.
 In 200 million years the world will look much different
then it does today. This is because some of our present
day continents maybe spilt apart and be separated by
new oceans.
A supercontinent that broke apart 200
million years ago to form the present
Plate Names
The plate names are: North American
Plate, Juan de Fuca Plate, Pacific Plate,
Caribbean Plate, Cocos Plate, Nazca
Plate, South American Plate, Scotia Plate,
African Plate, Antarctic Plate, Arabian
Plate, Indian Plate, Eurasian Plate,
Australian Plate, Philippine Plate.
What are the Results of Plate
Volcanoes occur along the earth's tectonic plates
where molten rock is forced upward from magma
reservoirs deep in the earth. A volcano is a mountain
formed of lava and/or tephra.
A Map of Volcanoes Around the
An earthquake happens when two plates rub together.
The plates travel in different directions and also at
different speeds. If one plate is forced underneath the
other, pressure builds up until the plates rip apart. This
process causes the ground to move which is known as
an earthquake.
A Map of Earthquakes Around the
A fault is a crack in the Earth’s crust. Faults are
typically associated with/form the boundaries between
Earth’s tectonic plates.
Types of Plate Boundaries
 Occur where plate motions cause plates to move apart.
 For example, South America and Africa are on either
side of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a divergent plate
 Divergent plate boundaries form a wide, steep-walled
depression also know as a rift valley.
 At a convergent boundary, plates move toward each
 Mountains are formed from convergent plate
A Transform Boundary occurs where two plates slide
past each other.
Examples of Transform Boundaries are:
•The boundary between the Pacific Plate and the
Australian Plate, crossing New Zealand
•The boundary between the Pacific Plate and the
North American Plate in California