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• Problem sets due this week at the
beginning of lab.
• Show your work!
• Write out solutions, helps to think things
• Review study CD that came with text for lab
this week (especially mitosis and meiosis).
Human blood type example
• One locus determines blood type
• Three alleles are common
• Two alleles are dominant to the third
and codominant with each other
Blood type genotypes
• Three alleles present- Ia, Ib, i
– Ia and Ib are codominant
– i is recessive
• Possible genotypes
– IaIa homozygote, Iai heterozygote,
– IbIb homozygote, Ibi heterozygote,
– ii homozygote, Ia Ib heterozygote
• Understand inheritance of blood type in humans.
• Know how
– organisms vary in chromosome number among life
stages and among species.
– to tell chromosomes apart
– to figure out which chromosomes are homologues.
• Understand the role of mitosis and meiosis in
asexual and sexual reproduction.
• Distinguish between stages of cell division.
• Recognize how chromosome movement during
meiosis results in Mendel's laws of Segregation
and Independent Assortment.
Blood type phenotypes
• Four phenotypes: A, B, AB, O
• A, B or no substance coats blood cells
• Blood type determined by whether
antibodies react to substance
Eukaryote chromosome structure
• Chromosomes contain DNA & proteins
• made of
– centromere- region to which spindle fibers
attach during mitosis and meiosis
– arms
• region that extends from centromere
• contain genes
Figure 12.3 Chromosome duplication and distribution during mitosis
Figure 13.x4 Human male chromosomes
Figure 13.x5 Chromosomes differ in length and position of centromere
Life cycle stages differ in ploidy
• Ploidy = number of copies of each homologue
• Common ploidy levels
– Haploid- one copy (1N)
– Diploid- two copies (2N)
– Polyploid- multiple (>2) copies (3N, 4N, etc)
Figure 13.5 Three sexual life cycles differing in the timing of meiosis and
fertilization (syngamy)
How do organisms differ in
chromosome number?
• Ploidy- how does organism spend most of life?
– Haploid (protists, algae & fungi, moss)
– Diploid (ferns, flowering plants, insects, vertebrates)
– Polyploid (many plants, few animals)
• ‘haploid’ chromosome number
– Humans: 23
– Fruit flies: 4
– Ferns: thousands
Figure 13.1 The asexual reproduction of a hydra
Reproduction in eukaryotes
• asexual
– budding or vegetative reproduction
– offspring genetically identical to parent
• sexual
– fusion of two haploid gametes
– different combinations of genes than in
Figure 33.7 The life cycle of the hydrozoan Obelia (Layer 3)
Cell cycles in eukaryotes
• Interphase
– 90% of cell life
– cell growth occurs
– chromosomes are copied but not visible
• Mitotic phase
– nucleus 'dissolves'
– chromosomes condense
– cell divides
– two daughter cells genetically identical to parent
Figure 12.4 The cell cycle
Figure 12-09x Mitosis in an onion root
• Occurs throughout life of a multicellular
– development
– growth
– maintenance
• Involved with asexual reproduction
• We define stages (prophase, metaphase,
anaphase, telophase)
Figure 12.5 The stages of mitotic cell division: G2 phase; prophase
• Nuclear membrane disappears
• Mitotic spindle forms
– Microtubule organizing centers
(centrosomes) form and migrate to opposite
ends of cell
– Microtubules attach to centromere at
• Duplicated chromosomes (sister
chromatids) move toward center of cell
Figure 12.5 The stages of mitotic cell division : prophase; prometaphase
Figure 12.6 The mitotic spindle at metaphase
• Chromosomes align along metaphase
• Centromeres aligned with each other
• Kinetochores face centrosomes away
from center of the cell
Figure 12.5 stages of mitotic cell division: metaphase; anaphase
Sister chromatids are pulled
toward opposite ends of cell
Stages of mitotic cell division : anaphase; telophase and cytokinesis
• Nuclear membrane in each daughter
cell starts to form
• Chromosomes elongate
• Cell division occurs
Significance of Meiosis
• Gamete cells formed with one copy of
each chromosome
• Meiotic events cause Mendel's laws
– Segregation- Homologues separate
– Independent assortment- independent
orientation of chromosomes
• Recombination occurs (independent
orientation, crossing over)
Prophase I (longest phase)
• pairing of homologous chromosomes
• paired homologues consist of 4
chromatids (tetrads)
• X-shaped configurations form (chiasmata)
• Crossing over occurs
• chiasmata move to end of chromosome
What happens during crossing over?
Metaphase & Anaphase I
• exchange of
segments at
positions along
• no loss or
addition of
genetic material
• tetrads moved to metaphase plate
• homologues pulled apart into different
daughter cells
• sister chromatids remain attached at
• chromosome number is now reduced
Figure 13.7 The stages of meiotic cell division: Meiosis I
Telophase I and Prophase II
• Chromosomes may uncoil as cell
division occurs
• No chromosome duplication occurs
Figure 13.7 The stages of meiotic cell division: Meiosis II
Metaphase II, Anaphase II,
Telophase II
• mitotic division repeated, but now
sister chromatids separate
• genetic material reduced, but not
chromosome number