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Lab 5
Overview of the Skeleton:
Classification and Structure of Bones and Cartilages
The Axial Skeleton
Exercise 9
Exercise 10
Overview of the Skeleton
Locate the important cartilages in the human skeleton (Figure 9.2)
Read Classification of Bones on page 114 and then test yourself on the box of numbered
bones at the front of the class. Answers are provided on a card in the box. No peeking
until you've made your choices!
Activity 1: Examining a Long Bone
Activity 2: Examining the Effects of Heat and Hydrochloric Acid on Bones
Activity 3: Examining the Microscopic Structure of Compact Bone
Activity 4: Examining the Osteogenic Epiphyseal Plate
The Axial Skeleton
Activity 1: Identifying the Bones of the Skull
You are responsible for all the bones and bone parts listed on the review sheet.
a. Obtain a skull and some blunt probes. If it is a real bone skull, treat it with
extreme care and put it on bubble wrap on the lab bench.
b. Some structures have been destroyed by use over time on the real skulls and you
may have to look at the plastic skulls and the Beauchene skull (photo, p. 129) for
help. The lab manual and the atlas that is packaged with your book are both good
c. Return the skull to the correct box when you are finished.
Activity 2: Palpating Skull Markings
Activity 3: Examining Spinal Curvatures
Activity 4: Examining Vertebral Structure
Lab Section ________________
Pre-Lab Activity - Turn in at the beginning of lab
1. Bones that surround the body’s center of gravity form the (circle one)
appendicular skeleton
2. The type of cartilage found in the knee joint and intervertebral discs is ___________.
a. elastic cartilage
b. hyaline cartilage c. fibrocartilage
3. _____________ bone appears smooth and homogeneous to the eye.
a. spongy
b. compact
4. Thin bones with two layers of compact bone and a central layer of spongy bone are
usually _________ bones.
a. flat
b. long
c. irregular
d. short
5. A central canal and the surrounding lamellae are called an _________ .
6. The three parts of the axial skeleton are the _______________________, the
______________________, and the ______________________ .
7. The __________________ vertebrae articulate with the ribs.
8. The three parts of the sternum are the _______________________, the
______________________, and the ______________________ .
9. True ribs are also called ______________________ ribs. Floating ribs are also called
______________________ ribs. Ribs that attach indirectly to the sternum through the
costal cartilage of rib 7 are called ___________________ ribs.
10. The four major parts of a rib are the ________________, the _________________,
the _______________________, and the ______________________ .
Label the skeleton. Print the labels in the margins, not on the lines.
Lab Section ________________
Review Sheet
Overview of the Skeleton
1. Terminology Matching. Match the description with the correct term.
a. Condyle
f. Fossa
k. Sinus
b. Crest
g. Head
l. Spine
c. Epicondyle
h. Meatus
m. Trochanter
d. Fissure
i. Process
n. Tubercle
e. Foramen
j. Ramus
o. Tuberosity
_____Projection or prominence
_____Shallow depression
_____Opening through a bone
_____Large rounded projection
_____Small rounded projection
_____Rounded articular projection
_____Canal-like structure
_____Raised area above a condyle
_____Arm-like projection or bar of bone
_____Structure supported on a neck
_____Narrow ridge of bone
_____Very large, blunt irregularly shaped process
_____ Narrow slit-like opening
_____ Sharp, slender, often pointed projection
_____Space within a bone, air-filled and lined with mucous membrane
2. a. What gives bone compressional strength (ability to resist compression)?
b. What gives bone tensile strength?
c. What is removed when bone is soaked in acid?
d. What remains when bone is soaked in acid?
e. Why is baked bone brittle?
3. List the four basic bone shapes and give one example of a bone for each.
Bone Example
a. ___________________
b. ___________________
c. ___________________
d. ___________________
4. Blood vessels travel horizontally in bone through ______________ canals and
vertically in bone through _____________ canals.
5. What is the difference in the composition of the red marrow and the yellow marrow?
2 points.
6. Label on figure: matrix, central canal, lacuna, interstitial lamellae, osteon.
PRINT the labels neatly in the margins.
7. Match the letters on the figure to the terms below.
____ articular cartilage
____ nutrient arteries
____ compact bone
____ proximal epiphysis
____ diaphysis
____ periosteum
____ distal epiphysis
____ perforating fibers
____ endosteum
____ site of red marrow
____ epiphyseal line
____ trabeculae of spongy bone
____ medullary cavity
____ yellow marrow
8. Match the labels on the figure with the terms below:
____ canaliculus
____ central canal
____ lamella of compact bone
____ lacuna with osteocyte
____ osteon
____ perforating canal
____ periosteum
____ spongy bone
9. Trace the flow of nutrients from blood in blood vessels in the periosteum to an
osteocyte in a lacuna using the following terms: canaliculus, capillary, central
canal, lacuna, nutrient artery, perforating canal. This is an ordering question.
Imagine yourself in a boat in a nutrient artery, trying to get to a lacuna.
___________________ ⇒ ___________________ ⇒ ___________________⇒
___________________ ⇒ ___________________ ⇒ ___________________
The Axial Skeleton
10. List the three components of the axial skeleton and the major function of each.
Part of Axial Skeleton
11. List the eight bones of the cranium. Use the terms right and left if the bones are
_________________ _______________ _______________ __________________
_________________ _______________ _______________ __________________
12. List the paired bones of the cranium. Use the terms right and left.
_________________ _______________ _______________ __________________
13. List the flat bones of the cranium. Use the terms right and left if the bones are paired.
_________________ _________________ _________________
_________________ _________________ _________________
14. List the bones that form the calvarium or cranial vault. Use the terms right and left if
the bones are paired.
_________________ _______________ _______________ __________________
15. List the bones that form the floor of the cranium. Use the terms right and left if the
bones are paired.
__________________ ________________ ________________
__________________ _________________ ________________
16. List the unpaired bones of the cranium.
_________________ _______________ _______________ __________________
17. Name the bone with openings for the optic nerves.
18. Name the bone with openings for the olfactory nerves.
19. Name the bone with an opening for the vestibulocochlear nerve. _________________
20. Name the bone that has an opening for the spinal cord.
21. List the 7 bones of the orbit.
22. What is the function of the orbit?
23. List the paired facial bones.
Right and Left
Right and Left
Right and Left
Right and Left
Right and Left
Right and Left
24. List the two unpaired facial bones.
25. a. Distinguish between the development of a primary and a secondary curvature of
the vertebral column.
b. Name the two primary curvatures of the vertebral column.
c. Name the two secondary curvatures of the vertebral column.
d. When does each of the secondary curvatures develop?
e. An abnormal lateral curvature of the vertebral column is called _______________
f. An abnormal thoracic curvature is called _______________
g. An abnormal lumbar curvature is called _______________
Draw and label figures to illustrate e., f., and g. Be sure to indicate anterior and
posterior or dorsal and ventral where relevant.
25. Match the letters on the figures with the terms below
___ Bony thorax (ribs)
___ Sacrum
___ Cervical vertebra
___ Skull
___ Costal cartilage
___ Sternum
___ Coccyx
___ Thoracic vertebra
___ Frontal bone
___ Vertebrae
___ Lumbar vertebra
___ Vertebral rib
___ Occipital bone
___ Vertebrochondral rib
___ Parietal bone
___ Vertebrosternal rib