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LA 1 Final Exam Study Sheet
1. A pronoun is a word that stands for a noun or a word that takes the place of a noun.
**Underline the pronouns in the following sentences
He asked us to fill out the application.
The trainer and I worked all day on Friday.
I do most of the advertising.
You know we are friends.
There are a variety of duties involved in my job.
2. Antecedents are the nouns to which pronouns refer. The word antecedent comes from a Latin word meaning
“to go before.” In English, an antecedent usually precedes its pronoun.
**Underline the pronouns in the following sentences and underline the antecedent it refers to.
Amirah performs her solo today.
James makes his debut today.
The poem revealed its theme during the climax.
3. To show the possessive form of a singular noun, merely place the apostrophe (‘)
A. After the last letter of the word and add “s”
B. After the “s”
4. To show the possessive form of a plural noun not ending in “s”
A. Add the (‘) and the “s”
B. Add the (‘) after the “s”
5. To show the possessive form of a plural noun ending in s, place the (‘)
A. Before the “s”
B. After the “s”
** Place an X in front of the sentence where the possessive noun is formed correctly.
_____ The boys’ were walking home when the storm hit.
Ms. Erhardt’s car was hit by a student in the parking lot.
The Joneses’ birdhouse attracted many birds in the winter.
The children’s toys were all over the hallway.
**Place an X in front of the item that shows the correct formation of a noun’s singular and plural possessive forms.
girl, girl’s, girls’
_____neighbor, neighbors, neighbor’s
man, man’s, men’s
animal, animal’s, animals’
6. A linking verb is a verb that connects a word near the beginning of a sentence with a word at or near the end of
a sentence.
7. An action verb is a verb that tells what action someone or something is performing.
**Identify the italicized verb as action or linking
Columbus sailed in three ships.
She is my favorite singer.
The explorers searched for land.
She appears nervous.
8. An action verb is transitive if it directs action towards someone or something named in the same sentence.
9. An action verb is intransitive if it does not direct action toward someone or something named in a sentence.
**Underline the action verb in each sentence. Write “T” for transitive or “I” for intransitive on the lines provided.
The student threw the ball at the wall. T
The teacher placed the book on the desk. T
The teacher blushed as she spoke about the baby. I
Bill reads every night before he goes to bed. I
**Circle the complete subject and highlight the complete predicate in each sentence.
He read about many old war heroes.
Most teachers love their students.
Parents fight with their teenagers on a regular basis.
The police are government agents.
10. A preposition is a word that relates to a noun or pronouns that appears with it to another word in the sentence.
11. A prepositional phrase is a group of words that includes a preposition and a noun or pronoun.
**Circle the preposition and underline the prepositional phrase.
Jan ran to the supermarket.
The dog is inside the house.
The book flew across the room.
We played behind the building.
12. Among and between are both prepositions. Among always implies three or more. Between is generally used
only with two.
**Fill in the blanks with either among or between.
The students sat among his fellow classmates.
Between a rock and a hard place.
Mr. Minor sat between Mr. Schmitt and Ms. Hassan.
There is an understanding between him and her.
13. Like is a preposition meaning “similar to” or “such as.” It should not be used in place of the conjunction as.
**Fill in the blanks with “like” or “as”
My brother looks like me.
As he reads a book, the radio blares.
The child walks, talks, and acts like his father.
I wish I could write like she does.
14. Adverbs are words that modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. They answer the questions when, where,
in what way and to what extent.
**Circle the adverbs in the following sentences.
We often study the meaning of words.
I finally purchased a dictionary and will use it soon.
Yesterday, we walked to the store.
Carefully he crossed the road.
15. A compound verb is two or more verbs that have the same subject and are joined by a conjunction.
**Highlight the compound verb in each sentence.
The student wrote and edited his paper.
Mary mopped and polished the floor.
Some students do their homework and play computer games afterwards.
16. A verb is active if the subject performs the action. A verb is passive if the action is performed upon the subject.
**Indicate whether the sentence is active or passive. Write “a” for active and “p” for passive.
Ali found Mohammed’s cell phone. A
The money was discovered by Anaya. P
The teacher will be fired tomorrow. P
The principal called out home yesterday. A
17. A direct object is the noun or pronoun that receives the action of a verb. You can determine whether a word is a
direct object by asking whom or what? after an action verb.
**Circle the direct object in the following sentences.
Mr. Schmitt cut the paper into little squares.
Ms. Hassan threw the football across the room.
Ms. McGladdery was so mad that she slammed the papers down on the desk.
Ms. Pniewski handed the screaming baby to her husband.
Literary Terms
Label the plot diagram with the following terms: climax, exposition, falling action, resolution, rising action.
ExpositionRising ActionClimaxFalling ActionResolution
Plot is the sequence of events in a story.
The character is the person or an animal who takes part in a literary work.
A narrator is a speaker or character who tells a story.
When a character in a story tells the story, that character is a first person narrator.
When a voice outside the story narrates, the story has a third person narrator.
An omniscient, or all-knowing, third person narrator can tell readers what any character thinks and feels. A limited third
person narrator can only see the thoughts of one character.
A character that has many layers or multiple traits is a round character.
A flat character shows only one trait or dimension.
The climax of a story or novel is high point of interest or suspense.
The anticlimax is also a turning point in the story. However, it is always a let down. The point at which the reader learns
the story will not turn out the way they had expected.
Suspense is the feeling of uncertainty about the events or outcome of events in a literary work.
Simile is a figure of speech in with like or as is used to make a comparison between two unlike words or ideas. An epic
simile is a longer comparison between two unlike subjects.
Epic is a long narrative poem about the deeds of gods or heroes. The epic we read in class is called The Odyssey. The
epic hero was Odysseus who endured a long adventure and whose actions demonstrate qualities valued by society.
Context clues help readers understand difficult vocabulary and confusing details.
A biography is a form of nonfiction in which a writer tells the life story of another person. An autobiography is a form of
nonfiction in which a writer tells the story of his/her own life.
The author’s purpose explains whether the author was writing to inform, entertain, or persuade.
Bias is used to influence in an unfair direction.
Fiction is a story that is not true.
Tone is the speaker's or narrator's attitude towards the subject.
Mood is the general feeling or atmosphere that a piece of writing creates within the reader. It is produced most
effectively through the use of setting, theme, voice and tone.
Most paragraphs develop one main idea. This main idea is usually stated in the paragraph’s thesis statement. Every
paragraph begins with an indentation. Reasons are general and examples are specific. Give a persuasive essay more
credibility by providing a counter argument, also known as an opposing argument. The last sentence of your persuasive
essay should restate your position.