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Pediatric Pathogens and
Impact on the Adult
My presentation does not include discussion of
any commercial products or services
I will not be discussing investigational products
or unlabeled uses
I have no financial interests or relationships with
manufacturers or commercial products
Participants will understand the changing
epidemiology of childhood infectious disease
including Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), Human
metapneumovirus (hMPV), and Bordatella pertussis
Participants will recognize the impact of these
diseases on the adult population and the
implications for clinical care/management
Participants will know the infection control related
issues for patients in the hospital/chronic care
Respiratory Syncytial Virus
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) first discovered
in 1956 as respiratory pathogen in chimpanzees
 1957 identified as cause of epidemic
bronchiolitis in infants
 Long believed to be primarily a pediatric
pathogen, however increasingly recognized as
important pathogen in adults
 Evidence indicates second to influenza as cause
of serious viral respiratory disease in adults
RNA virus of the family Paramyxoviridae
Viral structure consists of a nucleocapsid core
surrounded by lipid layer
3 glycoproteins embedded in
lipid layer: G, F, SH
Human RSV classified two major
groups, A and B
Each contain subgroups based
on antigenic differences in G protein
Virion varies in size and shape 120-300nm
Yearly epidemics of
respiratory illnesses during
winter months in
temperate climates
 Epidemic curve usually
broader than influenza
with longer periods of
 Primary infection almost
universal by 2 years of
Epidemiology: CommunityDwelling Adults
Early estimates limited by diagnostic tools
Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain
reaction (RT-PCR) has allowed more accurate
estimates of disease
Zambon et al examined adults > 45 years visiting
GP during winter for respiratory illness
identified in 10-22% of subjects
 Influenza
identified in 13-42%
Epidemiology: CommunityDwelling Adults
2001 prospective study Rochester, NY of elderly
and high risk adults over 4 winter seasons 6
 RSV infection confirmed in 3-7% of healthy
elderly enrollees & 4-10% of high risk adults
(chronic cardiopulmonary conditions)
 89%
were symptomatic
 Illness in 17-29% prompted office visits
 Among high risk patients, 9% visited the ED, 16% were
hospitalized and 4% died
Epidemiology: Adults and
2007 study examined hospitalizations for
influenza and RSV among adult population in
large HMO14
 Indirect
measure utilizing discharge diagnosis and
ICD-9 codes for “pneumonia and influenza”
Influenza and RSV associated hospitalization rates per 10,000 person-periods
Risk Group
Age (years)
Viral period
Pneumonia and Influenza
Any Flu
18.7 (10.2-27.1)
RSV only
5.1 (0.7-9.5)
Any Flu
55.6 (41-70.2)
RSV only
23.4 (13.9-32.9)
Adapted from Mullooly et al. Influenza and RSV associated hospitalizations among adults. Vaccine 2007;25:846-855
Epidemiology: Community
Acquired Pneumonia
Estimates of RSV contribution vary widely
Falsey et al. conducted large study of hospitalized adults
with pneumonia
Utilized RT-PCR for diagnosis
RSV identified in 4.4% of cases
3rd most common identified pathogen after S. penumoniae (6%) ,
and Influenza (5%)
Composite data from the past 30 years indicate RSV
accounts for
2-5% OF CAP throughout the year
5-15% during winter months
Epidemiology: Long-Term Care
First outbreaks in nursing homes in 1970s
Surveillance studies estimate5
Infection rates 1-18%
Pneumonia rates 0-33%
Death 0-5% of those infected
Clustering of cases suggests nosocomial spread by
healthcare workers
Other closed populations at risk- senior day care centers 7
10% of acute respiratory tract infections in participants
5% of day care staff
Clinical Manifestations: Adults
No clinically distinct illness in adults
Characterized by nasal congestion and cough
Ranges from mild URI to severe respiratory disease
Relative Frequencies of Symptoms with RSV and Influenza
Sputum production
GI symptoms
Adapted from
Falsey, Ann.
Respiratory Syncytial
Virus infection in
Adults. Seminars in
Respiratory and
Critical Care
Diagnosis on clinical grounds difficult in adults
Four methods diagnosis
Viral culture
Sensitivity 20-45%
Enzyme immune assay (rapid tests)
Sensitivity 50-90%
Varies on prevalence of RSV in community
Most sensitive and specific method available
Detects 30% more infections than viral isolation techniques
Limited by pre-existing antibodies and need for acute and convalescent
Symptomatic supportive care
Fluids, oxygen, and antipyretics mainstay of
No FDA approved anti-viral medications for
Published reports of ribiviran use in elderly
patients with severe disease
Infection Control
From Tang J, Nicolle A, Pantelic J, Jiang M, Sekhr C,
Cheong D, Tham K (2011). "Qualitative Real-Time
Schlieren and Shadowgraph Imaging of Human
Exhaled Airflows: An Aid to Aerosol Infection Control
Infection Control
Viral shedding in infants up to 21 days
 Shedding in young adults averages 3-6 days
with range 1-12 days
 Shedding in older adults not well studied
 Presumably
shorter in healthy adults
 Longer in patients with COPD
Spread via contact with contaminated
secretions via large droplets or fomites
 Can
survive on surfaces for many hours
Infection Control
Infection control practices1,20
Hand washing key to prevention
Contact isolation with use of gown and gloves recommended
Mask use per standard precautions
Patients with known infection single room or cohorted
During community outbreaks can consider
Screening of symptomatic patients
Cohorting of infected patients and staff
Excluding visitors with current or recent respiratory tract infections
Excluding staff with respiratory tract illness from caring for susceptible
Emphasizing contact precautions and hand hygiene
Limiting sibling visitation
Infection Control
When can they come out of isolation?
 Immunocompromised
adult and pediatric patients
 Official
guidelines warn of extended shedding but give no
duration recommendations
 What
have we done to address this?
If prolonged hospitalization and primary team wishes to
discontinue PCR, isolation can be discontinued when patient has
been asymptomatic for at least 5 days AND respiratory PCR is
Human Metapneumovirus (hMPV)
2001 first described as respiratory pathogen by van
den Hoogen and colleagues in the Netherlands
Identified in specimens collected over a 20 year
period from patients with respiratory tract disease
during the winter months
The then unidentified isolates caused cytopathic
effects largely indistinguishable from RSV
Serologic studies show high rate of antibodies in
populations worldwide and evidence circulating
dating back to 1958
RNA virus of the Paramyxoviridae family with
lipid bilayer envelope of host cell origin
Genetically related to avian pneumovirus (AVP)
aka turkey rhinotracheitis virus
 Causes
URI in turkeys and other avian species
 Suggestive
of origination from bird species
Predominantly in winter
months in temperate
May exhibit yearly variation
2 Major genotypes that
often co-circulate
Almost all children infected
by 5 years of age
Older age at primary
infection than RSV
Epidemiology: CommunityDwelling Adults
Less well studied than epidemiology of RSV
Estimates of symptomatic infection generally < 5%8
2001 study in the Netherlands hMPV infection rate
3% in adults with symptomatic respiratory illnesses16
2003 two year prospective study in Rochester NY9
Cohorts of young and older adults studied
 4.5% of illnesses associated with hMPV infection
 Significant yearly variation with rates of 1.5% and 7% during
years 1 and 2 of the study period respectively
 High risk adults had more severe disease and more
Epidemiology: Long Term Care
Multiple reports in the literature of outbreaks
June-July 2006 outbreak in Sacramento
California in 148 bed facility13
 26
residents and 13 staff with acute respiratory illness
 31%
ill residents developed pneumonia and 5 %
confirmed hMPV in 5 of 14 specimens and no
other cause identified
Epidemiology: Long Term Care
January-February 2006 outbreak of severe disease
in facility in Canada 2
27% of residents developed respiratory or constitutional
 Attack rate on most affected ward 72%
 Fatality rate 50% among confirmed cases (3/6) and 9.4%
among possible cases (9/96)
Spring Summer 2011 outbreak in facility in Oregon11
Attack rate 36% among residents
 3 health care workers affected
 Fatality rate of confirmed and possible cases 31%
Clinical Manifestations
Vary based on age and health status
Clinical symptoms indistinct from other viral
respiratory infections
Patients requiring hospitalization typically elderly
with chronic cardiac or lung disease
Clinical characteristics of young versus older adults with hMPV
Clinical Feature
Elderly (n=13)
Young (n=11)
Length of stay
17.4 ± 9.4
8.5 ± 3.4
Adapted from Falsey, Ann et al.
Human metapneumovirus
infections in young and elderly
JID 2003;187(1-March):785-790
Clinical Manifestations
Evidence of role in COPD exacerbations,
pneumonia in immunosuppressed patients, and
severe illness with ARDS
Most common diagnoses of patients admitted
with hMPV are exacerbation of COPD, bronchitis,
and pneumonia8
Viral culture
Difficult to perform and can take up to three weeks to see
cytopathic effects
Limited by pre-existing antibodies and need for acute and
convalescent testing
Rapid testing available
Sensitivity approaches that of RT-PCR
Testing modality with greatest sensitivity and specificity
Symptomatic supportive care
Fluids, oxygen, and antipyretics mainstay of
No FDA approved anti-viral medications
Susceptible in vitro to Ribavirin but no controlled
clinical data to assess benefit
Infection Control
Route of transmission not established
Likely similar to RSV since closely related and similar epidemiology
 Infection probably through direct or close contact with
contaminated secretions
Infection control practices1,20
Contact precautions for duration of illness
 Masks according to standard precautions
 Patients with known infection single room or cohorted
Problematic as symptoms in staff and patients may be mild
 Emphasis on hand hygiene and adherence to contact precautions
Bordatella pertussis
“The lung is so irritated that, in its attempt by every effort to cast forth the
cause of the trouble, it can neither admit breath nor easily give it forth again.
The sick person seems to swell up, and, as if about to strangle, holds his
breath clinging in the midst of his jaws. …”
DeBaillou describing the first
documented whooping cough
epidemic in 1578
In 1679 Syndenham named the illness pertussis
which means violent cough
In 1900 Bordet and Gengou discovered the
organism which causes whooping cough and by
1906 they had developed media to support culture
and detailed morphology and virulence
Pertussis is caused by a fastidious, strictly aerobic
gram negative coccobacillus
Humans are the only known hosts of B. pertussis
Transmission occurs by close contact with cases via
aerosolized droplets
Cases occur year round with peaks in late
In immune-naïve population, it is estimated a
primary case will result in 17 secondary cases18
In households up to 80% of immunized contacts of
symptomatic cases acquire infection 4
Mild or unrecognized atypical disease to classic pertussis
Prior to routine vaccination large burden of disease and
high mortality rates in infants
The first whole-cell vaccine introduced in 1940s
Very successful and resulted in tremendous decrease in
disease incidence
In pre-vaccine era, natural infection(s) resulted in
boosted immune response
Since routine vaccination and reduction in natural
disease, now see waning immunity over time
Result is increase in cases in people > 10 years of age
Waning maternal immunity and transplacental antibody
Increase in pertussis in very young infants
Currently approximately 50% of cases reported are in adults and
Reservoir of infection for infants who are unimmunized or partially
Based on epidemiologic studies, most infants infected by adolescents or
adults in the household
Highest rates of mortality among infants and elderly4,17
Case fatality rates approximately 1% in infants < 2 months and
<0.5% in infants 2-11 months17
Recent studies have highlighted risk in elderly17
Older patients with longer hospitalizations for pertussis
Although pertussis related deaths rare in adults, most in persons > 50 years
of age and majority > 65
Clinical Manifestations: 3 Stages
Classic Disease
Nonspecific sings and symptoms following 7-10 day incubation period
 Often mistaken for viral URI
Typically starts second week of illness
 Hallmark coughing spells
 Cough paroxysm
low lung volumes
 Post-tussive emesis and syncope reported
vigorous inspiration
Slow transition after 2-3 months of paroxysmal stage
 Persistent cough that is less frequent and less severe
Clinical Manifestations
Adults and adolescents with prior
infection/immunization highly variable
 Often
mild and atypical
 Most common symptom is a persistent cough
 Frequently pertussis not suspected by clinician and
therefore not diagnosed
 Pertussis estimated to be the cause in 12-32% of
adolescents and adults with prolonged cough (> 3
Laboratory Diagnosis
B. pertussis fastidious and requires special culture media resulting in false
Delay in transport and plating, as well as duration of illness at time of
collection, and prior antibiotics contribute to high rate false negatives
Sensitivity only 30-60%
Able to detect small number of organisms
Unaffected by prior antibiotics
Used more frequently due to better sensitivity and specificity
Challenges in testing
Must obtain specimen from ciliated respiratory epithelium of posterior
Cotton swabs toxic to organism and calcium alginate interfere with PCR, so
dacron swabs preferred
If considering testing then should also consider
 Treatment during catarrhal phase may decrease
duration of illness
 Treatment at later stages does not affect
duration of illness but reduces shedding and
 Macrolides preferred and usually eradicate B.
pertussis in 5 days
Infection Control Considerations
Untreated may remain contagious for > 1 month
Post exposure prophylaxis 1
Household and close contacts
If unimmunized or under immunized: age appropriate vaccine and
 If immunized but in household with high risk individual :
 Monitor closely for symptoms 21 days after last contact and evaluate
and treat when appropriate
Child care
Prophylaxis for household and close contacts
 Providers and exposed children observed for 21 days after last contact
 Children and providers with confirmed pertussis excluded until
completed 5 days of antimicrobial therapy or 21 days if untreated
Infection Control Considerations
Post exposure prophylaxis1
 Schools
 Students
and staff with pertussis excluded until completed 5
days antimicrobial therapy or 21 days from onset of
symptoms if untreated
 Immunization
 Consider
status reviewed and age appropriate vaccines
excluding persons with cough illness pending eval
by physician
Infection Control Considerations
Post exposure prophylaxis1
 Health
 Tdap
Care Settings
may not preclude need for antimicrobial prophylaxis
 Antimicrobial
prophylaxis recommended for ALL health care workers
(HCW) regardless of immunization status who have unprotected
exposure to pertussis AND are likely to have contact with high risk patient
 Other
HCW should receive antimicrobial prophylaxis or be monitored for
21 days and treated at first sign symptoms
 Patients
and caregivers who are close contacts or high risk contacts of
patient or HCW with pertussis should receive antimicrobial prophylaxis
and if appropriate, vaccination
with suspected pertussis or cough illness within 21 days of exposure
should be excluded pending 5 days of antimicrobial therapy or 21 days if
refuse treatment
Infection Control Considerations
 Droplet
precautions for until patient has completed 5
days of effective therapy
 If
appropriate therapy not given then droplet
precautions until 3 weeks after onset of cough
Recorded epidemics of measles date back to
the 10th century
 Repeated epidemics have occurred throughout
the ages in Europe, Asian, and ultimately
 The first live attenuated measles vaccine
licensed for use in 1963
 2001 Measles declared eradicated from the US
with the only cases imported
Large RNA virus of the family
Virion composed of outer lipoprotein
envelope and internal nucleocapsid
Labile and inactivated rapidly by
heat, UV light, and lipid solvents
•Photo Credit: Cynthia S. Goldsmith
•Content Providers(s): CDC/ Courtesy of Cynthi
S. Goldsmith; William Bellini, Ph.D.
Although declared eradicated in
2001, importation of cases
From 2001-2012 median number of
cases annually in US was 60
This year to date 159 cases have
been reported in 16 states
82% cases unimmunized and 9%
unknown immunization status
Of those unimmunized, 79% had
philosophical objections and 13% were
infants too young to be immunized
2013 outbreaks15
 11%
required hospitalization
patients diagnosed with
 No
deaths reported
 Source
of outbreaks
continues to be WHO
European Region
Clinical Manifestations
Onset characterized by fever, cough, coryza, conjunctivitis
 Koplik spots, bluish white spots on bright red mucosal
surface, usually appear on approximately day 10 and are
Exanthem stage
Characteristic rash appears on day 14 after exposure
 Rash starts on hairline and spreads from head to feet in
centrifugal manner
 Exanthem begins to clear on day 3-4 of rash and typically
lasts 6-7 days
Clinical Manifestations:
Very common and reported in 50-75%
Young infants have clinical picture of bronchiolitis
Clinical course can progress to severe pulmonary disease and ARDS
0.5 to 1 per 1000 cases
20-40% of patients with encephalitis have evidence of brain damage
Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE)10
Rare, incidence in pre-vaccine era after infection with wild type measles 1 case per 100,000
Stage 1 progressive psychointellectual disturbances
Stage 2 convulsive and motor disorders
Stage 3 pre-terminal stage with rapid decrease in cortical activity ultimately progression to
vegetative state
Progression over months to years
Laboratory Diagnosis
Viral culture
 Can
be performed on throat swab specimens
 Acute
and convalescent titers
 Single
positive IgM suggests diagnosis
Supportive care for typical measles
 Vitamin A supplements recommended in certain
situations 1,10
 Reduced
morbidity in Vitamin A deficient children
 Enhanced IgG and total lymphocyte numbers
 Children 6 months to 2 years who require
 Children > 6 months with suspected vitamin A
Infection Control Considerations
Transmitted by direct contact with infectious droplets or
airborne spread
Airborne transmission precautions indicated for 4 days
after onset of rash in healthy children and duration of
illness in immunosuppressed 1,20
Negative airflow room with 6-12 changes per hour
Susceptible HCW should not enter patient rooms
If susceptible persons must enter then N-95 mask should
be worn
People with documented immunity do not need to wear
a mask
Infection Control Considerations
Vaccination recommended for all people who
work or volunteer at health care facilities and
who may be in contact with patients with
 Adequate evidence of immunity 1
 Documentation
of 2 doses live-virus measles vaccine
 Laboratory evidence of immunity or confirmation of
 Birth before 1957
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